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QUARTEBLY REPORT O(! QjMdüionof the First Nationil B#hk of Avn Arbo, Michigan, on the Mornin? of -" Firti Mondayof pril, 1S65. RESOURCE IjoanR and Discount. ........... .......... %",2 41 r-5 BankFixturea and Furnitnre 10. '55 37 Leïai. 'eag 28 Expense 1 782 72 Dnefrom Banks o0 sgg R-T.uueStamps 357 jj U-S-Bonds depèslted with U. S. Tivasurerto secure ciiculition, $75:OO V. S. Hond depositad with U. S. Treaaurv to secure dfposils,. ., f5 fino U. S. Bondsonlmnd 10,000 Other U. S. Secuiitïe. f ii hand and iü transit .' 13,800 I5l,3H0DO I.ogal Tender Notes 51,266 lïank Xotea 2g ï Kemitlauees aud Cash Items.. .. fi.'ll 24 57,750 24 309, 65 67 LIABI LITIB3. Capital Stock. $100 000 0Í) Ciruulating Notes 67.5 0 00 Depowitu il'I,C45 56 I) e Banks and Batikers 4.660 00 In teren t 7 530 82 furplus Fund... 4,636 93 Kxeliange.. 1 ,r,.1' 32 yubscriptioD for 7 3 lQtTreasnry Noten.. i ,50 00 Sr.ö.lG3 67 I, Coatíes ÏT. Richmond, Cashier of Uic First Na tional iünk of Aan Arbor, dj sóU:nply ureai ïbaÉ the above statement intro té tb$ béaê of my ktiovrledgeand belief. CHAS. H. KICHMOMD, Caahior. Stato of Michigan, ï County of Wasiitonaw, $ Sworn to and subciibed bc-fore me UÏiq furth daj of April, 1865. JomsTO W. Kmgtit, Nofuvy Public ortgage Sale, Default liaving been made in the comlitions of a mortgage made by Henry C. Fisk and wife, to John Havenport, dated Octobor Is', 1859, recorred April 6, 1S60. at four c'clock in the afternoon, in the Register ofl)ed's office for the County of wrtshtenaw, Michi gnu, in Liber 26 of mortgages, on page 614, upon which there h clairaed due at thia date, the sum of Sveu hundred aud twenty-seven apd fifty" onc )mn dredths dollars, and the iurther ura of five hundrod dullai-fi a.nd inteust thereon frQin the tirst day of Oc tober, I"i64. hereafter to becorae due, fotr tlic recovery gf which no proceedings liave hithertu been taken fiither in law or equity; Therefore, noticeis hereby given, that by virtueof a power in said mqrtgage coo taiued, far the purpo?e o realizinpf the monoy i.fpreRaid due, tqgether with accruin interest and costs of forccloaure proyided tor in said mortgage, I, the said mortgagte, shall, on the thirüeth day of June, 18d5, at tea o'ctqft in the fore o n, at the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor. in said County of Washtenaw, (the place of holding the Circuit Court for said County) sell at public vendue, the premiees described in said mortgage, to wit; AU thoe pareéis of land sitúate in. the township of Manchester, County of Wawhtenaw, Michigan, known and döscribed au folio wü. ïiie north half of the north hali'oftho north e.aat([uarter of nection aamber thirty-three (33) in toWnship nuniber i'our (4) south ot range nutnber three (3) dagt, cmtaining forty acres of land be the same more or lens: ALso the middle part of the north half of the aortli-WKht quartor of section nunibtT thirty four (34) intowuship nuinber four (4) fouth of range number three (?), east, boutided on the north by lande of Frederic Valt-niniö, and ou the Fouth by l&ndg forraerly sold .inl deeded by :ud John l'avenpoH to Enoo Sythe, and contiuning thirty nine acres of land, be the same more or lesn. JOHN DAVEiïPOïtT, Moitgagee. K.B. Wood, Attomey for Mortgagee. Datod, March 30, 1301 1003-td Real Estáte for Sale. STATKOK MICHIGAN, County of Washtnaw, sa.