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- rvt i - - . . ., ■ ' "; " ■ _ - l CLOSIJXO OUT S-A-L-JE ! X SJ-LEKDIl) STOCK Ük' DRESS GOODS! FÜRNISHING GOODS. CASSIMERES, Cloths, Satinéis, &o. DOMESTIOS SHOES. HATS í CAPS, Orockery, GROOEHIES, &c, ftiS!" trice I"tili ta l'riiJ' ür u"h ' k""MACK & 8CHMID. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, PHOTOGRAFH ALBUMS, PWTUIiES, FRAm, ÏHREAD, SILK, MAC HM E O IL, S,v. Th underigaed now oLf,„ iht fuMl. TuL BïJj;r TAMILY SEWSfMG IVSACHÍÍME DURAB1LITY, BEAUTY oj STYLE, and VAlilETYofWORK,ü "STANDS ÜP HEAD." It iiee-l, only fo Iwm tobt.p.rwtated. Iiun the t "h tv -kl t : "k f" '""" ííe"" fri"n th" thinnfrt Knaion or neodl., or without bkii.e the twU!The Wonder of the World ! AlüSiío ïfcïiJÊ9 mS" e.-u,rful PHOTOORAm Af.BtMv PÍCTOPES .n.l FRAMES a (front and p.cturcs tiam„d to order ai .hort notie Abo, BARNUil'S SKLF ?EWEFi „r TUCK.KR, whloh t-aii be idjusted to any Sewnii; Maciiinf . ,..r" at th' "X" of tbo fUJÜEVCf 8KWIN0 MA. tlilNt., a fow door tit of Oouk'i Hotel. StifchingiNeatly Done to Order, A1..I. on oíl.ibiti'jn, l).c.!i,l,rat9d ' WED) SEW1NQ SffS2?'VïK.l? "10 premium tthMi-hi W. D. HOLMES. Aon Arbor, Peo. ySth, Ifi4. 9ytf THE ONLY 8URE THINQ. PHOTQGBAPH üllliÊlilffl A tta unir. indician, it rut hk.-iw, (S I growth et the hir when and faTüiia ot bnt It roior t.. t rrifiimlshartp whrn it i turuins gray or whitf, ïthfihei useci bydireimIt Will f tulnlr rlo ic':nd frtt, f.ct tn nhich hurdrrdit.iiay.ilioiistiiHi rba lerr i ,d it „ru rcdy nnd wUllug to tnttfj. W blrr. n.e bottlo la fair ;r"h"'1"""-v commmaiy tf ttpolniou "tpreada llkenililHiV amlialh I t dvrrtiwmonl nd ree 'V'"?,'','.'''""1 " d0"ir'' 1n '" IJi'tfrn Pttes, hm lho"ÜV.NEWKR" nr.fth. u!.it i....! bj.UTounir I.ndipB OriKing, nnd l-efmnd ntlm tolit UblM fYouj, Men, (1 ,„ ,; u„tr harborn ; (while Dlder Men and Women irill rot lic itv.i,t it' renewcran.l r.6tf.r.itiT(. fnr tl eir grej Iccks and bald hds. ■ In tl. t cliBüff to thilr entiru ulisf.ction ,' ;;,'■; r1,1"1 in th ci'y f fitn jont, UPwri. . C JCJ 1:fr m'nii'. '!" lfW svnK the RKMWt K the i.fl"fnce orer 11 othr f not h.,ld b.r nriif-RÍM in ? Urrn,h IH-jl lol'l, "' bt'1 l'voutï Br pro, upoo roc.ipt of oüc rtolUr bv m,j)„ tJlUfgIjWjl ,"U M opportunlty kt fur t'tinftit-xclli'it Tirtupa -Or.ler.for TVia fc,. „„„, b(, adi„,wdlo grjpw rtUrH frL tb Vrthí,trBStit.l.C. A. tüOK B..X 054, ihlr„Ka, IU. All schort ars will ro.ive pronit itntion. R P.IIA1.1. -().. PmprtoAM, N.iiha. N. H me trrteupilicd t Manvaclurers' vriset bv H!T "H.KINCH&FILLEK, WholeMJ.I-r.w-t" ChlM ")"K"S6ni 