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WM. KNABE & CO' ■ PIANOFORTES, Reíd the following1 commendatory letters from distiiiguished Artists. Wiït. Knabe k Co.- Om thwcn : j} Al'ttT linvini pla.ved on tiie PSümo of Mesirs. r ■ Kn-auk & Co. ii is Imposstble not to bear testipwarq inniiy to thelr ru;ilitu;s wliioli lave aertuired for ; tlieiit the eminent rcputatlon whlch they enjoy. CT.SMI Tlio l'iauort of matt ufacture, on whlch I "" jmk '?1Vt '"'V-1'1'! art' exceedlngly rtünarküble for ''■ ■■- i tíea of rom, The lïass Is poverful, withmit harshness, and tlie upper notes sweet, cïfiir nnri hárraofitñuBr'y tnéllow, (cliry.Ht:ilin,) tr ;tn.l l do nol licsilaic to exprese in vftgard to _ these tnstrmnents my Batiafactlun , and VLam to decliu-f Llüit Ilu-y are equal if notsupurior to ln-s; tiuinufju'tui-f'ti in Europe or tliia coun gti u by the tnoal edëbrnted makers. tjew L. ]TI. GOTTSCHALK. jËzl Jalla? Baríer&i Co. CfiIcAfro - Gcnth-men; fti ' coñaiaer Wllllam Knaltv & Co'a Víanos r th in ■):■ perfect in use, corablafcg in the , highedt (l'-irrrc !!■■ nwisl i'&lunble and essenkzee ,;:t; reqnltfitea of power, tasi m-ss of tone, and ,fl , ii-iu'fiii aucnracy. Tiie Baas posBemei tineat saaa ivmiwsH nul voiuine, and the WghW notes ;í clearoega and ricliness of tone öeldom at„ t;iincd in othét inst rumtnts. The touch or j-BB ction himi-;u-s partit-uhuiy agreeable, and Hx ; lts pïWoiflonate adfiptatton reflecta griat credit &0, upui. its iMauufacturttrs. The introiluction of 'a vuur Planos in the West Una created a new era 95 In Musiifal chvles, and will doubttcss crown sssmm ymii efforts wiLti ttie eminent success you ao - rlchly incviL Vi-rv truly, yours, BM Chicago, Jtmc9, lSt4. LOII1S STjftAB. - I recommend the Pianos of Mr. Kvabk to iH evépybody who wauts u reallv flrat class Lnstruiii' -ut. II. IIALA1KA S Wtaí Knabe & Co. - Geitkmen: . I have greal plasure In ciM-.lifylng that I havt 'kesj trïèa vuur Bqúáre Pianos, and lind thém equal, - ' f not superior, ti) ;iuy Ín th3 country. Among thelr great qnnmies, wilfch tUstlnguisïi thcni, r is the eveiuwss of tone, tliu agrêtjabhi aad easjt, JP touoh, a mt volume of time. Wièhing you all' the BiicoeBjp you so hlphly rteserve, I am eir yours verf truly, S. ÏIIALBÜBgJ osb Kfcfia ïïra. Knabe & Cíñr.- fövtóftmfc CjJ l f :umot mu congratúlate you upon the ïma mense progrese and intprovements wmcH vou STImi i continufilly makt' unjour Pianos, whïch, in my te ■ opinión, rauk among the very higbest in tlüs eountry, Jtl. STKAKOSCU .f. Bjiüít &. To. - Geñtiemstt: %' Muarf Ouv Qfp'era Troupe aiv at prpsent usinp fnur - iJ of your justly i'ei. l,r;üel Knaiir Pianos, and as JJJÜJ tin' exponent of the vli-ws anI pinions of the rarloiu Artista, peiniit me to say, I consider 1 tliem unxurpassed in brilliancy nnd esrceHrnce mmmmi and n-e-tminenl, without a rival in thitcqu% ■mimZ trV or '" ïï'oope. Their nuperior qualïly of ]i tone, (fjvflrf dv] arifi p:iwerful voir ume, wltïi irhlch and a pecullarly olear and ■ pS"" ftvtfn treble, togèthw witíi a fkttglh elasticity of j touch and actlon, render them superior to other U& instrumenta, whieh rjircly If ever combine these most easpntial reqtjsites. I most cheerfully 7 endorsa the high and raerltorlous encomiuras v everywhere p-ow d npon these Pianos. . É. mWJLl'O) Musical Director, ItaL y- ian Opera. Chkjgo, Feb. 10, 1864. Wm. Rnabe & Co.-Gcutfcmet: f Haring recently fiad opportñníties of fesllng QÍp5 l'Otli your new st-ale Grand and Square Pianos. il gives me jrreat plwasuve to state íhat I have found Uiein fo comliine all Ihj; quajitits to make rO n Piano ;is perfeci ob possib.1e, nad tinsurpassed by any tliat l have swn either in this country or tëurope, (or great power and roundneas ol ■■B tone, comliinoil witli that peculiar sweet and ingfflg quaÜty, so oflow fonnd wanting in Piunos. They are n-ülly inidurpHs?a)jIe, and in ■ Erfácn evevytliiiiií that can lie defeired by'the rj0fF most miiliaiit player. Wisliing you every buq- """ PilUU T Í"LI1Í11T1 'ïll"LÏ fililí ir k C. ANSCIIUTZ, bQ Musical Director nf the Germán Opera. .JULIOS BAUER & CO SS Wholesale Agenta for Nortkwestein State. 