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The Richrnoüd Senlind of the 18th pub'ishes tho correspondence referred to in Jeff. Davis' message. It is as follows: Richmond, Va., Mnnd'y March 12, '65. To the Senate and House of Representa res: I horewith traosmit for your information copies of corespondence referred to in my message of thia date, in rogard to the proposed conference, tho object, being terras of peace, by meana of military a oonvention. JEFFERSOX DAVISLETTER TO QEÍ. R. B. LEE. ïTïADti'aa Cojífkhebate Statks Aautx 1 March 2, 1864. ' J To Lieut. Gen. ü. 8. Grant, OoromandinirUnited Statos Armies. Genkral - Liet. Gen. Longstreet has informed me that in a recent conversation between himself and Maj. Gen, Ord, as to a possibility of urrivlng at a satisfaotory adjustment of the present unhappy difiBculties by means of a military convention, Gen. Ord states that if I desired to have aa interview with you oq the eubjeot, you would not dadme, provided Í had authority to aot. Smoerely desiring to leave uothing untried which may put an end to tho clamities of war, I propose to meet you at such convenient deemed place as you may desígnate, with hope that upon an interchange of views it may be found practicable to eubmit the subject of controversy betweea the belligerents to a convention of the kind mentioned. Ia such event I am aut.horized to do whatever the resuit of the proposed interview may render ijecetaary or adviaab!e. Should you accede to thia proposition, I would suggest that, il agreeable to you, we meet at a place selected )j Gens. Ord and Longetreet for the nterview, at 11 A M., on Monday nett. Very respectfully your obedient serr't K. E. LEE, General, &c. C. 8. Vunable, A. A. G., Headquar tere, Maroh 7, 1865. LKTTSB Oï LIBDT. OBK. ORlNT Hhadqüabishs Aekiks, March 4. Gen. K. E. Lee, Cominauding C. 3. Armie Gbnehal - Your two letters of the 2d inst., were received yesterday. Ia regard to any apprehended misunderstanding in referencö to the exchangs of political prisonera, I think there need e oone. Gen. Ord or Gen. Longssreet have probably misunderstood what I said to the forraer on tho subeet, or I may have failed to inake my. lelf understood, posnibly. A lew daya )ofore the interview butween General Liöngstreet and Ord I hnd received a diSpatch Irora General Hoffman, Oommiasary General of Prisonera, stating ia substance that all prisoners of war who were or bad been in cíóse oonfinemönt or irons, whuther under the charges or lentenoee, had been ordered to City r'oint for exchauge. I forwarded th substance of that dipatch to Lieutt Col. Mnlfo+d, aásÍB:a2Í agent of 'et change; and presuined it probable, ho ind oommunioattid it to Cul. Robert Ould a day trt two aftër an offender, who was Doitlier a priaoner of war nor fc tolitical priöoner, was exocuted, after a air, impartía] trial, aod in accordanoe ith the laws of war, and the usages of civilized nationa. It waa in explanation of this class of cases, I told Gen. Ord d spoák to Gen. Longatreet in relérepco to. My letter of Felruary 1, wil! show my iindorstaríding on the subjoot of releas ng political or citizen prisoners, o ragard to meeting you on the 6tb nat., I would state I hate no thorit)' to acoede to your proposition far a oonfeieaoe on the subject proposed. Suoh authority is vested iu tha President of the Uuited Statea alone. Gen. Ord could óuly have nieant 1 would nofc refuse au iuterviow öd uny subject iu which I have a right to act, which of course would ba suoh as are pnrely of a military oharauter, and on the subjtiot of ejjohange, which has béen entrusted te too. I have the honor to be, verjr raspautiully, your obadient servant. U. S. GRANT, Lieat. Om. ,TTBR OF THB PRE8IDBST, Kiohmokd, Feb. 38, 1991. ïo Gen. B. E. Lee', Commaiiding, &.O.: Sik - You will learn by the letter of Gen. Longatreet the result of his seaond interview with Gen. Ord. The pölnt a to hether yourself or General Grant should invite the other to a oo'ri ference is not worlh disouMciug, only you think the Btatementa of Gen. Ora renders it probably useful that fte oonferenoe suggested should be had. Yoa -wil t ptooeed as you raay prefer, and ar clothed with all the áuppüniental nuthority you may need iu the consideration of any pro'pósul. for a military oonveotion, or the appointment of a oommissioner to enter into euch an arrangement as will oauso at least tymporary suspensión of hostiliües. Very truly yonrg, JEFFËR8ON DAVIS.


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