- In theni'kttrfr of the estato of David N. Geddes, Charles A. liedden and Henry A. Geddes, oí theCouuty of Washtenaw in the Stato of Michigan, minors: Notice la heieby given, that Ín pursuanco of an order grnnted to the underaigned fjimrdian of the e tita te Of Raid minors by the Kon, Jitdgo of Probate for the County oí Wasiitonaw, on th tourth day of April, A. I), 18fi5, there will be sold at public vendue, to the high est bidder, at the dwelling ou the p remises, in the County of Wadhtenaw, in .said State, ou Saturdaj the twentieth daj of May, A. D. lf''5, at tro o'clock in The aftyrnoon of aaid üaj', (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otiierwise exihting at the time of the salo) the undivided half of the following described feal estáte, viz . ïhe west half of the south eat quarter of section one, in townahip throe south of range flre eaBt, containing efglity acres more or leas, in the town of I,odi and county afotesaid. REBECCA GKDDKS, üuarOian. Dated April 4, 1865. fcd' Commissioners Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ns- The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for saidCounty, Cpinmissiouera totüceive, examine and adjust all claims and domands of all pprsons against the estáte of Itmac I.ovejoy, late of the City of Ann Arbor, in said County dèceased, hereby give notice that gfx months frpin date, aro allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditprs to present their claims against the estáte of waid ".leooiiaod, apd that they wtll meet at the office of John N Gqtt, in said city, in iaid county, onSatnrday the third !ay of Jnne.on Saturday the 5th day of AURUBt, aml Saturd;iy the scventh d'.ty of Octobar n xt ui tin o'olo.-k A. M. of each pf saidday, to receive, examine aud adjust said cluirpa. Iteied, April5.1dfi5. H IN II Y liO'AT-J.'í, JOliN' N. (!QTT, C"inníiouers. --■""' ---■■- ----- - .... ' "TTTrTrnrac3[MDmiHMmi'tMqTI'1 Eütate of Frederick Losch. OTATE OF MICHIUAV, ConKIT ofWahmtMTIW es - : V-J AtttsMi,oftbeProUt I County tf Waslil.-n.w, üoldoaat ihe l'robat.'. O;;ic; in the f'ity ol ! Ana Arbor, on Tuoiday, the fuurlh ilny uf ApTi] in tno ycar ono thxKtaand eiglit buaireá and sixtyPre(nt, Hirasi.J. Bkakbs, Jodge of Probate. In Ihe nutter et the Kstate oí Freiftrick. Loneli do., cen&ed . ' mS.nA!Fs flni1 ril'nSt!ie pemioa.VuljrVeilOecl.ot Y, ■"'" Kuh3' ryng that ho in.y bé appointed Adrainiitrstoj of Ebf Rítate i fjaid daeeamd. iheenpon it ia Ocdorod, That Honday, t:.e firt iliyotJlav next, nt teu o'dod; i:i tbs forermm be M ígnea for the Ueurlag uf aait] petitian, aan that tno hcirs at !aw „f Said ieoeased, and all othor pewoi(S i;.teivs.oi -in su,! es'atc, ure required to !!"' "'nt FoÍMic)f sai'Kí.uif.. !■,)■ hulden at theFrob feOfflci IntheCttyol Inn Atbor, and'thow i u.y there be, why lliojjj sliouM „o! bc Kl-añfed; Áni) IV is l'.n-tl.e, thst kaid pcmi ...n, r givemitito to tlie persons mteresUm in said peíale, of fbe pMi'iciicy if flaidperUion ana tlio hearing thriTor, by ransinir cipj of thij Order toj)e pahjished ie tli Mi.higan Argot, ,a newniuer l'iïn't-il and ni rrn I;i tinsi :i ,iid ( O'inly tiirce successive v. u.-ks. orevipua I,, si,ii liny Dl licann„'. [AfruficópV] I11RA-M J. BEAKES. ü3t-l .hi.iij.j f l'robate. Jistute -JÍ Iiuriüan 6u!)!,a(;k. TATE OF MICiHGAN, 1'olyiTOF Waüihuw.s. At a Beasionc.f ifie l'rollate.Conri for fhe ('oui-tv "f We lilenaw, labWei at tho Proba'M iJWlcfe , Hi-'tl Cit ai a.iii Arbor, on ï'hurgdaj tht thirtiith dai if Marel), in the j-cï one 'thónsind eight Huudred aDd wtj-live.! Pr8eiit, Hiram .T. Hbakks, Judge of Trobate. In HM ma'.ttr ,f the Estaft of Hcrrain Schlacï deceaseti Oi. rearling aiul filing th-! p'ot:tl)n, dul vJnflel of KuDiguuda Schade, prayins; thnt Aii;fústu6 Hutzell W .o apiuinted Admiuhtrator ol thu ittate of said dfcoaaed, not already administereil. Tberciipoa it ii OntiTtd, tht Monday, the (irst dy of May nex;., at ten o'clock ia the forenoon, be assi-nHi f„r the Wring u said petlHop, a t luit tlie heirs at laiv of s.,id di-ccaaed, and all otber persons interested i., saidostat, are roqiurúd to apppavat a sessijiuif ii'U'..u:t, l btii to be hoWcnattho 1 ruüiitf Office, iu Ilie City of Ann Arbor .an'l show cause if any there bo, why tho irayer uf the pptiticner sliould not be grimtn', : And it is iurthnr or.ieted, tha,t sar! pcitonersiieiu.ii.'