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Exhibition Of The Union High School

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The jicoj.ltí of Aun Arbor are aotually iuterested in their schools, as wus ev. dcut un Fikluy ovciiiiig, ihu 17ih inst., from the aro uudiuuco gutúerud a the Union Schooi house. Notwithstacdt!)g tlio dai k clouds .mei raiu.tLü hall raít croívded fuíl. Four Btudent fiom tho Ur.iveisity furnishcd goud vocal miiáic, wliich, whou the thuudor storm without penuittod us to Lear it, was i ubarmiuir. Altur an opening p: ayer by Rev. Dr. JjArEN, iho fu;IowÍDg progrurame was cirried out. Public Schooi Ediieation, (Doclarnation.) He.viiï G. Bemjbtt. SswÜBBkni, Juej-F. Ea,tto,d. ! ''.Ai au ielcis lo Cüst m m ho Buws lo Fute " _, , . Ella M II i tt. Tlie IiiHuencc of Art. Sallii A. Mitouiíh. I Joanof Are, Oou A. Taylor. ! Ihol'iospectaoftlic llepiiblic, (Dechimitiuii.) „,, _ Kahl J. K.muiji. Ihe Héroes of llie Present War, (Dc.-lain.-itioii) I Ali'ued 1!. Saoüu. ei-erlw, -Usatit M Fait Peoj.lp, JossraiNii A. Comxovm. PoNic Opinión, Kittie Mitciiell rae Present Age, Fkkdkkiok A A Fourthof July Oration, Uildiiktii Thaykr' i Wbat U It 1 Gobdox II. aiDBmo! lbo I)urab:lity of -Meulal Impiesions O . 1 Í.TTA A. WaRK. Modern CltiTalrjr, Vhla B. Paí-k Ameríoaa Conquero, Wallach Williams' Labor omniu vii.oit,,11 Josepu MgGuaiu. Haster Kniobt wa II and excusor] and I.EOKC.E Flago w, ubUtuted, and gpuk Ihe Irli Ticket" n a Ijappv macncr. Tho ppeuliing was rery cradíuble to both pupi's. and taaiihart.. Tho declamations by Hs.Ntir ü. Bemíjítí aud AtíKlü B Sageu, wurer nppxprit and foroibk', and brought out the boiitiment of Ihe aulhors tinely. We ü!iuuld lita to commend ncveiij of the original productiojjs waniily, but as wo have uot spaco to troat u!l the pwakers faspartíally, thcy nfll p;u-don üs for tho sion. We must, huwever, rumark that the yourg ladius roiid witli a full, and a disüuct artieulution, ci.inpared willi v hiit uu often hear in micIi por('orrnniict's. That is right, du güiitloman or lady should presume to address an audience without rnaking a proper ffort to enable them all to bear. Tha perfoimer, undurstand, were electeü from the Junior Class, and eer! l.llll 1' fllAIT lï,! HMJU. ■ ...... I '. 4t. selves aud their teachers. Tbe examimitions oi the classes which were beid duriag tbe "week, showed a good eonditioa of tbgechoola. Wu hare the testinaony of competent gentlemeü vvho attended tbeni, tbat they were condueted with great fakness aad' thoroughness, and showed that tbo discipline and iastruction are of tbe best kiod. StraDgera wbo vrsit oor city almost uüivorsally espress an admiratiou of our beautiful Uüioa School building aud grounds, and the citizens are undoubtedly proud of our schools. They are' liberal, too, in their support. But we would suggest tbat inore of them cali in at Borne couvenieut tiuie and cee the Êchools in their daily workiog. If you can syend but'an hour, visit some one of the schools in which you are ed. Prof. Lawton, the a ble and devoted Superintendent, aud any of the teachers, will be glad to see you. jL3T But little more than a week intervencs Between thia dWf and an important election. We say important, for in thesö days of unusual expenditures and high taxes the Township electious touch a vital cord. Il ever competent, faithful, honegt Township officera were desirable, they are note a necemty. It, therefore, becomes the duty of the peoplo to cast aBout them, and press iuto service tkeir best meo-. Lefc all candidates be eelacted with special refercnce to fitnesiJlhid the time for our Democratie friends to attünd to this ia in the prmary caucuses. And, here we have a aiugle word of advice; if jot now have the best men n office, as Super visors, Cerks, etc, keep them íq office yet another year, regardlesa of any sup posed claims of those who would like te get ia. Oa the other hand, ,if you have ïiüTTisii meu out of office thaa the preseat iocumbents, men more competent to discharge the dudes of office, calí them to your servicu and let the ins go out. A due regard to this single ]fr)ii)t by both parties will give the Towns Supervisors who will faithfu'ly adniinister the various and importaut trusts now devolviog opon thut office, will give them ready and correct Clciks, and will certainly tend to aid honegt, honorable, and at the aamo time economical admiuistration of Townsbip affuir?. L3Ë The bilí to give drafted nieu, substitute3 for drafted uien, aud representativo Bubstitutes, balf the bounty olfered voluuteers failcd to pass tha Seuate. The Legislaturu has uot met the wishes of the people in thia respect. ïhe drafted man who eatern service, or the subst.tute he puts in, oughtjto receive tho same bounty us a volunteer, aud yet the Logislature rcfuses to mitigate the hardships e-f the drafted man by allowing him half the bouuty. All wrong. E3T The Michigan Legisluture seems to be getting as corruptas Cougress, and the members hava btretched the "ueually travelod route" wonderfully. The Frt Pret reporter eayg mombers living within twenty miles of Lnnsing drow mileago for from 300 to 400 miles travel. Tlio "sober geeond thoaght:' will hardly approve bucIj tx giaU. LLT Buiort adjournment, tlia Legislatura p;!Ssed a resolutioa providiug for thu eular-ümetit ol Eeprrisüu tativs Hall, and thu refurnishiug oi Ibe same, at uu expense uot ÍO exceod S5,0U0. It strikes us thut ibe Legislatura vvould havo done tha Sute butttir serviuoby providitig tor redneing the uuinber of usmben Ui tho accomruodationa of the present Hall. L3L Beporti hem New Orïeans indioate that a inovfcmont on Mobile is in prograwj and ihat ao attack oa the city was Mticipated as earlj r.s tbü 2ÚUl iiwt. We do noc tbiuk the rebels eau ho!d it ;ig;iinst a coinbinud atlack of the naval and luilitary foroe.s, aud premin th.U it is even muy a capturod city. 22L" The Tuwuship etootions tako plaoo MoiiJay, April 3d. We shall be in readiness next week tu print tickets for our friereis, prouiptly and io good styie. Be carefui t spell ail uames currectly giving firtt namc3 in fuil-&uH we will warrant against uiidtakus. LsF Tbe Y)ilanti Commercial snys tlmt the Dtiinücratiu Stato Coavention noininutod Judge Chiustia.nuy. Whoro dij the Commercial get thu newn ? YTé were present iu tlio couvoatiou und didu't "sce ït" i that liglit. frXThe Draft at Kalamazoo bit Ex Lieut. Oov, Sfcu-, (jK0. a Fituii, Eq., oí the Tdlerr.iph, and a numbor of other notables. Tkej should inuvo into a inürü patriotic towu.


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