99 S. Clark and 89 Washington Sta. P. CHICAGO, ÏIX. 1 tC7"SEND FOIl A CIRCULAR. The great Itch and Humor Killer of the 19th Century ! Tbls mm preparaiion poaCi3e moet wonderfii propertie, and Is ■A. (STTOrï.33 OTTR.II For every species of the ITCH, PRAIniE ITCH, BARBKE'S ITCH, WABASH SCRATCHES, IIJ.IVOIS BláSgOÍfTHE koüíí fW"S1heim;"scld bead, RISGWORMS, 4t. t Th=iRJJRIG0 L0TI ls a otirmñartaineun for all kinds of Itch, and being a fluid preparaiion tí ; E. T. 4, W. T. MeFARLAMD, PRIC II CBNTS.8016 PrPrietOrSl LafayeMe' Ini LORD SMITH, Chicago, WhoeSa.e aZ. WÏZARD OIL! TflIS SFLENDID REMEDY CURES f TBOTHACITC Útít NEURALGIA Í 1 iThree Minute. In Ten Minutos. M'ttWlCHK È A II Á CHE Ib fiv.c Minute. ín Ton Minutes. CMV CCM.IO DIPTIIKRIA "' "■'" Minute. ín a Few Hours. SORBTHROAT ■ R,,E[:MATISM. fa a F.w Hoira. ín a Fcv Uay8. LAMKBACK. 81'RAINS. C1JTSAKDBIIL-ISKS. bürKS t!ID BCALDg B00KSBLc.L.LA. R ' Thl Invalualile preparütloñ only needi a til.u to rccomraenn lteir to every bauírhaid n tile l.and ÜM one hotlle and yon wm alwayí keop it on lund igainst Ih.; time of iiicd. Pricc 88oentl and 76 cents per bottle. The large bottles contahi ncnrly tinte (mes as niuch as the mail onen. Manufaoturcii by J. A. HAMI4N k BRO., 102 VVaslunirti.n ssreet, Chicago, and fcr by (kuggista geni inlly. Whoksaíe Agf: %$ gj" W [ Chicago. JjEMOVAIi'l W. 33. COLÉ, han removed hie STOCK of BOOTS SHOES,,en!A. V. Mills („.,,„ M.-unSIropf w(l,J li.-w;llb(Kiadt.. -t un his ,.W cnstpmoía and tbe GIVJB HIM ACAU, : ■■■■■ IWM- Crmncory Notice. SÏATKOF MIOIIIUAN,- Vuurtli Judicial lïrcult in Chancüry. ,.,. ., ,,, , V SuUen,iiU(;m the Una M. Clark, Cir. Cmirt for tl. e Comglaioant, Couuty of Wimlite , .,?_, , ï Chancery, Jelml ark, [ Rt Aun Arbor.ón Defeniir.iil. ] tl,o 4tli rtiiv oí j Kcb. A. I)., JL66. lt api.cai-iiKt to the satisfa-iUo,, ol tlus Court by the affldavit of John N Oott, Soiicitor for thoCmni.I.ii.mnl, ! that Jel.iei Clark fa „„( a rcsidont of the Stateof Michigan, Imii e a resident of the Stateof ühio beyond the .urNdiet.oti of th's Court : On nnoUvnoj .1 -Im.X. ,h(, SoJUollor for Complainnntmthis palme. lt 1 ordered by 8a ui Court that sa!d Defcndant, Jehlel Clark, caue lus ainarance to bc eutered in this cause, and notice thereol ser ved on the Ccmplainant e Bolicitor within tw-o moutlis from the date of this order, nnd in canethe Defendant cause hits appeararoe té be entofed, tfcat he file lus atmwerto ('mniiUimiintV Bill, and copy tlwreiif be served üii the Solicitar ror f'imphinact, witliin tweo dn.vsaftc, the m-rvici of a ,;„,„■ „f s!lj.i uní. llr i„ default'threof the tald Bill Be taken ns eonfewed by iia Dsfendaat: aa rt il ix t'urtlier nrdered, tht witluri twi-nty daya the sï'd tiimplainsnt cauae n oopy ol thiaordor-to be. publislied in Dia Mirkignn Argut, a public ncwupaptr printed nd pnlñhed at the City ol Ann Arbor, in said ('ountynf Vaihferaiw, Ineicb weck. lor rixanccessivè weels, or Hint hv causea copy of said orderto be ser ved on sald Defeadant ppra nu lly . at lenst twentv days before the linie pnacrilied fur suid Defejiilanfaapnearance in this caune. R08KRÏ E KR ER Circuit Court Commifeioner, lYasktfnawCo IJicli JoilK NT (ott, Solivitor and of Council for '.nn. piainant 99fiW líoal Estáte for Salo.. OTSTÉ OF SlfCHIGAR, Cor.vTY uy Wmutkxav, ,. ÍJ In the matter of the estibo ot Sylvi Lowev Aiow t'ylvia st. .lolin.) llary K I.c.wry, Mark A.Lo'wry. 'tod Mnrtha K. i.'