.cti. Ilic iji-rmnisintcrratedinsaid estáte, of the penrtoncy of saiJ peütion, and the hearing thrreof, by oadting n copy of thi Order tobt' publishcd in the Michigan Argus, a oewsnaper pnnted and ci.culatinK in said Oounty, three auccessive weeltspreviousto sai.l cay of hearing. (Atruecopy.) 1ÍIKA1I J. BEAKra, Wtd juage „f probata. Estáte of Jacob L. Marshall. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CorxTY OFWía!3OíW,i.k-5 At a session of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Washtniaw, holden at the Probate Offlce in the Oity of Aun Albor, on Thursday, the sit day of April, in the year one tiiousnnd oight hundred and siity-flve. Present, Hiham J. Beakks, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Jaooh L. Marshall, lïeceased. On readingcndfüing the-petition, dulv verifled, of Loe Hendrieics, prayiog that a cortain lustrument now on file in thl Court, purpurting ,o be the last Willand lestament of said deccised, may be adraitled to Probate. ThereupoH it is Ordered, that Monday, the eighth day of May oeit, at ten o'clock in the assigued for the hearing of said petition, and tha'. 'the legatecs, A-.viseos, aml heirs nt law ot s:iid decased, and all o'.hor persons in'.ereatetl iu said ebtate, are roquired to appeurat a session of said Court thento bo holden at tne Pr.u.ate üfflee, inthe City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, f any there be, why the prayer of thepetitioner Bhouldnotbegranfcd; Anöit isfurther orderetl, thatsaid petitioncrgive noticstothe persons interested in said estato. of the ptndency of said petition, aud the hearing thereof, by causïng a copy of this Order to be published in the J&hiyan Argus, a nowspaper printed and circulating in said County, threo succi-saive weeks previous to said day of hoaring. [A true copy. 111KAM J. BEAKES, 1003 Judge o{ Probate. Estáte of John S. Whitlurk. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Coi'SiT T Washtejaw. s.- Ata íession of the Probate Court for the Countj of Wafhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wedncsday, tlio flfth dy of April, iu tb,e year on,e thousand eight huntlred and sixty-five. Present, Hieam J. Bkake, Judge of Probate. In tne matter of the Eslate oí John S. Whitlork, deceascd . On reading and filing the petition, dulv verified, of John W Whitl irk, praying that Selden W. Shurtleöi and Nekon Biundage, or some other sui'table persons may be appointed Administratore of the estato of said deceased. Thereupon it is Ordered. that Moniiay, the first day of May next, at ten o'ciock in the forenoon, bo assigned lor the hearing of said perition, and that tha h,eirs at law of said deceased aud All other persojis interested. in said estáte, are required toappear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the l'robate Office, hl the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, il' any there be, why the prayer of the petitionershould not be grantecl: And ii. is fnrther ordered, that sairi petitioner give notico to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petilion, and the hearing there by causing a c;ipy of tl.Ls Order to be pubiished inthe Michigan Argus, a newspaP'r printod ii ii '1 circulatir.g in said County, threo successive weeks previous to said day of Hearing. (A true copy.) UIKAM J. BEAKES. R03til Judge of Probate. Estáte of Dav;d Lapbam. STATE OF MICHIGAN', Connty of Washtenaw, as.