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Democratic County Convention

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A Democratio Omnty Convention was beid at the Court Ilrniso od Wednesday, to elcct eight delégate to tbo Stato Coiivention to be beid at Detroit, lo-day, o nomínate a cnndidate for Associata Justico of the Suprema Court, and two oaodjdates for Regents of tbe Univwsity. D. 13. Dodck, E?q., of i psilanti, was Ohairman, and E. B. Ponp, Seoretary. Tbe following cleU'giiteu were eleeted: Mers A. C Blodget, H. J. Beakea, R. E. Frnzer, K. Gosttllo, Jr., D. B. Didgi, E B. Pond, N. K. Towuer, and Jolin. N. Gott. Ejicli Joleg.'iie vvjib nutboriz' d to appánt lus owu subaiitute, and the delogstioR to fill any final vaeaocies. Tlie de'egation was instructed to present tbc nume of Dr E. Wells, of this ('ity, to the State Gonvention, as a candidate for Ufigent. Tho Comity Couvmittee was instrueted to a new apportionment of dele ííaíes among the nevera] ïownships and Wards before oaliing future oonvections, b ised on tbo vott polled at the last election, the aggj'cgate namber oL delegates nofr to exeeed 100. Tuf. " Decescy Party." - It has heen the pers'stent clnim of seJf righteous Republicana thiit in tk) ropublican party was founrl all the intelligunce, piety, üiid daci'uay of the country, and that the Pemocracy was eompoeed of tho fcuiti mtl diegp of society. Wo have often hemrd Demócrata meultcd by be ing tok) that thcy were too respectable to hi-long to " sueh a party," and that they uought to bo Republicans." And soine, poor,_ hcMinst, deluded, narrovv soulw, have thought such. olaims and dtMuineia-tiona were gnspel truth, and, v.Tiipped in their garb of respectability, have shuaned contact with any who wotild mvn the n;iraa of Dt;moerat. B.u, in th-ese ctegenerate days it seems that tliere are íiro a Jew "black sliaep" in the Ilepublicau kd, and that they are the lwnored' ones of Ihe party. A correspondent of the Detroit Tribune Yni;ing irom Washington, says : Betuttors liüd Representativos are 'íilting" induf tnoiifly day and niglit, and the galk'iies of thei r rcspeoüve Halls tire criiwded witii ktnng&ta, thoösandM of them witnetqrg for the Jrt tiine 'lic augiist af.smnblicf of lionatimis lawgiveiT'. With fhamo bo it suid, they ton (ificn wittiess scrno-í litler lo be enaoteil in tb bar room ni a cuiitrv taverii tbim in these ñntíona) halls oí' legislátioti. Tb Öeuate ima i few blotsuiiiotig Ü8 honorable naniex a fow wlio :re ii digrac.u te the StateB they attempt. ti) represent, and who utmost rt : i I y shiimo ilieir mnnhood und ftyeir pnsiüou by i'ff:rt at speecli-uiaking whn tliev are obliged to hoid thuinaelves balancing liotwctiii tvvd derik, orie tiand gr;ispi::g euuh, in order to keep np the pretewie it Btundtiiir. Moro tlian once tliov l;i v& beon ntopped in tlieir innudlin hnrraiigues, and furced to sit down like uuughty boys. DötarWarè ha-1 the honor cf payirig 83,000 a year to one of Ifeêée üic tures; California kits arna anotlïer, and Hh dé Mand nviy biush fot' n tliird. Lin-kily fo'i the nation, tiiu majoritv oarfV Bteadler l'e;i(ls on thcir whoulders ; iir, il' wcidents. hsippun, ure pruden'. enuagh to gel leave of abseuce lor ;t brief li tiiests. Of the three Senators pointati out, one of theiu, the Senator frorn Rliadu Island, niut oi riee nity belong to tho ' decen cy party," aud, if ruiiiov is not more of k liar tlian she is ever cierfited with be ii:g, quite a number oi' the " prudönt" unes Hablo to " iifeKJtMitu" ara of the ame " persuasión." And. what is inore dwgracefiil to the lation, tho Vice President elect is re;ortt-d to h:ive been in such a stute on n the occairin of' hi being sworn into jffiee, Murch 4th, ns to hun f'or Litking in n lifOüiniug wiy tfie Bolcmn Duth of office or to adminisier t to SenaLorg Newspapur oorrs.spondents, willi on t didlinction rf party speak of the exhibitioti ho mudo of himself as disgunting in tcie extieme. Tlie " (3;cenoy party" should purif'y it.s own hfpuaobul4. Anotiier " Reuukk." - At the opening of die sesiun of the Legislatura, the HiTiate fur the avowed purposu of " re buking" the Washtenaw County Caovasuers vefuod admission to Messrs Joxks and Robison who held certificates nf plention. Thfi same kind of a " liuke " sj adminiítered to the Senate by tl)e Snpreme Court wben it decided the woldiers' voling law uncuistitutional. The Senate tben ' rtbuked " tlie Court by Yoting to rctain the nittitig membcrs; and now the Hepublican party, throügh a nominatJDg convention bas "rebuked'1 botb the Senate and Houfe by renoininuting Judge Ciiuistianoy. "Vat a beeples." BfSi. Wo are without any definite news of Sherman'g movements sicoe our laat issue. But therc s no dotibt that be is still making unohecked progrefg Bortbward, and we tliiuk will oon be heard fiom at Raleigh. Sheri&m has moved against Early auil bas gained a fine victory. Just arouni] Tliehitiond all is fj'itet, tbo armies being stuck in the mud. It is thongbt a preat battle must be fongut iu KorlL Carolina. I &.iL" Duia.iart', Kentueky, a:;d Now Jorsey, have eaol) rj"cicd tbc Constitu tkinal aiuendment abolisbing sh.very. - The New York Tribune talies the position that their rejectiou is not final, aud thst they way reverse their action in the fature and ndopt it. Tbis is strange doctrine, bu! if tru.e must involve llio converse that either of the States which has now adopted the nnioiidment ti:ay hereiiftor reconsidor its action and reject it. And when is the fiite of a Conslitu tional amendment to be detertmued ? LJg" At the Republioan State Gonvention, held in Detroit, on Wedncsi.lny, Hon. I. P. Ciikisiiancy waa ncTiuinated for re-eleotion as Assooiate Justice of )he Supreme G'urt. Tho vote wns Chi-isiiitney, 108; Blair, 17; Griives, 16; Turner, 5 ; láacoo, 5 ; Upson, i-, Messrs. E. U. Walkek and Gkoroe WiLLAitD were reuonainated for llogeuts. The delegation from tliis county prosented tbe name of Chas. Tuipp, and, believing that a local Regent is desiruble, we regret that he was not Domirmted. 