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l!ivS!ÍKíi K E i? U I.TI N í V HOM DlSOHDEKo OE TUR IJVCK AIíD DIG33TIVE ORGANS, AKK CLT.KD BY EOOFLAKB'S THE GÏIEAT 8ÏEENQ1HEHIIJG '& ífti r'tE W s f S@i Thcse üilícrs h i ve pafonncil more Cures HAVE AND PD G1VKBRTTES SATISFACTION ilute iii.ïi-e XccrUuoAjr f íí.Vfí MOfíE RKSrKOTABLE PKOPLE TO V'OÜCH FOli TIIEM! Tlnin ny oíhcr articU' in t)i m:rkt-t. Wo dei'y auy oue to contradict thiw Assertion, 1 :uiy ■:.■■■ I ■■Ü produce - Cei-tiSíjatfl pj b V l. , 1 L.ií Ih uut Ulj S L'l.XK, ' jÉjT (UNTO Gtltifll BIÏÏEHH yiLL OÜEfi IN EVERY CASK OF CUroflio ex Nerveus Debiiity, Dïseaüus of the Kidueys, and Diseises aiiaine iionidisoide:eó Stoinach. Übicrvc tht folV'i'ing symptvm rts uiting f rom. Disorders of the Digative Orgait$ : Constipatiou , tnwarJ 1U, ss of Bloud to tlie Ittfné, Aci'Üty, f Wie Stmnacli , Nausoa, ïleaïtbaru, DlsjfirHt for fnod, Fuiloeaa or weight n the Stom ich SMr Eruotatious, Sinkipg or llutt. nn? at tiio pit oí UieötoinachjSwimnjinffof the Head, Ilurfiecl aicl 'iflicuil bi-)i;u'iiuir. Klatteriiig at tile iJ-"'. ■ : .Ghoking orSuffocating .-5c!iso-t iit ■■ ■ n in a i,vh;g l'nsi b na, Dininoss ef 'lsi)ll Hots or Webs buluro tlïn Siht, fèver and Dull Pain in tlio Heal, !-)efidlecy of Prespiration, j : llitwness ofthe Skin -ind KyoB, pain i:i the siilc, buv.k, chest .lirnbs, kc, Suddeo flusli ■ ea of IJat, liui-niui,' u the Fleah, ConstHiu Iraagiuings of Evil and Groat De])r-'ssioují Sp.rils, THAT THIS BITTERS IS HOT ALOKOXcIC, CONTAINS KO ROM OU WIIiSKEY. AND CANT MAKE DRÜWKARES, BOS u mi -m toto In the World. BT RE AD YViïÜVSAYs SO : From the Rev. ïvi G. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Ohurch, IVmberton, X. J. , 'onaerly of tke NurUi U.iptistCuurch, 1' li Í lii 1.1 u ! p h í a - I h:ive kuowii Qootlana'i öerman lïitters favorablv for a uumber ui years. 1 iiave usii-l theni in ui y uwii l'umily , and úeen .so ploased witfa cheir effectü tliat I w;i n induced co rücuiuniend íbera to in;iuy pthors and knuw 'hat lUey haveoperated in a stnkingly beoeöciai nKinuer. I take great pleasurt: in thua 'pubhclj prölaioiing thia fact,.ftadcalling the attentiou of thuse niïlictt -ü witli ihu üiseases íot wliicti they are recomeaJd,tothesü bitters knowinfffromexpariencwüüit Lüuiuiuen.Uaioii wil! Uvsu.stmned. I do thia more heeifuUy an Huutianvl's lirttfiv is ntendtíd to beaL-iil the ttlilicted, and in 'vnot a rum drink." Your truly, LEVI G. BECK. From Rtv.J. Nowlou Brnwn, i). I). Editor of UieEucyelopedia of KfcligUi.if Knowlcdge and Christian Cüroiiicle,PhiladolpUia. jUthough notdisposed tofnv.or orrecoiumend I'atent ivle'iici:ii'8 in ííuoral, Ehi-uugU tiiptruHt of their injrredients and cSVct, I yetjnow of uo sufficient reasoos ivliy ii man m;iv n.,t tcstify to the bunulita lie bclievcs Lrolfto havo received from auy simple preparation in tin Uopetliat Uo m.lj thusouatiibutt; to the benotil ofotliers. I do this raore readily in regard to Hooüand's Gerniu Bitiers, prepart'J by Hr. C. M. Jackson, of this (:ty, bi'cause 1 'M pri-udi;:d againat thom for ïuany yeara, underthii imjiressrua tha: tbey wen cliicdy au alchoiiohcmixuire. [ am indebted te. uiv friend,Rob er t áhuetaaker, li.sq., for tbe romo va] of "tliia prejudlce try ft-voer' toats, and for to try them when suïa i Mg'ftföl i;riat and long coutmued debiiity. Tbe use of threé-botttesoï these BittiTB at the bezinning of the present yoar, was by evideut ïvlief and restoratiun ti a degree ol'bodily and mental vigor whicli I luid not for six niontha btilote, and had ainuj! despalred of regaioiag. 1 thereiore thank God and iny ííicudfor directing r-e to tke useof them. J. NEWTON BKOWN.l'hila. i'rom 'feüs Rev. Jo.s. II. Kemiaid, Pastor of the lOthBaj) List Dr. Jackaoit : - Deur Mr: - I have been reueste-1 to '-onnect my name with eommendatiena of ifferent klndd of medicines, but rfgarding the piactice 8 oat of my appropriatfc nphere, I have in all oases eolinertj but with a clearproofin varloug instancea ad particufai ly in my famïly ,of the of Dr. luaflanÊI's Germán Bitters, I (iepart for once froni my isual eouvse. to cxprtss my f 11 ocnviction thVt, tor ■eueralilebility "ftbesystem and especial! v for Mvt ;,)mpIiDL, it isasvfe nd valu1te prparation. Ia ome cas -n it may laii ; but usually, Idout uot,it wil] p very beneiicial to tliose wbo sutTer from the abovo TcKira,Yry respectfully, J. II. KKNNAKD, Kihth belott Coates Street, Phila "roixi Rev. Warron Rnnilnljib, Pastor of the lia ptíst :hurch,t;rm.uitovna Pinn. Dr . C il. .(.tclison : - Uear Sir : - Prsoaa] experience .nablosme u say that I regard the Germán Bitters neparetï tv yon is a most excel ent ini-dicine. In case 0 stvc-L-e coM and general Jebility I havo been greatly beiiffiLedby flxe ane of ie Bitters, anj doubt not the; will prodaee similar effects on tbers. Yours, truly, WAKUKN' RAN'DüLPH. Gürmantuwn, Pa Kr-ñ Rl'V. J. H. Turner, Pastor (f Heddmg )l. E. Üliurefe;,Phjla. Dr. .lüclison yw-Dear Sii .- Havingused your Germau tïittera ín my family frequently , í ;ira prepared to sav that it han been of reat service. I beliove that in most Caseflcf (feaeral debility of thesystemit is the satest and most valoable remtdy of which I have any knowiC é' Yours,:-o.ipectfully. J. H. TURNER, tfo. 72GN. Ninetoeuth Street. Froin the ReT.J, H. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbui; (N, J.) and Mills town, (Pa.) Baptist Churches. New Rochelle. N. Y. Dr.G M. .Taekson :- Dear Sir:- I feit it a plea'sure thus ,f my own accor.l to bear tetiinouy to the excellence' of tlie ieruiau Bitters. Some years since, being i:iin-li aïl!ictfl with Dvpepsia , I used tliem wilh vury b.ínfilicial rtsuHs. I have often recommended tliem to persons ca''eebled by that íormenting and have beard From them the most fiattering teetimoatal as to tlieir Rr'pfit value. Wi cases of general debility, I be1 lia va it to be atonic that eau notJesurpasKed. J. M LYONS. FromtheRev. Thofí, Wintr, Pator oí Roxborough BapfistChureh. I Ir. ,Tick son ' - Dear Sir : -1 feel itdue to your excellent preparation, Uoofland's 'erraan Tïitters, to idd ni v testitnony to tli e riese r ved reputation it has obtaincd. .,I'ïia7i foryeirs, at times, been troubled with groat disorder in my head and hervoua system. I was adviged by a. frind to try a bottle of your Germán lïiiters. I did fo and have Rxperienccfi grcat and uDexpect(d re my health has been very niaterially bfmfittcd. T cmlidcntly recomniend the articlr w .ere I meet vrtth cases similar to my own, and havo been asfiured by uiany Of their good f fiects. lUspectfully yours, T. WINTKR, Roxborough Pa. Fron. Hev, y S. Herman, of tbe Germán Reform ed Church,Kut7-townf Berk Co Pa. Dr. C. .