- Ata session of the Probate Court for the County of AVashtenaw. holden at the Probate Offlce in the city of Aun Arbor, on Wadueaday, the fltth riay of April, in theyear one thousamleighthundred andsixty-five. Present, Hiram J. Beake, Judge of Prol. ate. In the matter of the Estáte of David Laphara, dscPascd. Onreadini; and filing the petition, duly verified, of Walter 1). Corson, of the last will and testament of said deceaspd, praying tbat he mav be Ii censod to sell cerlainreal estáte whe.reof said d'oceajed died seized. Thereupnn it isOrdered. that Monday. the twenty second day of May next, at ten o'-.)ock in thi' forenoon. bo assigned for thebearir.g of said petition. nnd that thó legatees devisces andheirs at law of said deceased, and a,l' other persous interested in s;tidestti1e;areruquiredto uppeaï at a session of said Court. theato be holden at the Probóte Office, iu the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any theie be, why the prayer of 1he petit oner should rait be granted .- Anl it is fnrther ordered, that said petitiopor give notice to tho persons interested iu said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by caasing a copy of this Order to be pubiished in the Michigan Argus. a n:wsyaper printed and circulating in said County four nuccessive weeks previous to said. day of hearing (A true copy) IIIUAM J. BEAKES, lOOStd Judge of Probate. Estáte of Patrick McNamara. SÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, CO.CXTY OF WASnTENAT,gS._ At a sèssion 'f the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office, in the City ot' Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the sixth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-live. Present, HiRAM J. Beakks, Judge of Probate, ■ In the matter of the Es'ate of Patrick McNamara deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Michael Keelen, prayicp Ihat th AdminUtrator of said estile may be authoried and directed to convey to him certain real estáte, whereof the said deceased died seizod. Thereupon itis Ordored, that Monday, the twentysecord day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asFigned forthe hearing of said petition, and thafc the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in suid estáte, are required to appear fit a sesiou of said Court, then to be holden atthe Probate Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grauted; Apd it is further ordered, tbat siiid petitioner give novice to thepersons interested in Raid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causinga copy of this Order to be pubiished in the Michigan Argua, a newspaper printed and circulating in said Counly, six uccessive weeks previous to said day oí hearing. (A true copy. IIIRAM .1. BEAKES, 1003ld Judge ol Probate: lieal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of TVaahtenaw sb. In the matter of the E tate of Wílliagi H. Rig( a and Matilda Jane Riggsof the County of Wash'.enaw inthe Stute f Michigan, roinorh: Notice is herehy giveii, that in nursuance uían order gran.ted to the undersigned guardián of the estáte of said minors, by the Hon. Judge o'. Probate for the C'ounty of Washtenaw, on thefourth day of April, A. p. 1865, there wilt bè sold at pubüc veLdvie, to the bidder at the (Iweliinf; houe onthe tirst dencribed parcelofland in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Saturdav the twentieth day of Jlay, A. D 18'5, at two o'clock in the afternoon oflhat day, (subject to al] encum brances by mortgage or ótherwige existing at the timo of sale) the undivideil two-nmtïis of the following descnbed real estáte, to wit ; The eaf-t half of the north west quarter of nectioo twenty .in township four south o!" range five east, coniniuing eighty aero more or lesa ; and a parcel commoneing where tho Case Road angleswest, at tho grave yard, on saiil