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Estáte oí Thomas C. Bicknell. S-;' ',!li:li!(;A., Coui.ty ai Vu-.-Iitmi:i w. atf, i. . tüe ProbatyjOourt tor the Conoty 01 ! S';isl.rí n;. v, hol.i-ii m t t!i .■ riili;it Ollice, n Die Cit v cí ' Aun Arl.iu-. , n Fi'iiiíiy , the i wmt v íouriii áuy of ' r'jiuv , :;. rfct yenr uñé! i i filhúudredliudiiixtvuv;-. . üí ' ' :■ ■ ' . ' ■ ;■ . If;ii. in matter ofthe &me ofTliunia C. Bíckuell, doceattecU Ou reSflíñg anft filíriá the petfxíón, duly viriiied. of Jolyi t I k-liiH'll, praynig that he or Rfme otliei suita■ pijinit-d Admiuistrátor of tLo esate if iiil ilec-K.-i ti. Tiraran pon it ís Ordaved,{hátMoDÚaj, ti.? 27lh day of larch next, at ten o'clock iu e (ni, qoon , be fortlw li?frirtr of said petition, and thut the ieii'8 at hw ;r stíú dftea.setj, uml vil ctltr )t■üIl ijiti. rc.-tr-ii Ín eairi eslatP, are roquired i) appfiflr a( ÜacsViönnf taidCoui-ttUeato bhüldn at ■■ ■ í'. "b:tií (Hlii'd . i ii the City óf Aun Arbor , .[■I Row eánae, if' ny there hr. wliy theprajtr ;i lijo Llnt ;■ not be granted: And it i.-) furtiit-r erdered . tlm-t an'n ptitiujiör i ve nífticeto pfVrtíciilfi interented in aid esiale, oí ■ öen'(y bl süid petü ion, and tho hfaring thereof, ■ . ■ , L tiií Order to be publirilifd iu the Mihftigan Ár$w} a üeVspapbr priuted a ml tóïcul;itint.- í n saïd Cüuntj of Wahteuaw , throu ucecási í w.-ckr; prwkiua tu aaui day of hearing. (A r.rueoopy.) HIRÁM J. RKAKKP, 988 Jadge ol1 1'robate Estáte of Mary èunimers. STATE 01" MICHIGAN, Counfy of VasMeruw, bs.- At h sMon of the Probat Cunrl Tor th Couuty of WashtéiraV, liold'n at the Probate Office in the city of Ani) Arbor, on KridiiyT th twen tv iourth daj of Fcbriüiry in tiiti yeur onc thousanü eight hundiett ;l:i'1 si; ly fivr. Prewmt, Hiiaw J. Beaken, Judge of Probate. Ir the matter of tliejtgt.atti of iiary SuniDicr.i, deCtaSüd. Joliii irot'iiiau , execuWr f the last w i 11 and teiattiftB5 offlaad déead, comes into Gourt and representa liiat ho ís now prepared to reader hid íinal u e oiint SS Micli ffxfectltór. Therpupon it is Ürdered, tlmt Monlay: ihe 27tU dky of Marci iiuxi, at ten e'clock in the i'orf-uoon, be af.igned fo exami)iirifj aod allowiiis; such account, iiud tht the boira at law of sa UI tleceabed, umi ü'! ntli er pcreöiis intercfited in suid estiito , nre required to appear at a ension of saidC'ourt, then to be heidenat the Probat Offlco. in tbc City gf Aun Arbor, in s;ii'i founty, anddboW cmihf, if auy tlicre be, why tlie said.'iccount should not be allowed: And it in further ordered, that sniil Exccutpr givè nófíce to the persona intpre.sted in páid estáte, of ihe pendencjf of sai'l acaouiit, aiid the bearing thtjrof , by causing a copy oí tala Orde; to be pub&bed üa the -ViVars, :t nt'wspapcr priuted 8bd ctrltií Ai safé County ni' W'abtoiüLW, three Huccesaive wt-kti pravioua 10! ay oí hearing, (A tnu-Y,py.) H1RAM J. EEAKES, 99Stü Judge of l'robate. Estáte of Amos Mead. STATE OF MIOHHi.W- County of WashfVnaw ss - AL. schsionof %he Probate Court toje the County of Wasliteniw, bolden ;ii. the Probate Office in tfc i cily of Ann Arbor,on Muti'!