9C. ' J--K,_ ÖMITH'S prescwptiox & mm store i I tb iUc to buy jou " MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Writing Paper. th Rnmotlm, BNVELOPS, nH all "ther .irhVlrj in oui lino Itl.irV . Ann vrbnr M;..h-,ri. Ji TAi' Kl' n. iv..frn„.i ,n. „rfmrfly ,tred ,„ , V9 i CHEROKEE CURE TUK QlilCAI INSiAN MEDïCSNE KOOTS, BABKS AK D LEAVES Au unfaillui; ure for oVjr..v.yv;, ékmt d MoJHkm, .-..'vr, .' fani'-UüivT, i!id all etuued by S:-J.{,.u--t, 3:ic!i ns om v" J'N'rCnïrtnof UtluJc, ivin in ' öt, O(mri.i f Vision, J'renHttnrt 'jid AE, Wtai AVtmí, ÍHfflvu y .'■' lir afftirtff, Tiuti'lig, Wítlrftt?M!$t Lr4--r-n% X Í'ií Mi.;, '('■ fbí'ít.'' 'i'f.fv, Tfti'ittity, ('-".fu. '■'■ tion, and alt Uu, ili-.íi.Í tuiijpi.iinia uuiitd b Jep.-.rtlru' (roín b)i patli f uátucc. Í3Í) 'Hits bodldlne i m atingí rotaMf xtrM. jni i'Ne oq wMch uil ctt rv !y, rj U bu tft ú Ín our jrw;tc for tnTiy yeart, u, i (flth t!iíuí3htK)ts trvat -J, lt íüis bol hiUetl in i atjel íi.mj. . i:j toi v nvi i ttf nmot RtuMxtta 6ttt. tutwri, unt!l thvy tlilnW tlniilH-lve! ht yoinj C r..i(.li t.f nivttic il ■.:!, wc wnu'I ay IíkPíik a-ir-f EtieqiIKROKEK CL'KK I11 i,--'. '■' y ai .1 vit-'T. mi ! ift-, ;il pi:, fMtl rl t&r&tiift F1 ÜviUri !■ titile ■■" - tV-í IVrKi,-': pólUrji, anJ forwurJeil by Kvi-Vx-t 11 í ;(.!- - ,rl'J. puisplOtt ieut t nial) fnrt! cf pe-:..:-. , S DR. W. R. MLRW!W A CO., Oí LiBei-ty st., N-w York, HvU Prñt'yÁjí 6LAÜ NfiWS tm VilM i.ïFiiKïf,N,riü. I TíhjLü:1 3TèfM af %M ' Oures imfrom on to iJiree daya. CHEROKEE REMEDÍ cherokee'.mjectson, Coinpouuded from Eoots, Barka and Leavva O11KIX0KEE REMüDV, the (rel ludían PiiMtll.1 cnn- sil ■üíeüsc of thu Crionry Oriran, neh u Incontlnence of the Urine, JnjUimmation qf Uit Bladder, lcfit.mmj.lvm uf Uu Kiitntvt, Stoiu xn tht Bladder, Stricturè, Orqptl, Onorrhta, Ulttt, Eiid ï ïspecially rccuulTUOUdeii In tln.rie „oj of tvur Mbut, (ur Whltei In hmalti,) where all the M nftii'-.uui intnU-uioi bavc fHÜetl. p& It Is preparrd In a tilghly conctntratiil frtnu, th dose ouly bcini: from one tu two teaiix4ful.H ifn-cc times per day. L39 It Is diurtUc an J iiUeniin In lt actlun Curifylnjr iind cleRnsInjr t!te blogd, oiïujiing It to üyw l all of IU Mriglnal purlty and vigor; thus KÉDOTIng fruni System all pt-ruiclom causti wliiulj have iuductil ttlwaja IIIKROKKE IJK:TION Itir.lsaded asanally or awlstant to the ('ticrokee li. ui. cdy, and shoulil be usc.l In coqjunctloo m itti tlnn lueillciiie In ui! caies uf Qleet, Oonorrhn. b'luor AHjus, or Wlillei. lUtffei are hiallng, nthlag and drmulcenl ; removlng 11 üciildlui!, hcnt nil