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JULIUS BAÜEB, & CO. ! Great Piano Forte & Melodeon EMFORXI7M, CIllCWO, 1IL. Wholesale Agents for PRINOE & CO.'S IMPROVEJD MELODEONS, .WAKRAN'TKI) KOU FIVK YKAKS. The Oklesl tixtahlixhment 'm tlie United State ! THIRTY THOUSAND Of ttieee instrumenta are now in use niostly in the ITntted Sint is iinl Canada, ulsoin Europe, Ai, África, South America, and the W si Indina, and fiom ili these qnnrterB we have the most Qatterkig terttinoHliua of the liiïli estlnmtlou lu whlcll tliey are held. At all Initustrial Eickibitions, thcy have iuvariahly be-ja Awarded the Highest Premium ! whenever exhlbitliig in cufniJetltTmi willi otliers. We ihill tuke pleimure In fuiwanüng ly mail (at our own expense) our llluslrateit CiiM'tigue, in wnlch every Instrument we manufacture, is fully desorllied und illustrated hy elegant engravlugs. OAUTIONÜ We da'ily gee adverttoementa of somt; new reed instrument, (witli strange name,) pwrporting to he superior to Melofleons anti School Onciuis. A exterior and a aew name wil! n;itmally ftttmet iUttntion ; but the public wlll beur in mind that all Jïecd Instruments, mow tnanáfactureil in the ltriiu-1 Suitrs and Cunada, are as near as thetj can be made without infringing our pattnts, copies of our own. ÍÍEO. A. PRINCE & CO. JÜLIIJS B1ÜER & CO. Wholesale Agents for WM. KJVAJ5E & CO'S CELEBrwVTED Gold Medal Piano Fortes Aiso, for SEBBLEÜ & SMl'i'H, BOARÜÜIAX & GKAY, And other First Class Pianos. Manufacturéis and Importer3 of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, 1TRINGS. ACCORDEONS, VIOLINS, CLARTNETS, DRUMS, GUITARS, ÍRASS INSTRUMENTS And other Musical Merchandise. The Sii.vkií and BiiA'sS InSt'rdménts, of our manuacture and Importaron, and used by all the best lands ia the United States, and whenever exhibited iaTB alwiiys receired the Guld Medula and hiqhest UKMIUMS. fj-Having conneotion with Manufactuving Housea b Berilo. Lelpslc, Dreaden, Bugland and Paris, we are tt&pwed to funiii DKALKUS, BANDS nnd INDIVID; AL?, wltb uvery aiticie in this line, at the lowesi manlíacturers' pnces. Remember the Place. Address JUL1US BAIJER & CO. WHOLESALE WAREROOMS, 99 S. Clark & 89 Washington Sts. CHICAtiO, ILL. SEND POR A. CIKCÜLAR. fuñó -Limo. The great Iteh and Humor Killer of tlie 19th Century ! Thia new preparaiion posaesse3 niost vwnderul proiiu'.ties, and is For eyery species of the 1TCH, PRAIRIE ITCH, BAÜEKit'S 1TIH, WÁBASH SCRATCHES, ILLIKOIS JIANGE, CPTABÍEOIS EBITTIOSS, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, SALT RHECM, SCALD HEID, RINGWORMS, 4c. The PRURIGO LOTIO b a new and certain ure for uil kinds of Itch, and l)eing a fluid preparation IL ís free from all the guramy, dlsagreeable qualities of the ointineiita in general use. The PRURIGO LOTIO i safe to use under ALL CIRCUMSTANCF.S; will not irrítate the most tender skin, and CON'i'AINS NO MEROURY. Don't fail to ti-y it. Manufactured by E. T. & W. T. BIcFAKLAND, Sole Proprietors, Lafayette, ïnd. PRICB 60 CENTS. LORD & SJIITH, Chicago, Wholesale Agenta. Sold at Wholesale in Chicago byPDLLER, FINCH FULLER; CHARLES G. SM1TH ; HUKNIIAMS VAN SCHAACK; W. B. HARIUS & CO.; 8MITII 4 DWYER; J. H. REED & CO., and h! SOOVIL. WIZARD OIL! THIS "SFLENDID REMEDY CURES S TOOTHACfñi O{S KECRALOIA O In Tliree Minutes. In Ten Minutes. ÍÍ-k3Ru'.HE ■ EAKACIIE Ib ïiv.e Minutes. I" Ton Minutes. CBiMlf CO-LIO DIl'TIIKKIA Iii Ten Minutes. In a Few Hours. SOKE TlillüAT ' KHEUMATI3M. I a Few Lluvirs. in a Few DayB. LAMK DACK. SI'KAINS. CUTS AND BRI-ISK8. BÜRNS jam SCALUS. COltNS. CfilÜLAINS. IL __ijá Sfi Tbis iiiv:ilii:il-!'' pi''i;ivál:uti only needs a trial to renomincnd Itetlf to every Uouseiiuld in the land. Use oi;u luUle andyou wii'l iilwüys kwy it on hand against Ui'1 tip.i-j of nced. Prioe 85o.nU ainl 7.1 eenti per bottle. The large bottli'ü oonUin nearly three times as muchas the sraall ohm. Hanufactared by J. A. UAMLIN BKO., 10Í Vshini!ton Street, Chicago, and !or Bal by drugalals fatua lUljf. Wholee Ag'U: J &i si"íhf FU"" 1 Ohtag F EMOVALI HST. B. COLE, has removed his STOCK of BOOTS $t SHOES, I ■!;.