( v , the t won ty-ae vent h day ö f I" bruiiry, in tlie year une] and sixty Bw, Present, Híram J. Erales. Judge of Probafe lu the matter of the estáte "i Aihj.i Mtd, (Leetfefted. On rt'M(:.:ng and 6 ï ing the petítioh'í 1uly verífled,of Alvan líilíins. prayíüg tï'nt a ctrtain ínruniPBt now on Ble n this íuii: t. iiurpi.rüug tu b the la-t Whl and To-it:uiient óftktíú flcceased mnj beaclmittpd 10 Probat. Thii.-upun it íh Orercl, that Fri'.lay, the flíy oL March n'exV, at ten ü'clock in tljt foienoon, bt1 EkasigAea tor the hearing of sau pptitfon . and that the deviaees, legattes, and htirH t law of Raid deceaerl, and all ótftèr persons interested in sai' 1 estáte, are required toappearat a: Rèwitóe of said Court then to be hoklenat the Proba te OÍTice, in the city of AnnArbor.antl hIiovt cause, ïf any there be, the prayt-i of the petitionor shduld dq te grar.ted ; And it is further ordered, tht said pt-tti"in'r ?ive cotice ü the peinons interestfd in said estftte, of the péndenc of said pr-tition, anA the heariug tbereof, by ,a-i]iag a copj-of 21i ís Or der to bepublished in the Michigan ArgÁ3.& newspape Irinh;d and circulating B Paul County of "Wafiht'enaw thi'ee succeasive week previo uu to said daj of hearing (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKKS, 998 Judge of l'rubate. Estáte of Smiths - Minora. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Corxrv cv Wa.-utf.vatv-, ss.- At a scasion of the Probate Court for the Cuurity o Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Cit of Ann Aibor, on Sativday, the fourth day ofMarch in the yesir one thnusnnd éfght hundred and sixty live. Present, HiHAii J. Brakss, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tbs Estafe of Marinda Smith , and Jeuaetta Smith, minors. Ou re.ading and til ing the petïtiön. duly rerified, of John Mootp, Guardian nnto saïd minors, praying that lie ma y bo ficen.sed to 00II ctrtain reul estáte belong ing to said minora. TheiettpOB it is Orfleréd, that Tne3la.7T thefourth day of April uext, at ten o'elock iu the forenoon, b'e aPsigflea for the hearing of said petitiouaud that the nest oí' kin of said minor, and all other persons interentíd in said estáte, are requïred to apppar at a sesdíoá of Baid Court, tben to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cauae, ii anv there be, wby the prayer of the p;titioner sbould not be grauted: And it is furtber ordered, tbat .aid piititioner give noties in the persons nterented idM estáte, of thepfcndency of baid petition, aud the hearing thereof, by CAusing a copy of tliit Order to be publishfed in tbe Michigan Argvs, a newspaper printed and circulating in said Cuuntf of Washtenaw, fiucccíwive weeks prciüus to said day of hearing. [A trut copy.T 11IIÍAM J. BKAKE, yííSid Judge of Probate. Estáte of Eli Riggs. STATE OF MíCBKiAN.Cor.vTY VSUsHXKf ff , sa.