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THE KOOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for the HealiLg ol the Nations. Bible. rof. XI. IjYOMS, [THEGREAT AND CEI.F.C 11ATED PIIVSH'i AN of the THUOAT,LUNp6, HEART, UVfcfi AND T11K IiLOOl), Knovrii alluver thecouutry as the;;atki 1 IXrX3I-A.3ST XXEÏ4S DOCTOK l Of Sifperior átreet, Ulevelaud, Ohio. Will visit the frfTlowtng places, viz A'.'rOiN'TMKN'Tf FOll 18ö2, 1863and'l864. Prof. B. J. Ljoofl can be cousuíted at the followiug places i-veiy numtli , viz: Detroit, KusBelHouftft, each month, 18thanfl I9th. A uu Arbur, 5iunitürHoi8efeftcIj montliJBOUa, Jaoksun, tibbarcï House, en cl atU,21, Aúriitn, Brackbt House, each month 22dmiSSd. Toledo, Ohio, Colime iluuáD, each month, 2Uh,2öth, and S6ta. HiUíae, Mich.. Ualifle, each ïimntli ,27tli. ('itl'ï .vuUr, Mich-, rioutliürii Itióhtgan liuusu, oacl muuth. 2Sth. Kik hart, lilkh:iri House, oach month, 29th. South litad, Intl., St. .ïo. Uu'tl, each mouth, 30. Importe, Ind., Toe Garden Ht ise, each month 31st. Vooster,Ohio, Granüell lixchnge, euch luoutb, 7th and 8th . Manalield, Ohio, Wiler líoust eacli uionth, 9lh and lOth. Mt. Vernon , Kenyon House, each inoiith,llth and Xe'wavk, Ohio, Holton House, each month, 13th and Píúnesville fUiio, Cou-Ipsílniise.pftch month, 4th HT.IlVELANI). (JilIO. RKSIDKNJt; AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. Kast of the public square, oppusite the Po.sloiHce. Jftica d;iys eacli montb, lst; 'M, 4tli, 5tb, (ith, löth.- Jfflce houTH lïoui 9 A. M. to 19 M. aud frura 2 I'. M. to 11'. M. Onfeumiuy from y tu 1U A Al., and 1 to ü 1 ,M. grifaxiinsatFiotly adheved to-1 give sucb. balm aa have no strife, With nature or the laws of life, Witb bloodmy hands I nevt-r stain, Nor poison men toease thüirpain. He is o phijsiciun indeed , mho Cures. The ludían Oerb Doctor. R. J. LYONS, cures the following compiaintsiu the most übtiuate stages of their existence, viz: Diseasosof theThroat, Lungs, Heart, JLiver, Stomach, Droysy n the Chest, Rheumatism , Neuralgia, Fits, or,amlaUothernervouMlerangem'ntrt. Also aüdiseasesof the blood,such as Scrofula, Krysipelasancers, lrever Sores, Leprosy, and all othercomulicáted chroiiiccomphünts. Allforms of female dillicultie atiended to with the happiestresults. It ishoped that noone will deapair of a cure imtil they havegiven thelndian Herb Ooctor's -Medicines a fairandfaithfultrial. JL-l'urir.g the Ductor'; travel in Euroue, West Ini'.ies, Boath America, and th United States, he lias been ihc: inslrument in Cod's hand, to restore to health and vigor thoujamls who were triven up aD'l pronounced incurable by the mnsi eminentold school physicians; nay, more, thuusamls whowereonthe verge of the grave, are noiv liviug monuioents to the Indian Hert's Dooto'a skill and uccessfultreatment,andaro daily exclaiining: "Bles ed betheday whenflrst e saw and partook of the nrtianHerbDoctor's medicine." Satisfactory rsferences of cures will be gladly and cheerfully given m henever requiied. TheDoctor pledges bis word and honor, that he wil n no vise dii-ectly or tndi.ectly, induce or cause any nvalii to tfc hls medicine without the itrongest prob ability of s cure. &f Modeofexamlnation, whichis entlrelydifferen from the facuity. Dr. Lyon professes to discern di aeases by the eye. He therefore asks nuquestions, no doeshe require patientsto explain symptoms. Cali one and all, in.l liave thesymptoms and location of you lisease'cxiilainedl'ree of charge. lyThf poorshall b libera lly conaioered. 