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Estáte of Thomas C. Bicknell. STATEOF MICHIGAN, County of WasMenaw, hs. At asossionof the Probate Court forthe County ft! Washtenaw, holden atthá Probate Office, in the City r f Ann Arbor. on Friday, the tweniy-fourth !::y of Pchruary,in theyearonethousand eighthuixlrudaud.Mxtyflve. Present. HlininJ. Beafcea , Judge ofPröbafe. In the matter ui tb e lístate ui '1 liornas C. BiclïrelT,, deceased. On rearting and filing Wrf petition, duly rerified éf John C picraiell, praying tliat lic or some otlier suitable porson in'ay bi appölntetl Adiniui.-strator ui tUc éstatffoi' sfidd decou; cd. Thereiijion it r Ordered,lhat Monday, the 2Tlht!ay of Mar:h lïexii, &X ten o'clock in the föïenoon , be asfsight'd fprtfae liearitig of said petition, inti that the birs at la w ol' mucI Oc"f;i -■■■! . ;u:i] aJl othir bersone intcrested in íáid estáte, are required )u -, ppc;i r at ;i sessioaof eaW Court, ihen t be holden u the Probate Office, in the City of Abb Arbr, and sliow eauRP, if any there be, why the prayer of tliepetitioni'r should not ue granted: Aud it is further ordered , thai said petitioner feive not ice t o tht' persons intere.stcd in saM estáte, of the pendency oí s.-nd petition, and t)io hearing tüercof , by cüusmga copy of tUlft Order to je published in the Michigan Argus, a iiewspaper printed and circulatiiifi in said County of Washtenaw, tbree successive weeks previous to saín day of hearing. (Atruecoj.y.) 1IIRÁM J. BKAKES, 998 Judge of Probate Estáte of M;iry Summers. OTATK OF MICHKiAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, se.- U Ata fiession of the Probate Court i'or the Countv of Washtenaw, holden ai the Prab&ie Office ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Frid , the twpnty fourth day of Kebmary in the year oue thousand eight tiuudred and sixty fiVfl. Present, Iiirair. .T. Beftkéfl, Judg of Prnb,te Ir the nm-ttcr of the Es.tate of Mary Summerf, deeeKSed. John Hnf!"man,execu tor of tlie last will anl tesliiment of saiii decfased, coinés into Court anl represènts that he is now prcpared to reader hi final account a:-; micIi iwivutnr. Tliereuiion it is Ordered, that Slonday., the 27th day of Marcli next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoou, be BkÉÜgtxéñ fot exainínir. And allowiiiíí suoh account, and that the heirs at law pf said dfceased, and all otheriK'rsons inttre.sted in said estáte, aro reqnired lo ap)c;ir sppríoii of Baid Court, tlseu to bc holden at the Probate Ollice. in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Cuunty, and show caase,ifany there bc, why the said account should not be allowed: And t is further ordered, that Baid Kx ecu tor give notice to the persons inti-rcslcl in said estáte, of ihe pcndency of said account, iiid the hearing therof, by oausn' a copy of this Order tó be published in the Micftigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circula t ing in saïd County of Washtenaw, three successive weeks previous to aid day of hearing. (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BKAKES, 998td Judgeof Prohate. Estáte of Amos Mead. STATE OF MICHIGAN- Couuty of Washtenaw as - Ata sessionof the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenftw, holden at the Probate Office in tint city of Ann Arbor.onMonday ,the tweuty sevenih day of Y bruary, in the year one thousaudeighthundred and sixty live. Present, Hirara J. Beakes. Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte o) Amos Mead, deceased On reading and Qting the pctition, duly veri lied, pf Alviin Hilüngs, prayiüg tlmt a certain Instrument now on öle iu this ('om t. purportiDg to bc the ln?