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'FUE UÜUl'o AiNDTHE LKAVJSsi" Cor the Uoalii.g oí thi' Vtioni". Bille. CHKOREAT AND CK1.KHHAÏSL 1'limclAN of lüc UlROAT.I.U.VfiS, HKAKT.LIVfcR ASI Tilt; DLOOD, Knowu all over thf-couulrj afl íhx CKLEKJUTl D IKTXJIA.I HEBB DOCTOBS Of SStíupeiiur Stront, Cluvi-lami , Ohio. WiilvUit t Ue foUtowiilg iilaci-n, viz Ai'KOlNTMKNTSIÍOÜia.'i., h968nd ls Crol 11. .1,. Ljubi aun be consulte! t tLo Foilovinc [ilttci evev mijntli, vi?,: 6 lietroit, llumul unan rwfa u.ií.-,Hi. Ikh, ,,,d 19th Aun Arljor, (JouitorUnuse.gaíi montli.sou, J0lion, Il!bhr(1 Ilouso, .'in-h ím-nlli it. A'liíítn, línicKtl l!i)iiM i';h;!i niunth -li amldod. Toledo, Oblo, Coltin House, oacb ojontli sJtli 28th .md 'JOtñ . ' ' Hilludale, Micli. , Uillsdale Hsaaejutch mnotli 27tli. ColtlwaÜT, SltcU.. Suutpcin MJciijau J1bu.-.o eacii month , 2ith( Kikh:irl . Klkhnrt Housf,eíich tiiííuíIi . 29th. Soutli Iipn. Inii., St. Ji, Ho'ol, u:ioli inpntli, 30 Luportr, Ind., !■ (iar.lpn Hi isp, c:icil montli 3l't, Woo.nter ,OUio, OrinJull Kxcbjugv, each monih 7th indötü. ' Manalitld, Übio, Wilcr Housi cich monlh 9lh and lOtli. Mt. Vernon, Kenyou House, toch inonlli, llth iind IStli. N'ewark.Ohio, Holton Houso, C(V.;U mi.nth, lStb and lllh, l'ainesviDe.OKin, Srvw'i !lmie,pach month,4th ClKVKI.ANI), DIIIO. RUUDÊN3K AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR. STREET. ■ Kast cl th abUc square, dppnetta tlic PostoAloe (Jttj'3 eacl. raooUk, t: 3rl, 4(]i, 5Hi, 6th löth - Dillen lioul!, Irum I A, M. tu 1 M, iad fouin P. M 'to I r. 11. UnSunrluj from 9 to 10 A M.,amJ 1 to _'■; 1 jttii" Maxime dtrictly aflUeied to-I give Buoh balm us haVc nn strife, Wirli rmtuie er th lai nf [fg, Witliljlooómv hands I neverstain, KoruoisoB nu-n tuease tUeirpain. Heit a physiciaii indeed ,,who Curen. The Iivlianilor. Ductm . ;:, f. V.XWMÍ, curps tho folio w ing complaintsiu the most obstiufite fnhnnï tbeir existence, t7.: Disensos ot the Throat, I.ungs, Ileart, I.iver, Stomach , iiropsy in tlie Chest , Rheumatisni, Neuralgia Fitfl oral!lm:.-icknefiK,annalliithti 'nerToiiMierangemvnt.' AJko alldiseasesol the bloorl. sucli as Scrufula, Krj-sip e":as, Canoera. Fevic. Sores, Lein o,sy, nuciall tl'icrcoui. plicated (vhxouiccomIaiutB. All furtfm-oi-feoiale dlÜtciUties attendod to with the hajipiest rettiilia. It is hoped that no one ivilldeapair of a cure untiJ they havo i ven the Indiao Herb Doctor' Medicinen a fnir and faithful trial. ft?ilnrin(T lie travels in llmopi', West Indies, Suuth America, and tlic United States, he has been The insi rnmotW ; ajiL - - ----- .- f .... _ ___-. ■ ■ i ' ■ - j i r i 11 ji IM4 F". hand „ to restore to liealth and vigor thousands wlin werfe givat-aail pr.onounced incurable bv the most eminent nlil í)-:ft'(ril pfeffeieÍA&fi; nay. inoré tKouand who worc on'the verge of the grave, are now livinc mpium?nt8 to the Iadian Herb't lioctor's Bkiil ftn] succe.s!ifult,reatiuent,aiiclare daüy esclaimiug; "BlesRed btthfday wbei first we saw aud partook of the I ad ia n Horb Doe tor 's medicine. " íatisfactory refereucesot'cares ■11 be gladly aníl cheerfully given henevnr required . Xbe Doctor pleüges lii.-, word and hnuor, that he will ia w!