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The Action Of The State Convention

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Ia anotkcr column wegivc our readers tho procoedings of tfiu Democratie State Couvontiou, held at Detroit on Friday last. It wil! Uv aèt)U that tbo couveution dctevininod to makc no nomiuatioo of a candidato for Assoeiate Justioe of ■the Supreme Ceórt Tho raftsens lor this a-ction will be found cleiirly and fully set forth in the resoïu'ionsreported from the Coumiiuee on RckoJatttMjs, of vvbieb Hou. Kobekx MjClelja.d was Chairman. Whilo this action no doubt surprisod many of our democratie friuuds, wo havo no doubt that it will bo upprovod by the raasses of tho pariy throughout the Siato. Ik was advisod by tho Bhrevrdest men of tho party, by those vho.-!e cotmgel haï overbecQ soughtr by those hnvc pvtr had tho repatatiou of stundinn; finn, a;-d who havo througii wil a well as guoii report traiuoi undor the demoerjitio flig- neither runnin: af'öv trango godiíiiur a.-ekiog to mei'g(3 tho pi'Ood oitly (lexaocratio party in a mieeitÜL'd "Union" cowwn. These men saw &t thi.s time a chanco to reitérate the devotion of tJjo Dumocracy to i.Avv, (o reeoguize in its ao.iun its eslesia for a Judiciary nckiiowiedgiDt' allügiauoo to the orgüiu aw of tliu Sta1 rather than party bohyts, and the C jiivtion adopted thuir viows. In taking fchis action, the ConvöiiUan did not endorse t!iu di.ttiucfe and poouliar poütioal creed held by Judgo Chiïistiancy and liis assooiatos, but reoognized in the majority of the Supronie Court upright Judges, wbo, dosuite tho preesure of paity aud legislative cauousos, dea pito tho threats of vengeanco and repu diution, adinfpistered the luw as founc withiu ia the Cotstitution, and cot ai i ïad been laid dowu by cunoing anc scheming poütx'ians. It is true tbat th [Jonvotition might havo eppro-ved the in tegnty and iudependonoo of tho Judge )V resolution, aud then Lave nomínate'. a candidato against Judgo Ciïristiahcy 3ut sucli approval would Lave been shor of half its force, would have fallón fa short f that noblo and generous appro jaüon of an houest uourt vvhioh the De mocraoy fet-la, and would have equally ailcd to üttingly rebuke a oullifying Legiulature. We tbink the Couventio icted wiaely, uud lias establiahed a pre 'edeut which must go a loug way toward .ireserving a Judiciary pure and uutram uieled, and to whioh all persons of what ever political croed tuay intrust thei dearest riglits. In nomiuating two candidates for KejodIs the Goaverition made ita eudorsomeut of a pure Judiuiary the more pointd, for n suoh notninatiou it said in plain eriuB. the Democraov of Miohii?an ervos its organization in tact, and il is while ita organizatiou. is instinct witb ife that it refrains from aiding lnwless nalcontenta in slriking down au indepeuent Judgo, even thougb in so doiug il night llave gained a temporary politica] dvantago. For Regenta of the University, tho Conventiou unauimoufily nomiuated our fellow-citizen, Dr. Eubnbzbr "Wkllb, and Dr. O. C, Comstock, of Marshall. - In nominating Dr. Wsir,LS, the Convontien - as Democratie Convontions always have done - recoguized tho propriety oí locating ono of the Regenta of the Uni versity in our city. Dr. Wells is so well known to our iinmediate readers that to them we need not speak of hiui. Uut we may say to the Demooracy of the Stute generally, that as a physiciuu of extensivo and suooessful practioe, as a gentleman of thorough business habita, U8 a citizen wliose iüterests are identified with the growth of the University, he unites the qualiQeatiOüS desnable in a Eegeut. We hope thut hia neighbors will show their appreciation of' him in a big vote. J)r. Comstook, the other nominoe, bas every qualifioation to fit him ntelligontly to discb_arge the duties ineumbeut upon aKegeut. ïhe Couventiou could hardly have made a better selection. JJ2ST Th facotious old white liatted phiioeophtr uf tho Nuw York Tribune teil tliü utory of 3 western divine who seut bis Lat around Lis congregation, and when it cama back looked into the vaoaüt crown, tüvned it up side dovvu, aud shook it vigorously without dieeoveriug "nary red," wheu ho exclaimed, " Thaük God that I have got my hat buok fronj tlm coDgregatiou," and appüeg jt to the last Congress. He thinkg thut it didn't turn out quite us badly ae was expected, and that the uatiou uiay "thauk God " thti; 8ome of the proposod swindling sohemes