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'Wc sliould do wcll to translatetliis word War into langungc moro inteUigible to us. Wlien we pny onr army and navy esti males, let usset down - so much for killing- so miicli for maiming - so much for making vyidöws and orphans - so much for corrupting citizcns nnd subjocts into spies and trailors - so much for lctting loosc the demons of fory, rapiñe and lusl within the fold of civilized society. We shall know by this nueans what we have paid o;ir monoy for: whciher we have a good b&rgoin: nnd whelherthe account is likely lo pass - clscwhero. Wc must tnkc in, too, nll thosc concomitant circumstancos wliich make war, considered as battle,tlic lensi part itself - pars minima svt. We must ÍL oíir eyes, not on the hero returning from con quest, nor yel on the gallnnt oiïiccr dyiiijj in the bed of honor - Wie subject of piel ure nnd of song - hut on the private soldier, furced into the service, cxliausted by camp eickness and fatigue: palé, emnciated, crawling toa hospital, with the prospect of life- perhaps a lonfr uc - blastcd, uselcss, and 6ufferingr. We must think of the uncountcd tenrs of her who weeps alone, because tiic only beiog who üliared her Hcntiments is taken from her: - o martial music sounds in unisón with her feelings: the long day passes nnd hc returns not. She doos not shed her sorrows orer his gmvc forfihc has nevcr learned whethcr he even had onc."Ex-Govcnor Portor and Mr. Burk hnvc csloblislied a (urnaco thatwill produce 4,000 tons o i ron anniKilly- coiibuniing 12,000 tona of coal, 12,000 toneoi'iron ore, iuv 4,000 tonsoi lime


Signal of Liberty
Old News