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Taken XJp 1 Carne into the enelorture rf thO subKcriber od the l'th dv of Fobrnary, me larga DUKIiAM COW, ]jookle.l oolur, licavy with c%lf. oighl or nine ycar oli!,right hom shelled off. The ontr is rrquetted to prove property, pay charges, and take sai ! 'ow away WILLIAM HDMI'HRKY. Lodi.March25th,18G5, 6wlU0J PLASTÉRJÜMBÜG! So33e mn thinTi the more thoy humbug;, i!eceivp,!nr lio co the ftlniiora, the nmarter tby ure. Non in érdw 1o xpose such liumbupa, 1 lmve deposite or,e hundriw rtollara vUh Jamas MüMahon, at oís Síore, oíd Itet Oflico bui'ding, for hím to í;ív Slnwson & Son fift) dollars of t, f they ever received ooe car load ol Piaster frora WillUm Hovey, Agent, or F. Oodfrey, or unv ctthor man from Grand I Iver Rápida, Michigan. - AUo, ttfgív theothor flfty dollars if tliejf can bj an alvzuijr, prove thafth'oir Piaster is aa gooñ nn my Piaster. Thoae tbïit want a genuino fino grouud vr&rrantec bitter than any othcr ,in thia oity, or no pny, am cheaper cali at my Office ftt Lumbor Yard, anl I wil give yon Home to try ifc quahtie and seeifjrraTe stoues fly out of it whpn gowing. larmers say it wil from Graad River, Canada. D. DairORKST. Aon Arbor, Vpril Int , lf 5 10Í2 Estáte of Benjamin Slocum. STATE OF MICHIGAN"- County of Washtenaw- s At a session of the Probate Court fr the County of Washtennw,holdenat the Probnt Office in the Citj of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the 23rd day of March in the year ont! thousand eight hundred and sixty ö ve. Present, Hirara J. Beaken, Judge uf Poh$&. In the matter of the Estáte of BenjamiirSlocrtra, de ceased . Ou .roading and filin;? the petitin, duly verified, o Orzillo II yiociim. praying that he may bs appoiato adminigtrator of the estáte nf aaid dece..ffed. Thereuponit isOrdered, Tnat Monda y ,the 24lh d.-y of April next, at ten o'clock tn the forenoon be hs aigoed for tho hearfpx of Haid jctt"n, and tlia the wltur and heirs at law of said dt'ceased, and al other persons intereated in said eBtftte, are re quired to appear at a seasion of said Court, then tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ano Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not bc pranted And it is furthtr ordered. that Haid petitioncr crive uotieto tlie perjions interested in said estáte, of tlie pendency of said petition.and the hearing thercof, by cansina a copy of thi- order to be pubtished in the Michigan Argun, a newipaper printod and circulatinf ín Bald ('niiity three saocosaivo weeks previom to Bal day of hearing. (A trueoopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKE3, 1003 Judge of Probate. Estáte' of George Zicfle. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County oí Washtenaw, hs. At a-ttíSionof the Probate Court for the County o Washtcnaw, holden at th ProbateOffice, in the City c na Arbor, o Saturday , tbc twenty-fifth day o Mareh, in Uu; yen i' onethousand eighthundredandsixty üvé. Present. Hit ara J. Beakes..Tudge of Probate. In the matter of the Etaie of George Ziefle deceased. On readingand ftling the petition, duly ver'ified. 