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U. S. 7-30 LOAN. liy mtliurlt of tbe flecraUr; cf the Tiaastr, the uuikratgobd bu aasumoJ tho Oon(.rii dubioHptiofi for tht; ila ui United BttttM TraaUfy XoUn, Otthrln 3eveu and timx; tuutii j pi ■■L;.. lüterot, per uuuum, kuuno as the SEVEN-TÏÏIETY LOAN. fba Note are isjutd under date of Aujfudt 16cü, Iöü4, itad ro paablö thre# jr from that tiau, lü currvucjr, or tu convuitiüio at %'uy W(itivii cf tLs huldur luto V . e. o-áO Slx per ceut. GÜLD-BEAKLNG ÜONDS. Tliase bouj ars do worth u pitmiuoi of nluo por cent., iacludiug gold nteiost frouj Nuvuibr, wuiuh inakos lbo aclaul pruilt ou luo I SO luan, 1 cunaut ruuji, includirnf iutereat, tibout len per unt. pr uuBuaa, bini'laH ia uumiUian rum Stau and Munivpal ■ laialUm, wAlc adat ra,a ,i H - -■ M, ,„r, ■curding w tho jale Uviwl ca ulbr i.uiierty . lh. lUloreat la yaj-ublü idiui-kanuail 0 ooupQU muulifU cuaucLuuio, uicii oí b cui alt auü ,uld tu uy baak or tufen. Thu iul.roit aiuuuai to One cei.t (xr dajr on a 4O nat, 'i' vvo cub " uuo " Ten " " . fSUO O " " $1000 81 ' " ' " 60O0 " mea oí all me aenoinlnatloas unwed il fc, prometí luruUhed upoo reeelpt of uliwriptloiu.Tklsla TUE OEY LOAS IN MARKET now offore t b tha Oovornmeut, nj II I conadeiitlj ezpactid tiint Itl tuperiur ilrantaj; will uik. It tü Great Popular Loan L. People. Lean than aoo,OüO,OÜO remalu uajold, lucb will prubably be dispored of within the uoxt 60 or DJ da, whea the notei will undoubteüly commaud a preinluia, aa ha u mformljr "been ,tU caa sa gloaiag thetubscriptious to othr Lmuê, la uraer tuat citiwut of ver; toro ul ection uf th country ma ba affurded facilltio. for ukins th ". the Natioaal Bank, Sute Banka, aad Priiai througbout the eouutr hare (aaerall greed to recaire lubacriptioas at par. Subacribarl willwlect theirowaïnts, in whom the hr oonñ'l.uce, ud who only are to b reipcmsibie for ti úeliitcj gf th uetna lr which they reooWo asitn. JAY COOKE, SDiwcKiPTioír AauíT, PktladklpMa. SüBSCalPTIOS WHJ. SI RECIJVSD i th FIRST NA. TiüNAL BANK of Ann Arbor. w THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Capital, $1,000,000, Paid Ia, FISCAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Akd Smui.ii Aüiüt tor Jat Cuokí, öojucsiraow AOKNT, Wül Delirer 7 30 Notes, Pteo of Charge by ipreei, in allparts of the country, and reociïe In paymentCheckOnNw York, Philadelphia and Boston curreut bilis, and all 8t, per cent. [ntarwt not. with interest to date of subicription. Ordrri sent br mail willbepromptly filled. Tbi Bank reeepos the accounts of Banka and Bankcrs on favorable term ; alao ol indiridual kexij. mg New York accounti. TT HUT r l i.V.QB.Via.Pruidnt. T. T HILL, Culmr. 3m9S8 WAR MOST ENDED! CHARLESTON TAKEN I ! GUITERMAN & CO., Being oonnect4 with on of thn Urgt Lau ia Now ï ork, whicb hu bftm teeiUtii for Selling Cheaper tbu taf otbar baai. At bouJ to b Bol "_T TT X j mr 3EQ by au MUbllibm jt til! ngw .xl.W Uarlug mjlojtU ka piin4 diroet from NEW YORK HTY, who hu hd long xVecioac ia tabuuuw, ir gutrastae o (ir tbs beit SATSSFACTIOIM to out numorom CÜSTOMERS & STUDENTS of th ünlverdty. Kpln([ 6n htnd th Urgait stook of CLOTHS, GASS1HEBËS, VËSTIAGS, together with tho Urjt Hoc of Keady-Made Clothing, FÜRNÍSHING GOODSÜ &, &O., &c, whioh w will olí oherr tban nn.T o-hr MrtI.H ment ,n th. citjr. All wP .fc . tht o,lr ft.endi nd Studrnt ,11 „i„ „aciunll sstisfy themselve. M. GUITEEMAN. ,feCo.. msstPÉïA, DliiiSKS t & 8 VLliKÜC KO.1J DífiüíUJEBS Of XtíK LÍVi AND DIOBSTIVE ORÖANS, las ouiíkd By