- Ata seasioo of the l'robate Court for tbe County of Washtenáw, holden at the Probate Office in tüo eïty of Aun Arbor, on Saturday. the tweuty-tifth i!ay nf February, in tUo jFfear oüï :!Louytideighi; hundred and sixto five. Fregeut, Hibam I; Bimks . Jlge of Probate. In llic inattti of the Ëntatcc '-f K'i Kigg. dt'ceHeed. On reatling and fifing tbe petitieu, duly verified,of Andrew W. Jiiggs, praying that he ma y be appointc-d Adminidtrator ot tbe estáte of said fkjeeased Thereupon it b Ordered, that Saturday, the twertyüfth day uf March uxt, at t cd o 'dek in the forenoon, te twLsigped for the hearing oí said petition, and that the heirs at In of eniá deceaeed and all uer htoiis ïnttre.sted n fcüid estáte, are required to appear it a session of said Court, then to be holden st the Frobate Office, in the CitV of Ann Arbor, aud nhovr cause, if aiiy there be, why the p(iyprof tliepetitiuner 'ihould uot be praiued : And it in furthör ordcit'd , that saul petitionergivenotioe to the pinaHa intererited ín a-id estáte, of th peudency of said ptritiou, and the hearing thereof, by crusíiil' t eopy ( f this Order to'-é pu'uli.sheii in the Michigan Argus, a aewüpaper priiitt! and ciiTulnting in said CÓüfity ól WVuhtJenaw, tíirfce successive weeks previo as to 13 'Uit óf be&ritfg. (Atruecopy.) Ü1RAM J. BEAKES, 998td Judgeof Probate. Estáte of Sbubal T. Moore. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CocifTf Oi Washtemmw. a.- At a seísíon of the Probate Court for the County of Wushfuaw, UoUeuat the Probate Office in the fit y of Alm Arbor, on Satunlay, the 25th day of Febrnary, in the jear one thonsand eight huudred anti iixty five. Present, IIlRAM J. Beakes, Judge of l'robale. In the matter of the Estáte of ShubalT. Moorf , de ciiaM'l. Hi-nry Hall, Adminihtrator said estute, comeft iuto Court and representa that heis noff propared t( Tender Itis final account as Kuch Administra tor. Th'ereapon It Is Ordèied, that Momiay, the 27ih ilay of Marchnext, nt ten o'clock iathtfurenoon, be asaiguec forexamining and l'.owlng 8UCB account, and that the widow, and helrs at Jaw of said deceaaed, nnA nll otlier persons intereited insaid estafe, are requiredto appear at n session of saidf Court, theu tobe holden at tlic Probate Offlce,-in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if anv there be, why the saidaccount should not beallowed: Andit isfurther ordered that said administiatorgive uotice t. the persons mterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account , and the hearing theïeoT, by causing a copy of this Order to be publishedin the Mirhiffnn Argvs, n nwspa per printed and circulating in said Coiinty of Washtenaw three Hucee.ssive weeks previous to snid tinv of hearing(A true copy.) I1IKAM J. BEAKBÍ , S98td Judge of l'iobite. Estáte of Eiggs - Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Covxty okWisiithüv, ss.- Ata session of the Probate Court fur the County of Washtenaw, holden at the I'rubate Office iu th City of Ann Arbor, on Saturna}', the fourth d.iy of Miirch, inthe year mie thousaud Bight liuidred andsixty ttve. Present, ÏIuraji J. Bjíakks, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of William H. Rigga and Matilda J. Kiggs, minors. On readingani filing the petition, duly venfied, of Mary Bigns, Guardian unto said minors, praying that she may oe Hcensed to salí certain real estáte beloaging to said minors. Thereuponitis Ordeied.That Tuesday, the fourth day of April nest, at ten o'clock ia the