2L" Seoretary Fesssnden, of the Trensury Dcpartmeot, bas boen suc ceeded by ilon. Hcjgh McCullooii. In other roepoets the Cabinet remains as it VS. J53T" The Lagislaturo is still in session, with some prospect of an adjournment before dog daya. U& Gold was as luw as 194 on Wednesday, but closed at 195. The Ptesident's Inaugural Acfdreas. Washicgton, Blarch 4. The following is the Presideut's inaugural addieBB : Fellow Country men - At Uiis secoüd appearing to take the otith olafiie Presi denlial office thero is less occasion tor an extended address than there was át the tirst. Then a statement soinouhnt in detail oí a conrse to he pursued seeined very fitting and proper.. Novv, at tiie expiration of four years, duiing which public deolarations have been cotistüDtly called forth on every point aud phase of the great contest which still absorba the attention, and engrosses the tnergies of the nation, üttle that is new oould be presented. The progresa of our arms, upwii thioh all dependa, is as well kuowri to tbu public as to myself, and it is, I trust, reasouubly satisiaetory and eucouraging to all. Wïth high hope f'or the future no prediction witii regaid to it is ventured On the occasion similar to this, tour yeara ago uil thoughts were auxiously directod ,to au impeuding civil war. All dreaded it ; al' sought to avoid it. While the Inaugural Addross was being delivered IVom thiiipiace, devtited iltogether to sitving the Union without v;ir, iosorgont agents were in the city seeking to destroy ft witliout war, neeking to diï-solvu the Union and divide the elfects by negotia t'on. üiitb partios depreoatüd war, but one of theni would iDake war nuher thau Ie', the Natiou survive, aud tlie uther would ucciipt war rather than let it pori-h, aud the wur carne. Une eighth ol tha whole populatiou fere colored slaves ast distributod generally over the Uiion, but localizéd in the southarn part of it.. These slaves constituted a n peculiar aud powerf'ul interest. All iniow ihat this interest was soineliow the cause ot the war. To. streugtheu, perpetúate and extend this interest, was the object fot wliiüli the iiisnrguuts W'iukl rend ihu Uuiun by war, while the G.iveinmett clairned uo riabt to do more thuii to lüötrict the tevritorial enLargement of t. Neither ]arty expectc1 ior tho war the magnitude iiikJ tho duratiou whioh it htm ülrcady attuined. Neither iutk-,ipulcd that the cause of the coutJict itself Hlioüld cense. Each lookod fot' au easier trtumph and a result lesa fundanieiitul and astounding. Both read the sanie Bible, and pray to the sume God, and each iuvokes His aid against thoo', her. It may seem strange that auy men should daré to ask a just Gou's asrtistance in wringing their bread Irom the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not, that we be uot judged. The pravers of both should not be answered ; ihat of neither hasbeeu answered fully. The Almiffhty ha his own purposes. - " Woe unto the world because of offeuoes, for it must needs be that oifences come, but woe to that man by whom the olfonce cometh." If we shall sup pose that Americaü Blavery is ooe of these offences, which in the Providence of G-od must needa come, but which haviug contiuued through 'nis appointed tune, he BOW willij to remove, and that lio gives to both the Norlh and the South this terril)ie war as the woe due to tuo8e by whom the offenco came, shall we discevn thcre is any departure from those Divine attributes whioh the believers in a living God always asoribo t( him ? Fondly do we hope, fervent ly do we pray, that this tnighty scourge ol war may speedily pass away ; yet, il Gfoíl wills that it continuo unti!" all the weulthpUed b) the bondman's "250 yeara af unrequiled toü símil be wunk, and until every drop of blood drawn vvilh tho Ush slwill be paid by another drawo with the sword, as was said 8,000 yeara ajio, so still t rauat be said, that the judumcnis f tho Lord are trua anc righteotw, altogether. Witl) mulico to vpitrd none, with charity for all, with tirinness in tho right, as God giveB us to gce the right, let us strive on to íiriisl the work we are in, to biud up thc na lion'e wounds and care for him who shal havo borne the battle, and for hia wid ow and his oi'phans, to do ull which rnay acbieve and cherish a just and lastig peaoa among ourselves and with all na tierna t" Iiobert Lincoln, son of Abraham Lincoln, was on Tuesday confirmed e au AseWtftat Adjutant General oí Vo unteors, with tho rank of captain. Th young man s to go upou Gruot'a s'.af where ka wilt bo out of harm's win and can enjoy himself hugely. - Thi "patriatic" exampla of the President son should encouraga eve;y "loyal" yang rn n to oft'T his services at oace as captain on eomebody'.8 ptaö'.


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