ïackBon :- RèsïiMted Sir .- I have been troubled with Oy-spepsianoarly twenty years, and liavp nevcr used any medicine tliat die me us mucli good a Hoofland's Bittei-H. I ani very much improved in henlib aftcr having taken five bottles ' Yours.with respect, J. 9..HERMAN. DIRIGESLarze Size, fholiling nearly doublé qnantity J $1 00 per buttle- half loz. $3 00. 'SnnU Siao- "5 cents per Bobtl'e- Half dozen $4 00, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Sec that the sinature of " C. M. JACKSON" is on tlie WRAI'i'EKofeach bottle. heul iyimr nrwt Ilruggist not have tlioarticle, flo not be put olí by [utoxioatlng preparations that may bu ofSert'd in its plivc?, brit'senff-to ufi,aud we will forwavd, secui'iy packed,by expreos. Principal Office and Maaufactory, NO 6 31 AECH STREJET PHIi.ADEU'HlA. Jones & Evans. Succesiors ta C. M. Jackton Sf Co. PROPR1ETOHS. r,,, „,- br i.riiik:ii') 0M.1W mn to Pili Biï- Cfírpip SEAWEED TONIO, AND The ibuie is a correal likenesa of Dr. Soliinck, just nfti-r ïvcoverlDg Trom Con-uraption, in;m JaXTTf o [ïclow ís a likeaeeq of h'.in 13 ho now ïpj eitrs. WLen the Ür.-it waa tak(D hè weigheil '0' puund at the present timehis weight ís 220 pounds. DR. SCHENCK'S Principa' Office and CíbofertofJ (a ít tlie N. E. comer oí SIX'IÍI and COMJ1EKCE Street, Philadelpliia whero all ieUers for advice or businyss sliuuld be di rected. HewiU be füuud thcrc cvcry SiTORDÁY, professiunaUy to examine lungs with tlie Kspiroraetr, for wliicli hiH fee U tliri'e dollars : all udvice free. ín Xr Yorkat No. 32 BOND Street, evcry TÜES DAÍ,fíom9 A. M. to3P. M. At tlie MAKLSuRO' HUTEL, Boston, January 18 aml 13, Fobruary 15 and 16, MaiCtt 15 and 10, April 1!) and 0, My 17 and 18, JuauH and 15, 19 aml 20. The time for mj beiug in UALT1.MOKJ3 and l'ITTáliUKU, mil be stL'n iu the daily papera of those áí'us. At HUlory of Dr. Schmck's ovm Case, and howhe was' cnred of Cunsumption. Many years ago, whllsl residibg in Philadelphia, I id progressed gradaally inlo tlic last stage ut' Pu! nonarv üonsumptlón All hopes of my racovery beug ulssipatedi I asadvised by my physician, Dr. Parïsh lü leiuove iuio the uuntiy. Mooreötown, Nw rèrsèy being my native place, i was removed thither. si y laitar and all UU family had live.i and died there- md died of Pulmonary Lousumptiop. Ou myarrival l , put to 1 ai, where 1 lay for many weeks in what ■rasdeemeá i Uoje!ss ooairtiou. I)t. TLorutun, who "aJ beu my Iniliev's familj phyufcmn; aui: had irtendud him ui bii laBt illness, waá callej to see me. He Choughi my case entirely beyonil the reacliof medicine, md ai i ; U-d that I die, and í?av? me une weeív to arr&nge my temporal adata, in tMa appaivnlly hope lr cini'i"tio!i, 1 heard f the remediefl v, ),ih I nuw niakr aotl ñell. lt seemed u me that I cju!d feel iliem worUntj tbeir tay, and penetiating evey nerve, libru, ,u : úásue "! "'.v sytB. My lungs and liver put on a new action, and tlie mor bi.l matter wbich for yets hiiO iwoomatoted and irri u.te.1 the diiVei'tnt organs ül the body, was (iliniinntel, t'.io tubercles on my lungs ripciied, and I o.ipcctoi'ated liom my lungs as much as a pint of yellow oirenrive ajatter every raorning. As this expsetoratioa t.f matLer su'i.-i-lcd, the ft-er abated, tlie pain Ufi me the cough cease'd U bras one, nd the exhausting nighta.veits were no longer bnoVn, ;inl I iiad ro resh;ng sleep, to which I had Ion? been a stranger. My appetitenowbeg ntoieturn, and al times I i'iund it difficult to restrain nivüclï iVoin too much ; with l.iis return of iiealtb, Ignined in trength, and njw ■nn tle-bj 1 am no' a bentby man, with a Urge Uealcd ckatri in the n ISiU [obeof the rh1 lung and the lowei l)'l epatized Itb compldte adhesión of the pleura The !.ft lung is sound, and the upper lobe of thoiiglil t.neÍBin atole aldy he-iitliy conditiou. Uonsuinption at that time was thouht tobeanin curable disease, by every onc, phjiciana aswe'.las tbose who were unlearncdin meJicuie- e.s)ecially sucl -,s wcre redur.ed tothe condition I was in. Thi iuduced many ne pleto belieie my i-ecovery only tem uoriry I no prepared and gave thfi nuxiicines to consumptrvea f' r some time, and made m my wonderful am! the demana nereawd so nipidly bat 1 iletcimincd to offer them to the public, on 1 devote my uudlvideu attentfon to lung In truth, I waa noxt to foreed to it,f-r peonía woulil fond for me far and ii -ar, to iiscertaia whethur tbeir cases weielike Fot niuny years, in conjunción with-aL principal ifficc iu Philaaelph,'l llave bfeii nrakrog recular pro' .'....'.nal visita to Hew York, Boston, Baltanore, and 'i'tsburjr. , „ l'or si'veral loiii a 1 .a.-t 1 httye made as nuny as hve inudreil exaiaiuaüon uoukly witli the 'Bffspirometer." „,■ ,. exanünaüon ny charge is tb.rc.-e dollar, and i cnibies niK to give cnch patiënt truo epnAttion "I ás discase, auá te 11 lii:n frunkly whether he will get Thegrt'i't rendon whv plii, i :ians Jo n't cure Coa iumptlonis thiittiifv tr.v to .lo toomaoh : tliey glve ni cv liines to stop tho coiich, to htnp tho n lit sweats, tieotie tever, and by so doio thcj 'íarange the wholo Jigestive systtm. lokini; up üie secrelious, unj eventually thepaiifiítilics. Thé l'ulmonic Svrup la one of the most valuable medi.ines knoun. tt i nutriënt, powevfull) tonic,anu healmj In itaelf. lt contum no opiara, yot lous.n l he phk-gm Inthebronohiaá fibrs. m.l nature thrrr.vs t olV with ttttle cxcrliiii. hottle f.oquently cure' an ordinary cnld; but i', will be well lirsl to talie a dose 6f SchoBot'8 Msndraka's Itll to c'.edose the stonmch. TUc 1'ulmouiií Sjriip i rcacUiy (lio'!sted atd absorbed into bloo.l, to Mil li ii i parta iu lifaling propertiea - Iti3 óne of the best pretiaration of i ion in use ; it isa iwwerfttl tome ofitself; ni when the Seawecl Tonic disol es the inneus iu tlt"1 iiriaeli, ana litanie I off by the ata of the MandraKe l'iils. n heatth Bo% of Kiisiric iui'í, gppJiyp.patito.ana geoí digestión folio'-v. The Seaweed Tonic ib a stlmulunt, tai noneothc-rM reuuirod when it is nse !. It Ís puro and pleasant; no bad effefits lino n hon oting Bourbon whisky, which Hsordi-r.s the stomach, torpón Ora livtr, Io?l up all the socri-tions, turna the blool iato water, dropsy sets in, and the patiënt OiessuiWonly. Bourbon whisky s rftcorameadeu aow-ft qays by :umost every phvsiclan. Many iiatitnts thut rtt-it ïny roomf, both mal mod Ceiaalc, aio BtupeBed wifh tbis poison. The telief i tempotary. If tbey cougtt they Uke a liltlo whisky ; f fcliey fcel weli an.l fooljlo they take a Uttle whisky ; if the; cannot sletp, they take :v Itttte and tïiey go on In thia way, requlrtog more unümnri: unül they aro bloateit up.and imagijie thsyai gotiing lleiliy. The atomoh, liver, an-1 lin-stivc powe bm i-"ir.]