forenoon, be assiguedfor the hearing of taid petition, and that the next of kin of aaid minors, and all other persons i#terestedinsaid estáte, are rcquireii to appear at a seísion of haid Court, tben to bc holden nt the Probate Office, in the City of Aun 4rbor, and show cause, if any there be wliy the praycr cf the peiitioner should notbe granted: And t is further ordered, that said petitioner give uotice to the persons interf sted in said estáte, of the pendene ƒ of said pitition, and the hearing thereof, by causing acopy of this Order to be publishedin the Michigan Argut,H newflpaper printed and circulating in saidCounty of Waslitenaw, three succensive week, nrevious to said day of hearing. fAtruecop.] I1IRAM J. BEAKES, tjggxa Judge of Prob&te. Estáte of Michael Walz. STATE Oí' MICHIGAN', Covnty or Wasutkxaw,ss. - At a session of the Probate Courtfor tlie County of Washtenaw, holdi n at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-eighth day of February. ld tbe year one thousand cight hundrcd and sixty-fiYe. Present, Hiram J. Bejkes, Jndge of Prooate. In the matter of the Estáte of ilichael Walz, deOn readinf; and flling the fetition, duly yeiifled, of Aaron L. Feldkamu, Adminibtrator of the Baid estáte, prayinK tliathemuybe ücensed to ell certain icalestate, wbereof thesaid docoust'd died. seized. Thereupon it is Orderod, That Moncbiy, the seventeeuthday of April next, t ten o'clockin thcforeroon, beassigned for the hearing of Raid petition, and tht thi'ividow and heirs at law of said icceased, and all other personsinterested insaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of naid Court, then to be holden at the Prob..te Office, in the City of Ann Arbnr, and fhow cause , if any there be, thepraynr of thl petitioner should not be tfranted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner givrnutice to the persons i nterested in said estáte, of tho pendeucy of said petition, and tho hearing thereof, by c-ausing a copy of thi Order to be published ie th Michigan Argus% a newspaper priutedaudcirculatinir in snid Connty of Washtpnaii, fonr successive wecke, previno to paid dy nl hearing. rAtrueoopv] HIRAM J. BEAKES, M8W Judg of I'tubati. Estáte of Lot Wilcox. STATE OF MICÏIIGAN, Coiwty o W .-.iuemv,.t i sessiou o the Probate Cc-urt tlu. ,'" Of Waalitunanr, holden at the Probate Offic iu tli f' of Ann Arhht, on WedDesday, the lifVmth ],, , March, ;.i thj enr oiie Uuutaadtlgbt hunW , lUtytrvü. "u ■"" KrescBt, IibamJ. Hf..'.keh, Juduf of Probatf Iu tho matter of tliu Eststu ol ],ot Vi. deeeased. 'uctxi On rtading and filiug the pctitioa 'dnl Teriflal , athn Philips, prajingr that l.e ornurt oiher k , ble person may be appoiiitod Adciiuiatrator uf Um. ite of sasd dectased. Theréupon !t ia Ordored.that Tuetday, tlie tltvcnü ly of Apriljuext, at ten o'cluck in the fort-nam' e assigued th.; h"riut; of said pi-tition 'n"i' ïat heir at luw of Raid deceassd ' „ I utber pursons interested ia said fcbtate, aje uired to apintar at u sesion of said ('ourt tiien tt k' olden at tlie Probate Office, iu the City i.f A i.