nection twenty, running thence went and north alongthe line of said road totthe Chicugo coad, thence north-oast along the line of the CVJcip road. about fifty ruds to the nortlj-woHt corner of the firstabove describcd eighty acres of land, thence soutl-erly along the line of snid eighty acres to thu pUtro of beginmag, oontïjng about ten acres of land more or lesa, and also the in terest of said minors in a parcel commeucing seTonteen and a half rotla north of where the Caeo road intersecta the Chicago road in saidsection twenty, and in the centre of said Chicago road, running thence north twenty tightanda half degrees west lo the peil ditch. thence north and west the above named number of degreeB, and along the oontre line of said ditch to a stake in said ditch, on the west half of the south ■nest qnarterof section Bcventeen. and ooe Iiundred rods anti aix-tenths of a rod from tho coníre oí" said Chicago road, runnmff tlience nortli twent one degren east toasiakein the centre line of said siT.Üon seventecn, whicli ntake ia fifty-four roda eaut of tho .quarter stake on the west side of saiii goction .seventeen, thence weRt to tlio north west corner of tho oast half of the southeasL 'uarter of fioction eiglifeei), .saino töwp and rango tlience south along the west side of' abov described sighty ncras. to the Hjuth Uno, th?nce east along said south liut to the soction corner, thepco soutli alocg tho west Une of tlic west half of the north-vest quarier of stcticn twcüty, to the Chirago ro;J, thenco amth-eAflterly alony the center of nald roaï , t'd the ilaee of beginniny , con'aininpr ore hundred andtliirtylix or of land xuore or Ies. in tlio townsliip of Sftine, W8hteaaw í' anS ftte of WeWgan, MAÏtV i;K;iJ..(" DatvO .-i; ;; 4ti.( a. p. iscs. W-;pO3 ANNUAL REPORT OP TUE Recorder of the City oj Ann Arbor, af. the Reccipit and ExpendUures of the Corporation for thé ycar, cnd.ny March 'Ut, 1865. Oüv'l. 3TRKKT R. S. Sm'ith, Regiatrntion and Electlon Í4 lo' C, B. Thoinpsuu, ilo do 4 00 C. öchuniacker, do do 4 CO J.S Ilyndcrjjon, do do 4 00 J. Pevs, do do 4 00 G. W. timith, do do 4 l:J L. R Slnwson, do do 4 00 Jobn Taylor, il, do 4 00 M Devany, Klection, o vy A. Detiey er, Clerkof Eleutiua, 2 (Q W. C. Voorhuis, do do 2 ao Charles ïhnyer, do do 2 CO J.M. Wilooxson, do do ü 00 Edward R. Slaw,i.n do do 2 00 Aagut McKay, Ue of Room, lat Ward, 2 00 üA'-u Ceok, do uu 2d do 1! 00 M. Kqgers, do do 4th do 2 00 11. C. ltilu.n.D. puty. Marshal, 138 Nuláon Ii. Cole, ötaU'ouery, 2 90 J. . . HolTstetter, Janitor lo Council, ö 87 S B. Doty, Dram Tile, 2 24 Spaulding Í; Heining, gas lump k gla., 6 25 Gas i.ight Co. , (Jan for Hall to Jan. 1, 'Ct 6 05 Georg Khmles, Regiatration il Elec. 4 CO Ge-iig limes. L'.se of Room, 5lh Ward, 2 00 R. li. Cha=e, (Jlerk of Elect.ion, 2 00 E. li. Pi-mi, l'.-iutiDg & Adverlising, 51 00 J. G. lIuiT.slHÜcr, Janitor lo Council, 3 87 J.'Dingler, Lightitii'. .Lampa. 5th Ward 12 50 G.W.Goodliue, ' Streot Wurï , 33 Ca Peter Cary, do do 14 f o 1'atrickQuiun, do do 31 Alffled 'Xhomaa, do do 1 5 F. Schlauder, do de 5 00 George ychlemer, do do 5 fi3 Jobn Haley, do 1 25 E. M. Gregory, do 3 75 S. E. Whipple, do 7 50 Patnck Wall, do H. H. Boylo, do 1 25 (i. W. Goodhue, do 95 00 OweoClark, do 6 00 PatrickKyan, do 26 bi. Georgo Schlemer, do 10 uo ' " "lu 8 75 Tole McDivitt, Work on Old Cemetory, 11 89 J. Johnson, Street Woik, 3 QQ J. G. HofTitetter, Janitor to Council, 1 75 Charles liehr, Street Work, 4 80 Juhn DaviüBou, do 30 25 P. O'Brien, do '2 25 Adam S.ater, do 5 00 " " do 3 00 " do 24 75 Samuel House., do 3 14 " ÍP5 11 do 25 PelerCary, do 3150 F (üirbach, do 31 00 J. Walz, do 8 2r Way, do 779 A. W. Cliase,Paving Ston?, 27 34 G.W. Goodhúe,, Street Wor, ltiH George öchlcmer, do 6 00 " 4o 6 00 " do S62 3. W. GooJhue, do . 