■ 3oT?of A, P. Mrtlsftbö.; nn Skin F$V&pt', wfiire he wiU Hé (flA4 to wait on hia olü custümerr, and tbe public genorn ly. G1VE II III A CAtli ! Cbnncery Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN,- FuurtU Judicial Circuit, in Ö Chancery. j Su;t?oridingin the Eliza M. Clark, Cii . Court for thö Coiuplainant, County of Wushte vs. ■ mr., 111 Chancery, Jehrct Cl&rk, at Aun Arbor, on Defeucfant. the 4th d:iy of Feb. A. D., 1866. It appcnrinp to the fiatï&factlon of this Court by tha j aflidavit ot John N (intt, Soiicitor for the Complainitnt, ' that J(fliiel Clark is not a rosident of the Stftte of Michieun, but is a resident of the Stato of Ühio, beyond thu jurisdiction of tliis Court : On motion of John N Goti, Bolldtor for Coinplainant in t-Uíí ( it tí ordererl 1' sa d Cmit that said Defemlant, Jehlel Clark, cause hls appearancé tó bfl eoterod in thia cause, and notice thereoi sered on the Ccmplainant'fl Solitnr.vltkin tvo months from the dale of tKis order, and ín casethc Deff-iKlant cauae his appeavarce to be entered, that he file htfl answer to Complainant's BUI, and a copy thereof be served on the Solicitor for Complainant, witliin twenty days after the service of a copy of said Bill, or in dffanlt tlierei f rt bid Bill be taken hb confissed by said Defeudant: an d it is furtlier orderod, that within twenty dayn tlie ■ sa'd Cuiuplainant cüiine a copy ol thia order tobepublifthed in the Michigan r'gus, a public newspaptr prinied and puhl;abed iit the City of Ann Arbor, ín said County of Wachteniiw, ineach weck, Cor aix sucressive weele, r that be canaea copy of said order to be served ou s-iid Defendant pi8"na]ly, at least twenty i,n s tature tlie time pwtcribed for iaid Dofeudaui's appearauce in this cause. ROBKRT E FR42EH. Circuit Court Commueioner, Washtenaw Co., Mich. John N. (jütt, gelisftus aud oi' Couucil for Complalnant 996td Sherifffl Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cojpmr f Wasntkhaw,pr.- By rirtuf ot' m wvlt uf attachment í&med out of the Circuit Court for the Countj of Wahtenaw, to me directed and ddivcred . agaiïiirf the gooi Is ml cha titels and for want thereof, latida and tcnemeuis o!' fácíus F. Muil, lU'icudjini Uirein ïiiimed, datc-d Fehnjary 27th, 1L 65, I have Icvicd upoo the following described real Ch'itte belunging to sa ui C( teudant, to wit : A eert ai n piecejpr pared of land in the City of Ann said County of Washtermw, and Htute Of Micliijian, known and decribed a.s followp : Beginning at the center of seetion twenty -one, (21,) to .nshi]) twosóuth range sis cast, thence south on the quarter nection line Rv'e chains and fourteen links to the nortli line of the Dixboin Road, thence north fifty-six degrees eastalong the sid line of sald ioad three chainf and eighty links, thence north-wi'sterly to a point in the earr-and west quarter line thirty two links east of the center of said section, thence weet to the place of beginning, containing ot e acre of' land more or less. Also, a piece or parcel of land in said Uty described au foIIoWE,viz: - Bi'KMiniugon the uortli side of tlie Dixboro Road one cbaiu and sixty four links eastward from the southeas'orly coriiei i ff lot No. (2ü) twenty-.six inTraver's additlon to the VtRftge now City of Ann Arbor, thence norlh thrty-.s ctegreea west parallel to the northcantly line of said lot number twenty-six to M!U Street, about two ch.iins and ninety nine links to thi quarter line running north and south through said section twenty-one in townshiptwo south range six eant on said quarter line four chains and fifty-six links to said Dixboro Road, thence soutlt ftfty-four degrees west along said Dixboro Road fïfty links to the place of beginning containing about h'fty-five one bundredths of an acre of land, whichl fhall for 8ie at public auction or vendue, at the fror.t door of the Court House, in said