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Mu. Editok : - Au tha mimbor oí ocres oL Sorfuun to lio plui'ed ibis j ear are va niy, und fnost oí i s plan er.s v. il: havo but iiule i xp noucerwith ytiun consent, [ wiil ttllfca tlie r8-p0níihlÍty ( ? giiiig same {jener 1 direo-tioos tor i's nu oír ful clIïiv ilion aud nuinago ment. Jüand.-Süiiy u piaría soils produce the best syrups; soil laúd preferred. Preparing, tíi.e Etotfid. - It 18 tbe opinión that íifter ihuground ia jilouglied u d tiited, to rldge it and plant oq the ritige, will forwarcf its in tínrlj taso!i, sny tivo weks. Planting. -The roost approved way is to plant it in chejk rovvs, ?o as to ( ul ti vate both wayu. M.y distanoe for {.lanliug is ubiiut tlíree and ono liul? i)t by (Lrén, nid cover the seed nol inrer ne-hulí iach deop, an put from tuelvo to twíiiity seeira! in a hill, and by getting my rows vory straight, it snWn ii:iu 1 l.ibor. Secd. - Thn upuimoD Sorylio i preparid'; the yiold is greatöt and iho eirup rs iigbter iu col).-, and-. :ore agrunabli' in tas. e ; of wliich there is later and euHier varieties. The eertainty of Ihü qaali tv and kind yon plnnt is oi g,reut iniportance in the fcosje'g u.pTriperitig (lic Ree ei t o Plant. - Sorae píit it in the gróuad dry, some soak it ín warm water, 1 puur Bealding water n iü se.öd, and puur il off as poon as on, nnd itien lot it remuin in wurm wuter two liiurs; ihen put it into a &m.all saok, and phtoe il. over a bed formeel y (íigijiíiíj; a bole in the groirnd"1 and filling it witli horse manure. To créate a proper heal ar und jour bed, ra:ike a box sis nches high, idace a ix lio-lil snuli over it, tlintting out the air; put a tbick oloth over jour .:ed bair and pour warm water over the seed and tnaryire oiten enontfli to keep it warm, and in 24 liföurs uil tli seed wiil sprout fsome a qu trter ol nn inch), hut which will ribt hurt it if you ke. p it wliile planting,., nnd roll it in piaster. The Time to Plant. - As soon as you can get your ground ia gixd ordir, say a week before yeur corrt. FeitilizLr Piaster is pieferred bv nll; it inakes a better sirtip and b.etter jields. A good time to apply it 8 just as the oane coinés up so as to wattt woiking. It shows ihe hills distinct frorn the grass, assisliug you to work it sooner and better. Cultiva tion.- Keep the ground stirred and clean until it is about two feet high,, then set the cultiv&tar fco throw tfte dirt up to the hills, and let it passif your ground is clean. JFurtber work done is more hurt tban good. Warvesing. - The cheapest vs&y is to strip the caue leaves when standing, befbre out nn. f! at tlie tdns after hnnnrl ki'buudles.. Bind about four or five hill in one bundie with cane leaves. The feost sometimos inferieres with this wáy of harvesting. My ay then is to cut the ean& befoFe stripped drop four or fivo hills in a pile aeross the ridges, making it more eoovenisMit to bind. If the cant) is tall put on two If I have room I prefer to shelter it. If I bave no room, I go to the cu-t, say ten crolches, two of'them suffioient feo hold up a . polo ten or fifteen feat long-, nd set them at proper diatances ; tbey wil acoomnjodate one aore of grwmd. In thia way you can set your binadles two or' three thick on each sido of your poles, making the best ar rangement I have found, to cure and savo it. The right time tocnt' your cane ia when the seed is ripe, if the frost does aoi make it necessary to do so before; if it does it will taake good seed io th'e dcueh. F, osi - Ltght frosts do no material damíige. But it s like Indian meal and snwdust for a pudding, the legs fiawdust the better Uomrnon írosta do iblittlo or no hurí after it is cut ana secured, more ttao Indiaa cofu,, Soeghüm.


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Michigan Argus