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TaTB CELEBRATED American Humoriat, JOSH. BILLINCS, (Hbxhy W. Síiaw, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) Will Lecture tuthii City at HANGSTERFER'S HALL, Munday, Eve. April lOth. SUBJECT : "IPutty and "Varnish.99 Doors open at 7 o'tlock : Lectura conimonees at 8 o'clock. TICKETS 50 CENTS. ELECTION 50TIGe7 SHüBHT'iOfTlcE, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Aon Arbor. Feb. 15th, ldfis. ƒ Ta the Eltetort of Watktenavi County : You are hereb7 nctifled that at the next Geeera! Election to e l.ei.loM the Brut Monday of April neït in the State of llicbgian, the foüowing offleera are to be olected, yiz . One Asaociate Jubüco of the Supreuie Gourt, in phtce of Isaac Y. C'hristiíncr, trhofS term of office will xpiro December 31 at ; 1865 aad two Ke gonts of the Unirerfcitjr in he placea of Edwaid C. Walker anci ö.orge Wülard . whose term of office will Ilccembcl Sist, 1S65 PHILLI1' WINEGAR, Sheriff. Waslueoaw Co., Mioh. RÜ1STRATI0J NOTICB, NOTICE ia htírebr giren, that the Bonnl oí Registra tion tor the SQTeral Wards of tho Citj of Ana Arbor, WIÜ bo ia seaniou on SATURDAY APRIL lst, 186Ö. coramcncmg at 8 o'clock, A. M., and closiní at 8 u'olock, P. M., at tho folU.wing places . ltt Wari- at the offlce of Jamo ti. 'd ' Store of Kisiion & Hvaderson. , " P'.oreof Geurg W. dmith. 4tl " '; Hromea' HaH. 5th " " " Shop of George H. Rhodí. forthopurpnueof correotlng aml crmp loting the istr,aroQ of the quaüíed elector o! aW Wardi. AI1 porsoni who will at the ensiiii: charter oleclion, to 1 held on the 3d d.-.y of April ceit, bo entitlecl to Tote under the proTision ofömtion?, Articl VU. of the Constitution, should register theirnaine By ordsroí th.8 City Buard oí Eegistiation. JAMEj B. GOTT, Chairman. J. S. Hi-MïESO-xt Seeretary. AitaArbnr, March ]Cth,1865. Estáte oí Julia A. Goodyear. OTATE OF MICHIGAN Corvrr of Wísbikxaw, S3._ O At asessionof the Probate Court for the Countj of Washtenaw, hablan at tho Probat "ffice m the Citj of Ann Arbor, onTbursday, thf te'.-'enth dar of March, in the year uae thousand oitnt hundre'd and ixty-iive. Present, Hirím J. Beakkj, Judge of Probate. In tho matter of the Eítafe of .Julia A. Goodïoar üecoasad, ' On reacingand tho peti'ron, duly TeriOed of Benjamin F. Sutton, prajiog thata ceitain laitrument "S?. on. flie in thi! Ouurt.'purportizj to bo the lat Ui and Testament of suiii deceacd, mav be admitted to Probate Thcruupon !t Is Ordered,.'that WedneiJay the I"th ilay of April Bert, at ten o'clook in theforenoon beassipBedforthe hearing of said putition. an.l that the le?atei., derlsees, and heiri at law of said deceaaod and all other perpons intcrestcd in said estáte nrorequlred to nppear at a aession of said Court, then to bc holdin at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and íhoir cause, f any there be, why the prayer oí the petltioner should nat be granted And it U further erdered, that said potitioner plve notice to the persons interesten in aid estáte, of Ibe pendency of saidpelition, and the hearing thereof, bycausinga copy of this Order to be publialicd in the Michiqan -Irjus, a newspaper frintod and circulating in eaid County of Washtenaw, three succejsive weeks previonB to said day of heajing. [Atrnecopy.J HIRA1I J.. BEAKES, 100' Judge of Probat . Estáte of Helen E. Woloott, STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw tu Ata scssion of tho Probato Coiirt fur theCountvol ashtenaw, bolden at the l'robate Oliicd, in the Óity ot Ann Arbor, on Iriday, tho tenth day of Karch m the year ono thounand eight hundrcd nr.d sixty -five. Present, Hiimx J. üeakes. Judfro of Trobate Iq the matter of tbe Estáte of Helen E. Woleott a minor. Onièadiag and flling the petition. duly