-t W" ï 1 and Testament of said deceased maj beadmïtted to Probat?. Thereupon it is Ort"ered, t!iat Friday, the 24th day of March ne.t, at ten o'clock in the foreiioon, be assiffned for the hearintr of aid petition.and tlmttlie ftertseei, tegateès, and betrs at law of saïd deceased, and all ntlier persons intfirBstëdiD sa id esta te, ure requircfl to appear at a session of aaict Court then to be holdenat the Probate üilice, in the city of Ann Arbor , and show cause, ïf auy there be, wby the prayer of the pc titiuner should not te granted ; And it is further or dered, that saidpt-titioner give notiee to the persons in terested in said ehtate, of the pendency of said petifion, and the hearing thereof, by ciusing a copy of thiw Order to bepublished in the Michigan Argú$. anewt-paper printedandcirculatmg in ?atd County of Washtenaw, three successive weekri previoue bo said day of hearing . (Atrae copy.) HIKAM J. BEAKKS, G'J8 Judgc ol Probate. Estáte of Smiths - Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasrtexa, rs. - At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate Office ïn'tbepity of Ann Albor, on Saturday. the fourth úny ofS&rch, in the year one thousaud eight hundred tnd sixty-üve. Prefcent.HjKAM J. IÏeake?, Juflge of Probate. In the-Tuittter of the Estáte of Marinea Lmith; and Jeunetta Smith, minore. On reaüing and filing the petition, ffíily veriíied, of John Muore, (ír.s relian unto said roinoi's, prayinpthat he may be ficenscd to sell ceitain real estáte belong ing to sai'l ir. inora. ThereupOB it ís Ordered, that Tucsday, the iourtli day of April next, at ten u'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petitien, und iha: the nest of kin of said minors, and all other per.'-ons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ïf any there be, why the prayer of tbe petitioner should not be granted: An-1. it is further ordered, that f-aii! petitioner give noties to the persons raterested in ail estáte ; of the ptndency of said peuten, aud the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of ibis Order to be published in the Michigan Argits, a mnvspaper [rin;-d and circulatïng in said County of Waahtenuw, three succes.sive weeks previous to said day of hearing. [Atrue copy.] HIKAM J. BEAKES, 998td Judge of Probate. Estáte of Eli Kigga. STATE OK MICHIGAN, CorxTY oV WASBtmtAW, SS.-- Ata seasion of the Probate Court for the Ccmnty oi' Wftshten&w, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Albor, on tfaturday, the twenty-fifth day oí Föbrnarjr, iuthü year one tlicusandeight buuurcd and sixty five. Present, IIiium t. Bk.vkk . Judgti of Probute. In the mattei of the Ktateof KM Ki.irt?. decensed. On reading and ti)ir.L the petition, du]y veriiied,of AmlicwW. higgs, prajipg ihat he inay bt; apyointed Athninistrator ui tLu estáte of said deceased Thereupüii it is Oráered, thatfíaturday, tho twentyfiflh d-iy of Marcb iftut ten o 'deck in theforenoon, beasigned for the hearing oí saíd petiton, and that the hei rs at law of saiddeceaaod and all otber per.suns interostedin sal3 etate,are requïred to appnr at ü Bession of said Court, then to ba holden at tne Probate OiUce, in the City of Ann Arbov, and show MMei if any tlicre be, wbytbe prayer cf' potitioner .liuiihi not be granted: Ae1 it i further ordcred . that suid petitioner givenoiice ti the p. rsona uterested in sa ui eatate, of the pendency of said pftit'on, and the h#aring thereof, by KuRtng a copy of this Order to be publihed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper print&! and circulating sdd County of Waahtenaw, three guccessive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. (Atruecopy.) H1RAM J. BEAKEÖ, 9.8td Jnág of Probate. Estáte of Shubal T. Moore. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CorxTY o Washtenaw, sS.