-u Arbc r nd hhnv cause, i f any thert; bt', wby the praytr oFt'h' tetitioner should not be ftranted: And it i furthor ercd, tltat kuid uotitioncr ït to pt-ron;; iWtód in íiaid estáte, of the peinieiicy uf aaid petili nd tke lieating there f, by cuumii a copy oí fV érto be publishèd inthe Michigan Argúe a i:ewií% jerprinted aud circuJatirig íd fcaid Cimnty of w gl euiivv, thic-e succefiaivt' weuk.-í pieviuus tu said dui " jïeari nii . (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES 10S0U1 -ludKeorr-robli'te Estáte of Helen E. Wolcott, jTATi; OF MICHIGAN, Col-sty ox Washten.iwiM:í__ O At a MCü.sion i f tin; Pruébate Court for tlie ('ou'ntvc Wanhteiiiiw, iml.U'ii ut the Probate Office, in the City T'Ann Arbor, od r ruluy, the tenth daj of Mare) n tbe year one fttousand eight Uundred ar ixty-ftve. Pr--ifiit, HlRAM J. BlUKEB, JudiU' of T'roljnio. In tlio niattc-r of tlie BeWte ui' Holen K. Wulcott i mjuor. On reaJin}f anl iiling tlie petltiba, dulr rerifit-i if 'honiaa Gray , üuarditin , pt a vin tliat lie may bt Iktc. ed to sellcertain raJ estaiebelougingto naij minor' Thereiiptn it i Oï(Ü3red, tliat Monday, the löth .iiy ""'f April uftxt, ut tu n'clock in the Wenooa be HSfciguvtl f'r tlie lioarm of said pftition, and th-a; aet uf kin of hnU minor, and a.) oiher peraocj nterehteil in ,-wiy pstfttp, ure requireti toappearata nenion of itaid Uoart, tïien to Ij e hoMen ntthe Probu Oilict1. iu Uil City of Aan Arbor, and bhow cause, if any there be, why tlie prayer uf the iietïtiocer shonld nol be pranteil : And t is further orlered, that sail petitioner give notice to thepersDDt títeres tid in said catate, 7 the pendency of faid jyf' iuii, aud vlie hearinii tlicprep, by uauiugi copyof ibis Jrdei to bt; pubUhed i filie Micliigan Argus, a newblai't-r priuted and ofrcoialtag in said Couaty of Wasb. tenaw, tbree HuccQüsive weeta previeua to .'aid tíajoí (A trueopj. H1KAM J. BEAKE, lXiOOtd Judüe üf ProUtt; Estáte oí Julia A. Goodyear. STATE OV MICHIGAN, Coimy of Wiaiasxw,m.- At asessionof ihe Probate Court for tbt CountT of Wanhtonaw, holden at the Vrobflt OftiC(. in '0 City of Ann Arbor, onThursday, thf ttxli'tb áiy eí' MatcIi, ín the year orre thousand iut bniirJaud .iiiy-fire. Presi nt, Hikam J. Beakw, Judgre of Probate. ïti the mattr oi" the Efitate of Julia A. líoodyeiT,. tleceaseil, On reaoing and tlliup the petííion, duly v(-rfied,ü! Benjamin F. Sutton, prajiny thata certain Instmot now on fiie 'vút tlr.s eouxt,'purpürtuig to be thtlm WU1 and TestuEotu'cof said deceased, may be a to Ivroíat8 Thereu]ion it i Ordíted tliiut Wedneidaj,tti#J2tb day of April tóxt, at teu c'clock in thefonnow, be ansigned fofie hearing of said pctitioii,, tsd tbtí the legftteesj devíseea, and hei? al ]a-w of said Oectand and alt irther pertonn ínter eatpfl ín saiíI estáte, nrfft. quired to appe&r at a iession of tid CpoíLüjo to bo holden at the Vrobatr Oñic, in tfie OïtyofAriu Arbor,and hIxow cnuáe, if y Hiere bet wliy the ram of the pttHioner should nvt be grantel : . further ortlcroil, tha't said i)elitioner plve nutfw to Ib persoD interehtP'l in fiaid et-ite, ff the penden tj nf eaid peiition, nd the hearing thereof, . Cttpy of tlii-s (triicr to be publvsiipil in tlip Mithyptn Jnju?, a nvYtspa,pLT