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MICHIGAN CENTRAL INSURANCE CÜMPANY Kalarnazoo MicLu Iniures Rlant Eoss oí Damage by Fire ur Ijightuiug. OHARTER PERPETUAL.Outrantet Capital, by StaU Avthority, $800.000.00. DIREOTORS : J. P. Kennedt, MUesh Giddikgs, A. P. Mills, W. Sntdkr, 8. D. Allik, Gsoí W. Allek, OFFICERS: J P. Kennedy, Pnt. T. P. SheH'on, PÏ Geo. W. Snyder, See., A. P. Milla Trea., H. B. Hoyt Att't See., S. D. Alien, Gn. Agt. 840tf RE YO' güKED? F NOT, O ALL OW C$Sf. ÍÍIH LEN, Agr. '' olM Companio: Home ïnsnrsBice of New York, ;Cash Capital over $3,500,000. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO. Oï NZW VORK. rpiul orer $1,500,000. In Uiia Compny the In ■arad particípate in ïhe proflts. orr-sr firb ixsts., co., OF HARTFORD. Capital OTor Ttrw; Hundred Thouawd DollarsC. IT. MILLEN, r?t Mninitreet, Ann Arbor. fEí xx c jíe: 9 MA(JK & SC!lf.MJ.I)'. riM-IE KOOTri AND Ti: E LEAVES W1LL be iur the HuaÜLg ol lk Natío 8 ■ We. tk. r. aEraKns, rilJ ■■ :::.T AND CEI'.KBRATEU HlVSJCiAN of the . XUBQAT,U;XJti,TlKAIi'I lVi-il AND TI1K ill.OüD, , Kquwu all over thecountrj us the ohlkükat::') iisrx?i-A.isr ïïsjas i Of SJ Superior Stwtt, Cltvelauü, Ohio. VvWv-vÍ( ihe fuilowintf ylacen, viz AI'FOiN T.'uMCN i FOK 1SO, 1863 mul ïfföi, I'rof. K. J. LyotiH cttn bé uusulted at thu fnlloiifiiig [Jiucofifeí'tiry tuuuth, viü: Detroit , Kusscl House, eacb month, 18th ;n] lath. Aon Arbur, Muuitur lio une, eucli month, :Ovh. Jaokiou, tiibb&rd Housa, each month , 21. .dría u I'rju'i.ct Houe, eacL month 22dao(13d. Toledo, OLio,('llins Uoue,eaob mouth, 2-itli, 25th( ;il)d 'Jtith . HHUdale, Inch. , ÉRTl'aááté House, each moní!t,27th. Gfc&mtz, Mitíh-, Suutherw Michigan, neb munth, 2Hth. Klklmrt. KlliV-irt ■?, -'-ieh innnfb . li'Jtb. Suuih H..'niirïfcii., rit. Jo. K'jt;l, o:ich munth, ílO. La-pnrt', In il-, Tee (arden aIl int', i-a ch month 31 st. Woottter'jOhio, Craadoll KxcUaiigf, each -monirk, Ttb ,ind8th. M.'initlieitl, Ohio, Wiler Iloust pacli month, Oth and lOth. Mt. Ver non , Konyao Housjo, tácli month , lltli and LÜtb . Nwarkf Ohio, Holton House, eaeh month, 13th aniï l'ii'ufdvilK'.Oliio, Cowles House. eacb montli.-ith ÜlKVfc.LANH, UJiU). RRSI&KNÜK ANÍ) OFFICE, 22 8UPEKI0R 8TRLXTY Kast ui the public sutire, oppoH thi Fosiollum. iUWcv üaja acLl worUh, lst: .'id, 4tb, 5tli , 6th, 15th. Utticw 1miu1Í A, K. to i' M , and frt-m 2 1'. M, to -1 t'. ii. Ur-Siad;ty frotu 0 to 10 A M.,ni)d 1 tu 2 I'. M. 4j-MAxirnM.Htricilv adticred to-I Rive flucb bftlmiis luie no strife, Witli n tur ft. si tía !■ ■■;' Ufe, Witb bloúd mv ban-isl nevi-r .sinin, Noruol(ii men tocase theirpuín. ; is a ilysU-ian indeed, who Cures. The iii'lian Uoctor, K. J. LYONS, cure thp foft lüwiuif odmpminta a tbe most obritinAt stages pf thtir eiiítt'nco, vil: lHuaftHot ' thüThroíit, Lun&P, Hoart, Liver, Ftomuch.UropyintheíJhest, RheumatTiin, Neuralgia, Fits, Alo all diseasof the blood, such at, Scroful, ErysipcVs CüMIfl . fevfcy dores, Lvpros;, and ali other comllIfupQ' '1 elirouicconiplahiU. All furias uf Cómalo difnculties atiended to whh thc lm-.pimtrenuUs. .,,,■ II it hopetl th:it un uno will 'iespair of a cure unti] havfgive" tlu-lni'.uin II. rb lioctor's Medicines a fnii:iuiilf:üUiful trial. aUuTÍUg the Ductor'! tmvi4s ia Europr, West lndies, Bouth America, and tlie United State, he lias been thc inslrument iu God' hand, to restore to hcuKli and víroi tliousands hn were iivon up and [ironounced incurable by the