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C. il. MILLÉfí. rvEU.EÜ in Dry Cïoode, Oroceries, Crockory, irc. &c. Jj Xia Street, Aan Albor. pïï ÏLÏP bIvcil fijiaEltS in Dry Goods, Groceries . Boots !: Slioes, J) Se., Main at., AnnArbur. . iïSDON & HENDER60N. ÉtttLGRS in Har.hvaro, Stoves, house fnmiahing I) „is, TinV:u-.-, tu . S:c, New Btoeg Main gt.1 fJ ""sröTTAYLOE, nEALERin Hats, Caps, Pura, Robes, Gepts'FurniahJH,j6oo4,eto. Eist side Main Street, AiinArbor, lficlilgitt. _ A. J. SUTHERLAND, i ■;!'.!) rfor tlic Xow York Life Insurance Coinpany, X Office od üsron street. Alu lias on 1iío4 a stock t! ch moit approT i sewing machines. 885tf ME.tT JUKKF.T- Hurón Streot- General dealer in t'reali uij íalt Meat, lieef, Mutton, l'otk, Hauis, poultry, l.ard. Tallow, &c, &c. HlUAM J. UEAKE8 i TTORNEY aml Counsellor atLaw. and Solicitorin ,ctancerj. Oüice u City llull Block, over Webster'í Book Store. LËWÏTT & JÍREAKEY. P11ÏS1CUNS AND SÜROEONS. Office at theresi4ence of Ir. Lewitt, north side of Hurón, two doorí wtof-Divitiion street. li. GUITERMAN & CO. 1I7HOLE3ALE an' tail Dealers and Manufacturera W ot Rudj--Mads Clotliing. Importere of CIut)is, Casliitr. Doeíltín, .fe , No. 6, PhoOD.ix Blook, Main t. WM. WAGNER. TiE.lI.F.11 La BmíI SUde ClothlM, Clotlis, C9staeres, I' iá] Vesting, Hat, Caps, Trunks, CftrpeL Bags, A:c., ■:lock, .Main 5hst;t. SLÁWSON. & SON. pXOCERS, Provisión and Commission Merchants, and lí Dealersin Watur Lime, Liind Plantar, aïad Piaster uf Paris, one door catoF Cook's Hotel. 50OTT & LOOMIS. IMBROTVPK and Photoraph Artisis, in the rooms AovfrCmpion' ('lothingstore, Phoiuix Bleek. Per. [etiatisfactiongivea. Q. B. PORTER. X'RGEON DENTiSr. Office Corner of Main and Iluron 5ltrets, over Bach & Pierson'8 Store. All calis (timptlj nüeiidfd to Apj-1850 TlACK & SCIIMID. DEALERS in Foroijn and Doinestic Dry Good, GroceriM. HatsanS Cap, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, fct., Corner of Main JÈ Liberty sts. " aYprêwbëll. DHiLftP in Groceries, ProVlirlons, Flxur,-ProuceB fcc, iic,, corner Main and Washington Streets, inaArbor. TUe highest market pricespaid iorcountry M. C. 8TANLEY, Photograplxic -A-rtiistCurner Main and Huron Streptn, Aan Arbor, Mich, Pn0T0GRAPHS,AMBROTYPES,&c..&c., rth latent stjien'. ana e"very effort made to give satisUcti.m. OL6tf "dTDeFOIIEST. iriiOLKSALE :i,nd retaildealer in Lumber, Lath, 'T 81iiQgles,Sa8h, Doors, Blind tí, Water Lime, Grand "er Piaster, P!nstor ParsH, and Mails qf uil síz'jr. A Ml ftd -perfect a saort ment of the abovc. nnl alï other inU of building raatorials constantly on hand at the "■'P'íí rtible rateB,on Detroit $% .,a few rodsfr.omthe I m& Depot. Also operating in the tint Cement Roofing. LUIY1BER YARD! UÍ;C. KRAPF, Bttalnrge and wcll stocked Lumber Yard, on .Teffer'"n Street, in ihe South part of the City, and will keep osUntly on hand a,n e.cellept vanety of ÜJMBEH, SHINGKLES, MA will be sold as Iow aB can bc afforded in thl ttktt. Qn&lity (ind prices such that no one need go to Detroit. CONRAD KRAPF: Ann Arbcr, Dec. 6th, 1864. 886tt NEW MÜSIÏSfÖRi Personn wishing to buy Pianos or Melodeons, '■uH go to WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE, before pur tttuing elsewhere. He wiü warrant Batisfaction to Wtpha?pr?, anO takes pleaeure in referring to those ïii have alreaMy purchsised of him. }e takes pride ■n sa y ing tli.U he has ffiven tht best of satisfaction 'öusfar.and iiiten'! so to do n all cases. Any Piano 'u be turaighed tbat purchasor may require. He ishei5 it tobe distíoctly uutlerstood that he will not be '?ny dealer East or Vst. B-The latest SUEET MCSIC for sale, PIAN'O mola, kc. ALYIN WIL8EY. nArKor. Dec. 27th, 1864. OS'Jtd FOR SALE! Í)C HOUSK3 AND I.nrS, wor'h from $1,000 to 1J 5,000. AK„ scverl raproved FARMS. . A..I.St;THKRI-ANP, "r.Ft'.. Jl, 1805. 'KMil CoBraeicialAdfnt.


Old News
Michigan Argus