0 G(T. A , K;ilinb;ich, pr;iying that he nrsom other uïta ble ptTHou miy bi appumted Administrator uf es tate of atd dOBased. Thereupon [fin ürJered,thatS,i,tuid!iytthe 22dday f April next, at tt'a o'clock in th forentum, b assined t'orthe hearing f aid petition. afld toat tli heird at Ia w of said di;cease4. and all o the persona intcrestt;'! in said e state, are require to appA&r at .1 sesMm of eaid Court, ttien to be holden a the pi-obiitc Office, in the City of Ann Arbo-r and show tatué, if auy thcre be, why thepraye of the petitinner should not be gcanted: And it is fui taer rdered , that xu petitione ivt' noticeto the persons interestt'il in said estáte, o t!ie [K-rniency of s.iil pt'Ütioi, and th hearing thereof by caiiMiuga copy of this Order to be publinlied in th Michigan Argu,, a uewspaper printed and cir culatinji in saitl County tbree successive weeks pre viüub to aia day ol hearinp. , (Atruecupy.) HIHAM J. BE VKES, 1003 Judge of Probate Estáte of William 0 Drake. STATE OP MICHIGAN- County of Washtenaw ss - Ata so.sson uf tlio Probate Court (or the Cüuiit ■f W.iíhtemw, holden at the Probate Office n tli citv ni Anu Arbor, on Fnday, the twentvfourth day o Mareh. Q the year one thouRand ehthuudred am ixty tire. fnmot, Iliram .1. Rekes, Judge of Probate the matter of the estáte oí Wüliain C, Drake deceafieiï On rrailmgand filing the potitinn, duly verifleil. o %B)Qfl D. Biril, prnyiníí tHat a certain lu.-trunicnt no on Ule n tlii ('ouit, purpnrBng 'o be the last Wl 1 an Xeotanreot of saiii dwed "'-'S beailmittorl to Pmbat Xhcreupon it i Orícred. t!iat Mooday, the 24t dny of April oxt, ut tfn o'clock in the forcnoon tMuriglwd ft tlie huaring of saiii pet tiou, and thatth Je visee, legato, a-nl hoir ut lw "t said de ts'tt.-f 1, and all other persouw intt'retflinsaid et :ite,ïir requirou toappear at a mssior. ofsaidCoiirt then t,o b holdinat t1íe I roba te OIUci', in the city of Ann Arbor , an show oiiuse, if any Jhere be, why the prnyiT of be pv tiiuner bould nut te gr{sdj And it furAwor dwed. th;it H.1.HÏ pctit'otier Efire notice t1 the peixonK in lerwted in aid estnf', of tho pendency of aid (ut t on n:l the heavinp 0'-rof, by uiuiog a copy of thiK Or ierto )■ )lihli"kid ii! t'ie Mtrh'gtin Argiu.n new-p'ip plntmDddrcutMiiig in faiU County three uceei ie nr-'vlo - ( fs' da7 of t.eirinp . lit.-w,n,n.; muvv J.BTüKHí. }„02 ANNUAL HJEPORT OF THE Recorder ofths City of Ann Arbor, of the Rcceiptt and Ezptnditures of the Corperiition lor the year endiny March 'la, 1865. _ ruNi,f fdnd. . S. Smith, Ret;atrütion aud Electioo $4 10 , B. 