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War Departmknt, Washington, ) Maldl 13. To Gun. Dix: Tho iolkfwing report of Sberidan'j operations Luis beou redeived by tliis I)'epurtmíit. (.Signirtf) E M, Cantón, Si.s'y ol War. vibioN, Üolumbia, Va , Maroh 10. To Lieut. Gen. Graut: Genehal - Iu ray last, dated WyBteslorrt, I gave yira :i brief :iccount óf tlio defeat oí Eii-ly by (Justei-'s divÍMon. 'I'fjc saiiiu i)Í!lit Ujis división was pusbed tófWP the Blue Ei(l, and M.tered Giun-lottusvüle at 2 P. M. The ncxt duy tbe and principal iuhubitiints carne md deüvered up tho keys OÍ Ibe publiu buildings. 1 Isad to ruinain al (JliurloÜesvülH two duys as tinto wiis coribiimed ia biinging over frum Wnynosboro, our uninunition and pon tooa truins. 'i'he wealhur was lorribíe. umi ruia DiToiiHou. The two división wero, during this lime, oecupiod in cie stroyiug Uvo livrge i ion bridges, one over the Rivannu Kiver, tho otlior ovo Merae'8 Cieek, near Chariottesville, anu on tho railroad for a clistance of eigh m;iea n the direotiou of Lynohburg. - On the Oth ot March I sent the íirat di visión, Genera] üivens commancüng, to 8cottuville, on the James Kiver, with tl i leutiontt to send out light parties tlirougb the eouutiy and dostroy all the merchíindiztí, milis, faotorics and bridges on the UivaiMiu tha parties to joiu the división at Oattsvillo, The división then1 proceeded along tho canal to i)ugiiidsvük-, uiteen inilow trom Lynchbui; dostroying ovory look, and in nianv plaees the bank of the canal. At ■ gmUsvilio we lioptíü to secure tho bridge to cross the river, as our ponteoes ere nseloss od account of the higli water. In Lliia to nero foiled,. as botb this bridge and the at üiirdwioksvillo wcre burned by the enemy on our approiiuh. üeuei-al Müiritt accompaniud this división Thethird divirtioo startod at Uio s nie time from Charlottosville and proceedud down the Lynohburg Rüüi-oiid, to Amliui st Court iícnise, lestroyiüg overy bridge on the road, uid in many places milos oL the road. Tho bndges ou tliis road are numaroiis, nud so;ne of tlioui firo hiuidred feet. in length. We havu found great abuudunce in this country for our men ai)d aüinvds in fact tho oaitul hnd beon thu greut feeder of Kiuhmond. At Iïoukfish liivur ;)ie bank of tho eipa! was cut, and at New Cuutou, where the dam is acrows the Jnmes, the guard lock was deslroyed aud the Jiiiaes Kivoi' let into tho canal, uurrying awuy the bariks, and washintr out the buUoin of the canal. - The dam tcross tho James, at this poiuï, was piti'illy destroyed. I have liad no oppositiou, everybody is bewiLiored by our nioveiuer.ts. I have had do neus of any kind siuce I left. - Tlie Riuhruond papei-8 woro of the 4th, but coiHaiiiod nothiug. I oaiitlod to mc-utio'i thut thu bridgo.-i on tho railroad from Swoop's depot ou the othorside of Siiiuatoo, to Ciiarloltcviüe wero uiterly desiroyed, ulso bridget íor a distiuceof ten miies on tho Gordonsviilo railroad. J lio we&thur has boon vory bad iudaed, rain ing hard every day with tho oxuapticm of four diiys siiica we startad. My wagons havo froia tha state of the roads dotained me u) lo íliu presaot tiuie. - We have capturcd iourteen pieces of nrtillery, oleveü at Waynesburó and throo at Charlottosvillu. Tho party that I seat back froui Waynesboro startod with eix pieoes but thuy were obliffecl to deetroy tvvo of the sis lor waot of iiiimals. The rotuaioing eight piecas were thuroughly destroyed. We havo aloo captured twelve canal boats, ladoo with supplies, umtnunition, ratione, medical stores, &c. 1 oaunot speak in too high tenus of Generáis Merriit, Custer and Devias and the officers and men of their coinmanda. Thuy have vváded through mud und water duriog Lliies oon.tinuous rain, and aio aü Lu fiue spirits axtd heallh. Coinmodore Hollius, of tlie rebel uavy, wan shot ueur Gordonsviüe, whild attaniptiüg to uiüke hi.s escapo from our adv ince ia tbat direction. (Sigued) P. H. SHERIDAN, Major Geueral. WashingtoD, M-arch 13, ) 9:45 P. M. To Major General Jno. Dix : Tho followiug dispatches Lavo been recaived by this departmont. (Signed) E. M. Stanton, Sec. of War. ïlie follcwuig bas just boen reeeived : Wise's Fork. Marob 10. To Lieut. General Grant : The enemy made a heavy attack upon our centre and left to-d.'iv, but was deeisively repulsed with heavy loss. His dead and badly woundcd wvre left upon the field. We alao took several hundred prisouKrs ; our lass smail. ;Gori.. Couch is only twelve miles from hero to-.night, and will be up carly in the inorning. We took prisonnrs f'roin Loe's and Stewari's corps. They say two corps are here, and thü rest of Johnscm's army is coming. (Signcd) J. M. SciiopiEiir, Maj. Qea. Hon. Ed. M. Staoton, Secretary of War.


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