failod. üreat Grkeley. ui ■ ii JE3C A bilí bas passed the Beuate providiug for licunsiug dogs. It will probably pass the House. lts proviaions aro vcry stringent, and' tho resüli will citlier be au itieruaso of treaeury reccipts or an iunnudiute dcerease in the prico of saüüag. JE5C l'ha Cinoinnati Gazette (Rep.) says thnfc Andbjsw Jounson made the saine display of Limaelf in tkat city, whon en route for Wusiiiugtoo, tlvat fee did on thu 4th of Mnroh, thut he has disgraeed tho party and the couutry, and that he muUresign. Tho N. Y. Tndtpmdent (Rad liep.), saya that lie must oither apologize or resign. The Sonate muuifeated iLá disapprovul of his " coiidition" by prohibitiug tliu future salo of liquors ia its wing of the Cuptol, a thing it ought to havo d-one yeara a;jo, even for thu benefit of those " prudent" Senators wha are " liab!e to aceidents." Thad. Stkvkns, it is said, announeod thtit if tho House wum in sogaion hu sliould movo his inipe.ichuient. Perhapa thafaux pus of " Andy" may resnlt in a nntional good by causing people to düinand a groaler stiiDdiird of Bobriety iu men askiug elevation to pojts of Louot aud trast. L2 Tlia Dews from Suukman Ls somowhut indefinita, but ic is both certain tbat lie lias mist witL do reverBO, aud that he has established commtiüications witb Sciiokielo, IudÍL-atioD8 are that liis oest objootive pomt ia Kfiltigh, and he will soou díctate torms to North Garolinsiana from their capital. Siieiudan kas yüt oncounterod no obataoles, aad seoms lo be haviug h'n owq wuy. We thiuk the rumora that he has tnken either Lynohburg or Burke's Station are untrue, but preauuio bs may ba hearu of soon at some point on the Virgiuia líailroad.. Should bü rouch Barka's Station he would gommaud botb that and tbo Danville road, and eicisa up the laat avenue of enpplies to Kicbmond. &2ÍT" Kon. John P. Halu mado % rauob " noiao and confusión" about the lieada of Secretary and his assistent. Fox, tliat aa order was sent to New Humpsliire that he be retired from the Sonate, SDd then, to make the robuke more pointod, the Sonate deposod liira from theohairri?anship of the Naval Committee. But this having failüd to stop his denunciations, and lacking courage to dispose of him bj' an arbitrary arrest, he has boon appoiuted Miniater to Spaiu. If he eau't talk Spanish it is not of the least oousequeooo, as the desirablo thiug was to prevent him tzlkiug plain Englííb to the Amorioan people. EF The New York Tribune oitea the rcsolution in the Baltimore platform deel iriug it " cssentiul to the general welfare tbat harmony should prevail in the National Counoils;" fullows it by a statement of the Oabinet changos sinoe made, with a list of the present Cubinet; aud theu asks if stilt furtlier ehangea are required to comply with the resolution. Why select this single resolutiou ? Has the one doclaring in favor of the Monroe doctrine been oarried out? have the olhors proved a luw to the Administra tion ? The Tribune would do well to drop tbo subjeot of platform requirenionta. JL35L The draft coinmeuced in thia State od Wednesdsy, and will prnceed daily until tho doficient eub-districrs have all been called upon. In thia district, Jackson County was fir3t drnwn upon. Our own Oounty will probably be reached next week. Nine towne hnd fillcd thcir quotae, howevor, befoie Wedncsday, to-wit : Augusta, Bridgowiiter, Lima, Lodi, Pittsfield, SharoD, Superior, Scio, and Webster. Sevoral other towus aro probably full before thi, also the sub dietriot comprising the 3d, 4th, and 5th Wards of this city. fiö" Gold has boon gradually running down during the woek, and on Wedncsday touched 174, closing at 174. It s said that fcJeoretary McOui.lcou has deterrained od gradually bringing it down to a true standard. The gold receipts of the governraent, from oustoms, are said to be one-half greator-than is required to pay the interest on the gold )earing public debt, and the Secretary will use the surplus to keep down speculation. Jg3L" Tii'eodorb Tilton, of tbe New York Independent, is orcdited vvith aaying ! ü a reeeat speech, " there are three : es to this war, the whito man, the negro, and Ilim who sits unon the throne," and bat " God will not work until the otber ,wo parties work in harmony." In the 'ace of tbis soleinn anuounctmont, what vill Tii-TOiN say for tbe managers for exoluding negroos from the " Inauguratioii 3all." Will his curse follow the adminstratiou because tbereof ? ÖT