'l'lHllll8OII, (lo o 4 0Q . Schumacker, do do 4 GO .3 Iknderaun, to do 4 00 ■ l'eok, du do 4 00 Ci. W. öiDith, do do 4 LO L. K Sluvrs.m, do do 4 00 John Tayl,.r, do do 4 00. M Devauy, Klection, - 2 CO A. Deá, Clfrk of Klectioa, -O W, C. Vouriioia, do do 2 00 Cbarlea 'ilüiyer, do do 1 W J.M. Wilcox.Mni, do do 2 00 Eüward H. SUhV'Róli do dn 3 00 Auguj MeKs.r, n of Boom, lat Wrd, 3 00 d.lun Oook, du go 2d do a 00 M. ttoffqrs, do do 4th do '00 K. C Hillon , Ui mty Marabal, 1 S8 Nelüim B. Cole, ritationery, 2 90 J. . Hoftstotter, JaniWr to Couocil, 6 87 S U. Doty, Dram Tile, 2 24 Spaulaing St Fleuiinp, gaM lamp & glasn, fl 25 Uu Ligbl t'o. , (Van tor Hall to Jan. lf '64 ti 05 George H. KhodtH, KegÍ!4tratiun & Blec. 4 10 (Jeurns JU.neK, U.-e of Kornn, 5lh Ward, 'i 00 R. 1!. Ch&.-e, l'lerk of LleetioB, 2 00 E. B. l'.-intiiiK& Advertisinj, 54 00 J. (1. HoünU'ttuT, Janitor to Council, 3 87 J. Dingler, Lighting Lniop, 5th Ward, 12 50 ' (i. W.tioodhue, Sfreut Work , 83 Cq l'eter Ciry, do do 14 tO Patrick Quilín, do do 5 31 Alfrcd 'Ihomad, do do 1 25 F. öohlauder, do do 5 00 Cíeorg tíchlemer, do do 5 tt3 Jolin Halcy, di 1 25 K. M. Gregorjr, do 5 75 S. E Wlüppfe, do 7 50 l'atrick Wall, do 1 25 U. H. Boyl, do '1 t5 (i. W. (iuudhua. do 5 00 OweoClark, do 00 1'atrickKvan, do 56 (il UtiorgB tchlcuer, do 10 00 " do 8 75 Tole McDivitt, Work oo Old Cemetery, 11 8 J. Juhusou, Street Work, S 00 J. ü. Ilollstetter, Janitur to Cuuucil, 1 75 (Jlurlori Uehr, Street Work, 4 80 John DaviuHon, du 3t 25 i. O'lirien, do 2 35 Adam S.ater, do 5 00 " ' do 3 00 " " do 24 76 Samuel House, do 3 14 " do 5 11 " do 8 23 Peter Cry, do 31 50 F Gifrbach, do SI 00 3. Walï, do' 6 25 V. Way, do 7 79 A . W. Chane', Pa'vlug Stone, 27 34 ü.W. Goodbue, Streot Wort,17 29 Ueorge tíchlt-tuer, do 6 00 " "do 6 00 " " dó 5ttó G. iT. Go'aJhus.' do 8c '21 A'liim flater, do 1 50 Oweu Clark, do 6 00 J.(i. Hoffslettor, do U5 Joba DaviiÍHOü, do 27 00 M. inearly, lo 39 50 1'eterCary. do 14 25 D 0., (iraTel for Htr, ' 19 80 F. GUrbaob, atroet Work, 21 12 V. O'Brien,. do 10 50 Jolia Haley, do 9 00 V. Ryaa, do, 4 50 Y Wcinmann, do 4 50 J. Wall, do SS5 George Fcid, d 2 25 A Tierman, do 15 0Í) 11. Lesuer, do 33 (0 Jsiy Tayior, do 24 75 C. Holliday,, do 12 00 Ë. Boweu, do 10 50 f.Wji, do , 8 25 J.Coliiiuhach, do, 8 00 A.S. Perry, do 4 60 il. C. Wiluiot, do 3 75 A.t'oert, do 'J'25 A McCoUum. d 9 00' " do 150 K. M. Gregory k Uro. jOravel for Street!, Tl 70 J.C. Watts Ai Bro., WndiDg and Repairng City Clock, 2? 75 K.C ilillün.Citv Marlnl, S5 00 K. I). l'..ys, Wtieclbarrovr, " 00 .1. B. Webster, SUtioueij, 1 5a li. H. Metcnlf, ttrset Work 7 10 Williiim biowo, lo 12 00, do 4 50 ' " do, 1 50 G. W. Gnodhue, Paring Stone-, 1 00 J.(i Hotfstetter, Street Work 13 75 J. llynn,' do 6 00 A.Tiornan, do 10 50 W. Weimuinn, d.o b 00 Ueorgi? Schlander, d 7 í-0 P. llagher, 1 5" e. Chorr, 3 75 J Eitelbusi, do 7 00 M. I.eiuLr, do ÏJ5 JuhuTaylor, do IS 40 C, Francisco, do 75 J Qufulan, do 14 25 1, Kyan, do 10 60 Peter Cary, do 17 87 J . Weitbroobt, d 17 50 F (jiorbafb, do !íi tí M. Snearly, do 18 40 George Ford, do 16 12 Q. W.Gooahuo, llttuO O. Bochliry, do 'i '25 Ü. W, (iüodbu, 4 '9 98 " PuTiogStoue, 5 OU .1. Taylor, Juatice Kee, 3 &i F.