- At a se-ision of the Probate Court for the County of Washtcnuw, holden at tbe Probate Otfice in theCityof Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the 25th rlay of February, tu tlie jear one thonsand eighthssdrea itnd .-ixty live. Present, Hiram J. Bkakrs, Judge of Probate. Tn the matter of thc Enlate oí' íhubal T. Moore, de ceased. Henry Hall, Administra tor said estáte, comes Lnto Court and represents that heis now prepared te render his tinal account a ssuch Administra tor. Thereupon it Ia Ordered, that Monday, the 27th day of March next , at ten o 'dek ia thef orenoon , be assígned for exainining aud allowing such account, and that the wïdow, and Eeire at law of said deceased, niid all other persons intereted in.-ÍJ estáte, are requiréd tb iippear nt a feesálon of t-aid Cmirt, theu tobo holden nt the Probate Uffice. in the City of A mi Arbor, and show cause, if anv tbere be, why the sai'hnccount should nut bealtowed: Andit isfurtherorderedthat sail adniinistratorgivenoticetotrie pergons interested in said estáte, of the pendency ofaid account , nnd the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this Order to be publisbedinthe Michigan Argu$,ü uvwspaper printed and cii'culaiing in said Gounty of Washtenaw three succesive weeks previoue to sfad day of liearing(A trae copy.) HIKAM J. BKAKES, 99Std Judife of Piobate. Estáte of Eiggs - Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coimy ov Wiitknaw, f?s. - Ata sesfiion of the Probate Court for the County oi Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office in the City of Anu Arbor, on Saturday. the fourth day of March, inthe year one thousnnd eight hundred andsixty-five. Present, Hibam J. Bkakes, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of William H. Riggs and Matilda J. Kiggs, minors. On reading and füing the petition, duly verified, of Mary RigRS, Guardian unto said minors, praying that she may De licensed to sell certain real estáte belonging to said minors. Thereupon it is Ordeied, That Tuesday , the fourth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aasigned for the hearing of caid petition, and that the next of kin of said minors, and all other persons interested iii said estáte, are requiréd to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Vnn Arbor, aud show cause, if any there be, why the prayer cf the pelitioner should not be granted : And it is Eurther ordered, tliat aid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and tbe hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this Order to be published iu the Michigan Argus,i, öewspiipur printed and circulating in said County of Washtenaw, three sucecssive weeks, previo ua to said Cay of hearing, [A truecopy.] ' H1RAM J. BEAKES, 098td Judge of Probate. Estáte of Micbael Walz. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Covïty uf W.ishtesav, ss. At a seBaion üf the l'iobate Court fur the County of Washteuaw, holili n at the Probate Office in the City of Ana Arbor, ou Tuosday, the twenty-eiglith day ai Febrnnry, !u the year one thonsantl eight Lundred and sixtv-üve. Present, IliRAM J. Bimkes, Jndge of Probate In the matter uf the Estáte of llichaul W.ilz,ileceased . On rcadiDR ancl filing the petition, diily veilfunl, of Aa ion L. FeMkamp, ArtlniniUrator of the said estáte, prfying tliat heina}' be Uot.uoii f' .ell certain ieale.slnU', w htreof thesaid deccased tlieil. seized. Thereupoij it is Ordered, ïhat Monday, the seventeeuth day nf April uext, nt ten o'clockin the foretoon, be asiigned for the hearing uf said petition, and tliat tin-v, iiiow and heirs at law af said teeeased, and all other persons interestcd in said estáte, art' rC'ivnred to apl(-ar at n ReB8lon of saidCourt, then to be holden at the l'rob .te Offlci-, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause ,if any tlierebe, why theprayer of tht petitioner should not be giantod : And It ia farther ordered, that saiil petitioner givenctico to the persons interested in said estaio, of ihc peaaeuoj of said petition, and tlic ln-ariiv'thereof, by causing a copy oí' this Order tobepul'lishfd ir the Mí&tpirn Argus, a newspspèr ,; intt-.l a'nd cireulatiii; in said Couniy of íVaslitor.a w , foor sneerssive weeks, iirovioii to sid da; of hearing. TA trae c J 11IHAM J. BEAKKf!, 908M JuEi Oí PKiOlrte. Estáte of Isaac Lovejoy. OTATE OF IIICHIOAN'-County of rtt3l,,e O At a seítiton oL thé Prótate diuit fu h p ' of, holden at the Probate Offlceh, ?ihÏÏL óf Anu ArUir.onTuesdny. the eventh dnv Ifïi "' in tfieyear on thousand eiglit lmndredanisi, Hesi-ut, Jlirnm .1. Beakfs. Judge -f Proba (c' M matter of he fctate 'of Isaac joy, fc. On HM.ii.iKiuHlmins; the jptition, dalv verifi , Miaerya. A.. Lovoy piaying that 8h ma J W ai 3.Í: ililmiii'Btrnlnx of tlic enlate of said decca Hl of April n,xt, at ten o'clock in the f re or , ï ' ignecl for tl.e hearing of said petiti..n anfl,f'"„ the heirs at law „f said flffcaied, ' "2 "i? otlu-r persons intercsied in said estáte a .,uir,'ii to nppcsr at a sesfion of said Coiirt .■'"" to b bold, n , t tu Probate Office, m the CM, 1, 'l1' Arbor, and show cause, f any tliere be ï' the prayer of the petitioner should net be bUm I Ani llt i. further ordered. that „id %mLL%L noticeto the persons mtereMul in said'estatc of' n penr:encv ol sai.l peljtion.and the hearing Ibtrént cauing a copy of this or.ler to be publfehed S'líí M,ch,gaT, Arg u, ewapaper printed and circulat „t in said tounty of Waslitenaw, thrce successie J,.il previon.s to said üny oí htaring. r (A true copy.) HIBAM ,T. BEAKES "-'"'' Judge of l'robit'e. Estáte of Gfoddes - Minora. STATE OF MICHIGAN, roi.vTvoF Waíhii.vaw Ss At a se-ísion oí' the Probate Court tbr the CcmntVTi' Washtebaw, iolden at the Probate Office, in iïe( of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, thf fmirth dar f1 March, n the yesr one thoueand ck-bt líu,ijve! .„. hixty-live. . m Present, Hiram J. li i:a k k1s , Judge of Probate Ia the matter of the Estáte of David N (itój. ChuMa A. Guilles, anrl Henry A. Gorldca minor On reiuling and fih'ntr tlie petition. duly vorified of Rebecca (Védiles, Guartlian unto sard minors prayiéithat licensp mav ranted to her to Bell certainhï estáte beiODhljt to aitl minors. Tlierenponitis Ordcrid, tliat T::eiay, t!ie tmrü,' dayof April next, at ten o'cluck in the furenooobe iHsianed tor the hearia o: sáld apunir anr that the next of kin of sai.l minors, and M other persons interest eci in said estáte, are required te appear at asewionof aaid Court, theotobe holdenstttf Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show un if auy there be, why the prayer of the petiti.mft shouldnotbegranted : And it is further ordeied thit saW pe'itonergivenotioeto thepersonsinterestciinsiij estáte, of thependency of said petition, and thelicar. ing thereof, by eausing a copy of tbis Order tobe publishert in the Michigan Argus, a rewjpapfrprinted1 and ci.culatiag in sftid Coonty of Washtsnaw thr. successive weeks previousto saiil tav of bparfnir' A tree copy.) HIRAM'j. BEAKlS' 8Mtd -WgeofProhW. Estáte of KilIioger-Minöïü QTATKOF MICFTIGAN, County of Wa5htm„ „_ O t a session of tlie Probate Coui t for the CouWTf Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office in t'neeitf f Ann Arbor, on Wadnes-lay, the oighth day of cl ia theyeartinethousandeighthundred anilsixtv-Cie Present, Iliram .7. Reakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of John Lnuwi vl fingcr, Matilda Killinger, William Henry Kiliininr ui EüzabethKiDinL-er, mioors. On rea.ling and fillng the petition, duly veriiie of Charles Miller, Gtiartlian, ptaying