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OLOSIJVG OUT A SfLKNDID STOCK U DRESS GOOLS! 3-eaa.ta' FURNISKING GOöDS, CASSIMERES, Cloths, Satinets, &o. BOMESTIOS, SHOES, HATS I CAPS. Crockery, GHOGEBIES, &o-, in tUsCity at teas tJJau lI-wmfacturor'B piiM. MACK & SCHMID, FLORENCE SEWiüG MACHINES, PfíOTOGRAPfí ÁLBÜMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, T WI ST, MACHINE O IL, fc. The undersfgaed now offers the puilic THE BKST FAMILY SEWIISCSVSACHISyE IN XJSE. POR DURAB1LITY, BEALTYoJ STYLE,and VARIETYof WORK, it Itneaisonljr to b3 oen tobo appreoiated. Runs the work both wnjs, tokes fuur kind of titchcs lleras !ells,Kath8rs, braids, bindj, quilts, grither und tawi on n ruiUe at tlio same tlioe. Sews tï;m the tbirmest to the fabric without changinjr tlie stitch, tensión Or needie, ur without brcaliiiiK the tincad 1 is The Wonder of the World ! Aluo a rarfetr of the mest boiuitiful PIIOTOORAPH AI.BIMS, PlCTUhES an' FRAMES in freat vuricty. and pictui-oa tiamod to order at short notice. A!o. lURKUM'S ?EI,F .SEWKR or TUi.'KKR, ivliich can be adjusted to aay Sewing Machine. Tall at thd Kign of thé FLORENCE SKWIN'G SIACIJIN'E, b fw dours lÏKst of Ook' Hotel. Stüching Neatly DonetoOrder, ■Alo. on exhibition,thicelbrated " WKF.J) SE'.V!'G 'ACHINE,1 wbich took the pre.-r.ium al the ilichigan tatc F.iir, of 1854. W. D. HOLMES. Anu Arbor, Dej ViSth. ÍS(Í4. 989lf THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH As the iiane ii.dirnlf f . t iin' oni} RBI E r-' vli t t-! e lui i r n 11 in l;.Íü!1 i,c í i. , i .. ■ . i; Wüina coujb f ft ctiffimíUl i irtturnir. g y orwhiu, wl.ttci'i cíju,- -y (Uicje, rief or olJ iffeV. It w!U cftflinldo wfcftj ïp clf m- for 't, rC"1 t, hich hurdroflü, i:t , Iho Uf .- r: r w:t; bLT i Í' ?rt pmly ai-ni willing to iestif j. V tr' ttrstattfe y nfli'rt, ui mji' oonuiiiu.j - il. tegs1iÍM] 'íj1 MtflH ke ivjldftrffl aii'l jsili tei' pdv i . . i amendfttíAn w desire ï' li e ïBtcrii ■;c rfïïee ie" KKNEWER" ongin atctl. it i ufi#d Ij .difn !s a DrOipütllg;, :;ri i : ' ■ )bjpfa of Young Vu ii , fi t;:'' 1 r1 . .■■ , . .-■ ilcr Men .n-l Womtn wil! i u' t i.l ■.-. 1 ',. tn ■. DewM"&Dl n AtorntiT f" tleirgrn lockp auft baad njatlfí, whi eb it chañes tn ib" r cnt'rp ri íí fa( t:; n r ñtlling in the city of BcwtCD a'oj , ■. '19,000 bi'lllej per ijun'.ii. (be dftalfzx y 'v;nr tl é KNÉWE II the pril rt-r.ce all ether l;.-.i. I . tirtnf . If notsold 'Hy rrngjrists in T tSjtvn, % iri ..' bot{Ii It! 1.) Mn' ' i ynii by Kxpr e n, w pon reci[t of nn ollar by in.iü - iíiusfiviu y ou .d op port unit j ft nee r ti üujc it expeUi-nt Tirtnes, Kff Oni" ra íor JVíaí J3oí -,í, r. i-i hp nl.!rt t ) ir, ir ■,r"(1 'va' .ouí f-r th o N'ovtii w f gli'-rn ílp ' of C A , OOK, Hm 65, ChAglago; Itl. Ai itcli orera will rorMvo prtwint Ritfntirn. R.'P ■E(., l'r:. print. ►rn. Nhua, N.H. Tlie mippüed t MaTuifmLwrr' prieet 1y I lli,IJCRFiNCtlJiy.OtÍ4BRIVHoieimíelJrQfiirtVCÍíiegol IlnolR. fimos 99 TU 23 "CV PRESCBÍPTÍOX & DRLG STORE í Is the iiikce to buj your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "Widtins Paper, hf U,c Kcam orle, E3XTV2!ZjOIS, ntiíl ;ill nthcr arí-ielfs