üierbach, Strot Work, 38 25 Jauii! Uauclt, do 10 87 Poter Cary, do 38 50 K. A.Horn, Plank andNaUil,. 4 70 GcorgoU. UliodM, Street Wolk, 4 50 Johnll, Taylur, do S? George Ford, d!o 15 37 J Quiulau, do 11 J P. Kyan, do 12 00 Jaj C. Taylor, do , 13 13 J.Weitbrecbt, do Si "5 J. Wali. do S02 Adam Magber, do S 25 J. Eittlbuss, do 2 62 C. Francisco, do 25 Angus McKay, do 2 25 F Wiy, do 1 30 GeorseFord, do 12 0O G. W.GooJhue, do 74 00 Joba G. HofísteUer, Jauitor toCouncil, 4 50 Johu W.Huut, Glans and Nail. 12 08 Schunmcker & Co., Blacksmilhing, M 26, Streot Work, 150 John Taylo,r, do 5 24 F. Way, do 15 J. Quintan, do 13 SO J.Burch.Lumber, 112 02 M. O'Toole, Street Work, 3 00 RMdon&Henderson, tUil, , 13 71 3 Kettner.Lumber, 34 21 James Uahck, Street Work, 9 Co Charles Brown, do 6 25 J. Dunlap, ao 30 V Schlanderer, do 2 25 l'eter Cary, do 5 00 James Weeks, do 2 i0 William McCarty, do 7 60 Beutler&Traver, Work Fire Departi't, 2 33 Prof B ood,SuTTrng, 10 50 Christopher Kearo3, Street Work, 7 00 GeorgeFord, do 125 M. Gregg, Clerk of F.lectíon, 3d 2 00 JohnKose. do do 2 00 I). B. Thomas, Gravel for Streetg, 8 50 J. Dinglcr, Lightg Lampa, Sth Ward, 12 50 S. k. loly, Ürain lile, 2 25 J. H Morris, Slílt Wolk Report, 3 50 Vate! O'arj, S'reet Work, 36 00 'i ' du 6 00 G.W.Goodhue, do 293 Christopher Kuarnn, ío 16 00 J. G. llulTstetter, Janitor to Coanéil, 11 69 J. Dunlap, ítreet Work, 7 50 Ueorge U. Khodes.Side Walk Repair, 3 50 A. ïitman, Street Work, 3 00 Geurge Kord, do 75 JohnB. Uott,Fee in Suit Maynard T. Sjjoor, 30 00 H. 1) Beanett, Inp. of Klee. S Blank, 4 0C L Davis,Clerlt of Ülection, 2 110 E. Richanlson, do 2 C0 C. B. Thompun, Kegistration & Kleclion 7 00 J, B. Uo'.t, do do 7 00 J.S. HenüersoB, do do 7 00 C.SchumAcker, do do 7O0 A UeSeyler, Clerk of do 2 00 R. P.Lounard, do do 2 0) W.C. Voorhei, löipector of do 2 00 Ilor Kolliiüg, Blanka lor do 4 00" Morriii tiretíg, Cierk of do 2 60 R.t l'razer, do do 2 00 I). Cramer, Inspector of dó ' 06 G. W. timith, RtKintratioaand do 7 00 N'. P. Parsunu, do do 7 00 L. K.Slawsun, do do 7 00 F. A.Horn, do do 7 00 T.M. l-udi, Inspector of do 2 0011. H. Lovejoy, Clerk of tlec. &Blanks, 3 00 E. R.SUwHiin, do do 3 00 1). T McCollum, Ittsp. of Elke'. ao' 400 J. Sabold, Clerk of Klection, 2 9o W.N. Strong, do S 00 J. 11. Taylor, Kegistration k Klection, 7 00 Q. H. Khodeí, do 7 00 F Sorg, Use of Room lst Ward, 4 00 S. Cook, do 2d " 4 00 11. Kogera, o 4th " 4 C0 W. Sau líder, do 5tk " 4 0.1 A. lelch, City Atlorney to JaD. lst, 76 00 C. A. Chapín, City Recorder do 75 00 Richard Beahan, Supervisor, 130 00 Conrad Krapf, do loO 85 do Work for Fire Dep'ra't, 37 21 G W. Ambrosc, JusticeFoes 1125 W. i. Reth, do 10 (I Lawson K Wurster, Wo-k for Fire De. 31 43 Schofl x Millur, Stationerj, 5 04 J . F. MiUer & Co. , " 8 01 l'eterCary, Street Work, 27 00 W.Uoudbue, do 10 00 . do 10 00 do 39 75 E.B Pon 1, Printing Adrertiring, 76 50 ' City Librarían," 25 00 J.G. Hollstetti'r, Janitor to, 3 37 Ri-sdoD & Henderán . Naü, 3 32 C Schumacker, Blackgmithiug, 