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DYSPEPSÏA, ,-'í) DIEAES I! r. SJI.TISOF ROM DISORDERS OF TJrlK LI VEE AND DIGESTÏVB ORGAN6, ARE CURED BY HOOFLAND'S ( GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GB.EAT STEEWGTHENING 3? % W i % . These Bitters have performed more Cures HAVE AND Dü (IVEBETTER, SATiSFACTION Have more Tesïlmony ! HAVE MORE RESPECT ABLE PEOPLE TO VOUCH FOR THEM ! i' any othor artlele u the ronrUet. 'iV'e lefy ü'ij' ooe to contvadict this Assertios, A1VD VCtVt 5?AT $1OOO To any one who wil! produce a Certifícate publr.lif ." by us.thalis nt Uï.ttftE. IIOÖFLASD'S GERMÁN BITTBBS WILi. CURE IN EVERY CASE OF Chroaic 01 NTervous Debiiity, Diseaees of the Kidiieys, and Dlseases arising fi om disorder ed Stomach. Observe th f folhirhig Éijmptoms remlt?v# from Disorder. of tkt Digestirle Organs i Constipation, Inwí'.rJ Piles, of Blood to ththete, Aciöfty, of the fcïtomach, Nausea, Ileurtburn, Disgust for food, FnllnesB ot velghf intbeStontacb Sour Eructations, SinUing or ilutttrtng at tbe ])it of theStomachjSwimming of the Heud, Ilurriedandiliiïicultbreathing, FIutterfKg at the HetU't.Cljokïng or Suffocatíng SenationK vhen in a Lying l'osture, Dimnes.s of Vision, Dots or Webs bè'fóre thfi fflght, 'Pever and Dull ïain in the Haai. Dcfidioncy of Prespiration, Yellownes.s o'f tho'3tn ;Dd Eycs, pain in the side, back,chet,Iimb3,'&p.,Suddfn fiush es of Heat, Borging ia tlie Plesh, Constant Imagiuings of Evil and Great Dopression of Spirits, 1= TffirnTTrTcy-fjrf Tpy THAT THIS BITTERSIS 2g"OT AL 13 OH ÓLIO, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKAEDS DUT In the World. 53 RE AD WiïO SAYs SO From the Rev. Levi G. Beek, rastor of the Baptist Church, Pe.mberton.N. J.,ionncrlï olthe Korth ij ip tit Cliurcb, l'hiladeipliia. f hayeknownHooIand's Germán Bitter favorably lora numberoi years. 1 have use.l them fa my owi ramily,&nó) have been so pleased with their effect thal I was induQea to recommend them to many others ann know thattheyhavouperated ma striklngly beneBtíf manner. 1 take grtat pleasure in thus Dubl.clv pro claiming fact, and calling the attention óf tfiom lOlicted with the dinease for whlch fhey are recori Eiended, to tbesu bittere. k.iowing f rom experiencc tliin my recommëndation will besustained. I ,!o this mor chcerfully as Hoofland's Bitters is i,itfiidd to beucli thcafflriïïiJ.Snirs -'nota rum drink." Yours truly, I.EV1 G. BLCK. Krom Rev.J. Newton liroivn, l). I). Editorof theEnci olopedia of Religious Knowledgc and Uhristian Chroni cle( l'hiladeiphia. .Mthough notdispo.vd to favor or recommtnd Pater, I Medicines in general, tlKough distrust of the in-ie ditsaudeflects,lyi-t kncny jf uo suflicient reW why araanmaynotU-stify tu thobenefits he beWeva himai'lf to have receivedfrorn (my simple prenaratioi in thi hopethat he tliuscoatributc to the benetil of others. Ido this more leadily in regard to IIoollan.r Oer man Bitters, preparedby Dr. C. M. Jackson, of thi' city.becausel n, pi-pju-licnd thpni for mam years, nndertM inijHi'ssion tfiai tli.-y ,rrc cliieHv ai 4lchülioli.uj:iixture. I am indobted to my frieml "Rob ertShoemaker, Ksq., the remoto] of !his i,rpimlic by nropéï tests, and for enconiagemeat to try tl. -u when sullering froip great and l„ng contiouod debilitv ' The use of thn-e bottles o! these bittrrs 1 the berin ning of the present year, was lidlowed by evident reli'el and restoration U a degreo of bodily and mental vix . whicïi I had not fox six months btfofe, au. }tAí] aTmosi despaired of rogaluing. I therefore tb'ank GoJ and mv friend for du-ecting r.;e to tke use of thom J. XËWJOX BROWN, Phila. From the Be v. Jos. II. Kouaard, Paster of the WtliBim tUt Ghttrch. ' Dr. .iaokson :- Deav eiir: - I havo been fren ui-ni ii f„ quest-ed f o coimect my game with comniid:itiom "o different kinds of medicine, bul regarding fhc pi actie aaoutol'my iiiMpriatf sphere, 1 liave in all o declined; uut v.iih :i cleiirproofin var;.,,,., iilsfinre' aüd particulatly in my familv.of the ii's ifullnesa oí I r IJ'Hillan.l's (Jeiniau liitte:-s. I . . I loi'.mce from nu' usual e.our, to e,.re ■.,., í ' ocnvictíoa that gen!rildebililv n! theeysteói Sad ctlepmlly for Èlvei Onmplainc, 6 sfe and v::iv,,,i(. prf n.iralion. Isoineciises il mny liiil; bul usually, I .iuu t not t'-:ï bevopj u.MiiTieiallo ih.;so -lm skBot fi-om the'abovd cause. Your8,very respeotfully, .7. H. Kl:XARI) EjjSJftli Lalow Coates Streel. VUi'h. l-"roi:l Ü-'V. Warr.Ti RatldofÖh,, Pastor of the lÉviisi ('iiurch, ;M-ni:nitovn. P.:;in, Dr.C M..l.;ckson :_ Dfcar r j-Pnrsonn! cspcrii'nc. enables me to say that 1 regard the Germán Billci,, prrpared by you as i moatoxcel ent medicine In c-ise o) nevero cujij and gWSiirtileBUti f 1 have been "reith IjenefitedJiy the oaeofthe Bitters, and doubt oot tl- will produce similar ehecïs on others. Yoiirs,truly, WAÜREN RAN'llüI.PH. Germantovn, Pa Fron. RT. J. Í. Tuijcr, Pastor of Heddmc II F Church ,1'húa. J)r. Jack-on Si, .- Ma ving used yur Cerma! fiittersm my laniily hequ.-nt ly . 1 am preMrol 'os-, that ii $i been nfgroa ervwe. I b.-Hg ,„1 iu m„; cases efK-ener;il (!.■!, ilily of the sv.i! jm it is tlve 3at,. ■ and most valuable reniedy of whluh 1 luwe any knowi edge. Yours,i-o.ipectfulh, j. H.TÜRHEB No. 72(!N. Ninotecntb Streé. From Ihe Kev.T, M. I.yons, formei I r Pastor ..f the Cn lamban, (N. .1.) and Milla tov.n, (Pa.) BuptistCllnrclie New ltodii-llè', N. Y. Dr.C :. M. .laeksoir i-Des ,- sir :- I feit it ■■t-pleason tlms.i f my oivnaecordto bear tectlinour to tho ext-fl lence oi the 'erman UHteis. Some yea'rs siu,;e, beini mnp,ha!ll.,-t,-d -itlU-yKpepsia.l us,-,i tbei tn ver beneSeiii results. LlK,,e „fteu recom.nended them u persons enreeblMl-Oy flwt-lorlnentiiig disease and havi heard rrom th-.n the must Oattpring testini uilals as tl tlieir in-ir aluo. In cases o"f 'general debIHty 1 be lieve ill] lic atonic thal pau -,H besurp i Vrom thi; Eev TJjqs. Winter, Past,or ut LxAorongl, BapfistChurcli. Dr. Jackn - Dear Slr r -I Teel it de to yonr excel lent praparatioB, Hfooflaud'B Germán Bitters, to add ma testimouy to tho deservid reputatioi, it has oblained I have foryears, at times, been tronMed witb di, order in my headand nervous system. I was advise,' by a friend to try a bottle of your Ce.rman Bitters. 1 didso and have experioneed great arul unexpected re hef; my health lias beer. very materially bcnettlVd conHdentlyrecominend thoarticle w e I „,éet witli cases similar tomy own, and have (een assured b many of thdr good eflectK. Respeotfullyyours, T. WINTER, Roxborough Pa. FromRev.J. S. Herman, of the Germán Reforme Church, Kulztown, Backs Co Pa. Dr. C. M. Jacksou :- Respected Sir .- I have Ito troubled with Dyspepsia nearlv tentv yrai-s, n n.l 9n nefer usrd .-.ny medicine thal nic me ns mncT) rood a Hoofland s BTttem. ï am very udi mproved in healt after havuip t.iken five bottlei, ' ïours, with respect, .1, s. HKK.MAN. BRICES. I.arge Size, (hoMlng uearly doublé quaniitr ) „ „ M 0 Mf boSle- half do. SB 0 Small bizi.- ,0 cents per üottle-halt dozen $4 00 BEWARE OF OOpÑf ERFEIT8. t'Tup'ïliV,";,"1'?11-''0 "f-.Sl.JACKiO.X" is o the WHAI'l'kü of each bottle. Shouldyour nearaat Ofiumifi not have the art iele d not beput off by i!-. ctiMn prVparationB that mv V otlend is its placo, butsend lo we willforwav securely pacLed, by expresa. rriiicial Office fin,] MamifaMoiy, NO 631 ARGH STEE ET PaiLÁDELPlIIA. Jones _% Evans. Succcs;prs ia C. M. Jackson $ Co. 1'ROPraETOl'S. Tm ■''■ 'y !■,.,;,.(■.-..