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Monday Last Was "opening Day"

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the "e Post Office '" rankim uíock, ú "drew" üke a cjrcus or a star actcr on '" efit niglit. Men, women, and large sized Tldren all expectad mail matter, and tü the ffenttho'8 wiio luivorwunt befor, lnj tUoae who ofton weut, theu went tbc more; h t ley went two or tlnee times or i)ro' ' nged' Oier visita. Especially did this seem b the case with a number of your.g misses, 'ilisses who ought not to average very niany "tersaweek, bul who seemed anxiously tï?l in selecting boxes and arranging for ' la business- indicating, perhaps, that '.riay correspendonts" have struck a lead. ifTiOsiPSOS l'as not "struck ile'" he has ide a "ten strike," and the public daily tbank him for the increased accommodations. itsan office unrivalled in the State. L#-Tho8e of our citizens who have „moved to the city, or from one ward to anottier since the election of last Fall, will bear in mind that it is necessary that their janies be properly registered in the Ward . w),ch they now reside, in order to vote on jlonday next. Young men who have become „(a since the November election, must alj, registor their namea. The Ward Registratio„ Boards will bc iu session to-morrow, as ,'ollows : Ist, At J. B. Gott's oflïoe. 3d, At Risdou & ïlenderson's store. 3d, At Ö. W. Smitli's store. 4lh, At Firemen's Hall. 6th. At the shop of H. Rhodes,- from S o'elock A. M. to 0 o'clock, P. M. jfgThe Goldwater Sentind has ,„ article on the '-Newspapers of Branch Oounty," which is not exactly historically ooi reet. It does not give all the Sentinel changes. Albert Chasdler was not the snecessor of Ohandt-er & Stillman. Dr. tillmaK sold Iris interest to David WateuKiS, ome years since deceased, and the paper was conducted awhile by Chandler & JfiTRHMAX, Chandlèb being, s during the former partnerships, the business partner and Editor, Chandieb finally sold his interest to Waterman, and for some inonths after Chínplkk'8 connection with the paper ceased. it was run by S. K. emiisTY. as lessse. He, being spiriually inclined - not to themodern spirits towards which the Stntinel now leans - became irregular in the publicafion, and forfeited his lease, when Ma. WaTERMAJf sold the office lo Mr. Pojíd. The Stntintl was published just six years by Mr Pokd, he liaving fu!l control of its business dpartment, and being also solé and only editor, and at this time many pleasing remembrantes cluster around that period. He sold sotto 8. W. Dbigqs & Co... but to Henby C öilbsbt. who issned the 'paper iu that flrm's name, while he was the editor. About the Slar published at Braneh. it had mexistence of more than "a few months." It was sold by the Association to a Jf n. ColUe, and after hia death- we think in the' winter of 1839- was told to a company at Jonosville, out of which sale grew a law suit or two, as afterwards did out of a sale of the office at Coldwater. We beüeve the Stir onee isíued a Presidenl 's message, which the OhfcrMf hands - at Coldwater - had got halfin ! type when the stage from the east brought the gennine Vanüuren article, and caused considerable of au explosión. The hoax WMa't relished. cy Our fnoud Fred. Smitii, Editor of the ColdwatervSeníineZ, has been'Vfted" atKslamazoo.and having received an affectionate QOtice. from tbe Provost Marshal, nialce a humoroús response through bis coltmm.congratulating himself that some of hij intímate friends have al been "called,1 md coneiuding: We haü not allow this oppert unity to prove our patrioiism. to pass ummproved; L in obeflienee to orders, shoulder the old limily Bibie instead of the luusket. (with uither of which' are we too familiar .) and lite loyel eitizen tako up our line of rnarch. When ommanded to halt at the Provoat Mmhal's office, we sball Present ourselves withthefollowing recommendations : Uld , over 45. broken leg, lanle biuik, miser.bïeteet.h. aad a faint heart. -THere, Provost Murihnl Fry's math'-matics of Ihree il ■, rtdvi'ed to ycaï-8 of service." will. probably either retaín us in the. army or discharge ui Should we beso fortúnate as to get a plsce in the rank, we want to engage six ïoünglRdies-smart, amiable, and good lookine-to correspond with us whtle in tb "to supnlv the place made vacant bv our bsence, w'e were bout -roposing to seml home the first dark3y liberaled by cur eff oru but. 6nd that it does not meet, wiU) taTor in certain quarters, and must forego the pleasure. _, , Wc liall be at our post next week as üa itor.orour reader will hear from us as 'Armv Correspondent." In either case we will giva the result of this, our first campaign. We await Fred's "experience." L3L"The April immber of the Alioliltc VontUy has a filie list of Papers, Poetry nd Prone, Essay and Story. The four seriáis, "Ice and Esquimaux," by Wassou : "Dr Johns," "Needie and Garden," and "Chimney Corner." by Mis. Stowe, ftre continued, and ire readable. The oüier papers are nine in iiiimBer, aiid are up to the Atlantic standard. Among the contributors to the number, are E. P. Whipple, T. W. Higginson, 0. W. Holmes, Donald G. Mitehel!, X. B. Aldrich, Lowell. and Ludlow. $4. a year. Address Messrs Tickxor & Fiélds, Boston, Mass. From the same Publishers we have the .April nuruber of Our Young Folki. and a capital number it is, as fnll of interest as an Üg is of meat, and handsomely illustrated. Itisjustthe thirig fór the boys and girla, $2. a year ; with the Atlantic, $5. Cy Reo. A Gilbert & Co. have esUbüshed tliemselveB in the aorner store of the new Franklin Block, and are opening a éne ossortment of Cloths, Gentlem'sn's Faraishing Goods, &c. They have a flrst. cUss cDtter eraployed, and are taking orders for garments which will be made in tbe latest tyleg and best manner. Their store is an attractivo place- if not n palace of mirrors, a palace of light - and the. boys will be found in the best of natu n wben custonacrs drop ;d (íife thiin a cali. (ÍeBATEST LlTEUAlïY ÏÏOllK OF THE Aok.- '' So far as I can judge, nothing has been Ieft undone to make this woik [the new edition of Webster's Dictiouary] worthy of the race, the age, and the language. No nobier national monument has yet been reared than this American Dictionary. 1 was anticipatiug the greatest lUerary work nf he age, and it seems to me this anti' ipation was not extravagant."- J. O. Mc.Mynn, Supt Pub. Intlruction, Wisconsin. jL5CWill some.friend in eaoh Townsliip of the County seud us the vote on Judge and Regent, aad also the names ol the Township olficers elect, as early as possible after the election of Monday next 1 If no one is coming to our city, l'orward llie requesled information by mail.


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