prijiied and circulmi; ,; County of Wnsïiten;iw,tbree succejsive weeks j.rtvj'ous to n;ii(i d.i v of hea,iing. [A trneuüpy.] Ï1IBA3I J. BEAKf, lono JudG:e of Probafe. Estáte of Isaac Lovejoy. STATE OF MICHIGAN- County t( W'iubr.MV-fs. At a sesfiioa of Die Probate Cuurt fi.r : of W.AMitenaw , bolden at the l'iobfite ' -fñíf in the (';ty oí Ano Arbor, sn Tueeday, the Keven tb laj o; IKrch, in tlie yearone thoupmi'l eïglit Ivundreri niulsUtj-tivï. l'resent, Hirara J. ücakeíi.Juilge tt I'robato. Tn the matter üf the Estáte oí Isac LojpT,ái cea sed. Oïi reaiág and filias the petition, dulv u-riiitij,{f Minerva A. Lovejoy, praying that sIip íuay Tfijpüií(ei administratrí-x of tlie tatoiw it'sa!d Oecea (d. Tbereupon it iíiOrdered, That Tiu'ftíi; . the 4ih ij of April n"ext, at ten o'cloclt iu the furtiioftif b(n signed for the iieariíJK oí siá pet t" d, d$ W the herrs at law of 3 dceWstd, and vi other persone iiitereíitttl in paiïi wttf, sre nquired tu appear at a'neH-ioD of sid t'ü'iTt, iuta tobe holden at Probate Office, in tlie í'iiv orina Arbor, and show cause, jf nny 1ber bf. wij the pra;es f the péiifeioner Rhould at be praiiKí; And it is further otütrea. iliat fa id Tttitrcir;!" notieto the persons iijU-ie.-u-d in haidtsifiip.o! iH peiuipncv of said pèfit!on,and the hturing tbeuoMJ causing a copv of Ihis osdtr to bf publifced ia tb Michigan Árgia, a new?pap;r priaied and ciicuUtitf m fililí County uf Washteiww, three sucessive VttsJ preTioufl to said daj ui hearing. (A ttnecopj,) BIKAM J.REAKES, 999td Judgeol Pffti. Estáte of Geddes - Minors. STATE OF MICI1KÍAN. ('oí ntt i ( At a sessioDOÍ the Pribate Cuurt for tbrCoanljtt I 'Hshtcnaw, holden t the Probltte liflice. il tttflt.' I of Ann Arhor, on Saturdfcy, tht fourlh it; t ! March, in tbe jear one tLouand eight bmidreeD f ,ixtv-(ite. Present, Hiraji J. Iíf.akf-. Jiuïgc of Pcotwte. Id tlio mitter of thé Estáte of DaviJ X Mi", Charles A. Geids, and Benry A. Gtódeü miatinOn rcadiuK and fllin toe petilion. duljrfrilW of Rebeca Geddes. Guard'an unto said minors. prayinS tlint license may be pranted to her to aeil mi."1 estáte beioaginir tn aid roinOT3. Tliereupon itis Orilortd, that T .dar, tl " daj of April nel, at ten o'clock in the tint'be assigned fur thi hearinl o said P110"; aiK that the' next of kia of '1 minoi, " ' othcr persons inten-tc.i ín said r-tüe. are rcirS;' appenr at es-io nol" aiáCourt.ther. tote l-oldrtitte Probate Oilio1, in the Oitv of Ann Arbur , and show cW. f any there be, lïhy the pravpr of the P1;"'"; slH.uídnoibegranted : And it is furtber orden sail peTt.onergiyenotketotheperBOObinteresBdiliM estáte, of thept-ndencyof said petition. and theWin? thereif, by causing a copy f this Orittl ViiWished in toe Michigan ArguM. a newspaperfraand ci.cnlating iit said County ut WuMni."1 successive weeks preriousto said ay of hesrinf. (A true copy .) HTKAM J. BE.AKÍS, 9ö9td Jud?e of Probife Estáte of Erllinger - Minors. ■lTATE(Jír MICHIGAN. County of TVa-htpm. u} Ata se?íionof the l'robate Court for theCoinl."