.wry, minors ; N'otice i hreb'y Hivnn, thatln pursnnceof au oi'dir grontad to tfie undi-rsjimd, gTaiTdiai] of the estáte ol'-aid minors, by the Hon. .ludgi of Probate f.,r the omnty of waelitenaw.on tiie twenty-seycntii (ly ofKobruaiv A.D.1865, thnre will bo sold at Public Venrfde, fó the higliest bidder, at tl)e fouth dour of theCourt Houbo, in the city ol Ann Arbor, In theconnty ot said State, on Tueaday, thecightoenth day of April nitxt, at onpo'clock in tlie afternoon of aid ilay, anjecl to all encambranceB hj mortgage or otherwise, the foilowing deücriied real sstalu. tn-wit : The north west (narter of ection fourteen, and the loath east iiarter of section fourteen, and thenorth-enst quartrr of the (outh-west quarterof section fourteen, in townxhip four pouth and ranee four east, betng in the tnwnship of Bridgewater, in the county of Waahtenaw, containing thnpe unflred nüfl ixty eres of land, sabjeci to the right of (Ion er of riaritsa Lowry, as v.-Mow of Jamei Lowry de ceascd. CI.iRISSA I.OWRY, Guardian. Hatwl, February 2Sth,1865. )9fltd ELECTION NOTICE. Shf.rikf'sOfkich, Waflitenaw C., Midi., ) Acn Arbor.Feb. lö.h, ldiió. ƒ To the Elirtors of Wadittnif Counly : Ycni are horebj notifled that at tlie next General Election to be held on the first Monday of April ni'xt, in theState ufllichgian, the lollowing nfficera are to be el cted, viz Uihí Assnciate Jiistice of the Snpreme Court, to plac of Isaac 1'. Christiancy, whnse term of office will expirtí December 3l8t ; 18C5 and two Ke gfnts of the University in the place of Kdwa'd C. Walker and George Willaril. whose terms of ullicr will expiro Dececibor 31sttlSöij. lU.III.IP WIXEGAR, SherilT. 'tashtenftw Co., Micli. RIS DON & HEÍÍDERSOÑ :O TCJ O KL 3E3 Y Eï GRAEgy DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ühio. rpHEVERY I.ATK=TIMPROVKMENT,nd betterthan i all others; adapted to Howing Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and ürass Reed . lst. It has a Rotary Feeder 2(7. Will 8ow all kvncfa of Grain and Grass Seed. Sd. Wever lunches the Grain Ü7i. liever breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindtke Drill. 6th. Has high wheeh and long Hoes. 7th. Has long and wide steel points. Sth. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. lOth. lt has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and substantialty made. Thereishardlyanrillofforedin the market b.ut eau buast of more or lesa FIRST PREMIUMS. They are aboutas indiscrimiuately bestowed as thetitle of ': Professor," which is sometirues applied to the 'tjiddler" or "bootblack." They cease to convey the idea of merit. Tlie BuckeyeDrillhaR beeaon Éxhihition at quite a number of Stateaud County Fairs.and without aeekins favor at the lumds of any Commiitee, has "recelred ú f-ili share of Fivnirums TESTIMONIALS : We givc tbe following Dames of a few Farmers m thi vicinity wáo havebought andused the lïuekev"-1'" Godfrey Miller, - ' Jacíi-lJiínper, U Thomas White, Northfleld. John Brokawt u Ohristian Kapp( n l:.larfi Boyden, Webster. James Tvíswiwell, AqnArbor Daniel Ü'Hara, iO .. JolmO.Cook, Loa O. A. Marshall, i' ' L. Eiimonds, Saline. . GeorgoCropsey, GresnOai, I,iy. Co. "We arealso Agents for tU Ohio Reaper & Mower, acknowledgcd tobe the very best in use. We are juet in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Cheap. AIbo a large assortiment G-rass Scythes. And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STUFF NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTnd LINSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, ZtZ haDd aDtl 'Ut -P 3 the , ,'. . ' RISDON & HENDERSON. Ann ArbBr,June29th,18fl2. 859tf ARE YOÜ INSUREB? IF ÏÏQT, OALL ON C. H. MILLEN, Agent for the following flrst class Companioa : Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capital over $3,500,000. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO. OF N2W YORK. Oipital oïcr $1,500,000. ín this Companv tho ínmirad particípate in 'lio proflts. OIT-Sf PIBE IlNTS., OO., OF HARTFORD. fipitHl ovrr Threc Humlrcrl Tho,,Btn] Hnl]Orp. c. h. mtlu;n 'lltf Muinstrf'f, Snn Arlinr.


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Michigan Argus