-lvirlv diwtroyed, and loe Lln-ir .iiiiKiiie forÊDod. Ko (ju.) wm evoroured of ooMntíptipn by tïils procesS, hete raWtiéa havsoêen fonno in thR lun?8. A liti'n stinmlani is freqoently benifi cial to cooeumpÚvea, sucll aa i""-'1 brandy or good ines in nuuiv easea LoniJoo porter bro-n stoutm niodoratoquiui'üa.s : bul Bootboa whisky Imstens on inatsad uf curinsr oonsunattiüü. The ftefcweod To.iic prnducea lastin? resutes, thornuKlilv bwgoralrng ré toHftch and Mgestive sy-tein, and eiabling t to elimínate aml " ake iato Innlthy blooil the i-od wlljeh muy b uswi for tlint purpore - lt is ao wuuücrful ín il effects t In. t winc glasstnl w lldi'estaiiearty meil,aii.l :i liltle of il taken befor b.v.ikí'..Kt will give n tune tí. the stomacli wbicll few medicines poBsese tba power of iWtug. Tho MAiNDKAKE l'ILl.S m.iy bo taken with entir eafety by a.11 iges and cnni'jtions, jiroilucine all tli Koodresiiluthutean bo obtiinrtfi'Oin calomcl, or an of the mercurial mejicifles, ani wlthent any of thfi hurtful or tnjufiona resulta. They cany out of tli ■;vstm the feculent and xvorn out mntter looseued an (liesolviid by my Seawced Tunic and Pulmonic Syni).- It illbe soea that all three of my med iaoa aro neod od in mest cses to cuiè Consumptiou. A GENTS. BOSTON- fieorge C. Goodivic Si Co. NEW YORK- Demas ltanes & Co. S. ?■ Tinaco. -Dr. öéorgê II. Keymf. CIXC1NMATI- F. K. Suire & Co., ind .Inln D. ttftt. CHICAGO - toni 5: Smifh , anJ II. 3covil. ST. LOUB - Collius Brothers. BAN FRANCISCO- Bsttettar, Smith Tienn. -,. .ni, i;V nllPniegtati urxi DeIn. ly9M JÜLIÜS BAUER & 00. Great Piano Forte & Melodeon SIFOKIIJIS, CHICAGO, IbLi Wliolesale Ageats for PBIMOE & CO.'S IJïPKOVEI IELODEONS, WAIIKAXTF.DKOR FIVK YKARS. Tht Ol-lrsl KxtuUUhmenl 'm Ihc United StaUtl THL11TV TIIOUSAND Ofil-'' Instrnm-fiita ra now In use ino.-4ly in the fnilol Slales and Cun.I, uliülti Kunip, A-i.v, África, Soull) Amurlca, mul tlieW.rt Ludias, and flomHUiee , ,, ;t. r ik liavo tii. iu st Iliitlcriili l ■sliinuián.s "f Hm h',.li nitiiiiailon In wlïïoli thuy hi-M. At all hidusmal EthibHiQiis, üf h;.vo Invarinbly been Awarclecl the Highest Premium ! wiieuerer eïhlltjliiitf in co!np"üfion with ulhers. We sh.ili mkc plcn'sure In fbrWariHng ly pit our own pxpentfl uur Ulmlrattd Cata'Oftu, in wnlch every Instrument e niaonfnoture, is fuüy desorlbed ad Uuslr;iu-(l b elegant üiigrivlngi. O A U T I O N ! ! W thiíy a;e (ulvrtlemenla f Borne new reed Inlirumeut, (wlth tranire name,) purporthig tu b superlor to Melu.koiiH an'l School Oij!nst A new exterior and a lu-w iiHiüij nfll n%fdMl!jr ín;,-...:: nih-ntiu ; but the pUbUa tvi U i:i sAm Üi:t a RetU [nslnwtnist rom mii'mwctureU lo the Ünlted Status and Cnnala, (ir aj )ifi' us tkry can be m'Tftv without infringing our paíítíí, puplud t' our own. fciEO. A. PKSXCE & JO. jriJiTs B.itíü & co. Wliolesate Agenta for CELEBRATED Gold Medal Piano Fortes Albo, for SOKÍ5Í5LKU &.S31ÍTH, S.}AR!MAX i GS.1Y, And otlier First CUsb Iino3. Mainifacturov8 and Importers of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, 8TRINGS, ACCORDEONS. VLOLLNS, CLAKLNKTS, ÜRÜMS, GUITARS, BRASS INSTRUMENTS And otlier Musical Merchandise. The Su.vhü and BllASA Ixstkumknts, of manufacture and hnportulion, and uwil by all best baDlo in thf Uuaeil Slatt-s, anü whenever .exhlWteii liave ftlways recoived Ulo üold Medals anl hiqhkst {7g-HaliiKConnection wllli Mannfticturlng HouSM lu Ueriin Lftlpaic. Duvelen, Knglaml and Paris, we are lirevaifrt to furnlSli DEALERS, BANDS and IND1VII)L"AL9, wllb evervarücleiu ÚÚ6 Une, at the lowefli miaufacturers' nict's. Remeraber the Place. Address JiïJIS BAIER & CO. WHOLESALE WAIiEROOMS, 99 S. Olark & 89 Washington Sts. CMICA4JO, IL.L. Ly SEND FOR A CltlCULAR. rpiIE KOOTS AND THE LEAVES I WILL be for the Ucaliiig of the Xatious. Bible. Prof. R. J. IjYOKTS, l'HE OKEAT AXD CELKBRAÏED l'HVbJIt'lAN üf th mKUAT,LUNUS, HKAKT, UVfcB AND THE BLOOD Knowu all ove r tb ecountry as tlie CKLEI1KATED IIsri3I-A.3Sr HEUB DOCTOE Uf 28Ü tiuperior Stieet, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the followmg places, viz API'OINTMEKTSI'OK 1862, 1863and 1864. Prof. R. J. Lyous can üe coiiáulted at the fullowiu placeïsevery mouth, viz: Detr.jit, Hussel HüUe, eachnonth, 18thandl9th. Anu Albur, Monitor House, each month, 20th, Jacksun,lubbrd House, each month, 21. Athi:u). Rtaokei House, each month 22d andüííd. Toledo, üliio.Collms House, each month, 34th,25th andS6tü. HiUsdale, Mich. , Hilbtdale House, each montl] , 27th. CukUvati-r, llidi-, "Souttieru Michigan House; each month , 28th. Elkhart, Kikhart House, eacb month , 29tn. South liend, Ind., St. Jo. Hoel,ench minth, 30 Lapnrte, Ind.,Tee Ganli-n Hi. ise,eacli month 31st. 'ooster,01iio,CiandellKxcliuge, each month, "tb and 8tb. Mansliuld, Oliio, Wiler Housi eacbmontb, 9th and Mt. Vtirnon, Kenyon House, eacb montb,llth and 12th. Newaik, Obio, Holton House, each month, 13th and Pduesville . Obio. OoirfmUooiW , eaeh month , 4th CLEVELAND, OH1O, RES1DENJK AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, Eaèt of tlio public sqiuire, opposite the Posto Hice. Öfflce &aya eao month, lat, id, 4th, -5tb, 6th, 15th.