ï,iliiect!y or inrtirectly, induce or cause any invaliri to takc hia raedicinewithout Ihe strongest probability of a cure. 1$$ Mode of examination, which is entiielylifferent from thet'aculty D?. &Q(ftA pcXesses to dincern Mñ$a(8&& by the eye. He therefore asks noqaestionn, nor does h e rwjure patientto explain syraptoms. Cnlj on e and u'-'t, ui'l haro theaymptocaa and location of your diseagppxptaijTitfdfEe-g of cbai-se. 'ïfT'H1 Por ?haTl bp IfbwB(jt cojidered. JB9"PoatomceaddreHR} box 86?. R. J. IA'ONS.M. I. Cleveland, Ohio.Nov. 25. 1862 1880 JUST OPENING ? The largest Stook and beat assortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brouglit to tbis eitj;, including SOF AS, TETS-A-TSTES, LOUNGES, BEDROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CIIAIRS, Xools_ixi.g; Gi-lassos Gilt Trames and Mouldings METALIC OASES, &c., " c, and all otlicr goodri kppt in the best and lar ■ -st house.s ia the country. We üoepno second liand tir lituie or Auction goods. Coffins kept constantly ( d and, and made to order My gouds are offered at THE COWEST CASH PRfCES N. B. I must have mcney , and respectfully request those indebtedjto cali and fix up their nld raatters without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Anh Arbor. Oct. 6, 1863. 92. Wanner HAT STORE! w lig, lÉïltlti i Before you buy , and Sulnmer tij lei of STEAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. nn Arhor, April 20th, 1864. 8m953 MICHIGAN CENTRAL INSURANCE COMPANY ICalamazoo 3VTieb.. usures against fiogs oí ïainagn by Firc or IIghtuing. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Gwirantm Capital, hy State Autkority, S 300,000,0 O. DIBEOTORS : J.' Kennedy, íarsh GinoiNGf), A.P. Mills, 8eoW. Snydeb, 8. D. Allkk, gio. w. Allbn, 0FFICER3: J. P Kennedy, Pret. T. 1'. Sheidon, fr GecK W. Snyder, Se?., A. P. Mille Treaa., H. E. HoyfilM'i Sec., ft. 1). Allen, (?b. o 94Otf HOWARD ASSOCIATION. rHILADEI,PHIA, PA. p.lsrnsc of tl., !ï-ovis. Seminal, Vrlnary U and si„,l Sytemfc,neW,,ndre1nblot.,atracnt-m .report Df the HOWAIW ASSOCliTIONBent t,y nli ín 5jal-dlf.ft.1-tMiTel01.ef, f,,.„ rfobnwf.. ■■.;. Br. .1. SK1I .I.IM HíMK.-ímiV, Iowr.í AJÍ ■ PULMONIC SYiSIP, 8EAWEED TONIC, A-N MANDRAKE PSLLS. ■■■ The aboe is a correct liktness of Dr. 5cÜencK,just after Mcpxer'ng f rom Consnnipiíon, man 31 jeftMogO Delow s a HkenesB of him as he now nppearn. When tlie first was íakf n he woiglied 10Ï puunds ■ at the prcseut ti.iue hi vteight ís 220 pomitU. ; - ■ - ■■' ' - Jaar aHr!?v.v,.-.-'.Vi-'' -'-'--'SSifV DR. SCHEIVCK'S Principal Office nnd Iaboratory ís at the N. F. corner of SfXTH and COMÍTKRCE Streets, Pbiladelphia where all letter.s foradvice or business should be di rected. fio wül bo found thcro every SATURDAY, profesHíouatly to examine lungs wrth the Respirometer, for which bis fee is tbree dollars ; all advice free. Ju Xew York at No. 32 BOND Strest, every TUES DAY, frora 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. At the MARL3URO' HOTEL, BoatoiJanuary 18 and 19, Fobruarj lö and 16, M;uch 15 and 16, Ajiril 19 and 0, May 17aul IS, JuoeK and 15, July 19 and 20. The time for my being m BALTIMOKE and PITTáBUJ&di wjJI be sten in the daily papcr.s of those