verifled.oi lhimasGray. Guardian, pinving tliat he may be licenBed to sellceitain real estala bclongiogto said miuor Thereupon it is Ordared, tliat Monday tho lo'lh day af April next, ut ten o'clock in the f renoon, bo assigned f.irtlie hearing df ald pptition, anl that the next of kin of said minor, anj all other persons interesterl in sail n.stato, nre rcquired to appear ut a seesion of aaid Court, tlien to be hol len at the l'robate Offlce,tn the ('lty of Ann Arbor, atvd show caiise, if any tbere be, wby the praycr of the petitióner should not be granted : And it Is furthslr ordered.that snü petitionor (;ive notico tn thepersons ïnterCBtedinsaid ortate, of the pcndeucy of said pet i tion,and the 'bearinif thereof, bv ciiiiflng a. copyor his Order to be publi-ihed in tlie Michigan Arfiis, a newspaper printed and ciroulatiug in sniil County of Washteirnw, threc successive weeks previous to snid day of heaiing. (A truecopy.) UIRAM J. BEAKES, lOOOtd Judge of Probate: Estáte of Lot Wilcox. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Copoty of Wakhtemíw. n - At a KOBSÍon i( the Probate Court for the County of Wanhtinaw, hoWen at the Probate Office In the City of Aon Arbnr, on Wednesday. tha flftoeutb day of March, o the yoar onc thousand eight hundredand ixty-fire. Present, Hiejm J. Biuksü, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Kstato ol Lot Willcoï, doctased . Ouroading and Qling the petition duly verified of Hath&n Phillins, praying tliat h or som other suitabl person m:iy b appuinted Admiuistrator of the estatpof uní.] deceased. Thereupon it is Orderfd .that Tuigday, the flevonth day of Aprillnoxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aasigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other per-ons nterested in aid estáte, are required toappear at a Bession of said Court, tlien to be holden ut the l'robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and -show cause, if any there be, ivhy the praver of tho petitionershould not be granted: And it isfiirther ordered, that aid ptltiosergTe uotice to the persons interected in aaid witste, nf tnis pendency of Haid petition ntid the hearing thert'f, hy cfsusiDg a copy of (bid Or' dt!r to be publist:el inthe Michigan Argus a uevftpaperpriutt d and circiiliitlr.iT in sid Countjof V:tbtenaw, three succesniv ffks reTlous to saiddaof hpan'ng. l4 trumtpj.) HIK AM .1. TIFVKFS. .'CO d .udffrr Frnbit. PÈ ; Ja OUR CHINABAN STILL LIVE8 Lovers of KooU Tea wiU please Ir, a iam , OF OUR NLf TliA. '_ BkW)KHST ■tSTEVtiüj. GROOERIES Of U kincl. Fruit. Extracta, Spioe ícLia „ Perfume., te. Pure Licuor aid Viue T fe.08' inflOREST 4 STEWajr. Sugarl SugarT A suiall lot of LOW PRICED 8UGAR; deforest 4 ssansf Trout.Mackerel.Hfrdng, Sc. " r" DbFORCT STEWiDi SYEUP ï SYRWT" A few barrel., exta qualitv. 1)EFOREPT4STEWAIT I OIL AND LAMP K I2EP0T I JgL ZEEOSENE 0H[ ONE DOLLAR Q Per Sallon. Mi DtFORHSI 4 3TLWi hoTye! Purchasers oí CROCKEJKY OLASSWABK, LAMPS, PLATED GÜODS, TABLK CUÏLERY, &c. Fursalo at losa tban Xew York w!]olesa!pritei kt DeFOREST 4 ÜTEWjBr A Good Clothes Wringer. Savestime! Sentt money! Sates elothiTtg!1Saetí strength! Saces health! Sanes hiring help! Savet iceak writs! Saces Imrning handt! Woolen cfothe? can be wrung out of builiDy wimt prevent shriiiking, without inj ui y ío the machine. Xir.t OREíT iTEW151. jpILES- A ÖUEE KEMËDL Kwry'uodv a beinjf cured of thia distreasinsdiMi bj the use of BR. BILLINGTON'S PiLK BEMfiDY, Kead what ttiose aay who liaTo nsed it: . PmsFiüU), Washten Co., ÏOtü: Dr. S. A. Billi.xotox r DarSir ; Yor the good of tb e nfflicted. í hertfilb transmit to voo astateniinr uf th benuöt which Ihin receivodfrom the usj of your PILE BKláKUV. for numóer of je;irs I have been very batll_y Ölictd witb t:ie