9-Postofflceaddress, box iBtK Cleveland, Ohio.Nov. 25, 1862 y%% JUST OPENING ? The largest Stock and best assortment of CABINET FU&NITUBE ? ever brought to this eity, including BOFAS, TEÏE-A-TETE8, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIES, XjQolsLjLrsLg; G-lasses Grilt Frames and Mouldings CJEZ'ïriX3Srs MEÏALIC CASES, &c, " c, and all other goods kept ir. the best and lar ;es1 houses in the country. Weseepno second hand ur liture or Auction goods. CoflinM kept constantly n and, and made to order. Hy goods are offered at THE LOWEST CASH FRiCES N B. I must have mooey, and respectfully requcst thoae ndebted,to oall and fix up thcir old mattere withoutdelay. q m MARTIN. Aun Arbor, Oct. 6, 1863. SMtf BANNEE HAT STORE! GOTO Before jou buy, Spring and Slimmer styles ot STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnislimg G-oods, &c. Inn Arlinr, April 20tli, 1864. 3m953. A LECTURE YOUNG MEN. Just Publisbed in a Sealed Euvelope. Pcice Six Cents. ALECTURE Ule Nature, Treatment, ana Radical Curo oí permatorrhoe r Seminal WeaMMSa', lu voluniary Emiss ons, Sexual ÍH:blity, andlmpi'diment." to Marrialío u. ilur.üiy. N(TV()u:ri(!Ss, C'unsumpt ion . Kpilepv aüd Fits ; Mentai aiul phyaieal In"a;acíy, rosultint' fruin aalC-AbuBe. ice. I!y UOR'T J. CUl.ViiiíW'KII,. M. li., Aütlior of the "Breen Book," &C. Th VOrld rwiowaod autlior, in bis admirable I.ecturo, clearly provecí from hls own experince, that the awful cou'[uencex ofSelt-Abuemaybn efTcctually re moved vltlinut medicine, and without rlaug.TiniSMirpcaloptírations, bougies, inatruments, rinjs, or cordinlfi, poiatinj; out a mude of cure at once Cfirtain and etTectual, by ivhich every eulTorer, no matlur what hls condiíionmav be niay cine himself oheafly, prWatcly, and raiTically. "Tbis lectura will provea boon to tliousand,- and thoiwind.i. SeutundfrKcal. to any adrlress, in a plain, pealad envelóle -n the recipt oí six cents, or two bostuge Htamníi, byadJresBing. ' ' ' Cn.R. J. 0. KI.INEÍíCo., V7 Bowory, New Yor!;, Vost Box, 1586. TJKE DSrOTICE ! ! Go tü M ACK í; SCIl.UlD'á fer tbe latest slylii of HOOP SKIRTS You wjl'i alway be auited witk tht tjuality, i jrleai SCHEISrCK'S PULMONIC SYSSÜP, SEAWEED TONIO, AND MANDRAKE PiLLS. The iboe ia a correct likt-ness oí1 Dr. Schenck, JB8t after recovering from Consumption, manj years ago Below is a likenes-s of him as he now aprcnrs. Whea the first was taken he weighed 107 pounds at the present time his weight i 220 pounds. DR. SCHEKCK'S Principal Office and Laboratofj iñ at the N. K. corner of SIXTH' and COMMKRCK Strtets, l'hüadoljilna wliere aü letters Tor advice or business should be di rected. He will be founrt there every SATURl'AY, professionally to examine lunga with the Rusiñromotei', for whicli liis fee istliree dollars : all advice free. la New York at No. 32 BOND Street, every TÜES DAY, from 9 A. M. to 3 1'. M. At the MARLBURO' HOTEL, Boston, January ÍS and 19, February 15 and lö, Maich 15 and 16, April 19 and 20, May 17 and lá, June 1-1 anJ 15, July 19 and 0. ïbe tima tal my buing ín BALTiHOKü and PITTSBUltti, will