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lÑiGiTÍTÍriÍIK Patienger traías now leaire Detroit and the everal stations iu this County as follows : aomo west. Day Deitcr Etcd. Night Train Ex. Ace E V Detroit, 7 45i.MlO.45A 4-eo P.M6.5S P.M U OUr K!, 8.15 ■' 1S.00M. 6.25" 6.50 " 12 35 Tm Ann Arbür, 9.40 " 12.Ï0 r-6 SO " 7.10 " 1 0! ■ Dextr, 1010 " 12.40 " 6 15" 7 40 ' . UhalBO, 10.30 " 12.55 g'.OO " ooisa bast. Evn. Dexter Night Day Malí „L , " Ai;cEi. Ex. Train Ches., ISXM.uí-aer.xltaru DexU-r, 830 i. 7.55 " 3.50 '■ 7 4 AnnArbor, 4.30 ah 7.00 " 820 " 4 05 ' 8 OS yptilaoti, 4.55 "7 55 ■ 8.40 " 4.25 " t.U ' Detroit, 6.10 " ((.55 " 10 00 " 6.45 " 9 46 ' Tlie Mail Train raus to and frooi Kalamazuo. WH1SKERSJ WHI8KERS1 Doyou want WhWor Mointachej? Our Crecían Compouod will force thew to grow on the moothext face or chm, or hair on bald bead, n Six Weekn - I nee, $1.00. Sent by mail anj-whi-re, cloelv „ealed onrece.Hofprice. Addrs WARNER CO., Box' 133, Brookljn, N. Y. Iy999. THE BUIDA], CHAMUKU, an Ef.ay of Warniog and Iostruction for Young Meo- published by the Howard Auociation, and SDtfr e of charge in ealed envelopes. A Idrejs, Dr. J. SKILUK HOUG1J. TOf, Howard Aociation, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. Iy996 - I'ROK. R. J. LYOÏfd' Patiënt and all other interrestcd will please take notice that he 11 oontiu uc hin visit at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during 1864 and '65 alid at the eipiration of which he wilMicontinue his vinits and open an Infirmary at Cleveland Ohio, for the treatmept o( Lang and Chent dieae. CHEROKEE CURE. Wis io K.ww, dut Win to Po. There i no room 1-Ui.ble frt tb.t of . young n,„Vri"ï brJ wekne of w], jet poMeed of .uffldent knowlertgí tofeel the loss Wishing to do, but too eiierïsll i .ill and in body to act. lHv..y.d when hfbou ld Fa., the ev of n agle, llstle.s h0D evory nrTe shouldtmgle with energy, dreaminif in Üeu „( doine fearing innrriage instead of eeking it nj f..t .„i-.r' U..ndf.t.toKng nt„ a drivelf-r nd .„ngïi other, and all through seminal weakness, due to over-.ndulgenco, nutural or unnatural, diaplaved in loathsome emissions that hunjiliatc and disirust him To uch we ay, takethe ChEkokbb Cork, ob8erve e direct.ons that acrompany t faithfully , and t wili n. fallibl.r beatow what nature meant you to iiosKes - Btren?th, energr, health, lieu of mpotenv manly power. Bead the advertí sement. gold IT aii druggists. iwW8 AGOOD TREE IS KNOWITBY ITSFBUIT. So II a good l'hysieian by hi Succesnful Work t PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS TUEGREAT AND CKLEBKATEII PHYSIU1AN0F THI. THROAT, LU.VGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countrj ad the Olebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! füln South America, will be at lii rciomn, RU&SELL HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthelBth andl9th inst.,on the same dale of and nety subaequent mnnth during 1862 and 1863 A NE AT PAMl'HLET Of the and extensivo travel of Dr Ivon. can beprocured by all whodesireone, freo of ch'trie Dr. L will visit Aan Arbor, Jackon.nd Adrián, Mtcn. , au follows : ' Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackson.Hibbard House, 21t Adrián , Brackett Hi use, 2Sd and 23d MnDBorFxAMixAnoii.-Th Doctor diocern. diea bytkeeyes. He, therefore.a.ln no que-tion. nor re. q tire pahents to explain ymptoms. Afflicted. como andhave your syraptom and thelooaüon of vour di. 9seeiplained freeof charu WANTED- Married Ladies, Prof. Von Verac' Diamond Prop, a nertr failinir Mid harralM remcdj fnr 11 obtructinns and irresi," lantics. All luarried ladies will find thi a ncrer fnilidk provcntiTe, for which itiii wnrranted in erery mstancf, andatein-ri'ed ojfnd a red jtarop for a circular, or2.2S fora bottle, to FREPERlrK gTEARNS druggi.t. trencral aent f.,r M!chirn fnr Ihè nmm. Prop,, P o 445, Uetroit. Poal,n, auppliM at proprieior's prices . 09BraC HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. Tlif lot. 5', rorl. bv 10, and in Ftnckfd ith fin, lYthty Ir"'"u Th'H'1"i' S by28.olr.Mor", witn good wel] nod cisttrc" „ . SAMLTX SH1ELP. ( :. (OSOS i DÜR CHINAMAN STILL LIVES, JLover of Rn0,l Ton w,l] plMM lrJ, , ñmfU OF OUií NEW TEA. , ,ff ?,!!,, li'"ls' Faiu; .Extricts. 8". Pío", w„, púr;:V. eu"L'u ■" WmeSf„r Medica! UMORS3T & 8TEWART. Sugarl SÖgaTï A small lot uf LOW PRICEÜ SUGAR. DüFÜKKT iL STEH-iRÏ. PST FISH.