- . uilic liuurs fiom 9 A. M. to 12 M, and from 2 P. M. to ' 4 1'. M. ÜuiSunilay from 9 tu 10 A. M.,aDd 1 to 2 P. M. AEr'i -imssti'if.tlv adhered I give such balni aa have no strife, With nature or the laws of üfe, Withbloodmy hands I neverstain, Nor iKíiaon menioease t hei i pain. litis a phisician indeed, 'who Cures. The Indian Hert' Uoctop, II. J. I.YUXS, cures the folow ing uoinpiaintsinthe most obstinate stages of their xistence, vi.: Diseascsof theThroat, I.ungs, Heart, I.iver, Stomch.DropsyintheG'hest, UheumatiHm, Neuralgia, Fita, r i.'airLiigdickneKK,anda!lothei-uervouwderangement8. lso nlhliseasesof thfi blood,such asScrofula, Krysipas Cancera, Feter Sores, l.epiosy, audallothcrooiaílicáted chrouiccoinplaints. All foruiM of female diiliculties atleüded to with the apiiicst teaultB. . ' lt iahoped that nooni willdespair of a cure until tify have given the lndian Herb Ooctor'8 Mediciues a air and faithful trial. S,During th Ductor'i travis n Kuropc, West lndies, South America, and the Jnited States, lie lias been the instrument in God'. uiud. to restore to healtli and vigor thousands who rere given up and pronounced incurable by the most minentold school physicians; nay, more, thousands vho worc on the verge of the grave, are now living loi.urncnts to the lndUn Herb's Doctor's skill and uccesafu I tría tmeiit , and are ilnily exclaiming: " Blesi.,l ' i.ó thedny è aw and partook of the ,„li:inllerl) Doctor's medicine." Sahsfactory referencesof cures will be gladly and heerfully givonM henever required. The Doctor pledges hia word and honor, that lie wilt n un wise directlyorindirectly, induce or cause any nvalid to take his medicinewithout the strongest probXb5r ModVÖ'fxamination, which is entirely.lifferan rom thelaculty. lr. I.yon profeSRes to discern dlfases bv theeye. He therefore asks noquestions, uor loeshc require patientsto explain symptoms. Callone ind all indhavetheaymptoma and location of your UscascUplainedfree of charge. "The pooi ahali be Hberally considered. 2663 . Cleveland, Ohio.Nov. 25, 1862 1y889 A LE C TURE YOUNG MEN. Just Published in a Sealed Envulope. Prioe Six Cents. ALF.CTUREontheNature, Treatment, and Radical Cure of Spemurtorrht or Seminal Woakness, luvolnntary Iimissons, Sexual Dcbility, and Impedimenta to Murnage Renerally. Nervousness, Consumption, Kpilepsy, and Fits ; Men tai and physical Iii-apac.ty, riultinKfrom Solf-Abuse, &c. By KOB'T J. CULVERWEIL M. IL, Aiithor of the "Green Book ," &c. Tlie World rcuowned uilhor, in his admirable I.ecturo clearly preved from Insown experiencc.tliat the iwfül conse(iiieiic? olSell.Abuscmay be effectually removed witheut medióme, and without dangeroussuigical operations, bougies, instrumente, rfnga,OI r.onlials, nointiuK out a mode of ouro at once certain and cffecïual bv whicli every eulferer, no matter what lus conditicminavbe may uure himself cbeaply, pnvately, and radically. This lecture will provea boon to thousinilsanil Üiousands. Scntunderseal.toanyaddres, n a plain, sealed envelope.on the recipt of six cents, er two yostago 8tampS,by.adareSing.cnA } 127 Biiwory , New York, Post-OtBce Hox-, 586. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADHLPHIA1, l'ADlscnues oitlie Nrrroul, Seminal, Urlnary nnd Sexual Systems - iew and relia We treatment-in -r"'" of the HOWAKD AOCIATKONSent by mail w .1...1 lMter envelope, free of charge. AddMM Dr J SKII.I.IN HOL'GICTON, Howar.1 Anetr altoTÑttaSoaihKinttStiMt, mñíflílph!, Iwylvañt. 1JU("Í Chaucery Notice. STATE .OF MICHIGAN,- Fuurili Judicial Circuit, in Chance ry. Suït pi mjingjjo IKti Eliza M. Clark, Cir. Court the Couij)lainaut, County of CVa&litfi v?. ■ nuw, in Chancerv, Jetilal Clark, ut Ann Arbur, on Dftlid&üt. llie -itli iUv of Keb. A. i)., lf 65. Il appearlñg lo the sfitisfa'cfJon of fcius Court by the I ivftidavit ot John N Goti , Sollcitoj for tlieComplitUiant, ' that Jt'liiêi Clárt ís abt :i resident of t!ie S hite of Michimui, but ii a ïeslüunt oí the State of Ohio, beypnd the jurlmitotion of th?s Court : On motion ut John N Glf, SoHcitor for Coinplainnnt Ín t li is causa It tl ordered bfy sa id Court that BaiU DttVtnliint, Johiel Clark, cause las ppcurnnce to be ep teveel ii tliin caiiüo, anti -nticy thoreof er 'eI on the Ccuiijbiir.nnfe Solicitar within two montlis frim the inte oi' this order, and in casetlio Defonlant cauce hls íi]jii mr ce to bc entered, that h( lüe hia iinswt-r to Complftifeant HUI, umi a eopy (èiereof be eorvod on ttni íolícitor for Complálnact, wltbin tfl'enty days after the Bttrrtoe of a cony of sld BUI. or in default thereof tlie gaid Bill be taken us conffasad by siiil Defeudaut: au d it is furtJier nfrtered , that nthin 1 woniy iIhjh fclje Hiii'l Coznplalnast capee a copy ol tliis order to be pnbll.-ln .} 'm tlití Michigan Argus, a public üewftpaptr juïnti'.l and i'iiM't-iii-ii Bt the City of Ann Arbor, in said Coinitv of wahttnaw, ueach week, for nix succefeive weflK, or tl::it he ckuae1 copy .f suïd ordeVto be norved on t'ii'ï Defendant peiBOntiHy, :;t least twenty daya I - forft tiip time prescribotl for aaM Dófendaut'a appeáriiice in LUfei CKiiBO. ROBF.RT R, lR7MR Oirenií Gourt C'ominï jsioncr, Wahtemiw Co., iïieh. Juiiw X. iioxT, iruiuitor and of Couucil fr ('om?la;nant )9fHd Mortgnge Sale. ÏKÏAÜLT havicrg len made in the ondüion of ;i ï CbitíÚB iniTifjao. ieoiiLid b y Citéis Lian T-lreÍM-íi m! IWbiini ftiei-cCb i,. wífe. ai Aun ArborjTTáBÍe qaw, llioUigu, to WiUl-ni S. Sauiuiei, (í tli same pía-, da tea tho oíneteentli day of Novetnber, iu theyeardfte tli..n -:iuí! élgbt fcundtèd aml sixiy"i;t-, nnl recordeti ou niuth day of December, A. 1 Í861, ni coico rtf the VUúiatr oí Üt-e-Tf fr said (.'..liiii.vof V:ilit'-naw. in tho SUío of Miehipan, ín pber '28 of ÏIortKagès, ou page 558 upon wbtoh Mmt kfte tht'rc ís cliviini'd to be due,.t tlmtlutu oí' XhU m tice, tl:e aum of i.inety two dollarti, and no suit or proccedíng at. law or in oquily havin been instituted to recover the same r any part thfrcof, and the powe bf i ile íd aid Mortfcage coutained havlug thereby be CiíiM ;ibulu'.i . NoxiQE íh therefore heiyby given, that on Saiimlüy, tlip tl.irtjbeath dny of May oext,at ten of theclcolt in tlie f.ivnüon,! sliall nellat public aucttou to the higliesL biil.lcr, ;it the South door uf the Curt Houseïn the Cuy uf Aun Arbor, (beiug thn place ■ ffhuip the i'ii-cuit (.'imrt for said Coviuty of Waahteav is held), th preiaisea described ín sáid morigapre, r o rnueh thertof as maybt; uecessary to satisfy the aouDt duoon said moríKafíC. and iuierest, tugether itli the costa and expens allowod by law; said prem ps bí-inírsiUuUed Ín said Cojnaly ot Washtenaw, and e-icribed in said nioiígage as IojIowb, to wit: All of )töNo. twülve and thirteeninWm. S. Saunder's addion to the City of Ann Arbor, accordiug to thö reoorefl plat thëreof, Dalt'd, Ffcbrunry 15 185. WiLLlAM 8. SAUXDKR?, Mortgagee. A. FklCh, Atturuy tot Mortpagee. ü'JÖtd Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MlCHiGAN, Coc.vty of W-AsirntXAW, bb. ■ J ín theniatt.