( Tashtenaw. holden at the Probate Office n tie inn Arbor, on Wednesday, the eigbth daí '"" d theytiar one thoutíandeighthunilred aodsixy-B"' Prcaent, Iliram J. Beakes, Ju!?e of l'rolnleín thB niiittcr erf the Estáte o! John I.ucU ■; ipjjer, Matil.Iu KilHngor, Williain Henry Kiljaí"!1' íliz:il)Oth Killitiíjer, minors. .. , j (Jnrea.iing and filiiiR the iietition, doljrwn"' ■ ;harKiii'.ifr, Guardian, piaying tliat hem) , censed to seil certaiu real estáte beloDgug ■," Thereupon it !s Oríered, tiiat Konuar, tlf lay of April next, at ten o'clock in thé Brra" ae assigned for Ule heariDg of síid !"""! ind tliat the next of kin of said miiW' ,'.; iUother persons interesteil in saidesUte.arereq'f pear at a sesión of naid Court, tlien to bebo" the Probate Office, in the City of Aon nd -show cause, if any theie M'tí_ tlie prayerof the petitionrr shquld notbe ! "' n And it is further orden-a, líiat KaiJ peH".L uotice to the persons interested in fl' " „ of the pendency of said petition an4 ■' , thereof, by ciusinpr a copy of this uro' publishedin the Michigan Argm. a '""P',nr(( and cirouUting in said County of Walt'' weeks previous to said day of " Mortgage Sale. „,, TMTAULT haring been made in the ' „ V eertain niortgage, executed by Chrnti h„. and Barbara Breisch his wife. of Ami 'f „f nawCounty, Michigan, to Williara S . u"jw .! samo place, datedthe nineteenth day of ' ,,.,. theyearone thousand eight hundred M '( [ and recorded on the ninth day of D , tV ' 1861, in the office of the Register of Deed '' i. Couutynf Washtenaw, in the State of ■ J,,[f, Libcr28of Mortgage, on pagr 558 "Pf ,,(# gagetliereisclaimedtobedue.atthedtte (r tice, tli sum of ninety-two dollars, aD(l "il1 proceeding at law or in equity having t l' ftt0 to recover the same or any part thercol, a 11 . [,. of sale in iaid Mortgage contained havmf : ' l come absolute. Nonw is therefore heieb) g „,, on Saturdav, the thirteenth day of My ■ ,„# theclcokmtheforenoon.Ishall ellat pu Cot3 to the highest bidder, at the South dote cl pi, House in the City of Mi. Arbor (be "8 ffll# where the Circuit Court for said Cait 0 naw is held), th premise, descr.beii m wl ,tilfr or so much thereuf as ïn.ty bf necefsaij w lrftlnt amount due on said morlgage and mier JpB, witli the costs an.l expenses allowcci by j „„,.' isesbeings.tuatedin said County oltti(; jf doscribcl in at mnrtgage !ollo, d(rl lou No. twelve sml thirteen in Wm. b. B (he ,ation to the City of Ann Arbor, accordmg W . ded plat thereof . Dated, Fetau. IV !. SAUNMB3 , o. A. FKLOn, Attorney for Mortgagee. - Coniniissioners' Notice. p STATE OF MICHIGAN, CorxTï oí W."bT tb The undenugned hav tof; Men ar,pl " (, Y%., bate Court for said County, CwOT ', examin., nd ad.just uil claim " %dx' d" persons againil the estáte of J"'"", of the Townnhip of Bnagewater, in 'V'"', ceased, hereHy g,ve tht ""JSJt, W 5 ; are order or said I 'robata to ,, -r tors topreaent thwr claim URauist tlu-l' „.rf; deceased , and that th.-y will meet at tlii , _J of said rleceaneil in the Towuhip "Í rJ tl ■% .said Countj uf Wahtenair, 'ï-H-i lav ol Miy.andSaturda.T, the fiftli next, at one o'clock in Ihe afternour, I days, to receive, examine. ndoj"slf Pated,leliruary6th,liC6. .,,,:! f; . PAVIT1W. PAl.MtB. otoi'"" MH4 EDWIN t-MlTlJ. )


Old News
Michigan Argus