86 21 Adam Slater, do. 1 50 uwen Clark, do 500 J. G. Hoffstetter, do, 1-2 50 John Davidfion, do 7 00 II. Snearly,. do 32 50 Peter Cary, do. 14 20 D. B. Thorcas, Gravel for Street. 19 80 F. Gierbaca, Street W.urk., 2112 P. O'Brien, do 10 5J Jobn Haley, da 9 (iq P. Uyaar do, 4 50 W. Weinmann, do 450 J. Walz, do-, 5.05 Géorge Fordj do 2 25 A Tierman, do 15 00 M. Lesuer, do 33 00 Jaylaylor, do 24 7.5 C. Holliday, do, 1200 E. Dowen, do )0 50 F. Way, do 8 25 J. Cü!urabac!j, dQ o n'o A. S. Perry, d'o 450 H. C. Wilmot, dQ, 375 A. Covert, q, 025 A McCollum, do 9 üO " "■ do 1 jo E. M. Gregory & Bro., Gravel for Streets. 72 70 J.C. Yaits & Bro., OTndiDg and liepairin,' City Clock , 2 j 73 R. C Iiilluii.Crt ilarshil, 25 00 R. U. Royp,Wlcelbarrow, 7 00 J. R. Webster, Stationery, 1 50, H. H. Metcalf, Street Wurk 7 50 Willmui Brown, do 12 00 Charles Dohse, do 4 50 " " Qo ] t G. W. Goodhue, ParingStone, 100 J.G Hoffatetter, Street Work, 1375 J. Klvnn, do 6 00 A.Tiernan, do 1050 W. Weinma.nn, do o Q0 George Schlander, do 7 tu ï.. Gallagher, d. 1 50 P. Chorr, do 3 75 J. Eite'ibusB, do 7 00 M. Lesuer, dq. 2 25 John Taylor, do 15 49 C. Francisco, do 75 J.Quinlan, . do u 25 P, Kyan," do l0 50 Peter Cary, do 17 87 J.Wdtbrecht,. dn 17 50 F. Gierbaoh, do 23 65 M.Snearly, do 18 40 George Ford, d,p, 16 13 G. W.Goodhua, do 102 00 ü. Becklry, do 2 115 G. W, Goodhue, 4q. 79 98 ': ParingStone, 50(1 .ï. C. Taylor, Justice Fees, 5 55 F.Gierbach, Street Work, 26 25 Jamet Gaiiuk, do - 10 87 Petur Cary, flo as ól. 1". A. Horn, Plank anu,Naij;.i, 4 7y George H. Khodea, Street Woik, ■ 450 .JohuH. ïayl(-r, do 39 40 George Pord, do 16 37 J (uinlau, do 1162 P. Kyan, do 1200 Jay C. Tajlor, do 13 13 J . Weitbrecht, do 2" 75 .1. Walz, Jo 'f. Adain Magher, á, 5 25 .1. EittlbUËH, do 2 61 C. Francisco , do 2 25 Augus McKay, do, 2 25 F Way, do 1 50 George Ford, do 12 00 G. W, Uooilhue, do 74.00 Johu Kittridge, For Horse Killetl 50 00. John G. HoffatetLer, Janitor tëCbuncil, 4 50 Johu W.Huut, Glass andNails, 12 68. Schumacker 5iCo., Blacksmithjng, x 26 George Schlemer, Street Work, 150 John Tajlor, ' do 524 F. Way, do 50 J. Quinlan, do 13 50 J. Burch, Lumber, 112 02 if. O'Toole, Street Work, 3 o) Risdon & Benderson, Naila, kc , 19 71 J: Kettner, Lumber, ' 34 21 James Galick, Street Work, 900 Charles Brown, do 525 J. Dunlap, . 30 300 F. Schlanderor, do 2 25 Peter Cary, do 5 00 James Weeks., do 2'50 William McCarty, do 7 Oo Beutier & Traver, Work Fire Dcpartm't, 2 33 Prof D. Wood, Surveying, 10 50 Christopher Kearna, Street WorK, 7 00 GeorgeFord, do 125 M. Gregg, Clerk of Election, 3d Ward, 2 00 John Rose, do dp 2 00 D. B. Thomas, Gravel for Streeta,' q 50 J.Dingler.Lightg Lampa, 5th Ward, 13 50 S. K. Dotv, Drain 'lile, 225 J. H. Morris, Sule Walk Report, 3 50 l'epr Cary, S'reet Workft 36 00 ' do g qq G. W, Goodhue, do. 29 fi3 Chriatopher Kenrns, f"o jg qjj J. G. Uoilstetter, Janitor to Council, M 6S, J. Dunlap, Street Work, 7 50 George H. Rhodea,Side Walk Repairs, 3 50 A. Tieman, Street Vïork, 300 GeorgeFord, do 75 John B. GottjFees m Suit Maynajd. Y$. Spoor, BQOO H. D. Bennett, Insp. of Klee. & üluuks, 4 00 L Davis , Clerk of Election, 2 (10 E. Richardson, do 2 CO C. B. Thompson, Registration & Election 7 00 J, B. Goit, do do 7 00 J. B. Henderson, do do 7 00 C.Schumacker, do, do 7 00 A. IK'S'iyler, Clerk of do 2 00 R. l'.heonard, da do 2 00 W. U. Voorheis, Inspector, of do 2 00 Dor Kellogg, Blanks lor do 4 00 Morris Gregg, Clerk oL du 2 80 R.E.Frazer. do do 2 tfO D. Crainer, Inspector of do 2 06 G. W. Smitü, Rtgistrationand do 7 00 N. V. l'arsons, do do 7 00 L. R. Slawsoa, do do 7 00 F. A.Horn, do do 7 00 T. 51. La:ld, Inspector of do 2 CO D. H. Lovejoy, Clerjs of Elec. &Blankfl, 3 00 E.R.Slawson, do do. 3 00 