„ iw„;.,.u, „,„,,, kj 1 6ü,l;l . i . f. , F"8 TTPft "3S ,&, HTp ■ " -CI.OSIÍVG OUT S-A-L-E I A Sl'LKNliID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! ea-oixts' FURNISHING GOODS. CASSMERES, Cloths, Satinéis, &c. DOMESTICS, SHOES, HATS I CAPS. Crockery, GROGERIES, &c, Are to be%aoid at prices that will tniarantee theír salo. N. B.- The lfgest Stock of Cuíco d!)f} BrownCotton in the City at les than llanufuctiirei 'a prices. The highest pi-icc paiil inTradeor cash for all klndi of Produce. MACK & SCHMID. FLORENCE SEWiNG MACHINES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBÜMS, P1CTURES, FRAME& THliEAD, SILK, T WIST, MACHINE O1L, fa The undersigned now offors tho public THE BEST SEW1IVG MACHINE iKr use. ros DUKABJLITY, BE A hTYoJ STYLE, and VARlETYof "STANDS UP HEAD." It nersls oniy td be seen to be appreciatert . Runs the Tvork büth waj-g. tak es four kinds of stitches, liemn, fells, ga+hpríí," brails, bf ncH, qitilts, gathera nnil aews on a rulllc at tUe same time. Scws fpm thf tliinnest lo the tliickest fabpic without cliapgín'g tlio stitch, 'fusión or fatídle, or without Lrfuking ilie xliread. - it ia Tho Wonder of the World ! I Kim a of tlin m. st hcanliful PHOTOGRAPH ALRVMS, PlCTUBEd and FRAMES in greal varioty. and pietu res tiftmed to order at shi'rt nötibè. Alan, HAHNl'MS SKr.F F.WKR it Tlíl.'KEU, which (an be al.juKt:d ro any íewiüf, kiiúl-. Cali at the siga of the I I.OKJKNt'k SEW1XQ MACHIÍíE, a few door? EaBt of Cóok'i, lïoi.'l. StiichingiNeatljDoiie to Order. Alsn. on exliil)it(ui. ! tH'ceWbnitcd " WEED isEWING MACI1I.VK,"' whlch took the premium at the Michigan Paito Fair, of l&Si. V. D E0LME3. Aun Arbofj Pee, gSth , S64. 'JïJJtf THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH Máil ÜEfll As the nain-e ïfaafcatCs. !t not '-v)y fvmmb ih prowth ot tlie hatr wben tbin and ialling cii,but it j.osit í m n. vs iuy. colctb t" its rif nal when it is gniy or white, whetlicr caus'ed by diseaao, grief or bid agQ, It will certainlj Oo ivliat ifl claiimtl forít, a fact to which hnndreofi, nay, iliousMiilE-w-lio have reed it. ara riady Riid williug tp testil'y. Viière'oi:e boitt i fair ly ust-n(in any commumty, it.s leputniion "cprcudii like wikl fire,' aiulistlie lol a)vertisrmtnt und r-coinien.dation we desne. lu the E stern S{'atrp, wbera lUp"' KKNKWtlR" óiiginatedtït i tafefl bynliyonnff T.áfhcB as ti Dre.-sinjí, a tul istotipfound en the toilit inbU's of Vuuifi Men, (nïtó at tbur baibers ; (whils Older Men and Woiriou will iiot be uitlumt it, a renewer and ööBtorutlvc for tlieii1 grey lotks nnd bald heady, which it clmngcb to their entiro BHtisfaction. We ore sóTTlng in tbr cHy of Boston nlone, npirardn oíI!)J)ÜO bt-t'Jt'j igt mou-th, the dealtrs Riving the KENEWE II the nu torence over all otlier Hair Preparatior . IX notsolü by Truggists iu 5our tow,i,n trial bottU will bo sent to you by Kxprefs, upou rdcipt of one dollar by mail - th%rtLihig ymian oppoity.iiíty at onjca fur testing itsexcellcnt i -tnos. %& Orders for Trial Boltles, mnst'be addrPSRea to our gcnfral Agent for j,he Nor thivcttern States. C A. COÜK, Box G534, Chlccgo, 111. All puch orders will receivo prompt nttention. R. CO., 1'roprieHrB, Nushua, N. H. The tirade supplied at Manufacturas' prittê br KULtER,nNCH&rt'LLER,Who!Hi]$rrugpíít-;Chíeio( niiuois. Cnio Ot1. DR. SMITH'S 3W3EÍ X7V PBBSCB1PT.0N & DRLG STORE ! Is tho tlacp to bny j,.i:r MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, WvitillK Faicr,U IhfKnim urlrs, and all iilit r irticli-s inour linp itr&F I' at tent ion t o (,'ompnunilinn nnH putting upPrcsrripticns. h( tltp mrn nf Col II MllRTAR, Kxclinutrc liloek, Ann Arbor. lirlitL':'n _fr ü'). !'nirifsoiiiili;allspri':ni.t!. 1YÜB0 100 Oity tets for Sale.


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