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CLOSIKfG OUT SA LE ! -AT TUK"OLD CORNER F5 roorOerto ra rom for S'MÜN; "CRCHisKè for tl.encMSIXTÏ 1AY3. l wlU olie! 4 Great Eeduction in Pnèesi A'J soastrabl 0001)3, criultliii{ of a great varkty ui Fa II Bl Winter CL0AK3, SHAWLS, Flannels, Blankets, IIOODS, NURIAS, &C. Al-o, tt ïurgt; ftaáQrímont of BOOTS AND SHOES! In ortler to close out tb o stock. Prints 3O to 37c. A gooJ Aaeort:ucut uf CIIÜ1CE FAMILY GR0CER1ES ! CONSTANTLY ON HAND. C. B. THOMPsON. Ann Arbor. Jud. lltb, 1865. 6w991 3-3R.3ES.A.lXl CLOSIJXG OUT S-A-L-E I A SM-KNDID 3TOCK OF DRESS GOODS! G-ents' FURNISHING GOODS, CASSIMERES, Oloths, Satinets, 8ic. DOMESTIOS, SHOSS, HATS i CAPS, , Ci'ockery, aEOCEEIES, &c, Ar to bo Lold at price that wil] gua.-anlie their N. B.- Tk? largsst Stok of Calicó and Hrown Cotton m tho City at leai than Maiiufacturer 'i TirtB. The hijfheat pricc pliil in Trade or cash til Linu3 uf l'roduee. MACK& SCHMID. FLORENCE SEWÜG MACHINES, PiiOTOGRAFH ALBUMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES, THHEAD, SILK, MACHINE O1L, fc. Tbe undersigiiod now offers the puWic TUK liKST ï1 -A. 3SE I Xa ST SEW1IÏC StöACHf folE iisr ron BEAliTYoj STYLE,and VAR IET Y of WOJlK,it "STANDS ÜP HEAO," It only lo be cari to beaprireeiaU"! . Ruim the work hnlh wajig, tkes four kiuil of slilchc, hem, ie.lls, pathars, brftids, binü', ijuiltn, gathers and sew;. Ou n ruffl- at the same linie. Scir íran the Ihtnniwrf 1o the tB'ckut fabric without chaugini; tlie stitcli, ti'nsion or needie, or without brenking the thrend.- It is The Wonder of the World! ']' vsriety of thrmrst bMutiful PJIOnX'.RAPIl ALBUMS, MCÏI'RKS ai,d FBMÏS iü great varioty. and pictures tiamt'd to order M hnrt notire. AUo. BAHNUM'.S SEI.F-SKtt 'Kil or TUKKK, whiel can be sdjuated to any yewiug Machine. (M at the iign f the FI.OKBNTK gCTIXC. SU. CBIKB, a few door Eat of Cteok't Hotel. Sti'ching [Neatly Done to Order. Mm, on ehibition, the celebraled " VKEI SEWIN't MACIUXE,'1 tvl.ich took tho nrerr.ium at che Michiïai State Kair, of 1854. W. D. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Ver. 96th, 1864. 98'.Hf DE510VAL! 3ST. B. COLB, hasroinovod liiti frTOt'K of BOOTS te SHOES, in the O„r.f A. T. H&J. ft Co. . r,„ M,in Street wh.n be wlll Ui icU4 t wit n hit ld euitomer -n: tbpuJr'Uc on' -t 'v O1VE H!n A C.1LL I CHEROKEE PILIS liliAL In fcfe&feWVtiJrl CERTAÏN AND SA.F I'Vr moval oj ''■'■ utiaus tuut Üu hiturartee ■ f ffoffutarity in t.'if. Ut -urrence (yf tc , ;■!