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THE K00T3 AND THE LEAVES WÍI.L be for the kleaJii g of Lha N'iition. Biblt. THEGKEAT AND CKLKBRATBD PIIVSICUH of the riiB0AT,LUN68, HKARï, UVhft AND THK BLOOI, Known all uvor the country nn the CBI.KliKATKn IKTDIAXtf KERB DOCTOR ! Uf M'i -SujuM-ior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Willviit the following places, vix a:ii'uintmkntsfi)k ïsea, ïsesjindiRoi. Prof H. J. LyonK c.-vo b conultt4 at the followiug plcweTêiy montli, vin: Petroit,Huif Houe, eaofa mottih, 16th and 19ih. Aun Aiber, Monitor House, éftcb mrnth. düih. Jacksnn, Mi ïi bard IIouso, u;icli month, -J1. Adrián, Braokfct tloune, eaob munth L2dand33d. Toledo, Uhio,ColhnB HouRtmch month, ü4th .36tfa nud ÜtUli. Hill.sdali, Slich. , Tliiludalo Houfie, each mnth,'J7th. Coldwntor, iüch-, Southern MlcbfgtQ Uoue. each month, Dfith. Elkhart . KIMwil !! te.ich month , 29th. South tioml, IdH., St. Jn. Uo'el, each mouth, 30. I,a porto. lui)., 'IVp (ïanlen il lae, efrcfa monlb 31. tt. Wodtor,Ohio, Crandell Cxoiunge, oüch month, 7th audgth. tftns&eïd, Ühio, W'ilev Houst oaeh month, 9th and lOtli. Mt. Vernon, Keuzon Hbuntf', 4ch monlh,lHh rMI9tb, Newark, OU-iorHolton Houne.eaeh month, 13th muí Hth, Taiinosville.Oliio, Cowlef TÏdubp, pach month ,4th L'IJ.VKLAND, OHJO, HMIDENJK AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR. STREET, Kast ol the public square, opposiie tlie Pïpto0ft. Oltïcel;vri ?Mk month, lst. 3d, 4th,5th, 6th, lfith.- WHcc bour.s fruía 9 A. M. to 2 M, miü fnmi 2 F. tí. te 4 1. M. OnSundny from 9 tolOA Ai., and 1 to 2 P. M. cjrMínimK-ítriclly atlhered to - I f51 ve Huch balm as have no strife, With nature or the la of tifo, Witb blood niy ii,in!s I never uta ín , Nor (toisón men topase their pain. lie is a physician ittdtedf who Cures. The lndianHero Poctor, R. J. I.YOXS, cwe the follorv; compiaiutMUthe mout obstinate tgesuf their cxiMvnce, vH: PUuaacftof theThroat, I-ungf, ITeart, í.iver, Stomach , Dropiy in the Chest, Illieuinatism , Xeurftlïa, Kits, or FaHingSickncsHiiHliilIotJienicrTous'leraníihPut. Alo alldiseasesof the blood, auch as Scrofula, KrysipelB, Ciincers, Fevor Sores, J.eyrosy , and all other complicatt'Cl cViriíiiicccBiplaints. M f orín k of femulf lifficulties tíeiwled to wiib tbc hajtpiest resultt. Jt i hoped that noono wiM-cpsr of a cure until they Have given thc Indian licrH Poctor? Medicines a fafranü faitbful trial. fiPuring tbe Doctor1 travelti iu Europi', Went Indi et, ?putfa America, and the Uaiteü States, lie bas been liie insirument Ín Go(] haml, torYetttore 1o bfalth and vigor thouáandi wbo were given up nnd pronouncfit mciirabte by the mant eminent oíd flobo'tl phjsicta-."; nar, nutre, thbaKandii who fifl ou the yerge of the grave, are now living tn Si-e Lndian Herb's Doctor's skifl and 8UcceiHfuHrí'atment,:indareflailyexclaiming: "B'cred betheday wbon flrst e aw and partook of tbe ludían líorbDnctor'fi medicine." gfctisfactory refergnocsof oarg will be gladly and cbeerfuUy vy? hcnever icquired. The Poctr piedles bis word :i tul honor, th at lio will in rm wisplireciLv or inilirectly , inOuce or cauce an.r invaliil to tafee iíih miMicine without Ihe strongest prubattíiUy of a cure. Mode of '?xamiiation, which tu ent irelyli (Teren t fnm thefáculty. lr. í.'yon professes to discern diNwsea by Ihe eye. H tbttrafbw aks Doqoevtlona, nor doctíhe require patientto explain symptom. Callón ;ind all, md hnvo the.vmptomt and Icratinn nf youi .liscaücTplsinefUree of charge. í T"Th poor jthnll be liber.-illy conniJered. S-raRtolílceaddreRc, box 2An3. R..T. LVONS, M. I"'. JUST OPENING f Tlie largest Stock nnd best aesortmont of OABINET FURNTTURE ? ever brought t ibis ity, including 80 FAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CIJAIRS, ïjooliing Glasses Gilt Frames and Rïouldings, uo3Fiirixisrs METALIC CASES, &c., " c, and all othfr goon V(pt in the best fin'i Kr ;" tionne in tKe country. We itpepn.o Heond hand ur iitui o Au(;tioo g-ofiá-s. Coffiti krpt conxtnntly ( n and,(inc mjile to orflt;r. My goodn ar offered at THE LOWEST CASH F RICES N. B. T munt havo m'%ny.aniï r!poctfuí'y wqupíii hese iudbted,to cll and fix up their old matten without dolay. O. M. MARTIN. AnnArbor.Oct.S, 1S63. 925tf BANNEB HAT STORE! 