pain, instcad of the Imruiügand alirjiit unndurabU pain thr.t is ézprleoeed with nearlv all the cbeaD quack Injvi-tions. )pPByth( seof the CHKUÜKEE REMEDY and CHKKOKKË INJbiCTlOS- the to medlcbi at the sami' Ome all Improper dlxcll arcn ar removed, and the wi-íi'í; ii"(1 urvamare tpcedllr r toreJ to iull vigor aud rensrth. I'rk, ('licrokee Hcmcdy, 3 pac boltle, or tlirec bottlei for J5. taP-1'ric", Cberokoe Injeotlon, (I mi b..ttlr, or thrPe holllcs for S, Heul by Li,it.i tu auy addreuon rclul af urliM. Ly The Itcruody, í h ruit "■ Ijijcciloii und ('are. ar old ,y all ,-nttri prUiutf Druggiu iu tbc olrllli4 wirltl. Sume unprtnclpled dealers, howevtr. Ir U ■til worthlt-w in plitce of the : Uium whiohthty can porhata ut a cheap prc?, and tnak more moucjf )jy avUlug, than tbry cao uu tUc mwJ. Iclnes. As ytQ vulu your h'-alth, vc. the UeHW of your future .ttTiring, üo nut tn; dccelrrt by uok anprlaolpled Dniisti, at or Vat mtilioiju amd ta:tnofier. ir thv Drnggiáti wlll nol baj Lhmm fur you, encloM tiie mouey iu & ltftt#r, nd we wUl ■ ■mí thtm (o jrou by Evpre.-w, ecurely calfd ld pit' -ked frt' frum übfrvtlon. La-üed or Gctitlcnicn can a-hlrrss u iu prfc citufldence, statlng fully and ptJnlj tb'.lr Awim and syiupioniB, uü tw treut alt di#eÁc ufa cluyni uatunj ia lunlc vrft-malii. Fatknta n?U not Ne&Jui i.r t'iclr inuiiillty to vUit uu, ai wc hv# treated patiuuts auccetifaUj In all portiümof tb dr Uized globe, by corresponden ce, TtttlcnU HiMi-cSiiiiir ui w!M picase Ute pUtnly all the symptonu uf theircomplainU, and wriu Potoilioi, County, Stut" aii'l ii:ui:l' of wriUr, piala, luid Incloae poBUg staiup furiply, W thd uértimfff P'jnphUt ƒ# to any 4 drt-34. Aldxt:s ail letten (or Pamphlcti or advlM to Vb prüi'iletorn, Or. W. R. MERWIN & CO., No. 8 Mbtrlj u-Mt, New Tttr. iiel Wblele Drugglt? in D.trolt, ! kr -TEBB1NS & W7I flllf, Vsn Arbar. 9521 Mr M.thewi Brst prcparod th VKÏfETIAH HAIH DYL. ; {,, uiat time it has been ud by thoo.,,,1, una m no in,Mne. h. it f.iled to giT. .utlr. tl.?.'.' The VENETIAN DYK 1. th. chp.btin the world U.0,lU.ftur.r of mIthÍ; -'91"' i. BACH ■r bougiit before the recent GÍÍKAT ÜISH Bi GOLD ! Wáich wül boJSold; FOR OA8H ONLT, JLOWEST MARKET PRICES Cali and See ! Aun Arbor, Jan uur v, 1865. Rifle Fac"tory! Beutier & Ts-aver, [HU0CM.OTB to A . j Sothnhaj ] Manufa.tiirers of and ü jn Guns.Pistols, Ammuüition Flasks, Poachet Gam, hag,, nnd Everjother ,rtirlP ,. ihut Line. T ïl 3F A.xn:rKc,hon-t iintic. .nl.,.S.,tm.n.F WK. M O WNM i f.m .i.onn.-.tlw.y, k..,t ,:.;..„]. ,4lM4..tlH


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