7 43 8. R. Ooty. Driiin Tito, 40 A. Schebtrle, Work for Fire 7 10 Jacob Vollnn'l, I.imo for Street, 11 30 James Sago, i)amage to Wagoo, 7 63 J Burcb, Lumber, 14 96 M. 1.. Whitnoy, du 1H S J. H.'Kiylur. ' dtreet W-ork, 3.50 P. Mu Migan, du' 1 Ï5 J Flynn, 9 3 00 Vi B rt, ■'!6 T. lV,ni-h, " 2' H. K. White, Pavin; atone, 3 UO J. lialicl, Street Vork, 75 O. Bru, do B 60 E. M. Htnriqutt' Ajj't, Tnxos refumled, 72 00 A. A.Oaa Ligbt Co., Ga for.St. Lanu, 4('J 50 " '' " Ftreinen'ïHali 18 01 Uean h Co., Work on 81 reet Lampa, 26 80 Jo'in Kuttmr, Lvimber, 18 40 J. U. Hfltuth.-r,Jan.!ortCouncil1 7 75 John W. Hun!, Glai.s, 5 7S K. C. Dillorf, City Marsliikl, 60 00 31aw5on &Son, ürooras forHali,1 O-J FitK Cttjr, Street Work, 8 75 (i. V. Goodhuc, do 4 60 Gi KoarrtSj do 5 59 J. limnlan, do 2 25 W.Hurke, dó Í 40 J. Weitbri'cht, do 3 tO J. (1 Holl'stetler, Janitor toCouncil, 4 76 Mavtiower Fire Co., Mündiaglluae, 15 00 Í178.1.19 $aS3.16 GENERAL AND aïltEET FÜNI), (COXDENSED.) ':ü:i''L STrKUT KOND. PVKP. Election Fxpensesi 18S 00 tíala nes of City Officer ,T Qunrte ra, Í35 00 Supervinorit, 26 85 Gaaf.irStreetl. mp.stoJan. lt, 1865, 469 50 (t Kireinen'.s Hall do 24 Ofi City Printing and Adrertising, 1S0 30 Janitor to Council, 48 4á Wind. Repair. & triMn down C'y Clock 'ZK 75 Kire Departmunt Expenses, 93 07 City labrarían, 'i5 00 Cbancerj Suit, líajnard Tí. Spoor, 30 00 DamageK ABscsBe'l, 67 63 Jmtice Koe, Ï7 OS Work on OM Cemeterjr, 11 8 I.ighting Lampa, 6thWard, 25 00 Micell;ineouM üxpense-s, 71 40 do do S6 3g Street Work, 1793 44 I.uniber andN'aila, 226 l (ira vel and P&ving Stone, 137 L4 Taxe Refunded, ■ . 72 0 17o3.1'i $'1:3.10 RXIEIPTS. Licenset, SU5 35 Appropriation Gou'l Fund. 1300 00 1705 45 AppropriatioD Street Fund, ÜOOO 0D Street Fund for Balance, Dr. $223A6 General do do Dr. 77.84 SUMMARY OF ESPENDITÜRE8, EECEIPT5, AND ÜNPaID CLAIMS. BXPS.tDITUKEa General Fund, 178319 Street " 2223 16 Buuty Bonds dne ïeb. lst, 1865. 7800 00 Paidlntorest on City Bond, 1485 74 RZCElPTl. Appropriation for General Fund, l00 00 do do Street do 20V0 00 do do BondsDue, 700 00 do do Intereit Due, 1606 38 I.icenses, 205 35 C. H Ri.-.hmond, Balnace due hio, 190 8 S13.3J2.0U $13,304 OU IUUI1. For Balance due City Treasurr, 190 88 ' UnpaidOrdeis, 1S63 and 14, 17107 " " 154 and 1865, 484 74 Total of Unpaid Clim, $846. 19 E. WEULS, Mayor. C. A.Chapis, Reeorder. Ann Arbor, March 27th, 1885. BwlOOS. GËOBGE DEMEEIT & CO, JEWELERS, 303 .6R0ADWAY, NEW YORK, (CORNER DUAN'E STREET.) 100,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, GOLD PENS & PENCILS, ■WORTH $500,000 I 10 BE SOLX AT OSiE DOLLAR EACH, WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. And not to he pnid until you know what you will receive 1 SPLEMDIDLiSTof ARTICLES AH to be Sold for ONE DOLLAR Each ! 100 Gold Ilunting Caaes Wotcbe each $10 00 100 Gold Watchea..... 