City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twenty fiecond day of April, A D, 18G5, at twelve o'clock, (noon,) of saidday. Dated at the City of Aun Arbor, this 9Jh day of March, 1865. P. WINKGAR, Sheiiff, 999td Washteuaw County. Keal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coünty oï Washtbxaw, as. In thematier of the estáte ot Sylvia Lowry, (now Sylvia St. John.) Mary E I.uwry, Mark A. Lowry : aud Martha E. Lowry, minors : Notice is hereby giveD, that in pursuance of au ordr granted to the undersigned, guardián oí the estáte of said minors, by the Hon. Judgc of Probate for the county of Washtenaw,on the twonty-seventh day oflebruary, A.D.1865, there will be sold at Public the highest bidder, at tb e soutb door of the Court House, in the ity oí Ann Arbor, in the connly of saiil átate, onTuesday, theeighteenth day (.f April next, at oneo'clock in tne afternoon of swd day, subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwlse, the foIowing decriiied real estáte, to-wit : The north west quarter of aection fourteer, and the soutli east quarter of section fourteen.and the north-eapt quarter of the fouth-west quarterof section fourteen, in townshlp four south and ranee four east, beinï in the townshipof Bridgewater, ia the county of Washtenaw, containing three uundred and -ixty acres of land , subject to the right of dower of Clarissa Lowry, as widow of James Lowry, deCLARISSA LOWHY, Guardian. Dated.February aSth.lMS. 998td RIS DON & HENDERSOJX 3L2:,-c-O tilo 33 TJ O TZ. JES ST E! CRAIN DRILL, and G-rass Seed SBower, Manufacturod at Springfield, Ohio. 11HE VERY LATKST IMPROVEMENÏ, and bottertlmi all others; adapted to sowing Wheat, Kye, Oats, Barley andGrass Seed. lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wiil sow all Mnds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. liever hunches the Grain ith. Never breaks the Grain. ath. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindtlie Drill. 6th. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points. Sth. It has a land measure or Sicrveyor. 9th. ft has doublé and single rank drills. 10A. lt has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made, There is hardly a Drill offeredia the market but can boast of more or less FIRST PBEfflUMS They are aboutas indiscrimiuately bestoTverl a-j the title of " Professor," ïvhich is sometinies appiied to the tljiddleriJ or '' bootblack," Theyceaseto convey the idea of merit. The BuckeyeDrill has been on Exhibition at quite a number of State and County Fairs, and without seeking favor at the hands of any Coininittee, has received its fullshareof Premiums TESTIMONIALS : We give the followmg Dames of a few Farmira in thia vicinity wno have bought and uaed the Buckeye Drill : Godfrey Miller, Scio. JacobPolhemufi " JacobTremper, M Thomas White, Northfield. John Brokaw, Christian Kapp, " Edward Boyden, Webster. James Treadwell, AnnArboi Danielü'Hara, " " JohnG.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Edmonds, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv.Co. We arealso Agenta for Ohio Reaper & Mower, acknowledgedtobe the very best in use. "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Which we wili sell clieap. Also alargeassortment o G-rass And the largcst and best aelected stock of 33EHSTT STTTPF FOK CAKRIAGESever before offered Ín tliis market We also keep a large and full OTÍD3I2 (!? mmi!Ms NAILS,GLASS,PUTTY,PAINT,andLINSEEDOIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, AM'lOAVETROUGHSalwaysonhandandputup g the shorteütnotice. RISDON k HENDERPON. Ann Arboi-,Jane20th,18fi2. 859tf HOWARD ASSOCIATION, rrrrLADEi.i'iiTA, va. Disensos of flic Nerrous, Seminal , Uvïnary aiïn Sexual Systems- new and relfable troatment- in jreportff of the HOWARD A.Ü'JIATION- Öent hy naai! in sea It-1 lpttr envoiopen, free ofclmrgeAddreia Dr. J. 8KI1XIN HOCJGHTON, Howard Assooiatinn,Xo.2 South Nmtliirtrect, FLiladelpliia, Peaasjlvania, ivVCü


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Michigan Argus