-r ui the estáte ot Sylvin Lowry, (now ; ylvitt Bt. Johu.) Mary K LowTy, Mark A. Lowry. ud Marthu E. Lowry, minors : Notice Ík hercby iven, thatin purüuünceof an ordiír p;raiited to the ! uiídeiBÍfinotl, guardtau oí tlie estáte oí" said minors, by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the couoty of Wasbtetiaw.ou the twenty-seventti day ofFebruary, A.D.1865, th'óre will be suld at Public Arendue, to thu higueet bidder, at tb e south door of the Court House, in the itv ot AnuArbor, in thu connty 01 Vasbtfiimw,in saiú átate, on Tuesduy, the eighteeuth day of April next, at oneo'clock in tlie afteruoun of said day, subject to all encuinbnuicee by mortgage or othorwlso, the fu'ilo'wing detcriitcd real estale, ji to-witi Thenorth weetquarter of aection fourteer, and the soutli east qti&rier of section fourteen.and the north-east quarttr of the louth-west quarterof soction fourtecn, in to-.vnship four eoiáth and rante four east, befng in the townshipof üridgewater, in the county oí Washteuaw, contuining three kundred and fixty acres of land, subject to the right of do weiof Clftriflsa Lowry. aá widow of Jamos Lowry, deCLARISSA LOWRY, Guardian. Dated, February 2Sth,l8C5. ö8td RIS DON & HEN DERSOK Iïa,vo tlio 33 XT O I5L JES "E" 3EÏ CRAIN DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sower, Manufactured al Springfield, Ohio. rpHEVERY LATESTIMI'ROVEMKNT.and betterthan X all others; adapted to sowing Wbeat, Rje, Uats, Earley and (irass Seed . lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wül 8ow all kvtids of Grain and Orass Seed. Zd. Never hunclies the Grain éth. Never hreaks the Gt ain. ■ 5tk. Sows Grass Seed oroadcast iehindthe Drill. Qth. Has high w7teels and long Hoes. 71i. Has long and wida steel points. 8th. It has a land measure or Sur' veyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drüls. lOth. It has a self adjustitig shúí off slide. :t is neatly and substantially made. Thereis hardly a Prülofferedin the niarktt but eau ioast of more or lesd FlIiST PREMIUMS?' 'hey are about as ndiscriminately bestowed an the title if ' Professor," which is ometimeB applied to the '■fiddh-r " or "bootblack.'1 They cease to eonvey the da of merit. The [luukeyePrill has been on Kxhibition at quite a ïuir.ber of State and County FairS, and without seekiüg 'avor at the hanis of any Comuaittee, has received its "ullshareof Premium TESTIMONIALS : We give the íbHoTing oameH of a few Farmers in this r icinity wno have bought and uaed the liuckeye Drill : Güdfrey Miller, Scio. Jacob I'olheinu& " JaeobTremper, ' Thomas White , North field. John Brokaw, ' Chii.stian Kapp, " Kdward Boyclen, Webster. James Treadwell, Ann Arboi DanielO'Uara, l' " JohnG.Cook, Lodl O. A. Marshall, " L. Edmouds, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. Wo arealso Ageutsfor the Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, acknowledgedt be the very best in use. "We arejust in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell CHeap. Also alargeasaortment c CJ-rass öcytnes. Andthe largest audbeat selected stock of BEISTT STTJP F POR CARRIAGESever beforeoffered in tbis market We also keep a Urge and full NAII.S, GLASS, PÜTTY, PAINT.and UN8EED OIL. A complete assorfcinent üf STOVES, TINWAKE, ANnEAVETROÜQ3Salwayson hand ana put np S the ahortest nutice. í RISDON & HENDERSON. AnnArbor,Junea9tIi,1862. 859tf jFAIEBANKS' JBjT STANDARD Láscales, yP"S Wb OF ALL KINDS. ALSO, -iWH'Hfe Wardkouse TVucfai, -Ler Presses, Lc. FAIRBAKKS, REENLEAF & CO,, 17 Lako Street, CHICAGO, Sold in Detroit by FARRAND, SHELEY A CO. Be careíul o buí onlj ILe Gonuiut.lrl j908 Eötuto of Thomas (J. Bicknell. STATKOF MICHÏÜAX, Oounty o( Waahtenaw. as. ■ At aduasionof the IVobateOourt tor the Countv ot ; Wasbtft mw ,'hoTAen atKfej PrubateOflica, in the Ci tv cf ' Ann Arbor, ou l('i-M;iy , the twenty-fourth day oi.Ftliru:uy,iu theyear onêthcmiand eightliundredanüsiity ÍÍVÜ. Present, HlmruJ. Bea,kes. Judge of Prub.-ite. intho uiattvr ui the Katate ut Thomas t. BlcknéUÍ deooíi.sed . On reailjngaiul Tilinte tlu' petiticn, dujy vi'rilitd . of John C Licneil, pwj iág that lic en1 Name 'tbcr suilade persoa nwy b.' aypinted Admiuiitrutur cL tlic esate ofsftid lecrastd. Tliereu[)on i t is Oidered,tliat Monday, tlie STth day of 'larch Hfr, at ten u'clock in the fovenoon, be assïgncd foiíhe hríiií pf Hi3 [NttHion, and that the lOii'M il. la . ö; :;;u'( deceastd,, und all otUer htmiüs intêrestëd ín saiil á&tute, aro req itfre3 idappfUtT at a tte&riotí bf ifaid Court , then to lo holJén at lie Prubate Office, ín thi City uf Ann Arbor i.nd slnnv cause, if any there be, why théprafêx of tbe petitloner slx.uld oot be granted; Aud it is furtiiof urdered , that paid petitionfei' iive no tice t o the persons int eres tea fn aiá estáte, of thependency oísaid petitiuft, aíífl thu hearinp tiu-i-cof, by ciiuHingu copyoMEüis Order tobe publísbed in the Michigan Ar&uf, a úewspaper printed and f-irCUlatinp ia said County of Waslitenaw, Üiree successi ve weeks previou to baid clay i hearing. (Atruecupy.) HIRAM J. IïKAKKP, ÖÖfl Judge of l'robate Ettate of Mary Suminers. TATK OF MTfurcAX, Countynf VTashtenaw. sk.