most emincutold school physicians; nay, morp, thouaandl who wpre on tho Tt-rjít' of the graTe. are novr [ivinp moi.uments to the Indian Herb's Doctor's tkili añil ii3a?iHïataa?nt.aiidared2ilyexclaiming: "Bles?,í b? theíTaj wbeu first we saT and partook of the [mlialiHcru Doctor' medicine." Sutisfactory rofcrenceBof ojres will bo gladly and checrfuUy iiveii henevfvr required, Thi'Doctur pledges his word nnd honor, that he will in no wii' directlvor ip.directly, induce or cause any nialid to take liis niedioine without the strongest probi abmty'nf a cure. Modeofexaminaton,wluch is enUrnlyililrarant fi-om thefactit.T Dr, I.yon professes to discern di' I neases b tlie i-ye, lie thereforo a.'ka uoquestion, nor do8lis r..,iuiru putieutstoexplainsymptoms. Callone and ;ill lu'd have tlicsympt"! aud location of your dsitH!5BlieSJrae of clmrge. YKt p"r 5'"" brtioeranj nonsidered. W-Po.tofflceM!e9.,box 20 p Cleveland, Dhio.Nov.ïS, 18152 ly880 JIJSI OPENING ? The largest Stock and best assortment of EABI?ÍET FURNITURE ? ever brouglit tu this city, inoluding SüFAtí, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM BETS OENTEE TABLES, BüliEAUS, CHAIRS, liooisins O-lasses Giit Frames and Mouldings, MEÏALÏC CASES, &c, ' c, I ! ana all oÜkt goodn kej.t in the best arnl Iar;cs1 housen in the oouüiry. WeKeepno second hand uriituieor Auction gooils. CuftiM kepi cnustnntly ( n and, and made to order, good are offered at "HE LOWEST CASH PRKïES N I?. I must hTP mcnpT, and rcspecUully request iom cali and Bx up their old mattere lthüuUelaJ O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbr, Oct. 9.1863. 9-5tf ■ BAÑÑER EAÏ STORE! o GOTO Bcforoyoubsry.Sprini d Summeratyles ot STRAW GGODS! OEISTTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. innArbor, April 20th, 1864. 3m963. A LECTURE YOUNGMEN. Just Published in a Sealed Euvclope. Price Six Cents. ALECTUKK on the Nature, Trratment, and Radical Cure of Spermatorrha: or Seminal Weakoess, ínvohmtary Emis;on, Sexual Debility, and Impedimenta to Marriage jtcnorally. NerTounness, Coniumption, EpilepST 'and Kit : Mental and phyiol In-pacity, rultin1t frota Solf-Abu. te. Ily UOB'T J. CÜLVERWKLL M. II., Author of the "Green Book ," e. World renowncd aullior, in his admirsble I.6Cture, clcarlj prored from bis own experience, that the awfül consequoncen ofSclf-Abuse maybc cfTcictually remored without medicine, and without daugerousBurnicaloieration, bougies, instrunienti, rings, or eordiuls, pointiufi uut a modeof eureat once certain and effectual, by which every eutierer, no matter wht hifl condition may lx my cure liiniielf eheply, priratcly, nJ rdicHj. This lecture will provea iJoonto thouanfU And thotifiandu. Stntuuder nj addri, in a plam, iealeil nvelope on the recipt of ix cent, or two pojtage VS7 liowery , New York, Port OlTicff or-, 4586. TAKE NOTIOE I ! i - ttaí litest tylei f HOOP 'SKIRTS! V.ju iil alwayK lis iui'.i-l "itii tlie ijunlify , -tv li'nnd ..t a3Bt -At 'ïv J S Ö H E 2ST C 5Z. ' S SEAWEED T0NI0s ANP MANDRAKE PILLSi Theabme is ft correct lüenoss of Dr. Pchcni'k. jun ïfter recoveriny from Coosumption, mnnj j-ears ago Below is alikeness of him a hu now aprems. When the flrat was taktn hs weighed 10Ï pouuds at Ihe present Unie liis weight a 20 pounds. DR. SCHEMt'K'S Principal Office and Lalioratory is at the N. E. córner of S1XTH and COMM.ERCE Streeti, Pbiladolpbía where all iettera foiadvice qr business ahould be di rected. Hewill be found