60 00 SO&Ladies' Watchea 36 UO 600BUrar Watches $13 90 to f.' 5 00 00 Gold Ncck and Vest Cliain 12 0)10 15 ÜO lOOO ChteUln ani Guanl ChaiQ S O tu l (.0 BOOI Vest amiXeck Chaina 4 CO to 1'2 00 4liOO Solitaire Jet and Oold Brof-ches... 4 00 to 8 OOi lOOO Colal,i.ava,Grnft, &c, Broi.clica 3 00 to 8 Oo' ÍO.OUold, Jet, Opal, .vc., Ear Drops . 3 UO to 8 30 500 fïeutK' Breast nnd ïicarf Píds 3 O') to 8 00 6000 Oval Band BraceletH v 3 OU to 8 00 2000 Chaüixi Brac-elcts 6 i O to 10 00 o500 California ri.amond rins fcRiiigH. 2 50 to 8 00 200J old Wstcb Keya 2 60 to 6 Oo SOCO olibiire Stee Buttuus & Studs. 2 CO to 8 1)0 3000 old ThimMe 5 0f to 6 00 5000 Miniatur,' l.ockt '1 00 to 7 00 ïOiJO Miniatut l.ovkc!, Magie 4 M) to 9 00 25(10 (ïoMTootbpicks.Croae, &c 08 to e 00 3000 Kib and RibboD Slidcs 2 00 to S 00 .WOO Chased Gold Kings 2 HO to 5 00 4000 Stone Set Rings 2 011 to 8 00 6600 Set Lftdiax' Jewalr) --Jet & GoM.. 5 UO o 15 00 6000 Sets Ladie' Jewelry- vaned tvles 3-00 to 15 00 80 !0 Gold Pens Silver fase and l'encil. 4 00 to 8 00 4000 Gold l'ens, Ebony Holder and Case 6 00 to 10 00 6000 Gold Pons, Mounted Hol.ler.. . 2 OJ to 6 (.0 All the goods ia ihe boe List will be sold, without reservation, for ON'E DOLLAR EACH. Certiflcates ot all tb Tarious arlfclca are placed in similar enrelcpee ■ealed and mixed. These enveiopes will be sent hj mail, or drliTerwl at our office, without regard to choice. On receiviog a Certificóte, you will nee wïiat article it repreents and it ik optioojil with jou fco ■oud one dollar, and receive the arfriele namedor any other In tho list of same valué. By tliis mode we give seledtons from a varii stale of 6ne goods, of the best mak and Utest stvlei, and of mtrinitic worth, at & nominal y rice, while all hare achaace of securing article of the verj highoat ralue-. In all transactions by mail we charge for forwarding th Certifícate, paylng postage, and ding the bunmeai 25 cent each, Fivt certiji cates toill be. êent for $1 ; Elnenfor 2; Thirty for $5; Sixta-Jivc for $10; and Ont Hundred for $15. SECURE A CERTIFÍCATE ! There b no hazard or risk. There re no blnnks.- EveryCe tifleaterepreeots an alticle. As we ell none of the Iower grades ot Jewelry no portón can receive less than iheraiue of Iheirmoney, andthej maj get au rticle worth fie, ten, or a hundred fold 1 SATISFACTION OUARANTBED. Every perion knows what they will rceie helora the aitiole b paid for. On receipt of a Cert.lkate yon see what article it repretents, and it ia, of course,at youróption totake it.or any other articie in our I.iat of the ame valué. Ve guarantee entire satif.iction to every pnrchniar, and if there shoulii bu anT pervon dinsatlsfied with any artiole received from ua, theym;iy immediiitely return it and the amount paid will berefuuded, ty O'10 trial will prove to any that this sale gives pur-haieri irreater advantaKs than any other ever proposed. AGENT.- We allow thoseactinR asAgents.Ten Centi on each! Corttftcate i r(tered, provided their remittmee tmnust to'Jno ''ollar. They will coIJect 25 cects foT every Cei tificate, and, ntahiinit 10 cents, remit to u 15 cents for each. ""' GEORGE PESfERIT S: CO., 3ml002 Wi Broadway, New Vork. Cominissioners' Notice. STATE OF ' ICH1GAN, Cocntt of Wasiitena, sa.