■■. pr? Thcy cur ov oUvhté these imuuwoiw dií'a-,-:i, tli at spviut; ïVoia trregnlij'hy; ly reinsving th. i rrc-írulHi-it y !;s'lf. gaÈT Tliey cure &upw'ei9íid, Excesslvé and I&lnful Menatruatli n ty T)it-y euro Green SJcknws iChlorosIs). By tëhey ure Ncrvoiw itHd Splflal Aflt-cUons, ñju&a Ifl the bftck, and lowvv pirte of the bodjiy ïicaviiieds, Futlffue.oii ïltghl exertion, J'ihitatim of the H-art, Cown&tqf fijnrltfi, J!,;:f' ri, iïick Uuutuche, Giildin-$i, etc.' etw. Iq Rwortj, liy rmoTtng tlie liveg uitrit f, ih.y remove the c;iUie, and wltli it Ai.i, riiVci-' tlnit. spring from it. i-W Compofti'ii of muimI ■ yej;etabl extnictv, they oontaln nut hint,' dytetcrtoüs to any ooimiitutloa, however delte&te. thelr fimctluii Iwint; loaubsUtuto stroiiglh for ivoitkut-us, vhictf, (rlian properly used, llic-y it'-v:!' fail to ilo. 'i'h'-y tnny be Mfely uefl at nny a?e, and at aay périod, hxoept dcrinu tuk FiasTTHRrt hu-vthb, tluriiiii wliich the i]nf;LÍ]Íiir untare üt thir uvtiou wouUI infallibly I'kevkxt pffglMMlcy, Al! letter recking Information or r1vIc wHl bt proinptly, freeïy and .liwtret-tly imswerUd. t'!WZ Iiu11 ll''' 1''l"!1"i accompany eacli box. E"1 I'rice Í1 per btfft, r sbi boxea for $ö. C Sent by HKk'.l, free of jiüötuge, on recelpt of price. C3? Tamphlitp ienjt by mail free of iotag;e, ly DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO.r 63 Liberty Ht., New Vurk, riuprifhfffK DR. WmCHT'S RËJIIVEN1TING ELIXIR ! Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE, f repare el t'rom l'uru t 'i-icotuhlt; Kttraot tuuidlD' Jtiic ïioliilnK lnjurluus tu t .v itioit deiicute. 'Y the PluvnK r!e fi-mi (lie nube of l[ flre, uiiImuU'.l iv i Ui n e w NV... Anv tW KUxIr rtjavenute tlie -iici: uuil overeoue tlicu. f? The Rej'ivenntliiy Elixir la the resul t of owdern discover! in the vegetable kiugdom ; bliig au entirely nw aad abstract inuthod of cure, Irrepectivc of all the oM and worn out systems. 5.g? Thït medicine luw been teatcd ba t)ie mot ermnVut medical metí of the day, aod by ttieui pronounovd to bc one of the Kieat-;st medical discororlej of the flfi?. ' One bottte will cure peneral DebtJfty. A few doses curea llysterlcs in f tímales, $W Onebottle cures PalpUntloa of the HArt. ï Krotu OQCtO three l-oltlea restores the tuöiili nttsü and f uil vijror uf yotxtti. A Few doses restores the appetite. {3 ïlii'ee bottles care the wurst cac of Impotency. 5 A few doses cures the low spïrited. t Üue reeturta mental power. Eíá"-- f6W dotes reitort the organê of (ener alien, t%? A few l')H.-H briiijf Uu' rose to the cleek. f3ï TI ña iiK'Ui:I;u' r.;itors tu manly vigvr and robuit he&lth the peor ilVbttít&ted, woni-Uown and despairing. t$T The listk-93, enervated youth, the over-tasked man of business, the victim of nejvous depresalon, tlie imlivVduiiJ euüering froiu general debility, ar ftrm wenkness of a tingle organ, will all tind imtn diate and pannammt relief hy the use of thla Kllxlr or Bayoce of l.ife. l'rk-e, $2 per bottle or threc bottles for $5, and forwarded by Kxpress, on receipt of mouey to any addrees. t"Tlie riierokee ÏMIN and Rejuvenatinjí lííirir, are Bold by all enterpridiatf Druiiista In tii? civiliïed Torld. Some unprindpled denlrra, however, try to sell wort Mess compemid In