üiore every SATURDAY, profi-n sionally to examiue ivuigH vdth the Rcspirometcr, for which bis fe is thrce doliai-.s : nll advice free. ín Ne York at Nü. 32 BOND Street, cvci-y TUEí DAY, frona 9 A. M. to 8 P. M . At the MAKLBORO' HOTKL, Boston, January 18 and 19, f'ebruary 16 and lo', Maich ÍS and .6, April 19 and 20, Msy 17 aud 18. June 14 nd 15, July 19 and 20. The Unie for ray bei ug m líALTIMQüi: and l'ITTSBVRti, will be sten in the daily papera oi tiiose citiea. lhe Uütory of Dr. Schenck's mm Case, and how he was curta of Coniumption. 3ïaDy yeais ago, wliilpt residing in Philadelphia, J had progvessedgradually in1o the last stage ut' l'ul niouarv (ousumptiou. Alt hopes of mj recovery beinst dissipate. 1 was advised by my physlcian, Dr. l'ui ■■ rhh tü remove toto the country. Moorestown, New Jersey, being iny native place, l was removt-d thither. My father and all his family liad liveil and died there- auJ died uf l'ulimmary Coniumption. On my arrival I was iut to 1 ed, where 1 lay for many vreeWa in wüat ■was deemed a iiopeless cundition. Dr. Tliointun. who bad been uiy fatlier's family physician, nu', had nttended biia in lii illuess, was called to see me. He tbougnt my cae eutirely beyond tlie reach of medicine, and deci'led tbat I malt Ue, and gave me oae week to arrance my temporal afloirx. In this a].parcntly hope lesa condition, I beard of tbe remedies irhlch I now make and sell lt geemed to me iliat I could feel them worting thöir way, aud peuetrating evcry aelTe, libre, and tisu of mï systcm . My luiigs and livor put on a new action, ana the mor bW matter wbicb tor yeara h&d accumulati'd and irri tated tlie different organsot the body. as elimiDfrted-, the ttibercles on m . lungs ripencfl, and I expectorated froto my lung as much as a pint oT yellow offemive matter every moming. As thiH exp-sti.ralion uf mntter subüided, the f.-ver abated, the pain leftme.rile cougb ceased to barass me, and tbe exhausting nightsweats were no longer known, and I had re rcslung sleep, towbichl had long been a stranger. My appetite now begon to return, and at times I found il difficult to restrain myself from enting too much ; %vith t.iis return of health, I gained in BtreDgtb, and now am UeshJ. 1 am now a hcaltl.y man, wilb a large hi-aled (icatrix in tbe nudillo lobo of tbe ligbt hing and tbc lover lobe hepatiitd ith complete adhesión of lhe ideura The left lung la sound, and tbe upper lobe ol the richt one is in atole: ably condino.i. ', . i:„„ n (■ í Vin t 1 inii v:is ihoiifii t t o Vip il n curable diñase, b.v every one, phyuciaus anwellM those who were unU'ai uedin medicine- espediilly .si'.cli cases ai were reduceil to the coudition I was in. ïliis iñüuced miiny peopleto believu mj recovery only temDorary I now jrepared and gvn tho meihcineB to consuniptives lor somu time, and made mimy ] Lui cures ■ and tbedemand ncieascd o rnpidly tliat Í , deteimiaed to olter thcm to tli pubüc, and devote my undBHedattentioo to lung diseasi'.s. in trutli.I was next to foreed to it.for people woukU.end For me iar an'dnear to ascertain whether their cases wem like "'"ór" raany years-, in coBJunclion uitli my piincipal jfficein I'hilartelphia.Ihnve been makin},' regular proesñonal vmits to New York, Bostun, Haltimure, and 'Vor several .eaTs past I hnve made as imny as live huudred exaraiuation weekly witb the '-Respuometer." For sueh exaroinalion my charge is three dollars, and it nublo mè to give each