that he mav beV cer.seO to sell certain real estáte belongiug "to i Thi-reupon it is Ordered, that Mnnday the tH day of April next, at ten o'oJock in the foreDoot be assigned for the hearing of said prtiio' and that the next of kin of said, „{ al-'other persons interested in saidestate arerequ'ireüto appearat a session of said Court, thento be hold.i the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Mi" and Bhow cause, if 8ny theie be whr the prayer of the petitioner should not be granteii And it is furtlier ordered, that said petitiouer tin notice to the persons interested in sid estjle of the pfndency of said petition and tLe leun thereof, by causinír a copy uf this Order to b. publishedin the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printn ndcirculatingii] said County of Washtenaw, ttn successire weeks previous tosaid lay df heariDf (A trae cop j) HIRAM j . BEAKKS, 999td Jadge of Probte. Estáte of Enos Eeynolds. STATE Oí' MICHIGAN', ÍIouxty oFWiammt ,s._ At a sessum oí the Probate Court for the CouitV o{ Rashtenaw, holden :-t the Probate Office in tlie Citr of Aun Ar).-,r, on Monday, the tweutieth day of Febra' ary, ntheyearone thousaud ciglit hunii'ed and ii ty-fiv- " Present, Hiuam .1. TTEakes , Jndf-e of Prooati. ín thf matter of the Estáte of Enpe Hevnolils itceaseil. Sldney RcvdoHs, Executor of a comes mto Court and represents t In the is now nrepired to reuder Bis fina] account as. ouch Ejecutor. Then-upon it s Ordercd, that Monday tlie twentie'h day ot' March next it one o'clock in the afternoon be assigned for examiningand allowing soeb account ud Jhat the devisees, legateca, and heirs at laT of MI deceased, and all otlier persona interestet) in nilnu tate, aru required t(, appeaj at a Hemiot of saidCcun, theu lo be heiden at the Prooate Office, in tht City i'Aun Arbor, in sail County, and show cause ir'my there be, why the said accountshonld not beal'me!' And it i further ordered, that said Execi ;■ notiee to the perion.-, persons nterested in saií of the pendeccy of said account, and the hearii of, by causing aeopy of this ('ider to be pubMirtii the Michigan Argus, a. newspaper jirinted and circcintiug in said Connty of Washten&w, three tncceai i wet'k.v prcTioos to íaid day of hearing [A true copy.] HIRAM J.' BIHKE3, nOlt1 Judge of Probite. Estáte oí Rogers - Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cor.xTï of WHTO,r,r.s- O At asessionof the Probate Court íor the Counl; of Washtonaw, holden at tl. e Probate Office m He City of Aim Arbor, on Thursday, tlie tuenty-fliilddij of February, in the year une Ihousand eigbt hmiörti and sixty-iive. Present, IIikait J. Be.ikk?. JudgB of Probate. In the muffer of tlie Estáte of Ksther Ann VanBiper. Kngi'iiia i1o;.ts, Ciiric Jane líogers, minor tüWrf ■' EamOOH (I. Rryors, iJecca-ed. On reaning and filing ihe petition, dul? rerif.t4, Lucinda RogerB,Guajdian fur saiil minon, pn;iïï fot licuóse to sell certaiu real tstate lelcnging to W minors. 'Ihcreupon it is Ordired, that Hond, the ïïtk day of Mirth Derf, at tin o'clock in tlie foreioti; be assignwl for the hearing of said petítioo, aíd tht thé iiext of km (f sai.l minors 'and lll other persons iuterested in paid estáte, arf Bqulred to apjlear at a. aaaafen of said Court, tira tu bt' ]iu! n at the Probate Oilice, in the CityofADn Arbor. and kIiow cause, if any there be, why ttiepntje: f the jietitioner sliould not be granted : niitfc further ordcreil. that said potitioner pke noticetotl' persons interez-ted in sai.l estáte, of the pemieDtr! eaid pcmion, an.l the hearing thereof, bj ciutiug' W of this Order to be published in the JKfM? Jrifiis, a newspaper jirinted and circulatÍBg iasíií County of Washtenaw, three succejsive weeksprnw" to said day of