- .w The undersigned havinfi been appointed by the Probate Coart for 'said Connty, Ommissfoñers reeeiTe. ti)mim, and adjust all claims and demands oí all persons against the estáte of John W. Surdam, lte uf ihe Township of Manchester, in said county, de ceased hereby givu notice that mx mnnths from date order of said Probate Coiut, lor creditorstonreaent their claims gainst the istate of said deceased.and tliat they wil] meet at Hiélate of said deceaied in the Toivnship cf Manctesler, in siiid Ounty of Washtenaw, on Satunlay, the 24th day oi Jnne.and Wednejday, the 27th day of September, next, at one o'clnck in Ihe arternnon, of each of said days', to receive, examine, and adjustBaid claims. Dated, March 27th, lHf5. ,.,002 OVNAONSLUAK. } C- .Moner.. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MlrlllOAN", OOC.tT er Wasiitkvaw, SS - In the matter of the estite of Ksther Anu VanRiper, Kuirenia Rogers and Chrisse .lane Kokers, rr.inors: - Notice is hereby íi'ven,that u pursuance of an o-der rinted to the undersigned guardián of the csiale of said minors, l.y the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on tbe tw'nly-seveoth day of March, A. D 1865, t'iere will bo told at Public Vnwlue, to the highMt bidder, at the dwellin house on the premisos, on Saturda.v. the ihirteenlh day of May nest, al nneu'clnck in the aternnon of said day. subject to all encumbra neesby mortiraire or ntherwise, the fol lowine dcucribed real estáte, to wit : Tht uudivided three fourthl of the followmg dss.-ribod par, els of land Tlie east halr of the north east quarter1, the east half of the nórth-wet q-.iarter of Ihe norlh eaht quarter, and the wesf half of the norlh-east quarter of the fioutb ea.'t quarter of section pventeen, in townshin three outh of range five east, being ju the Towusbip of I.oli, in the County of Washtenaw , an.l State of Michigan, and containing one hundred and twenty aerea ibore orless. ÜUCINDA ROGERS, CuarJian. Dated, Mar 'h 28tli, ia5. There will a!o be sold at t'.ie nirae time and p!ae tb sndivtd one fonrth of the rtow dritnWi B!"gmf tl iugnsta Rogtni. '- THE CELÉBRATE American Humorist ' JOSH. BILUNCS, (Hkíby W. Suaw, Poughkeepsie, N. Yï Will Lecture iu this City at HANGSTERFER'S HALL Montïity, Eve. April loth. SUBJECT : "iutty and Varnish." Doors open at 7 o'clock : Lecturo con iaencea at 8 ó'clock. TICKETS 50 CENTS. First Class Fire Insurance, tST Ö-V THE PARTICJPATION PlAX.fn O - FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, JXo. 37 Wall-street, HEW YORK. Condition of the Company, ABSTRACT Of THE ANNUAL REPORT Of igc 3 lar, 18S4. Total Assets, $ 414,729.18, Y12. - Bonfia and Mortirages m Tempnrary I,oanw 9S!P30(ú Real Kut ate JO 000 0 lOOshares Mer. Kx.ttnnk ' ,' fa " Government Seeurities, value I44SI4(a Cach on hand 18011 24 Int crost due jj Premiums due t 6,"85( Present Liabilitjes, $15,995.92. Net Scrplus, $198,733 26. TMs Corapaay will continue, as heretofbn.toim- röflpectahle parties agaiïi.