HOOFLANB'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GEEAT STEENGXEEÍÍIÍJQ % s s a . Thcsc BilíiTs tiuvc püü'orraeil more Cures HAVE AND DU ÜIVKBRïïËRSATISFACflüN Huyo Iuor Tejtlliuony J UaVE HORS RESPKOÏABLE PÜOPLE ÏO VOUCU fOli 1HEMI 'l'bao aa otba nrtiole in tL mrkt.' W d(y uuy oo tu coutradict ÜtU Asaoniou, wiu pay fteoo tefcDjremwiiowíW prvdtic CortiSctt paklMlxl b u, ih&tiji aai usxpiAk. BOOFLAB'S VliAI B1TTEBS VTtU. OCM IX EVKRV CASÏ OK Jliiuiilo or Ntíivoue üebiiity, DlBeaueií of Uio Kidneys, u,i piaeüaea arlaiiig ñom dfecutloied btomacli. tf íht Dlgulivc Orgam : Contlp,UIon,Inai.H'l.a, Kulln-i uf lilouj tu the b.J,Aoldty Uftl,.dt.,mh, Naui... H(,.inburu Divu.t for lucí. Fulli,,. ur c.i((h, iothu .stwu,,,h' I # f .1Lr"ll?. long or UulUnnif i iho pit ef the Stomath, .-jwiinminjt of thc UeaJ Hurrl.dn1lJlmuulll.r-1,i„{. KliuK-n, ut tk li„rt . QinklDg or Suffocating auliouií n hen In a Lin Postuiej IJiiiuiUís „t Vision, Dota n'íio 1".bf0r tb1 Fver d ,DllptahltheH8aJ,Defldlen:J..uf PruspiratioD Y filo nasa of the sklu j (; , In th. d. iMCk, cbt.limb.,, Se. Sudd.n'fluS. e of Heat, Uurninj lu tha Fl,,h, Oudm.oi, lm(lmngaofLvil and Oroat nepre,,on of Spiíitl, THAT THIS BITTERS IS NOT ALOOHOUO, COÜTAIN8 NO RUM OR WHISK'EY, AND CAN'T MAKB DEÜNKARDS, BUT h th, World. ÖT READ WHO SAFs SO : I hare known Hootiand'i i;,,,,,,, ■,, . fora uumberol y.„,. , hay. "„?'"" .f"orbli know that th.r haye opérate ,D , ."rTkinílv K8"i,ttd olairaing thi faot, and oallinif th It, u } I:cl "■"■ mnd.d,totheM bitters, knowiuif rrOm L y a-e r8com ch.fully..Hooflnd', Bit er.? ntenL? i1"?" 11. alUiot.d,.ndi" nota rum drink "d ' b8aflt Y.ur.truljr, LEVIU.BKCK From Rer.J. Newton Brown U D F,n. , ,t dient, and affect, 1 et knoVof "o ,!,■ .'r 'ngre' city, because I w.. prejídiced agalnst ïnï"; "' tbii alchohol.c mixture. 1 am ind.bted to mr fniñS 'R "k" ertühaemakor, E.q , tor the removal „Ls'?ndR,üb bT proper teau, and tor encouigen,o, té 'I J '" when Buffering from great and Ion cont.n, h ,7. them The use of tl.ree bottle, ol the. Wtt ? at h k 'itJrnmg of the present y,„, wa ,„„„ ' " "" begin and restoratlon t, a degree of bodil „5 t, .} rellef whichl, lThOt?' Vior de.palred cf regainlng. 1 theM?"r tt'ank j" a'm" fti.ndfor drtiOK B. to the „.,„? „.em ""' mj J. NEWTON UHdWM uw.,. different kind. of niedlclw., b.a vgr" " H .. out of my appropriat fT}n ?í tcti delmed; but wlth a clerpf„oVln y"ioü?,ii 08"-'C omceasositmaylail; k "„,1 lí P"'"M' Ia Yoori.T.r reipoctfuliy, j. H KENrN..R1) From Rr. Warren RauJolph Patur „t .1 Church,O.rmanton, Ponn "" "Hut Dr.C. M. Jacison :- UoarSir - P„r, „.1 pr.p.rd ; jou a. inu.t„„l ent med'c? In willij, ,im,i,r eff.ot. ön o "'e"d dUbt "Ot th Youri,ttui, WARREN RANDOU'n. öormaotown.P a1?i:kr7trní?;Tirsr)díourdG"mn th.tthb.n OfrtVe"ce.IiabiiS'ïlhrrdl ' "" cai. cfgoneral d.bilitj. of the mtem ft !. .1 " mo.t rambl. Mm7.d, or VSS?l!Í1gLSl. youri,r..i,.etfuly. ,, H. TURNER, ......niMMmH, Stret From th, R.t J. M. hyom, form.tlr Untar „f tb r, New Rooh.ll., N. Y. ' Dr. 0. M. Jnckion : - DearSir Tfit j J. M LYONS. wíp.t , „.,„,„„„ Ut,roony to th Itofirred ronnMtion l V . . mv mmyofthcirgoot; h beon .,„ed bj RMp.ctfulIy your. , T. WINTER , RoxborOBgh Pa. Your,withrsi,0t, J. HERMAN. BRICES. Lrg. Bit., (bolding nnrly Mk ,,,ntitT . BEWARE OF COUNTKKFEITS. Soe tbat the iieaature uf " r u iéosmih i nnoipal Office ond Manufaotory, NO 631 ARCH STRE ET PHILaDELPHÍA. Jones & Evans. Succeuor, to C. M. Jack.on f (Jo. PÍIOPR1ETORB. F-,r -!- hv D,uír, ,Jtiiw ,0 bwt jj


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