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Democratie cnucuses wero held in the several wards oí tliis city, on Wedne.sday eveniug, at which tho iollowing candidates for ward officera, trote oouiinated : For A dennen - lst Ward, Ezr.i C. Senman. id Bradley F. Granger. 3d " Juhn Claucey. 4th ' Lumau lt. Slawson. 5tU " Alíred H. Fartridge. For Constables - lst Ward, Jesse Stevens. 2d " John C. Saut her. 3d " Thos, J. Hoskiu?. 4th " John Kteuan. 5th " Martin Suabolt. We are without tbc Dames of the delegates to the City Convention, to be ïeld thi evouing, or the Ward Committees appointed. UL" The Dotnocrats of the town of Atin Arbor are in the fiüld ior the 'Spring cnmpaïgn," and present the bllowing ticket which they will do thuir jest to elect. It ia cei taiuly headed by an active, competent, roüable man : For Supervitor - James J Pausiiall. For Cierk - Richard Roach. For Treasurer - Oliver Bird. I'or School Inspector - Jcibn M. Chase Fur Justice of the Peare - John O'ilara. For Commistioner of Higkwayt - Fruderick Brown. Ftir Constabas - Albert Wheelcr, Thomas Moe, John Mclntyre, Richard Nowbnd. LS"Rumor says that Gen. G. D. Hul, aaving Buixeeded in gettiny a new lease of the Surveyor Generalship of Dacotah Teriitory, dexpiie the gooi wishes of his iome friends, has turned his nttention to looal matter?, and is prolonging his stay 'atCouit," to urge the appoiutinent of a rew Postmaster iti our city. ïbe name of his candidate has not yet buen given to tho publiu as he don't expect the pub'io oo operntion - but as it comes to us as a secret, and as secreta must be bared by mauy so a not to bo lost, if our reader3 vvon't tel] more thaa hall tljcir r.cighbor3, we will hint to them that our neiahbor of tho New, or as '' Father Seaman," in the depth of bis great love, vvould say, '-Sister Davis," is looking with longing eyes aoross the street into the new office, and htis "great expectations" that the General will sucoeed in obtaining for him the autograph of "ü!d Abe" - appended to a Postmaster's commiasioii. Vat next ? EP We h-ope that Dr. Wells, one of cur nouiinees for Regent wilï receive much more than the Democratio vote nfour City, on Mondáy ncít. That be is qnulified for the positiou will ba conceded by all. Although the snme niaj be said of his opponenta, tle Republicana shoukl ignore party and vote for Dr WeL8 on local grounda. There ought always to be a Regent of the University located here, and the Republicau convention of 1863, unwisely yielded to bad advlce in refusing to nominate a candidato for Regent, living here. A resident liegent is almost a necesslty ; and our citizens, at least, should show the politicians of the State, by their votes, that they bave an interest in the Uuiversity and its management, that must be recogoized and respected by irornisating conventions. Qive Dïv Wklls a unanimoug vote. Er'S" The Senato refuaod to paa the House bill redueing the paper duty from twenty to thrée per cent. It proposcd a reduction otily to fifteen, whieh was not acceptable io the Houae, aud so the bül failed. The result is, that whilo gold ia coming dovrrt, dry gooda coming down, and produce coming down, the price of paper does not change, except to stiffen up. But Senators oare nothing for this; the goveroment gets no duty, and the papor makers can divide larger profits with their Senatorial frienda. "Will the Presa of the country ever be wise enough to take oare of lts ovn interestg, or will it continue to mako Representative8 and Senators wbo will aid a monopoly to driuk its lite blood ? jJJj The news frorn Gkant ano Sbennan shows that both their arraies have met and euecessfully repelled desperate rebel attacks. The victory clairned over Shkhman has proved üDything else, and the temporary rebel succcss before Putersbnrg was turned into a terrible défèat. Everythinff seetnn to be woiking favorably, and the ccrdon is tighteuing around Richmond. The chref rebels will soon have tv get out their nest if at all. JCíST Geni. Gtiiant nml' BimfM.vN hnvo boen in consultation at ïortress Mouroe, frori whioh nn important rnovp. 'iittA wl.l prtftty? Ka'--) fi'Ji, The TJniversity Conimencem&nts. I Tüíb bas been anniversary week of tha Medioa! ao'(f Etiw Departincnts of t'be UaiVeisity, and to fi'l up the time tiie j Junior Exhibitiou has-buea throwo in, gratis, TUE JUKIOK KXHIB1TI0 took placo on Tuesday evcuiug, on which occasion thu Presbyterian church ; was ülled to exoess witb tfc beauty and obivahy of Aan Arbor, and "all the región round about.'1 The following programrne was obsurvud : Music. Prayor. Music. 1. Thought and Langnage, Henry W. Hubbard. Elgin, 111. 2. Heart-worth, Sidney Beckwith, Chelsea; Mich 3. individu il Infliieiice, Edgar R-'stford, Ypsilanli, Mich. 4. Paintera aud Griufiers, James M. Scott, Warren, Oliio, Music. 