be seen iu the daily papers of those cities. The Uisiory of Dr. Schenck's man Case, and liow he was cured of Consumación. Many years ago, whilt residing in Philadelpliia, f had progressed gradaally into the lust etage ut' Pul monarvCunsumution. AH Lopes of my recovery being uis'sipaieu. J was advised liy m physician, Dr. l'arrisli to remove iuto the country. Moorestown, New Jersey, being my native place, i was removed tkither. My fat'her and all his family had lived and dittd there - and died of l'ulmonary Consumption. On my nrrival I was jiut to 1 ed, where 1 lay for many weeka in what wasdeemed a hopeless condition. Dr. Thornton, who had been my inther's family physician, an'.liadnttended him in his last illness, was called to see me. He thought my case entirely beyond the reachof medicine, aud decided that I must die, and gave me one week tu arrange ray temporal aiïairs. In tliis apparrntly hope less condition, I heard jf the remedies wbiph I now mabe nnd sell. It seemed to me xhat I could feol tliem working their way , and penetratipg every nerve, libre, and tissue of my system. My lungs and üver put en a new action, and the mor bid mutter which for years had accumulated and irritated the different organs of the body, was eliminalefl, the tubercles on m muga ripened, and 1 expectorated from my lungs as mucli as a puit of yrli'-w ftlïesiro matter every morning. As this expectoniliuii of matter subsided, the fevera'uated, the puin leftme, he eough ceasod to harass me, and the oxhausling nightsweats wore no longer known, mJI had j-e'reihing sleep to which 1 had long been a strangi-r. My te now beg.n torelurn, anü at lunes i luund it niíhult to reatrain uiyself íVoin eaiüag too muafa ; with 'nis return of health, I gaineü in str(;ntli. and now n ílesbj. 1 am now a healfchy man, wHfa a large ealed cicatri.t in the middlelotw of the liglu lung iud ie lower lobe hepatiïed with OMMplete adhpt-iou of tbe eura. The left lunLi sound, ami the upper lba of heiight onAiS ifl atole.ably hethhy coniit.;Ou. Consumption at that time was luongrht lo bean inurable disease, by every oue, phyaieians aaweUai ,hose who were uolearnedin medicine- especi.lly such ascis as were reduceil to the conditiou 1 was ia. This nduced niany peopleto believe my vec.ovo.ry only temlorary. I now piepared and gave the medicines to onsumptives for some time, and made nsanj wonder Llcures; and Ihedemand 1 so r;ipiiily that 1 etermined to offer thum to the public, and devote my ndiviiied attention to lua disea.ert. Ín trutli, I was ext to foreed to it,for people would send fcr me far nd near, to afloertoin wliether Cheir cases werelike For many years, íd conjunction with my principal ffleein ?MÍadelph1a,Ihavebcen makyog regulai proessional viaits to New York, Boston, Baltimore, and 'ittsburg. For several years past I nave ma'.e as mnny as nve mndred examiriiitiuii wenkly witii the "Besptrometier." í'or sueli examiniitiun my charge Is three donare, and t enables rae to givo eách patíént the true cotidttion of irfdisease, and tell him íraukly whetherlie w!B!get The great reason why phyiciansdo not cure Conumptionia,that they try to do toomuch; they glve medicines to stop the coutch, tö stop the n ght sweats, íectie fever, and by bo doing they derange the wholfi igestive lockine; up