place of tliest); tlioae vhlch Iliey cad purchase at a cheap prtoe, and niake more money by s41 lug, thiiu Uwy cnn on these medicines. Ai you vulaa your lu-altli, kjc, tlie lieatth of yrur future offspriuir, do not be deeeïved by euch ujirlucipUd Druggiuts, ask far the f e medicines and Utke no othertt. Ifthe Drupist will not btiythwu for you, encloe the money in a letter, und#ve wilt ataid tUem to you by Kxprese, üecuroly Bealed aud paekod, tre f rom observation. LaOirs or Ot-ntleiofti can address us Id perííJOÍ oiifliïence, statlng fully and plainly thelr dlaeaa and symptotafl, u wetreat all diuuM of a chroato nature in male or feraalo. I'atient need not heitat becaune of thelr luabiHty to visit us, as we bava trerited patleota stuceasfuUy in all portions of he civilized Kl"be, by correspondi-uce. Patiënte nddressin U3 will please state plninly all the symptoma of their compllnt8, and write 1 ostortïciï, County, State and name of ?rter, plain, aod lucióse postale stamp for reply. We send mtr 82' pagt Pampldet free to any addresa. AddiesèainettersforPaiuphletaoradriceU the pr oprittors. Dr. W. R. MERWIN & CO., No. H Liberty strtet, New Tork. Pi.lrt hy WfcoteflPlB hroMIUs in Be'rit. a'.m =s STltBBlNS ft Wil PON, Arm Arbov. SS?) 1 [ib0 f ,-■■ - ■ ■ . ií&MylL ■■ -; Mr. Mattiews I n.UR! '.■■■■■. . I rt-r: uad Ir.' thoauftufl, aini in no '.lis! ha ; iion. The VFVFFl.Ay DVE iniU chenir-t in the wr.rM.- Tts pricf is orjy fify íJt'iits, it'r contaúifi doublé the quftötïty ■ ' (fe - hailrííóltifot #1The VEXKTIAN DYE i wanantdr:ot tu injurc the linir or tlic calp ia tlu.' s licht (si 'ij;t ■. The VKNK'UAN" 1V' wmk v-ith rj i l;1y .:. -rtaioty,tli? huir rqwiring no [irppsrntioij Wliatevei The riCVpfí i Wrtï prftwpw ro Fdo lh bc dfpir'"' - njit'tliriL will not l'i' l ''■ '■■ y ."cii u'.it -oiie tliat ís a permaaent rí the n itsélf. Kt nftie hj alldrugists.- rkfffip cenu. A . I. MaTHKWS, Ccní-i-al gi n . 19 Oold Street. K Vd)-K-. Alfto, Mannfrtcturcr (.f UiXHWK1 A hm ca l'Ait; best haír drtHSÏOg in uit'. In Imc hnitlcc, prfoe 50 cents. - Iy966 NEW PERFUMB FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, mm - ; ._" A !T5ol T'xqiiisiti'. Bcliculr Mlici í'th urniit IN-rfmiH', ïislllld fiom IhiItiirc and Mrniitèrtii ilovrrr front wlijch il lnlt(M iis nnmp. Mauufaotured only by l'U AI.ON MM. l Beware of Counterfelts. Ask for IViohi'i-ftih-f m ittlin: Sold by flTBsiRimi peuorallyARE YOU INSURÊD ? 1F NOT, CALL ON O. H. mSLLEJM, Agent for the following ilr.-t class Compurio : Home Insurance of New Ycyk, Cash Cap tal over ili.&OO.OOÖ, CONTINENTAL IN-ÜRAMCECe. O? iffeif IHÍMEÍ Cpi(al oT9r $1,"UO,(HB. tn lliis ('nmpany th lasurod participáis a '.lie profití CITY PIBE IISTS., CO., OF HARTFOKr. Capitn! ..ver TLiec Uundred Thmirdnd DollaT. C. T'. MUXKV 8 :.■...;....■.;, AntA.Í. r.


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Michigan Argus