Files, 5o much so as to ren-ler me at times tottiij nufit for businesij. I found no permanent niitfftem the many remedie whicii I made une of. nee ilmoit dc?pair-l of eEfectiiig a perraanent car. I vu t leogia induced hy yonr aeot at Ann AtboTWmikr trial of jour rcmedy, which he w.rraBted toettwlt cure or recyive no pay I cynMered it lifte mostothir patent medicines - a humbug, uníil I began tü improii"With impi oveoieiit. and at length au entirecure, lbteame conrioced it wan a.cieutiric ud reliable remwij1 used Onb I'apkaííe 0LY, which lam happy to Bajtirelycured me. Trusting thatallwho mak ft of the Electutryfcr that most difítressinfí diaease - PiJee- may relU ti same happy resulto, I am Kespectfulli' yedrsj S2Ï7H MACiiMBER. For casco, cali on tha A-nt andubtain pamphletta lefurt-'Pco to a minibor of citizens üf AnnArborfhi bave been cured by the use of the Elechiarr. üeFORE-T k STEWABT. PLASTEE. BIr.Smitli, Proprïetor of the AL.AR-aTïF Wowi." announces to tiie Irado, tiit be is iow eiieníinl; working his quarnes at Smiilutiky, Ohió, a-ad al Alabastkií. tlie uewly diacovered Óypsum Bed lontul pon fagina w Bay, and wül be prejareit t auppljiíiílerw or Deatèra. the coming Sprine, witbRöCK GKOüXD PLASTEK in anv quantitj frm ObioorStfinaw, Partiüül r aitention is iiirittd to the Sap PiftFtr, whfch ís superior to auj kn-own ín Amfrici. E lie has just completed in Detroit, at theoW Match Faclory, below the Central Depot, workif grindiogan calctning, where the plafiter is íbipped dircetïj from tht miïl ídío csrs, without expense forwrtaee or i'oading, or injury to bags or burreli Hi piaster will bo found bettor ground and superior (o1 oiher. Ar thi will b a permanent institution , Mr. S. de' to niake arranpementa with parties interesUd, foril erection of stoiphoxiscR at th? various depots loug tk Centralaniï other RailroarJa Tlio Saginaw PlaPter, when calcined, ïsfonndtol es remarkuble strength, as the masons usingitl" tt.stified. It works slnwer and ets harder than E'tn or (ïrandKftpifls. Persons want ing the cEST&ndcïu'' BT are invited to try it. The same superior qualities of Piaster can be obtio frorn the Phistor Mili at Mouro", (addreM XOBU J SMITH,) or from Jackson, (daréis KTllOGÜ 8MITH,) in butfa of hich S. is interestsd; ! from D.DkFOREST. at Ann Arbnr. Oall at the Aliibaster Wurks, Ia Detroit, or address GEO.B-811' Agent. PLASTEE 1 " To Whom it May Concern." The following letter frora the proprietorl ' ' Grand Rápida, Michigan, l'Uster Beds, touchin' fact who han and who has not " Grand Rapitl", ■ gao, Piaster" for sule in tlie city of Ann Arlior,proa' cleiirly that Fnme who claim to have it hsTe not pound of it and have uot liad for year. GB.m Ripirs, MiCDioi'it l'obruary 17th, 1 To Mesar. Goodale fe llenlji, Ann Vrbor ; ' '"'' Hinchujan, Esq., Detroit, Mfchigin : HkasSirs:- This s to ccrtify tliat H. DFoMí.'': Ann Arbor, Jlicliigan, has not bought a pounáoí Fltf ter of n,oTeüktr of us, niñee Juno, 1S63, ndtn certain '-liantl-bill" circulated by him, dted r'rt'""' 1865, whlch Btateí tht he-kef]i thf "tinlrí'"1 GrindKapids llichigan riaater," is uttiTly '' [Sigocd] WJI. ilOVKV, "' V. GODKKEY. 4" The Puro Grand RapM Micliigan rlwlWi" be had In any (lnantity nt our Store, opiioiit Hotel. „v 8LAWS0N" i1 Ann Arbor, Marchlst. 1805. íraíM "TÖTBOTLDBRSr THE UNDEUION'En respectfull.T annonnef I citucns of Aun Arlor tlr.t thej are príp'" contract for all kinds of CARPEXTER & JOIAER WOtf! on re&sonable termB. Ponsesningatíiorongh ncw í of the trado tliey solïcit n share of public ftr"i PUns, specificatfnns ai.-v' vteR msArva abletcrma. Cnn sceu atái.e,u" prmbil' I WM lon'S, O. F. 1'l.IMiyAnn Arbor, March 8th, 1666, 4", A KNABE riA.VO-oiif of thr Leef in" i m4_ no. Im t,iib" „,


Old News
Michigan Argus