the aecretions, and eventually the patiënt dies. Tli6 Pulmoulc Syrup i1 ono of the most valuable nedicines known. It is nutriënt, poweríully tonic, and nealinj in itself. It ctmtains no opium, yet loosens the phlegm in tlie bmnchial tubes, aud nature throws itoff with little exerliun. One bottle frequently cures an ordinnry cold ; but ii wíll be well ürst to tuke a dose of Schenck'.s Maiuliuko's Pilis to cleanse tho Htomach. The Pulmoinc Syrup ife readily digested and absorbed into blooil, tu wliieh itltnpaits lts hetiling propertiea - Itis ozte of tlie bestpropnrntiunH of iroiiin ase ; it is a powerful tome of itslf: and when tlie Snawped Touic tlssolesthe mucus in the stomaeh, and i-; (arried off by the aid of Üm Miirulruko l'iíls. a liciH]iy flnw Of gastri c juice, KOOd a pjaetite, and a good digestión f oliow The Seawcod Tmiiu is a slimulaut, and none otlur is rpquii(ïl w-beu it ia qbqu. It U pure ;ml plenaant; no tod ertects atewhanusiugBourbftn wXAAf wbich diorders the stomiich, torp01"-1 lie iifratt locks up all the socretions, tui-n-s the blood iuto watar, sets iu, aod the patiënt dio &uduwly. Bourbon whisky II rcromnnnii'1 ftOW-a iliiysby almoat evcry ph;;s;fiiui. Masj patlenti tbat vtrft my ro0ms, "botn malt and female íuo stnoí;'''l with this poison. The relief is íwttporary. lf tbey couu;h thcy U-p n lütlp wliiakv : if bhev fee! we ik and feeble they Sake a little whiiiky ; If they om dl ï-Ic. p, tliey takn a ittle whisky ; and they go on iti tilín way, requiring [uore andmöre they are bloatftl up. aId imagine tbey aro gottin-r liehy. Xhe stojaaeii, Over, and direstive no.wers aro oumpletely lestroyedand le their appeiiit1 food. -Vu onc v.;. ; eveïcured of cooóujrp tlon by this proceos, where cavHies hTeben formej n tiuMuugs A '''o .sti.iniliuit s frsqucntly beneflïial to eonsüroptlves, süch .-is pure brandy or good vinos ; in many cases Lou.lon ptïTter or liioivn stout in moderate quanUios j but Bourboq whisky hastcns oa [utead ut curiiijr consumption. Tïie Seawe'üd Tonic produces lasting resutop, thoroughly iuv)g"iali,.g tBestiituach and dlgesfive systetn, :uhT ciiiLbling it to eüuiimitt' aud 11 aivC iutu lieakhy blo'Klt'.ii' mu1 v. liih riHV !i i 'Ml for tluil pur]. ose -- It bj wi-ndeit'iil i'i HVt-cUi llifit a g;is;itall will diíest a hÈSrty roeit: &na a !Ht] of i' feiten before brakList ifiU gip l'1'" '" t'1"' stomacji ifliic fe# medicines possens tar j.o-.vov of doing. The MANDHAKK l'II.I.S muy bu tal:ca witli eiitirf safety by all igca and conditiORS, proi'ütiiig all Die jqodrusultstlial can bs olitainéiJfioal calomel, or a,nj of the mercurial meliciucs, acO. without any i.l' hurtful or injunous resulta. 'J'licy curry out f chl svsti'in the fsculenl aud uorll oi.t malti'rs ïoMeUed and disolv'd ïfr my Sawcod and Pálmonlo Syrup. - ]t willbe secn thal all three of my nie.ii. .inos are uei-dod in niest cases to cuïe Consumplioa. AGEN ï S . BOSTON- fieorge C. Oooduin & Co. NKW Y(H!i-'.- Dwms Kurnes & Co. BÍiAmíWÉ-P. S:tT5née. PITTBBUBG,- I'i. üoirgc H. Keyser. CIXCINNAT1- V. K. Suire & Co., and Joln I). l'ark. CHICAGO- I.ord ii Sinith, nnd H. Sccivil. ST. LOL'Iri- Collin Brothers. SAN' FRANXISCO- nostettcr, Smitb Í: Deun '.-■ pf-li1 bv aUDruii.-'ti: au1. Duaicr. lyöOö


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