D. T. McCollum, Insp. of Elec. do 4 00 J. Seabold, Clerk of Klectipi}, 2 00 W.NT. Strung, do 9 00 J. H. Taylor, Kegistration & EJectioo, 7 00 G.H. Khodos, do 7 00 F. Sorg, Use of Koom lat Ward, 4 oo S. Cook, do 2d 1 4 00 M. Hogers, o 4th " 4 00 W.Saunaers, d() 5th " 4 00 A. Felöh, City XUoTnoy to Jar, lst, 75 OQ C. A. Chapín, City Kecorder do 75 00 Richard Beaban, Supervisor, 130 00 Conrad Krapf, do 130 85 do Work for Fire Dep'ni't, 37 21 G.W. Ambrosq, JusiceFeeb 1125 W.F. Hoth, ' (Jp J0 26 Lawaon & Wurster, Wo-k for Fire De. 31 431 öcboff & Miller, Statiouery,' ' 5 04 J . F. Miller & Co, , " 8 01 Peter Cary, Streit Work, 27 00 G. AV. Goodhue, ' do 10 00 " do 1000 " do 39 75 E.B. I'un 1 , Piiiuing : -tVlvertiaing, 76 50 " City Librarían , 25 00 J.G. HoCfstetter, Jauitor to Oouncil, 3 37 Ristlpu & Henderon. Nails, 3 32 C Schuraacker, BlackFmithing, 7 43 fi. ]. Doty, Ilraln Tile, 4q A. Scheberle, Work for Fire Departm't, 7 10 Jacob Yolland, Lime for StreetH, 11 3Q James Sage, Damages to Wagon, 7 63 J. Curch, LumlkT, 14 9fi M. L. Whitney, do ig es J. H, Taylor. Street Work, 350 '. Mulügan, dp 175 J. Flynn. ló 3 00 W.Knk, rt.) 2 26 J Weilbreclit, io tt 2,1 H.K. Whiio, Pattag Stoa "-3 J. Galict, Street Wo:k, Jj. ; C. Broun, Jü JJ B. M. lliMtque. Ag't, Tax,., r.faoM 72 o M A. A.Ga, Ugbt Co., Gaa f?rSt.Um,'452 Vin hiiitni-r, Lumber, J89 t i;."''i,teUe"' to Council 7 ' &4a W Hunt,GN. ' ' [ ' R.C. imion, CKMrnl. Mawinn ftS„U) BroomafarHali, ,2 Pttwftry Street Work, 100 8. Vr . oo(-lmo, rt0 } C. Kmvru, do 4!j W.B:!....; dö' U J. Weifurccl.t, do lii J. G Hoifstetter,Ja:ntor toCouucil 4 -t 3lJ Majfiower Firo Co., Memlmgllpse, 15 J GENERAL AND SfREET FUND, (CUÜBgS1 Klocti'.n Fxpinp, isVa„' " Salar.0B of City Officera , 3 Quart.r, oï „„ Supervisors, .v ' ÍJ? llMlbrStreetl, mpstoJan. lst, 18, 4e S " Firtiuon's Hall do 241 Oity I'rintüig and Advertiüing 130 w : . Jamtor toCouncil, ' f, Win.l, Repair. & tallnjr down C'y Cloci 28 lire I)i:irta.ent Expense, m rX City Librarían, ??!" Chancerj Sait, Majmnl v. Spoor. M m Dumaïes Aesessed, 'í, JuíticeFeeK,, ,,'VÍ Work on OM Cemetery, I.ighlinglAmpfi,5thWard, q Miscelliineous fxpnses, 71 j ilo da W StreïlV.'.k. I I,umber and NTails. J73 Gravel and Piving Stone, "' Taxes Refunded, 12 0 "'H R'ÍCEIPTS. Licenías,. 2y5 35 Appropriatiou Gen'l Fund, 1500 00 Appropriation Street Fnnd, . j Streot Fund for Balaiwe, Dr. r.T" . General do do I)r. 77 g '.it SÍJMMARY OF I.XPENDITURES, RKCKIP1S Am UNP.1ID CLAIMS. KÏPKNDITURKS General Fund, 17831g ft'eet ' 28-23 16 li-iijity Ronda due Fb. lst, 185. 7800 00 Paid Iptereoion City Bonds, 1495 74 HKCEIPTfl. Approjuiation for GcneraJ Find, ,,„,, do io Street do L"" do do Bonds Due, do do Interest Due, ïï Licflises, '" C. H Richmond, Balance due him, 0,392.09 Tñjñi. BALANCES. .For Balance due City Treasurer, 190 S8 " UnpaidOrdeis, 1863 and 1S64, 171 0T " " " 1S84 and 1865, 484 74 Total of Unpaid Claims, "ÍÜlíg _ E. WELLS, Maroi C. A. Chapix, Recor.lor, ' '"■ , Ann Arbror, Mai'cfe:27th,18fi5. iwlm First Glass Fire Insuraacev ON TIE PARnClPATION PLAN.-& MARKET FfóE ÍNSüRANfiE COMPANYt JVo. 37 Wall-street, NEW YORK. O Coaöition of the Company. ABSTRACT OF THE AIHÍÜAL REPORT OF DM. 31ST, W81 Total Assets, 414,729.18. Vii B(,ji3 Ana Mortage Í1S4.W Of Tfiniinrary Loans ry., (. 92ÜÖW Ki'iil Estáte ..