- . At a sesilon of therProbate Couri tpj the 6unty if Washtenaw, lioMi-n a1 the Probate Oflice ín the ïityqf nn Al-hor, on YrUUy , tlio twt-niy foiirth dy í JYi.r-uary u tlie year oue thousand cight hundred inii sfxty i: e. Present, Umin; J, Jïeakex, JuJpe of Probóte. Ij oiatter of the o? Mary Suinracrs, di1aeasörf. Joliñ HófltaábJcecutoí of tbe last wlll and tesl&Baeöt of said deoe&iseci, sames (niw Oourt and reg resents íhat he is now prepared to reader liís final iccnuiitus sucb executor. Thereuiion it i.s Ordered, tïiat Mottday, the 27th iiay of Marcl' next, at ten o'clock fli the i'nroiioon. bt a-sÍL'ncil for exfimining anl allmvinK sucli Account, and that the beira at law of paid deceased, anl all otii er persons intere.sted in said estáte, are requíred to appear ata sessíon of said Court, thun to be hqlden at the Probate Ofiice. iu the City of Ann Arbor in .said Couiiiy, and sbow canse, ifany tht-re be, why the said account should not be allotved: And it is further ordered, th&t said flxecutur give notice to the pertions intortsted in said t-state, of the pendency "of said account, aiid the hearing theroftby eau ing a copy of this Orlcr to be publifhed in the Mieftk (jan Argus, a aewspapeiprhitdd and circulating in said County f Washtenaw, three auccessive veeks previous to flaid day of hearing. (A true copy.) IÍIRAM J. BEAKE3, 998td Judgoof Probate. Estáte of Amos Mead. STATE OF MICHIGAN- County of Waahtenaw ss - Ata seaaion of the Probate Court lor the County of Wnshtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in th city of Ann Arbor,on Monday ,the twenty BGvenih day of F-bruary,in the year one thousandeight hundred aud .sixty üve. l'resent, Hirain J. Beakes. Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Amos Mead, deceaaed. Ou reading nucí filing the petition, duly verified.uf .■Uvan Billings, praying that a certuin Instrument now on til in this Cnuit, purporting tb be the lu.-t Wi-l nw rt'stamcnt of said 4eceaset muy beadmitted to Prob;it j. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Fririay, 24th day of March net, at ten o'clock in the fureniHm, be assigned for the hearing of aid petítkiu,aud that the devisees, legatees, and heirs at law of .said de ceasei, and all other psrfco&s int-Tested in said est;itP,iire requived to appear at a sessioL of saidCourt theu t'J be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor , and show cause, íf ai) y tb ere be, why the prayer of tiie p(J titioner sliould ndt te granted ; And it ia furtber or dered. that said petitioner give notice t the peisonn ín terested in said estáte, of the pendency of said pctition, anti the hearing thereof, by Leuning a copy of this Order to bepublifihed in the Mich'gan rMs.anewcpaper priiited and circulating in said County of Wa&Ltenaw, three successive weekti previou tf iii'l dtay of Learing . A t'rue copy.) 1ÍIKAM J. BEAKr, 903 Judge oí Trobate. Estáte of Smiths - Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiwty of AVashtknaw, rs._ At a session of the Probate Court for the Cuuitty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Aibor, on Saturday, tlie fourth day ofMarch, in the year one thousaod eight hundred and sixty-five. Prehcnt, Hiram J. Beakek, Judge of Probate. In tbc matter of the Estáte of Marinda Smith, and Jeunetta Siuith . minora. On reading and Rlirtg the petition, duly verified, of John Moore, Guardian unto said minors, prayingthat he ma y be ïiceued to sell certain real estáte belong ing to saiii minors. Thereupon it is Ordered, tliat Turaday, tl, e iourth day of April next, at ten o'clock in tlie forenoon, be assignd for the hearing of said petitioti, and that the next of kin of said minors, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to apoyar at R session of said Court. then to be holden at tiWrobaie Office, in the City of Ann Albor, and show cause, if any there be, why the srayer of the petitioner öhould nut be granted: An-i it ia ï'urther ordered, that said petitionfr give notice to the persons interested in Miid estáte, of theptndency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by nnusing a copy of thi.s Ordt-r to be published in the Michigan Aryus, a newspaper printed ii.nd circulating in said County of Washttnaw, thiee succouivfi ureviouü tosaid day of heiring, [A truc copy.] HIKAM J. BEAKES. 998td Judge of Prolute. Estáte of Eli Kiggö. STATE Of MICHIGAN, Cor.vTY o WahiitiwaWjSS.- Ata seesion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on öaturüyf the tweuty-tifth day of Ftíbruary, ia the year oae íhousand eiglit hutidved anú aixty five. present, Hih.m . BUKls, Jiinge oi rrobale. In themattei of the Etatccf KU Rí.etk, deeeased. On readfng and h'ling the petitiou, duly veriüed, of Vndrew W. Uiggs, pralng that he inay be nppoinied Ulministrator ot the catate of said deeeused TheroBpoa it is Ordered, that Saturday, the twèntyiflh day of March iwxt. at tt;n o'clctkm the ibrenoon, ;earsignedfor the hearing oí said petition, and that :he)iersat law of saiddeceased and aUtber persons uterested in said etate, are required (o appear at a if.ssion of said Court, then to he holden at the Probate Dfilce, in the City ot' Ann Arbor, and show causv, f my there be, wliy the prayec cf thepetitionershould not be granted: And it is further ordeñó, that aW petitionergiveuoüce tr) the ran-s iutcntuiHn s&ict eeiate, of th pendencj of BaiÖ p til on, and the hearing therüof, by onuing a coiy f tbis Ortler to be püblished in the Michigan Argnst s. newspaper printed and circulatini; in sai-l County of Washtenaw, three successive weel-.s previoua to na1d day of hearing. (A trueeopy.) 11IRAM J. BEAKE?, QjQtd Judge of i'robate. Estáte of Shubal T. Moore. STATE OF M1CHIGAH, Qovmrt o At a se-siou of thé Probaia1 ('out lor Ihe County of Washtenaw, holden ,at the Probate in theCïty of Ann Arbor, on Saturday , the 25th day of February, iu the ear oue thousand ighthundted and tixty tive. Present, Hiham J. Hkakks, Judjre of I'robiile. In the matter of tbe Estáte oí' timbal T. Moot-e , do ceased. Henry Hall, Admiuistiaior said ertate, come into Court and epreent8 tbat he is nbw prepare te render bis final account as such Administrator. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Mondny, the Ü7th day of March imxt, at ten o'ulock In tluforenoon , be u.ssigne'l forexamiaing and al owing such account, and that the widow, and heira at law of said deceaSöd, and all other persona fnteíested iusuil estáte, are required to appeitr at n sssinn t Mkk Court. then tobe holden at the l'robnte Üffioo, in the City oí' Anü Arbor, and show eau se , if nn v th ere be, why the said account should not be allowed; Andit i.sfurther ordered that si.idadmlntratorgive cotice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of aid account, and the hearing thereof, bv causing copy ofthis Order to be publiöhedinthe Michigan ArguttL newspaper printed and ci.eulating in said County ol'Vasblt naw three succe.s.jve weeks previous to said day of hcaring(A true copy ) HIRAM J 1JEAKKS, 998td Judge of Piobate. Estáte of Riggs - Minora. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COC3TIY OF W48HTHNAW, SS.- At a session of the Probate Court íov the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate OiBceiu the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the fourtli d.iy of March, inthe year one thousand tight hundred andsixtyfiye. Present, Hiram J. Büakks, Judge of Probate Ia the matter of the Efltate of William H. Riggs and Mntüda Higgs, minors. On reading ani filing the petïtion, duly verilicd, of Mary Kiggs Guardian untt said minors, praying that she may be liceused to sell certain real estáte belonging to said minors. The?eupon it is Ordei ed , That Tuesday , the fourth day of April nex( at tn o'clock in the forenoon, beassigiifd for the hearing of ead petition, and that the next of kin of said minors, and all othor persons in teres ted iniaid estáte, are requiied to appear at a session of oaid Court, then to be Rolden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, ana show cause, if any there be, why the prayer r.f the pe;itioner shouU) not be granted : And it is finther crdered,tlia.t aid petitioner give uotice to the persons intertsted in ,aid estáte, of the pendency of said petitionand the hearing thereof, by causing acopy of this Order to be published in the Michan ArgUB a newspaper printed and circula+.Aig1 in aidCounty of Washtenaw, three successive weeks, previous to eaid day of hearing. [A truecopy,] ' HIRAM J. BEAKES, 098ld Judge of Probate. Estáte of Michael Walz, STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couxty or W-asutenaw, att, At a scasiou of the Probate Court for the County cf Washtenaw, holdt n at the Probate Oftice in the City of Aim Arbor; on Tuesday, the twenty-i'ighth day of February, in the year ene thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. Present, Hiram J. Bkakss, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Eátate of Michayl Walz,deceasetl. On readinft íiod ñling the petition, duly verified, of Aaron L. Feldkarap, Adminitrator of the said estáte, prayíng thathemay be licensed to aell oörtain ical estate, whereof the said decpased died. seized. Tliereupon it is Ordered, That Monday, the seventeenth day of April next, at tea o'clockin the foreroon, be assigned for the heariuj; of said petition, and that the widow and heir.s at Uw of said eceafied, and all other persons interested in naid, estáte, are required to appear at u Kesnion of aid Court , then to be holden at the Prob te Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ií nny there be, why theprayer of the pelitioncr should not be gi antedi And it is further ordered, that Kid petitionr givenotice t& tbe persons interested in said estáte, of th,e peotieiicy of said petition, and the hearing thereof. by fanin(r a copy of this Order to be published ie tht Mchigz?i Argust a newspayef priuted aüd otroulating in aid Coanty of fnfattiun , fuur .successive utclif, pfríówii lo "hí-1 day r hearing. TAtruecony j 111KAM BKAKfiB, l'J8td JW& of Prubate. Estáte of Euoa Reynolds. mate üf MiyaifliN, (;wioT „,- v.;s,,Tl.N... 3 M a .-.,!. . f Ihe Probate Cauri l.u „n ' "SWa-LUnnw. holden at the l'rubatc cn,7. in -V "' oí ..f Ana Ari. ,f, „,, Monday, the twentieöi ' y V y a.8 i-ejrow tWaand eight bWJ; Present, IIir.ui .7. Hmke,, J,„Il;(! or I'I(,i,.t. lo t'.ie matter "f the Estule of V.ln R , co„„.l. Si,l„,y ]e.vr,,,l,1.s, fex;,ío „ffe".: ed n, md hi, ,iu;il accuuut a. .„D '" Therfupcu it in OrdeMd, tbaf )[„(,, da, ÍM1,,, al .'3ftaUiÏL2g aaaigned l..r examiniug and atlavms sucl, „,n, 'U .bat the dev5,, U&Un, an,I ,in 3?! J aeceased.and all other pürsous interested in ■ í"á ato, aro required t„ appear ,it a .e.ion of „H?4 'S' then tobehoMeaatlhe Probate Office ibtUrn"" Ann Arbor, in Hid Cuuntv, iid „bow rilt V " tl.erel,,., ,vl,y the „ai.l ,u r.tPho„ldn„tb "',,'" And t Ih ftrther otkd, that aid feStoTÏ' of the pendewj, „f .-ai.l ,-oimt, and tho 1 cari II "' of, by cauiiug a copv of tin, ürcle ■ to L ■ m?,'""' ing in id Cuuaty „f Washtinaw, t Cc'L '" '' ïréeks provious to lald Jay of heiiHnY tucsit, .. 99"d Judge „f Vni Estáte oí Kngers - Minors TATH m KTCHIGA, 'Cerarr o, w.lsllIní, „ . Al ae8Son..f il,e Probate Court for the r ', r Wahtnw, koldeu ít thu Piobat oC ' ' ity of Anu Arbor, „n Thureday, (be t,0' í Present, J. Bukk.-., ,[„,1,,,, nf irobat. In the matter erf the E.tate of EMhw A un, ".,, emaKogers.Chre .laño mffifi I Wionnil U. Hogers, deeea.ved "rem On rea.,irrg and fihg t],e petiiicn', ,l„ly tet,( ucioda Kogers, Guardian fcr aid minors, pray'i,,", SI s c"tllin reaI Mtate beï 'Ihereupnn t !s Ordered, tli.t MonJ.j, ttiay o Slaroh next at ten o'clock in ti.for',2 lUaSSIgn!dfor,l,eUean„g of ,d pett,,u, „d l.e next of km ( i said minors nd li .tbet-pwMM teftríáted in sid e,t,t, ,„ f LulrW to appear .U a sesión of saií Coatí ; C ' behold.nauie Probate Oflice in tl.e CitTofA? Ubor, and how can„e, if any tberé be, "hj 8&X 't Um peütioet hould n,,t be grantejV lr,i iC, urttér nrdered, that said petitioner pive uotlce totl! jersên intererted in said etate, of the pende„rrf Idaeiition, and the hearing thereftf, A&SÍ! :f.pí of thi Order to be published ta'thVSffi! 90"d ; JteeofProb'.te. E6tate of Wellen - Mídois OTATE OF MICHIGAN, foiMT of Wi B O At a Bession of the Probate Court for thtCon'n'tvTf, holden at the Pn.bate Oflioe. in t) e(ï ! üfAun Arbor, on Wc.ints.ia , tht filVentli d, Sn fiV '" thE yeUr VUe th""and 0i2ht "örei ui l'resent, Ilnust J. Reakks, Jngt: of Probatp In the matter of tlie Katate of Clarisa P W Sarah W. Welles, Mary F. Welles, and Stisan H vi.nj Minor. Silas H. Douglam, guardián unto aid'niin' comes into tv,urt and represeoti that l.e is no prm ' ed to ren.ierhis fi.i.,1 account as su.