Col. C. V. ï&Ljtmi;öf tb o Miohgau Sharp Shooters, fiuding histjtomach jetter for sometbiug else tban fighting, ïas retired from serving bis country ia ,be field, and accepted tha appointment of Cousul to Cadiz, Spain. Well, Vic is not tbo wcrst felluw iu tho world, and s a brother typo we congratúlate him n his good luck, and hope that he may njoy the society of the Dous and Seoritas bugely. jy The Legislatura hafl not yet xed upon a day lor the fiual adjoumment. Large numbera of bilis are yet ndisposod of, sonie of them of a general lid important nature. J&Hr ïtie great viotory clairaed ly the rebe'ls at Kinston, N. C, was n defoat, and tbat town is held by Gen. gyST Tho Sonate bill providi.ig lor the elcctioii of County SupennteDclents of Schools was defeated u llouso coramittee oí lliu wholo. VVo uro in fuvor of Cc-urity Superintendente, but tl.iuk the bill as ir, pua-ed the Seuato uontainod provisión (atal to its fiuccess, undr thereforo, consider its dofeat as limely. L2" Tbo Logialaturo of Wew York has enactod a bomi'y hivv, and voted a loan of $:JO,OOO,OÜO. It probibits toa great oxteut local bouuties, proposiog to inuko tho entirü property of the Ktutu buur "iLc bucdtu ücüally. Thj sea't in tho Uuitud States Seoate vaoatod by tho death of ex-Gov. Uiciis, of Harylund, bas boeu ülkd by thu oluctio'j of Hou JeiiN. A. J. Greswkll, latu ineinbor of the House from the tirst diütriut of that State. jJgT euator Haulan, of Iowa, has been apjiuhiifd Seorotíiry oí tho interior, to sucoeed Sm-otary Usiieh who will vacato cm tho iiist uf May. L2T A disastrou firo oeourred at EiiBt Saginaw on Monday last. Loases ogtimated at 870,000. SW Generáis Kkllry and Crooks r'cent'y capturod bt Cuniberland by tLe rebels liuve boen exehaugod. Fio:u the Detroit Free I'reas. The Democratie State Convention, A fitting tributo of respect ior the I m IQ vvho at the r'sk of loss of party populáfity, constrned and deoided aocördiög to bis oorivïotiona tho Conséitution ol the Stute, aud thereby gave evidence of worthiness for the position, was paitl by tho Dumoeratic S. ato Convention yesterday, in deciding not to make a uomiuation a;ainst Isaao P. Cbristuncy, for Judge of tbe Suprerne Court of the State, and in passing resqlutions of conö'lence aud respect for him tor bis course in disregardnig partisau influence. The democratie party must gain strengtb from this practical avowal of the doctrino that the Judiciary ahould not be political or party agenta or tools, aud ia making tbis sacrifico to wisdom and propriety, they vvill receive the eommendation of all in every party whene good opinión is worth having. Jf their actiou and principio is lollowod ly the other States and by the gorerument of tb o United States, our couatry will aoi n be eouspicuous for the purest and moat conservative judiciary on the faoe of the earth, and we will with pride point back to tbe Democratie Convention that first et?t the example. -i .ie uBGision or ;uage (Jiinsüancy, upou vvhjch the aotion of the Convecitiot) ia immediatoly based, was upon the constitutionality of the law authorizing soldiers a the field to vota. The deraocracy originally took ground ia favor of grantiog this right to añidiera, but upoü tlie discovery that tho Constitution did not warrant it, they went for amendina that instrument first, and not violatiug t for any clan or olas of our peopla. The republican party as soon as they tbought that they oould control the soldier1 vote, determined to paes tho law in epite of the Oonetitution. Id this they were opposed by the democraoy, and tho decisión of the Supremo Gourt, as soon as a caae carne beforeit for decisión, sustainod lis and declared t'ue law nuil and void. - Thia drew upon tbe bonest Judge who had been elected by tho republicaa party, its general condemnation, and nothiüg but the poüoy of avoíding á split in their owd ranks induced them to renouiinate him. A full report of the proceediugs wül be found in our local column, frora which it will be séen that for Rogeuts of the Uüiversity Dr. Ebenezor Wells, of Ano Arbor, and Dr. O. C. Conistook, of Calhoun, ware nominated. The necessity for having a Regent resident itt Aun Arbor, has long beun acknowledged, and in Dr. Wells all will reeognize tho man for the plaoe. We do notthink the State aáfords two geutleraea better qualified and more desirable for the positioa than the nominees of yesterday.


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