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Presidential Proclamation

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Wkereat, The 21st eaction of act of Cougress approved, entitled an aot to anirind saveral acts heretofore passod to provide f'or re-calling and calling out national forcos and for other purposes, requirea that aduitional to other lawful peualties of rime of desertion froin the nilitary or uaval service, all persons who !iuve daserted the military or naval service of the Uuited Otates who shall not return to said Korviee, or report themselves to the Provost Marshal withiu gisty days after the proclamation hereinaftor mutilioaed be deemad and taken to hnve voluntarily reliiiquished and foifeitod their rights of citizcoskip and their right to beuome citizens, and such dusurtors shull be forover incapable of holding auy olSoe of trust or profit under the United States or of exercismg auy rights üf citizens thereof, and all persons who shall hereafter desert the military or uaval service, and all persous who being duly enrolled shall depart the jurisdiction of the district in ivlneh ho is enrolled, or go boyond the liraitb of the United States, wilh inteut to avoid any diaft hito military or naval service duly orderod, shall bo liable to uio pouaities oí tnis aeution, and tüe President is boreby authorized and requircd, fortuwitb, on passage of this act, to issue his proclamatiou setting forth the provisions of this section, ia whioh pruchunatiou tho President is requested touotify all desertara roturning witbin eixty days as aforesaid, that they shall ba pardoned üu eondition of returning to their regiinonls and companies, or to such organizations as they may be asligded to, until they shall eervo tor the period of time equal to their original term of eulislineut. Now, theroforo, ba it known, that I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the Uuited Stutos, doiöHuo this, my proclamaüon as required by said act, ordering all desertéis to return to their posta, and I do hero notif'y them, that all' deeerters, who ihcril, wittnn eixty days f'rom the date ot this proolamation, viz : on or beforo the lOlli day ot May, 1865, return to service or report themaelffcs tja Provo8t Marshal, bhull be pardoned on condiÜon that thej ïv'.urü tu tiieir regiments i and uompauies, or suoh otber orgauizaj tions un they may be assigned to, and serve thu remainder of tbeir terin of enlistraent, and in addiliou theruto a period equal la tLu timo loat bv desertion. In testiuiony whereof, I have herounto 8ut my baud and Ciiused thö seil of tho United States to bo affixed.- Done ut the city of Washington tb ie llth d)iy o-: Mirtb, Hl the year of our Lor(J, 1865, and of tho indepundeuce oí' theUni' ted S:a!es 89t! . ., , „ ABRAHAM LINCOI.N. üy the Ppjsideut, W. H. Skwabd, ge:, of State.


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