- Cdflsh, Whïüfish" DmFORSST STÜWART. A few bárrela, oitra qualit. DïFOREST i STEWART tOIL AND LAMP KEROSENE OIL! ÏThe best quaü;j ONE DOLLAR Per Gallon. DüFOREST 4 STEWAKT. HO! YE! Purchasers of OROCKERY. GLA8SWARE, LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, &c. f'or sale at less thau New York wholeele pricei br DkKORESÏ & STEWART. A Qpoá Clothes Wringer. laves time.' Su vea muney.' laves clothing! Savet ttrength! laves health! Savet hiring help! Savet weak writtt! Savet burning hand ! Woolen clotheH can be wrung out of boilinp water to prevent sliriaking, witliout injury to tlie machine. DeFOREST & SÏEWART. piLES"A SURE KEMEDY. Everybodyisbeing cured ui thia distressinii diaeaae : by the uo of UK. lULLINGroii'S PILE KEilEDr. Ruad what thoae ay wbo hare used it : Pitiufiiild, WUtuw Co., Micii 1 üt.S.A. Billinoton: DwrSir : For the good of tbe afflictod , I hero#Hh traasmit Idjou statement of the benefit which I hay receired from the une of your PILE BEMKDY For a liumber of years 1 hare been very badly afflicted with the PileH.somuch bo aa to render me at times totally unflt for business. I found no permanent relief from themany remedies which I made us of. and almost despaircd of effecUng a permanent cure. I was at leojftu induced by your gent at Ann Arbor to makt trial of your remedy, which he warranted to effect a cure or recen-e no pay. I cona'dered it like mot other p-iteat medicines- a humbug, un til I bogan to improTe With ovameut, and at length an entire cure 1 bocame conrinced it was ascientific and reliable remedy. 1 used Onc PiCKioiOm-ï, which lam happy to ayentirclycured me. Trusting that al] itho mate ue of tfcs Kloctuary for that most distressing disease- Pilo- inay realiza the aatue happy resulta, Taro lb.tyectfu]ly yoara, SMITH MACOMBbR. For cauej , cali on the Agent and obtain pamphlst and iference to a numbor of citizens of Ann Arbor wuo hafo beeu curtd by tho use of tho Klectuary. IWOREST & STEWART. fcratrst Medical Circular k Evtr hblished! fjk F WFifteonTEW Urge IT I letter pagei for tSo % %# 3 cent stampa, Mi Young Men'sConBdential Medical Adviserü n caae of Spermatorrhea or Semiual Weakaes oaud b Mnsturbation, Genital Tntlition. elf-buíe o secret habita indulgud-in by j-uutii at the age of pu berty. w o f BBS. JCKSUN, HEKBERT & CO. , Proprieton o th National Orspeosary, establiibed at (Jiaciuaali Ohio, Jan. )st, 1860. Involuntary Emissioní lead to IiopoteDcy, Consump tion, Insanity and Hfatb. Those who in tb leaat frorn tbis ban'iful practice, abould apply the wholeenergj of the soul to the attainmeutof health and ennsequeut eontentiuent and happino. F.TerT one, either sick or well, should hare our valuable treatiu on thia Fubjact, whfch in tent fre of cbarge Weguarantee to cure Gcuorrliica.Olect, SyphilIiK Iiupotency, Nocturnal Einission or Self-Abuse, Diur nal EmiFíion, Female Compiaintii, in short orery possiblrform and Tariety of Sax n lar Diamar. Ourea rip'd. thoroutrh and perinaaent, and feei moderata. öend Tor our Circular DR. JACKSONS FEMA LE P1U.S- (1 per box - Special written replies, wt-11 sealed, Bent with the Ciroular, without charge. 3')0 pages, 100 engravinga - "The Mountain of I.ight, ir Medical Protector and Marnage Uuide, and n Kxplicit Key to Lorean.1 Beauty." It SATBFACTORILY reyeals Tariouisub jects never beforefully exjilained u any popular work in the Euglish languago. Price 60 cents, or thre for Medicine and instructions ent promptly to any pari of tho country. CoDfulting Eoome of the Dispeuwrv No. 107 Sycamore treet, I'. O. Box, No. 43fl. DR. JACKSON'S ORIENTAL LINIMENT Removes all coldnen, and rejuvenatei organn which have lain dormant for many jears. Can bu mailoc wilh perfect %fely. l'rice $Sper bottle. DR. JACKSON'8 FRENCH PATENT MALE SAFE. It ík the only aure and aafe preventiva againgt con tracting diaoase ever invented, Price $1 each, Í4 per half doien, and $7 per dozen, int by mail. SmM6 PLASTES .' " To Whoin it May Concern." The foilowing leiter frora the proprictom of the Grand Rápida, Michigan, Planter Beds, touching the fact who has and who han not " Grand Rnpids, Michigan, Piaster" for sale in the city of Ann Arhor, prores clonrly tliat fon e who claim to have it have not a pouiid of it and hare not had for ye&ra. Ghahd Rapids, Micnir.AX J Febmaryl7th,1865. } ToMeMrfi. Gor.dale &. Heoly, Aun Vroor ; nd J. B. Hinchmxn, Eq., f'etroit, Michigan HíjbSim:- Thi i to certifjf thnt D. DeForist, of Ann Arbor Michigan, han not bought & r onnd of PlaaUr rf u,or tither of us niñee June, 1863, and that a errUin '■ liand-bill" circulated by him, datert Feb 2nd M66, whlch Mate that he koepi the " ony gmunt GnmlRupiils Michigan I'la3ter," ii utterly fal. [áignod] WM. HOVEY. Agont. F. GODKKEY. tS The Purp Hrand Rapidn Michigan PlnMor, may be had in any quntity at our Store, opposite Cook' lotel. 8LAWS0V POV Jlnn Arbor, March Ist. 16fi5. 2m99ö' A KHABjE MANO- ene of tht best laitrumeou I


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Michigan Argus