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Poetry: Battle Of Blenheim

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Alternate title: "After Blenheim." First published by the English Romantic poet Robert Southey in 1796.

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Il was a siimmer evenlñg, Oíd Cuspcr's work was done, And lic before his cottogc door Was sitting in the sim; And ly liim èpprted on thé rrncn His liulc jjrondchijd, Wilhelniiiie. Slie saw lier brolhor Poterkin Rol 'sotnething lor re and round, That lic beside the rivulet In playing there had ("onnd; He carne lo ask wliat he liad found, Tlmt was so largp, und emootb, aii.J roiinrl. Olil Cusper tqok it frqnj lh boy Who blond cxpcelniit ly; And tlioii the old -nini rliook hu liead And with a nntnrnl fí Iw - 'Ti3..some pqojfefcjlow'á f-iiü," said hr, Who feil in the great viciory; I fiml Ihcm in my gardrn, fr Tlicre's mufiy here ofioiil ; And oflen wlicn I jro lo p'.ongl), 'J'hc pioíighsííárc turns tlrm out; For riiöny tíioüsnÜd men," snid hc, Wcre feluïii in ilic gre'dt vic-lory." "Now teil us whal 't was all about," Vonnjr l'ctcr!c:u lic ciiet:: And linie Willielinine look.s tip, With wonder wailing' cves; ".ov teil 9é n] ab'iut the war, And wliut thcy killed each other for." 'It was the Enf,'lish,"' Gaspar cried, That put tiie Frehcli to rout; And wliat thcy killed eack othcr for I could iiot well niakp out; Bnt everv body yaid," quoih lm, "That 'iwas a lunious vicory. My fat hor Üved at Blcnhoim thtn, Yon litile strcom hanl by; Tlioy burtiL his dwclfing lo ihu ground, And he wlis forcHl to (ly; Ro with his wile and chilti he flrd, Nor had he wheie lo re&t his head.'' 'Wiih firc and stvord the country round, Wíis wisted ínr nnd wide; Andnianyn chilclinfr mnthor thon, And new bom infunt dicd: Bul things Üke that yon knovv must be, At evcry fanious victory. Gicot praiso the Hnke of Mnrlboro' wo And our good Prit-ce Kiiene." lWhy, 'twas a very w'uked thing!' Said little Willielinine. "Nay, noy; rñy titile girl,'' quoth hc, "It was a fanious viciory. "And cvory body praised the Duke, Who stich a fight did win." - "Wliat good ca me of it at last!" Quoth little Peterkin. ;Why, that I connot teil," said lic, "But 'twas a fanious victory."