hea.iiug. [Atruecopy.] HIRAM J. BKAKB, 99td Judge of Probate. Estáte of Judah R. McLean. STATE OF MICHIGAN', Cihwtï oí Wj3hie.v,iAtasessiouof the Probate Court for theCounl! of Washtenaw, holden al Uie Probate Office a tbtCi;T of Ann Albor, on Monday, tlie thhteenth tJ ' f ruar)-, in tlie year on tliousand eight huadiediw sixty-fiye. Present, HiF..M ,T. Bêakeb, Judge of Probnif. Iö the matter f the Estáte oi Judah B Mcl'r deceased . On readiog and filing the petition duly verified [ William Preston, Admisistrator of the etatc "i " decpawd, praymg that hemay V lironseJ tu Bell eg" tain Keal Bátate wirtreof the -aia deceaseá died ''■ Tbereupon it isOrdertd.that Monday, the tliiriW !tiy of April next, at ten o'clock in the foren' be assigned for the hearing of said petitira, ' that the widow and heirs at law of said deetl'i nul all other persons interested in said estáte, L quired toappear at a session of said Court, thentow holden at the Probate Office in the City of AoaA'1 andshow cause, if any there be, why the praytrefiï' petilionershould not be granted: And it isfurtherordered, that yaid petitionergive notice to theperso1B' terested in said estáte, of the peudency of salí f'1 and the hearing thereof, by causing a copyoflur' derto be published inthe Michigan Argus, 1 16 perprintedand circulating in saij Count;' of u "' tenaw, four successive weeks prefious to Baiuï01 hearing. (A true copy.) IIIRAM J. BEAKES. Ü96td Judge of ProW Mortgage Sale. ■piEFAULT having been made in the condition U certain mortgage, executed by Chriettan J;re' aml Barbara Breisch his wife, of Ann Arüor,'n' nawCounty, Michigan, to William S.Síuníers,1 same place, datad the nineteenthday of NoB "'■ the year one thousand eight hundred and sixt.0 and recorded on the niuth day of December, A' 1861, in tlie office of the Register of Peedsfor 0"". Countyof Waslitenaw, in 'the State of M'CWU. Liber 28 of Mortgages, on page 558, upon '"',," „ gage there is claimed to be the date of u11 tice, tíie flum of ninety-two dollars, and D proceeding at law or ín equity having been in5" f. to recover the same or any part thereof. am! tli" P . of sale in said Mortgage contained having there0; come absolute . NonCE is therefore heieby S'VDA „ p[ on Saturday, the thirteenth day of May next.' "g the clcok in the forenoon, I shall sell at pubhc " (t to the highest bidder, at the tSouth door of the w House in the City of Aun Arbor, (being th" f where the Circuit Court for said County of "' t naw is lield), the premises described in said h or so inuch thereof as niay be necee-aty to ■!'" 't,g amount due on .said morlgage, and iniere: t, ; with the oosts and expenses allowed by law; sftl ' aDfl isesbeingsituated u BiB County ot Washtr" described iu sftid mortgage as lollows. to wit: - _jílotsNo. twclve nd thirteen in Wm. S. Sauude rs tion to the (. iiy of Auu Arbur, according to tue ded plat thoreof . A., Attorney fur Mortgagce. , CommissioDers' Notioe. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiktt oï "tlif'iw Ö The underxigned havins lioen ai)p':ned "' recft. bate Court for said üounty, Cominissioners ' ,( 0) jll examine, and adjust all claims and í'XnJjií persons against the estkte of JonatUaB i of the Township of BrMjewatcr, irtP' I ceascd.hcreby givp i! ,".'v,hV bot ix niouths I order of s:u.l l'robate Court. iw . I tors tu present thcir claims agiiinit the esta te ■ j[( I deccaseij , and that they will meet at thela" ,„■, of said déoeasod in the Township of Brldgej" jtb said County of Washtenaw, on Paturday, J 1(i dayoi May.andSaturday, the flfth lay ,,,„[) ne'xt, ot one o'clock in Ibe afternoon, of eat daj-s, to recaive, examine, and adjust said cl"" Dated, lubruary 6th, 1865. DAVID W. I.U,Mrn,)Corainlsfl'"n BOTtd BDWIN SMITH, ƒ


Old News
Michigan Argus