tn (Jar linf. oro" Ebd1h] atten?ioñ"toXorapoanrtmc find pirti n(r orrtt,n].li'..n, nt th mifii of 001.1) MOKTAH , Exehantíf1 itlí'ok, Ann ArNir, Miphinn jpir i-'-i. rnifissonalcull prnmi'tly uttraitcd tn. 1 V960 10O City Xiots íot Sale. CHEROKEE PILLS HEALTH PRESERVER CERTATN AND SAFE. lo r tfte Bemovai of Obftts ttctioru and Ute faewxtotv oj' livyuUxrity in Uit Jíécurroiice qf ÍÁ4 Múnthl'j J'triods. L$f They cure or obrlate theae nnmeroue B cuses, tlmt. spring froui Irregul&rity4 by reuuoviiif the irrt'pularity itself, fcO- They curtí Supprosscd, Excessive and Palaful Mcn=truation. f3? They eraré Oreen Sickncs (Ohlorosla). ' Hx.-y cu?6 N'crvuus and Splnal Affeotiona, paina in ihe back, and lower parts of the bod. Heüvinods, Fatigue on sllght exertlons, IXdpitaHum cf the Heart, Lownw of (pirUn, Hystaria. ïttd$ Iledilach4, Ü-itUtiness, efco., etc. In a word, by r. movLng the IrrgHlarUyt they remove the ouuao, and with tb all ths effect tiuit spring from lt. fLL Compoaed of simple vegetable extracte, íher cuiiiaia nothing deleterioui o any constttutloo, however delicate, thelr funetlon being to aiibUtut streng th for wtiiknoss, wiiich, when properly UiedL Uiey ii'.-vtT feil to du. : VT j 3 ïhuy uiay be safely used at any ag, aad 4 any peilod, bsckpt dori.vü thb first thubb homth, iiuriiig which unCiiiltog nature of Üietr ttfftta would infalllbly prrvwnt preynaucy. All letters faeckingioformatioa or advldö vW Ue promptly, freely and discrtetly anawered, S?1" füü direcliuns accoraany each boiprlce 1 per box, or alx boxee for $&, p.'#" Sent by mail, free of poatage, on reiwlpt qf lirlcc. 83gT Pamphlöts sent by mail free of poataga, by DR. R. HERWIN & OO., C'ó Liberty StT, New York, Pivprieta DR. WRICKT'd RBJÜÏBS1TING illïfï! Or5 ESSENCE OF X-fFB, ! Proparatl from Pure Votuble Extract touL'.' , liiíC DOtktnE injurluuA t T juwrt toilette "Astho Phoenljt L rtse frm the ht8 of Hs fiie, nnlmutct! wltfa ncw ;ife"- so doí t'Llii ËUx ir rtrjnveitate the hjhIcju iíjiiI oTefori tílioaMh ggsr-TUe Rejuveníiting Elixir ia th result of mo4, . the vegetable kiagdum; beiag an entlrejy new and abstract mathod oí cur# lrrpectly of ;ili thaa oM and worn out ayateias. L3" Thl medicine has been tested by Lh maM ,- aV medical menoftho day, and by tbem proiioiiucil to be oiitioi' the groutest mcdJcsi diaeovaiil of the .ge, C" One bottle wlll cure general Debillty. g.r A few duses cures Hyutcrlcs la femaïef, gsp" One bottle ctu-ea Palpltatlóü of the Ileart. L2" From oneto three bottles restores Uia uuu4& ntss nnd full vigor of youth. a Few doses restores the appetite. $L■" Xlu-ee bottles cmre the worgt qM of lap teney. A few doses cures the low splrited. fm One bottle restores mental powtr. fpH?"A few doses re.tors the orgcins "irti - rfYna_ Ö51 A few doses brlng the rose to th cneek. Ü3" Thla medicine restores to manly vigor sa A ruburft health the debiiitated, worü-dü#o an4 deeptiiring, " Tlie Ilstless, enervated youth, the ovqp-t&aked man of business, tke vïctim of uurvoufl depreisloik the individual suffering from general dcbillty, o from iveafctieas of a single organ, will all Ünd imradiate and parmaneat reliof