„. . lootott, lOOsliares Mcr. Ex. Bask 50Cl( Government Seíurities. valué lW,iU! Cash on band .,, 180Ü3Í í Interest duo 3.0MH l'remiumg due ,, . e.TUU Pre6ént Liabilitiss, $15,99592. Net Si;KPLtia, $198,733 26. ThisCi.mpany wül continue, as heretofcn, toiéiui respeclable parties against í DISASTER BY FIRE, at fair and remuneruting rates ; extern ing sccoiiitr't theterms on its l'olicies, the advantages c.f lbo Pariicipalion Plan f ihe Compa'y pulued by it for soverii yenrs past, with luch put succes aod popularity, aud profit to ts cuslonin;. whoreby (75) Seventy-ftve Per Cent. (7S of the Proflts, ioBtwul of being withdrawn traV , CómpanyindiTi'dends to trckholder, is inrottiv '.SCRIP P'UXD," and h?ld for greater protection ot iti, Policy bolders ; and Scrip, bearinjr interest, is isgudU. cusMmora ihirc'jr : 'W, A THTS COMPANYAm whofuinish the b'uSLDess, AXÜ FAY THE PHUl i UMS, derive the largest sbare of advactafres ; ui wïica tho accumjlotions of the SCRIP FUNDihlI exceed FIVE HÜÑUBED THOUSAND DOLLARS, the eicpss v,il bc appüed (o PAY OFF the Strip Sí CASH, in the order of its ispue. The liberal and prompt adjuatment of Cll for Loss, WHKN FAIR AND SQUARE, is a nfiBj with .his Corapaüy. NOTK. - This Company does not usure on tliehwii of RIVKR, LAKE, or INÏ,N1) NAVIliATION ; cotí"in itself strictlj to a legitímate FIRE INSCR0CÍ BJJ8ÍNESS. ASHER TAYLOS, ElWtf. H. I'.Fbkf.mí.v, Secretarj'. H BUltLESOIV, Agent. PLASTERJUMBUG! Spme m;n tbink the more they humbug, leceÍT,ii lie to the farmers, the smarter they ar.e. Kon inorf to exposé Buen hum bugs, I have deposited olc biindwl dollars with Janes McMahon, at bia Slore, oldPt OfRe building, for him te giye Slawson&Son flfty dollars of it, if they ever recèived" one car load o( Piaster from William Hovey, Agent, or F, Godfrt, anj other man from Grand Hlver RapidH, Michigu.ALtö, to giye the other fifty dollars if thej ctnbywalvzmg, prove thattheir PÏaM;er is as good aa mj f !■ ;er. Those that want a genuine fine groiind warfini betier than any other in this city, or no pij,tf4 cheaper, cali at my Office at Lumber Yard, and l'ri" give you flome to try quahties and seeifp"Ktonea fly out of it when sOwing. Farmers gay tTi" froiïGraud River, Canada. D. DBf'OR&TAnn Arbor, Ipril Ist, 1865. 1003 AGOOD. TREE IS K.NOWNBY ITS FRUIT. ÖO is a good Physiciau by his Successful Vorki. PROFESSOR R. J, LYOWi, THEGREATAND CELÉBRATE!) l'IIYSICIAS'OF TB? THRQAT, LUSOS' AND CHEST, Known all over the countrj as the Clebrtd INPI4N HEB 3 DOCTOR! From South America, will be at hi room, RUSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th anü 19th inst.,on the same dl f1 every subsequent month dufing 1862 and 1863, A NEAT 'PAMPHtET Of the life,study and citensire travels of Dr. l7 cin benrocared by allwhodesireone, freeof chf"Dt. L wil) visit Aim Arbor, Jckson,nd AdriUi Mtch.,a8follos: Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. ' Jackson. Ilibbard Houfií,2Ífit Adrián, Brackett H use, 22d and 23d. Mode of Examinatioi.- The Doctor discerní dij"" bytheoyes. rie, tUerifore,sk na queitiomno'"' a'iirespatients to explain symptoms. Alllicted, e" and have jour symptoms and thetocation of jovl W" jaseeiplained f ree of charije WANTED- Mnrried Ladiep, P Von Verae's Diamond Ilrops, a oeer fftil'rl and liarmless remedy for all obatruotions and 'm'l'' larities. All uiarried Ia.Iies will Dnd thin a nr f"1' ing preventive, for which itis warranted in erj ■: stance, and are invited tosend a red stamp for clï' lar,or2.25 fora bottle, to FREDERIK STEABWBi Wholesale dyuggist. s-eneral agent for Micliig" 'l. Diamond Drops, P. O. Drawer 445, Detroit, n'' suppliedatproprietor'spricss. 996ino ; _ _- - Farm for Sale! The undersigned ofTer a FARM FOR 3AI.E, ltotrf three miles North from the City of Ai n .Arbor, ob tw Whitmoro Lake Road. It is under a liigh .itte of "'' tivntion, Rood Building";, threa Wells of Water," large variety of Fruit. For further particularpesi'M the premlseii. _ JOSEPH S. TOPDDated, Ann Arbor, March 21st, 186S. 31001 ________ - - MONEY FOUNP'i Any person haring lort money oan l)einforip''f" Ihey can Ond Hby calling at thif ofSte tT


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Michigan Argus