patiënt the true condition of bisdisease, and teil lüm l'rankly whether he will get Thegrcat reasou why phyuicians do not cure ConBumptioniü.thHtthey try to do toomuch ; they glve mccicine to stop tlie cough,to stop the n ght sweats, hectie fever, anl by u doing they demnge the wholc digestivo syRtfm; lookin? up the seoretiuns, and evontually the patiënt dien. Thé Pulmonic Syrul) 1 one of the most valtiable mtdicines known. It i nutriënt, puwerfull} tanic.aud healinj in itsclf. H contains 110 opium, yet loosons the phli-Kni in tho Ijronchial tube, aml nature throws itoff withlittieexeaion. One bottle frequently OBT snordinary culd; but il will be wel! Brst to take a dose of Scheaok'S Mandrake's I'ills to oleanae lh stoniaoh. Tbe Pulmouio áyrup I readily digested ai;dabBorbed intoblood,to wliichiiimrarts lts hiaíHng propertlea - Itixnneof tle beal prepnrations of iion in use ; it is a powerful tome of itsell'; and when the Seaweed Tome e the mutua In th stomaeh, and ia carnea off bv the aid of the Maudjjke I'ills, a healthy flow of KaBtric juke, koc1 appel ItfTaud goi dipelion fohow. The Seawced ïouic is a sümulant. and none othrr i required wheu it is nsel. It is pure and plensaut ; no bad efler.ts liKe hen uing Uourbon wbisky, vlncli dilorder the stoniach, torpors the lirer, locks up all the screüon,turns the blood iato water, sets in, anA Hia nntlPnt. (1ÍRS SuddenlV . Bourbon whisky is reconiraended now-a days by almost every pfcysidan. Many patiënt that virtt m roomf, both malt ml feiunle, are stupefleil wifli this poison. The relief 6 teinporaiy. If tbey coujjh they take a little whisky ; if they foei wuik and (eeble they take a little whisky ; if they cannot sleip, tbey tuko little whisky ; and they go on in this way, rc.iiirinK more anainnre unlil thoy aro blÓMed up.and Imagine they aro getling (losliy. The stomach, livt-r, an.l diKosliv.- in.ivers are completcW destro.vral, and loso their appetite for lood. No one as fret curc.l of oniumption by this procéss, hfre cavitios live been furmecl in the lungs A Utt'.e stunulant is fiequeutly benotioial to conrapUve6, such as pare brandy ov Koo-1 ine ■ in many cases London poiter or brown stunt in moderate quan'ttties ; but Bourbon whisky hostens on instead A cunnft consuniption. The Seaweod Tonic produces Instink resutes, thoroashly invigoraling t.estomaoh and dUestiye system, aJl enabling it to climinate and i. ake into healthy blood the food wbloh nmy b uwd for that purpote lt i o wonderful in it Hfects that a win,; KlaMs tull w.ll dirast a heurty meal. and a liltl. of it Mk.-n before breakfast will givo a tone lo tbH stomaoh which lew The MANDRAKE P1L.LS may be taken with entire afoty by all 'ge and condition, producini all the m&dremiltstliatcan be obtalnïd from calomel, man of the mercurial melicine. anc". wilbout any of thoi hurrful or injunoun result. They CRrry out 01 Ih Ttetn the feculent aud worn outmatti-r lousenfd an diwolved bv my Seawi'ed Tonic and Ptthnonto Bjrrnp:- ■ It willbe een that all tijree uf OJ mediciuos ave need ed in mest caen to cui-b CünsumptioQ. AÜENTS. BOSTON- Gcorge C.Goodfjn i ('o. NEW YORK- Demas Barue Si Co. S. S. Hance. Dr. OeorgeH. KeTer. CIKC1NKATI- F. E. Siro ft Co ., aud Jotn D. I'ark. CHICAGO- Lord &Smitb, and H. Scuil. LOUIS - Collius r.rothein. EAN FÜAXCISCO- Hontctter, Smitli k Denn. i ifn 1..1,' In i M rünllHTI ivljl'i'ali-r. f)%


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Michigan Argus