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Calves And Work Oxen

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Doen it pay to raiso calves ? Many Fy that it doos not. Bit why should it not? Fifty years ngo fimners thought it did pay, and sinco then tho valuo ot som kind of stock hus been doublcd, and that without the cost being increased. I ulways raise all the calves born on my place, and have bought f=eveial at a slight advanco on buteber's price. I By gtock-raising I do not wish to be undeiRtood as ïncaning the exclusive roaring of atocle and negleet of other branches of fnrniing. I mean to say that farmers ought to raiso moro Btook thsn thoy do; calves enn be had low and eldom lowcr than now; don't mind thé butchers when they say yon can nerer inoke more on a cnlf than yo can at lour weeks o'd ; it is fco tlieir interest to say o. í know a hutcbor who, while hu tells his customers thiír yet whenevi-r he comes across a fine calf, he buya it to kil! (hotoö time) but it fiuds his-way into hi field. To my certain krowledge he has now ten spring' cïlvts nearly all of one age, running about hi farm, all of which were bought to kill (some time). I believe it does pay, and have arrived" at fchis coqcIu sion by eïeriense. But ifyoii raise thera, let it' bo done well. Don't maka steers, oxon or cow aa wil) as nny deer; better leave it nlone. Althoogh some caves aro by natural diípo.-ition more wild, yet by proper treatment this wildness, or more properly thta tiuiidity, may be conquered beforo the culf is four weuks oíd. Tbis is tho most important era in the education of the calf, and habita then icquired ro too ofteu lastiag. - Patienco, goed nature and kindness nre absolutcly noces.ary to ruisa a culi as it hould be dono. Thoso who do not control these ara fchose whowiil fi-nij! riiisinsr dba!t pay. AJway learn acalf to allow itself. be handled, ttll over;, whilo feeding a. good time to put this W practice. I know oí no other way of tnaking a quiet animal than to turn it over to the bojs, and let them put it th single harne or yoke tw.) tog'ither (whéthtr they be male or femaU), and play wi h them s they sce fit. But, let oalvos é what they may, don't let them bu aJjtiued. Too ' many of our farmera neglect tO'providé themselves with good home-raiied oxen, but are content wli hnlf broken, runaway stcors. Some who have n boy, will stiy they have not time to break them. I will givo such plan whereby little or bo time is io iu breakmg- go-culledaiBdoíteBi.too trulv. Ilaise the cali in the manner wliicli I hare mentioned, and by ocoaaional Hundling and yoking keep thein qniet until three or three and a halfyears ld, then joke them and put tbembe-,hini a pair ofqniet oxen, to plow or aart. Don't load too heavily, but al'low them to huve thèir own wny for a while; if tbey are qujet as they should bt, they will not do onjr mist-bief, and thsold yoks of oxn will pull the load nd koep tbo othera straight. Soon tfee young steer will begin to pull wiih tho other.,. and the load may be inmemtei. Lern thera to baok without the car', then. wilh the eart, but dowu hill, then with the load. When backing, alway make them hold their hsads up; one b-alf our oxen spoil tbeir bao - ing by holding their noses on or near thgroiMid. When tryuL to make an ox buck a heavy load, never hit or whip him about the head ; it only makes hira put his head down to tha grom d. Hit binuon tbe shitra - one or Uvo lighi' strokci on the a will do more good ia bcking oxen (whetber old or young), tkn twen!y ibout the he:id. A yoke of oxen should be used as earefully ag a pair of horseg; it will py and lave breath Most people have aa idea that anybody can drive and work with a pair of oxen, but I would rnush rtber trust an awkward hand with a pair of mulé than with a pair of well-trained oxen ; for I know tka-t the mule, if abuied, will take care of tnetnielro!, wbile the oxen wiil bear it. all D#trenll7i If-cr is Ukeo ia .their eduoation, a yoke of good oxen may ba so trained that tbey will walk ai fast as a coninn pair ot aDd 'do as muoh plowinfj on Fess expenaive feed. When partialïy "broken,lV or trained, it ia a Tory (?ood idea to work thern behind a qaiot horsa or a yoke of fast walking oxen. But do not put them witb a yoke of old oxen, vrho drag themselves alöng a if life was a heavy burden to tiïoin. - Cor. Germantnwn Telrgraph.


Old News
Michigan Argus