--t DISASTER BY FIRE, at iair and remuneniting ratea ; extenc ing accoidi %' thj terms on its Policies, the ad van t ages cf the Parlicipation Plan of ihe Compa'j purued by it for soveraï years paal, withsuchjut I success and popularity, and profit to its cusiomw wherby (75) Seventyfive Ter Cent, (75) ' of tbc I'roüts, ingtead of being withdrawn from tk C'ürnp:iny in dividends 1o stïtiholders, ü inventdu i SCKlt' fUXP," and b?ld for geeater protectioonf iti [ Policy boldeis ; and icrip, beüring interest, is iütugdu ' customers therefor ; Uius, i.V TRIS COMPÁS}' th whofurmsh the bus.ness, AXD PAY TUK PJiKMIl'JVf5, derive ihe largest sbare of advnntajfM; j wuen the a;cuiaulatious of the SCK1? FVSDihi i exceed FIVE HUNDRED TH0USAND DOLLARS, the excess will be applied to l'AY OFF th Script? I CASH, in the order of its issue. The liberal iind prompt aíljusimentof Clin; for Lus, WHEN VAIR AND SQUARE, ie tifceiaif with thil Comp;iny. KOTK. - Tbis Cüiupan}' doesnnt insureon thebiuii of RIVER, I.AKE, ur 1NJ.A.ND NAVIU iTIOK ; rolli ing ituclf trictly to a legitímate KIRE INSURi.VCÏ Bl'SI.N'ESS. ASHER TAYLOR, Pn-ilftll, H. P. Frkbman, Secreta i y. J. H URLESÓN, Agent. VST ALL PAP"ÏBBH CHEAPl CBEAPERM CHEAPESTü! - o - THIKTY THOUSAND R0LLS OF WALL MM et U deecriptiom. ' &GRDERS,W1NDOW SHADES, CURTAIN FIXTURES, PICTURE FRAMEÍ CORÖ AND TASSELS, FANCÏ ARTICLE3 of lid9riptiona Also a large MSortn"'1' MISCELLANEOUS BOOKSi AT KEDUCED PRICES. PICTURES Framed to Older at the Shorteit N"' G1VE US A CALL! JOHN F. SIILLER' Corner Main and Washington itreets 1"' GET THE BES.T. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARYÏ' NEW ILLUSTRATED EPITION, Thorouglily Revisedand much ElargwOver 3000 Fine EngraviBg 10.000 WORHS and MEANINGS oot foundli1 Dictionaries. rer thirfy able American and EuropeaD C Jrf ployuii upon tlm reviiion, nnd tuirtyj" expended upon it . pI(. Among the collaborators are Dr. Mahn, of "1, (swor Forter, Dana. Whitnev, '.vm8"I,' nl j nd Thacher, Capt Crairhill, ot Wf ■'' ;'.,„,, tary Academy, Judao J. C. P.Tkirl, "" í5tles, A. L. Holle J, Exj., to.j 0., j, Sereral table of great value. oe "f ''1 quaito pagti, Éxplanntory and r.üL rtï miii-s in flctiou of persoi and P1c?.l,D, (i nym, c, Sc. , ai Abaddon. Acad'.a, ' . gency, Mother of Carj , Mason anJÜ'Jl Mr. Micawber. So. .im"" Contalning one 9fth or one fourlh more m any f irmer edition. rni From new electrütype platee and tlie River aurt Bindery. , i In one Vol. of 1840 Bof ' Qii'irto Pnges. j.. " GET THE LA TEST." " 6BT BEST." "GET WEBSTEn' . Pnblijhed by ;. C. HERRIAM, Spt'11 ! SOLD BV ALL BOOKWUXM, "__ m-. FAIRI3ANKS' Jpii standabd SJP"9J W OF ALL KISIlS. % Wöi53? Wardinwc T,-ucks, Í'U"I Á FAIRBAES, GREIMEAF & & ITa Lak Street, CHICAGO' Sold in Detroit by . pp,


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