cities. Jte Ilisíory of Dr. Sckenck's own Case, and howhe was cured of Consumvti'm. Man y years ag, wbihrt ro.iding in Philadelphia, J liad progressed grádually into the last stage of Pul nionary Uonuinptiin All hopes of tny recovery being dissipated. I wasadvised by my physician, Ir. Parrisb,to rsröeveiu'o the country. Mowestown, New .Jersey, being xiiy niitive pip.ce, 1 was removed thither. My l'iither and til liis famiïy had Hved and died there and died ot l'uhnouaiy Conaümptían. Uu my arrival I wan put to 1 ed, where I lay for m:iny wiks .q what wasdeenied a hopeless conditioa. J)r. Thorntun.who had heen my lather' family physician, an; had nttended liin in hifi &?t illness, was en lied to see me. He thougbt rsxy case entirely bevond the reach of medicine, aud decided that I must die, aud gave me one week to arrange my temporal a&lcv. lu this apparmtly hopeles condition, I heard .,[ the romeaos wbich I now and sell. It Baettred n pi e ihat I could Teel thera worliing their fcay , and penetrating uvery nervejfibre, and tissue vï my riystem . My lungs and üver put on a aew actiën, andthe mnr bid miitter wi.ich for year.s tftd accuinulateil andirritated the diflei-tnt organsot the body, was eliminaieii, tiie tnbercles on in nnH ripened, and I expectorated from my lungs as much as a pint of yellow oIFeiive niiitter every mmnnig. as mis eppdorat;nu oi matter suvsiJed, tbefever abated, the pain Ie ft me the cough ccaaed $o luiros me, and the exhansting niglitBwpüt- were no longer known, udl had rereshing Bleep, to whicb I had tong been a strangor. ft[y appetitc now b?g n to return, and at times I fbuad it difficult to retrain tovself f rom e.ating too much ; with tiiis return of health, I guiñe d in strength, and now nin ileshj. 1 am now a healthy man, wíth a large healerl c:.catrx in the mjcldlè lobe of the rïght lung and the lower lobe tepatized with complete adhesión of the pleura. The left hing i.-í sound, and the upperlobeof the lighl oqc ts io atole' ably healiliy condition. CoriRumption at thiit tim'o wasthought to be ftn inenrabie Öisease, by every one, phycians aswellas those who wereunV'arneiHn medicine- e.speciully .such cases aH were reduced to the condition I was in. Thia induced mnny people to beiieve my recovcry only teDiporary.. I now prepared and gare the ñ&S&frrr: i connm,.liveS tor s„me tunjif f ful cures i.fta t,. Uu,g M 'n trutl, I s next to foreed to it,for peopie wouWfend for me &r andnear, to ascertaio whether their cases werelike mine. For many ycars, in conjuncüon ivieh my principal offleein Pliihulelpliin,lhavc been mnkinj; regular proles'ional visita to New York, Bc-tou, Baltimori. nnH filtsburg. Kor severa! jeara past I have made as ma ny as ft v huudrcil examinaliun weekly with the "Respirometer. " For Bueh exaroinalion my charge Is three dollars and U, nable me ia give each patisttt the true conditión ol bis disease, and teil him irankly whether he nill gct ïhe great reasoa whv phypicianB do not cnre Con. umptionis.tlmtthey ry to do toomnch ; they irlvo uiriicines to stop tho cuut;h, to stop the n ght sweats hectie lever, anl by go doing they derango the who! digestive lockins; uj the sccretions, and eventually