by the use of tbis 1UV or Essence of Life. 83 Prloe, a per bottle or threa bottles for $8, and forwarded by Express, oa reveipt f HlOIiqy lo u;;y addi-eu. ST"TUe Clierokee PHls and SJa vonatliif Eiïxlr, are sol d by all enterprUIntf Drug-iats la the ei vilizod woiid. Somü uuprlnolplëa dGïtlerb, liowever, try to sell worthless oompounfli In place of these ; those whlch they xm puroiiafie all a cheap prica, and make more inoney by sUUg, tlian they can on these mediclneB. As yoa Ttón# your health, aye, the health of your future off' sprinp, do not be decelved by such ucprinclpl4 Druggists, ask for these medicines tnd tak", no trfV cru. If the Üruggist will not buy bhera for yoa. afcclose the money in a letter, and tfe will BOnd thm to you by Express, securely sealed and paciteU, tnm from oböervaf ion. Ladies or Gentlemen can addresa aa In Mrbol contiilence, Btating fully and plalnly thelr duMa and sympioma, as wetreat all diseases of a ehroolt nature in male or female. Patlenta need nok ben tate because of their iuabillty to vlsit us, &a wohav trofitedjatients successfully In all portioni of Qtf civilized Kl"be, by correondence. Patienls addressmg us will pleaeo state plalaly kQ the. symptom? of their complaints, and wrlte PoeU office, Cuuuty, State and name of wciter, pialo aof} inclose postage stamp for reply. We send our 82 page Ftimphlet freê to any mW dres3. Addt-e8aniettersforPamphletsoradTiet the proprletors, Dr. W. R. MERWIN A GO.. No, 63 Liburty Street, New ToA Sold by Wliolosüle Drujists ïu Detroit, alo br STËBBINS & W1Í.SON, Arn rbcr. 962yl Mr. Niathèws ürst pwpared the VFN'ETUN HIR DYE ; .since that tirue it hiis been used by thouxanda, and in no instance has it failod to give entire satisfae tion. 0 The VENETTAN DYE U thp cheapest in the world.- lts piioo ia onl,v Fil'ty Cents, and euch boitle contuiat doublé the quantity oí dye in tb.ose usually sold for SI. The VENF.TIAN" DYE is warranted not to injure tb hair or tliu scalp iu the sllgïitest degiee Tbe VENETIANDYE Worka witíi raj Üity and eer tainty. the huir lequinng no prejiaratiou whateverThe VKN'ETIAN DYE produces any bbade that ipy be desïred - o'ue that will not fade, erocb orwashoat - oue that is as permauüni iis the hair i:self. For salo by all druggists. - rice f.0 cents. A . I . MATH E WS, General Agent, 12 Gold Street, New York. AIho, M a nu fu et u re r of Mathkws' Akxica HaïïiGr.üssthe best hair dressing in ubp. In largc boitleg, price 50 cents. lyöfiö :p. b a oh ha a new and o ujjlete STOCK OF SPBINC Siffl bought beforo tb GREAT KÍSE IÍ Wilich wUI be:poe case: tuit, ■ -A-T TüK LOWEST MkMEl . PBÍGES ! Cali and See ! Anu Arbor, Jauaary, 1865. iiiile Factory! Beuiler 8l Traver, [Pr.cces.sors to A . J SutherlMid,] AlüiiulaoturtrB of nnd Dealers in GunE,?istols. Ammxiiiition Flal-s, Fonhe Buge, und Uverjother arlUlf íl tiiBl Lïnc. AM kindt Af i Tl 1F5 TE3 YK . X"S. "i-JCedone at tlic'shortept noi:or -trui m'. - t,c I ....-ner Vük. U % m' MIU9 ■ a full nrtwtii i x a I . t nni ii.;nic c 4r r. -p rir-nfr SfaiB 'mí W am-inKE tmrt Anii Aibor,Oci. g, i"$(ft. íTíitf


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