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Proceedings Of The State Convention

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'J'he DruioeraUe tííuto Coiivuutiuu met at Merrill Hall ut 11 i'olock, purnsaiit o r.uil of tbu Siiilo couuiliüee, and was ailUJ lu order by Wui. A Moora Eeq r hairmaK oí Ihnt coininitloa. On oiotlüiT, iion. Win. M. Fouton, of Oeusiee, was otioswi te-uïporary Pr'usi dti, and spiert E. Fraaor, of "VVash tiiw, Secretary. The following gentiemon, consisting (f one f rom each Congressional district. wero a])poiuted a eoimnittee ou credenils; lbt district, Henry W. Doure 'id di-triot, W. W.De.irick ; 3d district, E. B. Pond; 4th district, ileiny Frliuk ; óth district J. M. Hoyt : Gtlrdis vrict, E. F. Wadii. On motion, the itbov-o comiijittee wero imtruiitud l vetert pennuaeut oliicers for the ocmvtiition, ïh.o followiug genilemenr coBsiting of dne from eiioh dusUiut,., wore appointcd a ei inmiitee on resol atioiis : lst district, Kobert McClelland ; üd dwtrict, D. Darwiü Ilughcs; 3d district, A. C. Blodget; 4th district, ü. L. ("ronce; 5th district, Oyrus Puabody ; 6ih diatiiot, G. W. Maxwell. The conventiou ihen took a rooess until 2 P. M. AÍTBllNOON SKSSION. At 3 o'olook fcho oonvontioii was again c]]d to order by tho chairman, pro tem. Ths first business in order beiny thero port of the Gommittee on Credentials, Vht committoe,.through thuir cbiiirman, Mr. Deare, raported the namca of d'efegtos ectrtled to soats ia the ecnveutiou The rppart of tlie cotnmittee wns acQopted and adopted. Tho eaine cornm;ttoe, throwgh thcir chairman, reportad the following names for parmaóént offiocre Of tho convontion. Pretidenl-llon. Wui. M. Featou, of Gone8oe. Vice Preiidens - Wm. A. Moore, of Wayoa ; J. K: Ward, oí Kaliuuazoo Mich&ol Shoetnaker, of Jacksou ; Henrj Fralick, of Kout; Johnison Niles, of Ojkkland ; E. F. Wade, of Shiawa86êé Secreiaries- 11. E. Pruzer, of Washtenaw : E, D. Buit, of Kent. Tha report was adopted and the of5cr elec'ted. Tho President on taking the chair, ra'turned thanks fo"r the renevved assurnce of the eonfidenee feit in him by tho dwmocratic party of the State ín confurring upon him tho honor of presiding orer the deliberations of the convention. He said that tho democratie party stands rody uow as it always has, to do its ilury. HavÍQg thu Cunstitution oí the United Sta-tea, in untters perlaihing to thu general goverument, and the Contitulion oí Michigan, iu maiters per Hiiiing to tho State government, as their landmarks, tliey ara ready at all tmaí todo their duty. In these times miore tluu ever bofore, have ttie democroy showu themselves truo to their riuuiples and themselves, and they üng now as ever with uus werving deTotion to tho Uniou and tho Constilution. Ho awaited the furthor action of the conventiou. The committee on resolution s aunonn ed thenwelves in readiness to report, nd, througb. thoir cbairmun, Hon. liobert McCiellaad, they submitted tjjö fo!luwing : Whcreas, The Judicary üliould Lave greatur ooulrol thau any other djpartjuent of the government over tho peroonal soourity and property of our uitieens, and everythiog valuable in social lif ; and Wkereat, The iiulepeudence and iatgrty ef tLio Judges are osaential to th iiu-partial adiniüistiation of jastioa; ndWhercas, Iq the rooent action of the Supremo Court of thiá State, wu have thi)ost satisiaotory evidenuo of the dateniua.tion of tho majority to gard party and decide itnpartially ; and Wiena, Wbilst we politically diifor wítb ttw líoi). Isaac P. Gbristianc}7, who i a cr.ndidata for re-electieo, we place con'JJcriïü q bis ubility, iniegrity and f ihereforá Jit.süh'ed, That tLis conven tion. with a view of pagina a jut tribute to the indepondsoco of a majority of said court, and oí preveutiug the Jüdioiary, aa fur o practicable, h-om being niado the subject of mere partieaa contest, will make bo uoimuatioti iu oopositiou to hira. Resolved, Tliat we re-affimï the cJemooratic doctrine of strict oonstructioa of constituitoual provisione, and that the final determiuation of' courts of last reort, on quostioQS arising thereunder, ara equally binding all. Resolved, That those members of tho legislatura who have disregarded tho dciskon ot the highost judicial tribunal of the State doservo, and sliould recuive, the condernnation of the people. A raotion wan made tö adupt the report and resolutions. A división of the nonse benig calied for, the resolutions were adopted by a vote of 32 to 22. The President acnounced the business bcfore tb conveuüon to be the iiomlnation oí two candidatos for lïegeuts of the University. A. C. Blodget, íq bohalf of the Washtenavv dclegation, ureseoted the name of Dr. Ebenezor Wells, of Ann Arbor, as a candidato. On raotion, the nominatie of Dr. We Is waa mde unanimous by aeclamation. Tho name of Oliver G. Gomstock, of Cslhoun, was presented as the other candidato. He was tinauimously noniinrtied. There being no further business before the coucontion, it theo adjourned.


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