-h Guardian Thweiipón ,tia ürdeml, that Mondav, the thirtomk dayof M.rch next, ,t ten o'cluck thé f„ be asKi;.;n-!d for eiaminlng an.I alloning such accnoit' anf that thesaid n.ino,., :ul„ lhei, aeii of tin iudr'l other persons interés! ed „ ..;,;,! estale, reonMu appear at a nBsfion af saidCourt. thei:to U hoHpii.Hl! I'r.ta te Office, n Iho City of A,„, Arbor. :, ü and show cause, if ;my tliere bc,nj ííi ,::J m shonidnotbi-aücuïed: And it i f,„il,er ordHrf'tW saUguar. iangiv actie to the persons iutereMidiijyd esiaie, of the pendency of t,aid account, and tte ]frinc-ttoMf, bv eansingaeopj a tíiis tortol. liublisUed ni the Michigan Argiis, a nevsppiinil(J an4luladug in said County of Wathttmw ■ ibw suocessive weeks previoUBto "ay of ht:u, ' ' A true copy.) H1EAM J. E! Aki'í' '-Jota Judgei.fProtate, Estáte of Judah E. McLcan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Covxty ÓF Wjlmsjw j._ Asasessionot the l'robate tuurt lot tttfiaiij of Washtenaw, Lolden at the Probate Oflicf in ÖC , of Aim Arbor,on Monday, tbe thii teeuth iiay i! t{. ruary, in tbe jreo oné thousunü tiglu i síxtj-five. Present, J. Be.ikes, Judgc i f fn.batt. In the matter i.f tbe Estáte oi Judah R ïiLms deceawd . On readirg nnl tiünj? the petUion (iuljr yjfifA ■' Wilüam 'riston, Ariiaimiitrator of tlie e.-tale of ai dectased, praymg that hc raay be Ucened tu st-lljtrtain lU-yl E.state whertoftlie -ai.! üfccasfd tlk-d n'mi. Thetrnpon it is Orderetl.that Moniiay.tlie HirJ i; inj of April ten o'clock is the iimxct, 'be assigued for the hearing of saul petiliim, ? ei that the widow and heirs at Kiw f saiá deeew', and all thcr penons mterested in saiii MUt,iliif quired toapDearat'a stsKmf sa!d Conrt, thfitilf 'hoMmat thel'rúbate Office, iu the City cf Ara Art.', and show cause . if any there be, why the jirajer of ttt petilioiierBhould iiot'be franled: And i', isfurUn tdered, tbat said petitioner give notíce tu tlif prs' pi'. teretötl in said est&te, 'f the pendency of sai', pelitiw, and the lie.-iriiijr tliernf, by causing a ei py ui tl i Í1: derto be publisbed iufiSe Michigan Argut, & itv:;i perpriuted and circuintii.g in taid Counti ot WiJ tenaw, tuur Bucceasive weeks previoustti-MiiAjif hearing. (A true copj.) HIRAM }. BKAKHÍ. 9ü6id Jadgeof Voiiii. Estáte of Jane Howe. STATE OV MICHIGAN, County oí' Wasbteaaw w.A.tü session of tbe Probate Court fortheCwwtjif Washtcnaw. buiden at the Probate Officeïa ttedtffi Arni Arbor,on Woduwdar, the Ou#entbiiji ofFfteI in tlwyeftroaetlw)iisndeiglithuadrefl ndsiiiy-fi. Present, ilhnm J. Beakes. uiïge of i'rwbaii-. In tho muttvr of the Estáte of J &ut Humt, iw& ed. Jonn N. Gott, iuliainj irator of said e-taUV C'inie nto Tuurt aml rejivsf ut? that be sbou vItf' par d tu render bU UuaJ account as such aimiuUtcülor. ThereuponitisOrdi-rtd.ihat Mouday, the thirteenÜ day of March next, at ten o'rdock in the fottnm. b'j issigiit'd loi i-xaiDining aud ft2iuifJ! wI acC(fïx:: ftüd tbat the heirs at law f aïd deceascd, g illutlier persons interested i nífíeritrtteTarc-requiTNii ;ippear at ae8tDn of eaid Comt,thejfttoiehdj the Probate Office, in the C Mj of Aun Albor, in tf county. show cause, if y theic be, w;j the ail accnimt should not be allowed. Anf _■ s i'uviJier Ordered, tbat said Admiuiftrator T' uttice to the persous interested in eaid Üi (f tho piiidency of said. account aud theliea.' thereof, by caufintr a copy of this Ordei to ■' publi.shediii the Michigan Argus, a m-wspaperpriti-'ÜTxá cïrculating in said t'oimty of Washteai tb" hiccessie weeks previouti to said da y f lu-aricg (A trueoopy) II1RAS1 J. BEAKK8, 996td Judtteof Probite Estáte of Lyman Carpenter, STATE OF MICHIGAN- County of Waslten- At a session of the l'robate Conrt fr il "; if WiishU-naw, bolden Bt the l'robale Office in pw of Anu Arbor, on Saturday. the llt.h day of ƒ!"','■ in the year one thonsand eight liuuiiredandsixy-u" Present, Hirm J. Beakes.Judge of Protatt. In the matter of the Estáte of Ljman Crpe"-: ceased. ..i j Ou rendingfinil filinL the petitim, duly "'"'" Maluuia Carpenter, prayiBfC tliat adminifltratioio"1" estnte be granted ti JaniPB T. Hoaey. , , Thi-vi-upunitisOraered, That Mondny. tleW"; d( Murch npxt, at ten o'olockln thefoieiW " { signed for the hoarins of said iclit", ÍJ the heirs at law of said deceased, o" other persons interesttd in said Pstate, " quired! tii ippear at a scssion of sa:d Cm"'md' tobe holden at the Probate Office, m tl City j Arbor, and show cauee, if any tliere _: the prayer of tlie petitioner should nöt M Pr",, And it is fórthei1 ordered. that saki Vfi, noticeto the persons nierested in said estBlf; y pendency of Baid petition , and the hearing ;"".'', 'Í causing a copy of this order to he pubiis Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and tAP naaidCounty of Vashtin:uv, tbrce sucjM"" previoüs to said day of hearing. -r,vc5 - - Commissiooers' Notice. OTATE OF MCUIGAN, OF WiSHn Ö The undersigned bavingr been appoiote tl ' jB, bate Court for suid Cüunty, Commissiouers 'V; examine, and adjust all claims and di"L,i V persona against the estáte of Jonathan """„ uf the Township of Bridgcwater, in sld "" ceased, hereby give notice that 8x moDtt ir j, are order of said l'robate Couiii!([,.i tors to present their claims against tb ."l i9 deceased, and that they wiü mest at "" ,w :' of said deceased n the Township oí ""(sis said County of Washtenaw, on Saturdv, day ol May,amlS4turday, the flfth "' jut' next, at one o'clock in Ihc afternoon, 1'"!., áays,to receife, examine, and adjust fiiflc Eated, Kebruary 6th, 1865. HA VID W. l'AI.MEK, 1 Con)milW 997td EDWIN SMITH, J Estáte of James Steward. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cot-XTY or Wi3J'n?9 O At a session cf the Probate Court lor ,,,, Washtenaw, bolden at the l'robate Ofli". of fetn olAnnArbor, ou Thuwlay, the nmOi yt, ary n the year one thousand eigu " 8'XpíoseYnt, IIiram J. Beakeb, Judge oí JtójA In the matter of he E8atc. of James "on6 véadinK and filing the petition,' "'Lrfnii Alty Steward, Administratrix of the c1 ,eII " ceased, praying thatshe may be i:o"sj d i real estáte whereof the said deceasod . oiw. thefi-l Thereupon it is Ordced, that Mon " day of March next, at ten o 'clocl .n „dl;j beassigneilfortho hearing of Baid pt i the heirs at law of said Ji'ceMcS.and i' ií I interested in said estáte, are requirW .twrn ? session cf said Court, then to be hoW" . „ c,f Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, ana .„. any there Ue, why the prajer íortliI should not be grantcd; And '" ,„ tW rtered.that snW petitioner pivc not c c '- (tiiliinterestedin said estáte, of the &&? M, on, and the hoaring thej-eof.Vy o:iufl7rí.,'"i Order to be published in the Mich'Sf ' 0( W paper printed and cireulating in siO [ W tenaw, four successie weeks preïious Ayer's Sarsapai


Old News
Michigan Argus