the patiënt dies. Thé I'ulmonic Syrup is one of the most valuable medicines knovn. It is nutriënt, poworfüllj tonic and healmd iu itself. It contains no opium, yet loosens the phlegm in the bronchial tubes, and nature throws itoff with litt'e exerfion. One bottie frcquently cures an ordinary cok] bul ii will be ivell first to take a !oe of Schenck's Miindrnke's Filis to cleanse t!ie stomach The l'ulinouic Syrup is roaciily tligested aL-d absorbed mi" Niuoii, 10 wiiun u impares lts he Kling properties. 11 is (ine of tlie best preparation of iron in uae ■ it la a powerful tonic of itself; and when the Seaweed Tonic dissol es the mucus in -tbs utomach, and is curried off by the aid of the Mandrake Pilis, a healthy flow of gaatric j uice, goo'l appetite, aud a good digestión foliow The Seawooil is a stimulant. and none othtr U required when il Is tiséi, It ia pure and pleasant: no bad effenta Iíkp when üslng Bourbon whisky, which disorders the Ktoirwieh, torpors the liver, locks up all the soerctions, turn the h!od into water dropsysots in and the patiënt diessnddenly. Bombón whisky is recommended now-a days by almost every physirim. Hany patients that visit my roomf, both male and ïeraaje, are stupefied with thi polson. The relief in tomporary. If tbey cough they takealiltlowhi-ky; if il,Py feej welk and they taka a Httle whisky ; if thoy cannot sletp, they take a httle whisliy ; and shoy go en in tlii:) way, requiring more andmore uutil thny are bloated up. and imagine tbeyare gettiag nesliy. ïho stomach, liver, and digestrve bowérs are óompletelv destroyod.aDd lose tbeir appelite Br foo'I. No mie was overcured of consmnption hy this process, whère cavities have been foriped ia (bè funga A littíe stimulantia frequently beneticial to Cüiisunipiives, ouch a Bure bramlv or ennd vine ; in inany casen London porter or brown stout g moderate qunnii'ip ; but Bourbon whisky linstens on . nstead ol cuiingconsum)-tion. The geaweed Tonic produces lastinm resuteR, thoroughly invignraling the siomacb. and l;gestire system, and enablmg it to elimínate and n ake nto licalthy blo"(l the iood wlUch may b ■ used fer that nnrpose -- lt in 8 wondorful h ts effects tli6t a ineg'liissiuU waldiscest a henrty meal.and a littlf of it taken before broakÍMt will give n tnne to the Ftomach which feiv mediemos posses the power of doihg. The MANDRAKE I'IM.S may be taken with entire satety by all tges and eonditions, producing all the good ri-sult tlint can Un obtiined from culomei or any oftno mercurial meJicines, anc'. without any nf their hurtfu! or iuinnous result. They cnrry out of the svstem the feculent and norn out matter ioonaiied and diBsnlved by my Seaweed Tonic and Pulmonle Syrnp - Itwillbcsec-p that all thren of my raedi iuos are need. ed in mest cunes to curoConsmnption. A (ï E N T S . BOSTON'- Gec.rgo C. Goodwin & Co. NEW YORK- Iiemai Bovnes & Co. P. P. Hancc PITTSBURG-Dr. Oeorgc II . Kej-ser CIN'CINNATI-F. K. S.lre 4 Co.. ml .lol D. p„k CH1C.V(!O-Inr,l S f ,„1(1,, ,„„l H. Seoïi). ST. I.OUIS- Ci.Min BrolhorB. iAN FRANCISCO- Btmtpttír, Smitl, .V. JV.m .'"" ' ■"''' I" ■■H'i n'„] : . r.Ti.IjK,,,. !■. lv''",-,


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