5. Monarohy on the Arucrican Continent, John E McKetghau, Fainiington, III. 6. Our PÉenent Civilization, J. V'. Qnarles, Jr., Konuha, Wis. 7. The Cost of Culturo, 8. T. Cha-in, Grand Rapids, Mich. 8. Oscnlumundns, (a Poem,) James K. Blish. Kewanee, 111. Music. 9. Political luteuiperance, E. L Grant, Kcnosha, Wia 10. Three Day in Ottoman llistory, H. W. Lewia, Clielsea. Vt. 11. The Repnblic, J. A. VanClere, Ann ' Arbor, Mich. 12. Posthmuous Famc, Henry Smith, Grasshopper Falls. Kangas. J3. The Mfcc.isoftlie World, O. P Dickinson, Lafnyette, Ind. 14. Adversity, Alfred E. M.idge, Ann Arbor, Mirh 15. The Character and Death ñf Sócrates, Eleazer Darrow, Schenectady, N V. ' Ame:iciii Sccufiy, (a Poem,) ü. !■ Kelley, Rutland V,t. Musio. BcnedicLiou. Neitbor spaco nor incltnation invitea critioiwm, aud it is stiffioieul to say that he exerct-03 would ''uvurnsc," and that the aud'ionce appeared satitfied, OL-rtainly a test of suocv-'ss. TUK MEDICAL COMMKNCKMKN'T carne i'lïou Wednesday foienoon, the fltroii-es being held in tbc Pretbyturian church, and largely atteuded. ïhe addr?ssto the graduates was delirered by Dr. Pitcuer, of Detroit. We did not hear it, but uiay safely presume that it was excellent. The dogree of M. D. was conferred upon tne fotlowiug gentíomen, 70 in number : Abial W. K Andrews, John C. Lacoy, Alonzo K. Ames. Henry B. Landon William VI. Baiber, Lewis W. Loriog, William H. Bartrau, David H. Lovejoy, Micliael 0. Bentley. Orville Marshall, James II Biteman. Patrick Martin, Elliert L. Blakeslee, Cyrus Mather. Eli C B'ok, Jlartin S. Mayhevr, Hichard Bcsworth, John MoCoy, William H. Bnír, George J. McHenry, David R Caldwell, James A. Milne, Henry Case, Chos. W. Milliken, Rolli'n S. Case, Thomas S. Murdock, Charles VV. Chalfee, Frank D. Newberry, MyronS Clark, George C. Palmi r, Cha les O. Clark, Jesse h. Parmeter, Daniel F. Cridler, Robert Patterson, Dexter V. Dean, Emmett W. Prioe, Kdmund N Dundas, Wm. II. Ralston, Villiam II. Evans, Oliver P. Reese, William A. Fallass, Robert C. Risk. Adam P. Farries, George Bowland, Frank E. Fletcfher, Abiram D.Salisbury, Hayes C. French. Wm. II. Sanders, , Spencer W. Garwood, Walter D. Stannard, Edward W. Goodwin, Dwight Strickland, Georije H. Green, George P. Taylor, John A. Hall, George T.idd, John F. Hick, Myron H. Vnn Riper, Jacob B. Hough, HughL. Wall ce, Amzi F Jackson, Georsje J. Ward, Bruno Jaehnig. Alvah F. Whitman. Henry 8. Kilbourne, Couttina B. Wiley, Alben M. Knapp, James W. Williama, Öeo. H. Kurtz, Sindley WillianS, T1ÍB LAW COMM'BNCKMBNT occurred at the aame place, in tho afterdood, at whicli time the degree of Bachelor of Law was couferred u on, and diplomas preser.ted to a graduating cl aas of 80, as follows : Darwin P. Andrews, John E. Kelley, Geo W Andrews, Henry P. Mather, Andiew B Apple, William Maxon, Frnnklin J. Baird, John McNamara, Levi L. Barbour, Nathaniel P. Merrill, Carlton E.' Barstow, Henry H. Metcalf, F red L. Bartlett, Willhm Page, Samuel L. Bean, Sinclair D. Parks, J J. Belville, Joseph T. Palch, Oovnflius Bennett, Charles D. Phelps, James M. Bergen, EdwardL. Plympton, Jerome Bowen, Thomas G Prickett, Charles Boylan, Geo W. Ready, Giles T. Brown, John A. Ready, LeriJ. Brown, Frederick Rietbrock, Miles B. Oarleton, Almond B Riford, Stephen M Chapman, Nathaniel P. Robinson Noah W. Ch-ever, urbane E. Robinson, Heiny C. Clark. Albert K. Roof, Wm. W. Ciernen, Chas. W. Sappenfield, Isaac S. Coo, E. M. Sappenfield, William Cope, Richard II. Schooley, Densinore Cramer, Geo. W Seevers, Edward T D'Lany, James W. Smith, Charles W. Diehl Alian M Sterns, Seth E. Ennle, JefTcrson M. Stewart, Elisha C. Field, Edgar C. Stoddard, Andiew Grimes, Cassius E. Stubs, Lawrence W. Ilalsey, Roswell B Taylor, David II. Hammer, Wm J. Terreil, Henrv Hart, Wm. B. Thompson, John'W. Hill, Geo. M. Walker, Frank A Hooker. Chas L, Watron, Wm. H. W. Ilorner, David H. White, Augustus W. Hough, Josiah L Wines, Charles B. Howell, Chas. I. Witherell,John H. Hyile, Flavius J JI . Wonser, William Jl Johnston, Aloert L. Worden, Heury A. Jones, George C Worth, Edwin W. Keightley, Doime L. Wyman. The address to the grailuates was deliveied ly Dr. Havkn, aud it was both intüres-ting aud iustructive- ÍQ fact one of hi.s biest efforts. The applause with whicii rt was reoeived, shows that Dr. H. know bow to get hold of an dience, aud tu matter gave evideuec that his range of readmg and thought has not buen coufined to any specialty. The uurabergiaduated on Wednesday, give asBuranco that both the Medical and Law Departmenta are o a hiyh state of prosperity. L5L Gold advunced a liulo the first of tl. 8 week, under a ehort gupply and unfavorable minors, but is again on the dcscending bc1o, elosiDg Wednesday tiight at tl. 51. mgw Tbe St. Albantr raiders" have boen ngain discharged, and re-arrested, to b diBohurjreii aguir;, Loolf ci')t for


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