9, GO TO Before jou buj , Spring and Summar ttjlti ot L Lj JKT" & tt STRAW GOODS! G-EHSTTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. Jnn Arbor, April 20th, 18fi4. Sm9ft3. MICHIGAN CBNTRAIl INSURANCE CÜMPANY Kalamazooi ÜMicli. Insures gaint I.os ni Damage by Flre or Ijliílit jí"CCHARTER PERPETUAL. Guarantet Capital, by StaU Authority, $300000.00. DIRECTORS: J. P. KisaiBT, Maesb Giddikqs, A. P. Mills, 8ko. W. Sntdke, 3 D. Alie, Gko. W. Allik, OFFICERS : 3. Y. Kennedy, P. T. P. Sheldon, Pr Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. MílTs Treaí.; H E Hoyt An't Stc, 9. D. Alien, Gen. Ag HOWX RD. ASSOCIATIO M , PHII.ADELPHIA, PA. Dlaeases of th Senam, Seminal, l'ilnnry and Sexual ftyfltemn - new and rclinble trt-atment- in rfport of the IIOWARD A3SOC1ATI0N- Sent bv mU ib wlwl lettf r pnrílope, fre of huyeXadt Dr. J. 8KÜ.1.W HOOOHtOS, howííd A.iwcí f!cn,5o J c' nL Nr,. ítre', rí.k.i: 'a, SCHEIsrCBl'S PULEONSG SYRUP, SEAWEED TOHIC, AND MANDRAKE PILLS. The above ia a correct likinMs nf Pr, Pchcnck. just ftor recovprfnj? from Conaumpt ïnn, dirdj jari ago 5elow is a likenen of him he nnw tppears. Wlien the firnt w tnitfn he weighed 107 poumls ■ at ,he preneut time his weight ia 220 poundn. Dll. SCHENCK'S 'rinripiil Office and Labotatory ifl Rt the N. E. corner .f 3ÏXïn and COMMERCK trcts, Philadelphia ihero all letlors foradvice or business should lo di ected. He will be found Hiere every SATURDAY, profes riña Tí y to elimine lnngs with the Ryspirometer, for rhich his fee is tbree dollars ; all adrice free. In Xe Yurk at No 32 BOND Street, evory TUES AY, frora 9 A. tí. to 3 P. M. At tlie MAltSU 10' HO'i'LX, Boston, January 18 aml .9, February 15 and Ifi, Marcb. 16 and '6, April 19 tmá ■jO, Maj 17 and 18. June 14 and 15, July 19 aud 20. The timefnr my being m BAI.TIMOIÏK and PITT3LÏUlHï, will bo ecu in the daüy papera of thope cilies. the Ilistory of Dr. Schenck't oirn Case, and owhe uvw cured of Consumption. Many years ag, wbtlat rdifffing in Phüadelphia, I twI progi eiied gradunlly in1o the Jast staga of Pul nifinarT ('onfumptiiu All hopea cfmy recovery béng difnipatcd. I waBa4vid by my physician, Or. l'arrita to romoveinto the countrv. Mooïflsstown, New Teidéy being my nativo place, i was removed tMther. My tat'her and all hii tamil)' had livod and died tliere- nd i.icd of Pulwauwy Consumiiiion. On my arriral I wan put to 1 eiij hi re I lay for many woeke in what iramlrentfd a hopeleas conililion. Dr. Tborntoa. vtbo had be.-n my iather family phyician, rik: bati nttended l.iin in 1 ík last illness, waa cnllec! o see me. He thought my cac ecUreïy bevond the reacli of medicine, and decidedtbat 1 mut (ifl, and gaT0 me on1 Veelt to rrancc my temporal ntf:.iri. In thb apparrnlly hope 1ob condition, I henrd i f the rrinc'is irttfcb I uow maWo and nell. It seemed o roe ihat I could frl thrui vorVlng their way , and penetrating erory nerve, libio, anl tissue of my j-ystem. My lungs and Uver put on a new action, and the mor bid mntter vrl ich for yeara br-d accumulated and irri tatd the ditft-rent organsof the body, was Hftalnnted, the t;ibfrclR n m' l'.n-s riprne-1, and I Ptpf-ctorafeá from ray lung an much ft J pi"t of ynllnw üffvn-lre natter evcry moining. A tlüH expclor'ioii of mnter suVUied, the fcvor abated, the pain loft me the cough Ctffflsed o hnr& me, and the exhausling right ■cat wero no lonprer kimwn, and 1 had ra reulnng ■ leop, to wl ich I had lnng betn ft trangor. My appnItü now beg ntoveturu, and at tinies I found it difficult to reftrain mvpelf from eniisg t"o mucli wilb ai return of hoaltn, I galned iü "trength, and now am tlesM . I am now a cubimij nimi, immi i isrge lealod tir.atrU in thn n iddle lobe of thc rtght hing and ,be lower lobe witb rcn.plte adhesión of the )!eura. The left lungl nound, and the upper lobe of heiight ouo i? fa atole ably hcdthy ronditiou. Consumption at that lime thoiijrM tobesn incurable disease, by every one, phyftcfom asvellas :hoe who were un-Uiamei' in me ücine- espedally uch eise as were renuced tothe condllion I w tn. Thls Mduced mny penple to believe niy recorery mly temnorary. I now prepred and gave the mOc'lcUlM to coDHumi'tÍ for soms time, ftud made rntny wonderful evire 1 and thedfmsud increased o rapidlythutf d. tenfined to offer thrm I" the pub ie, oil licrote mj un.i.irtedttention to lung diieahc. lntruth,Iwm nH to fdred to it, fer people would rond for mo {-r jimi near, to ascertata whother tht-ir canes were lik "line. ... . , ... For many yeïirn, In conjunciion ïth my piincipat office id 1'liíla.delphl, I have been making regular profoKionl Tielt to New York, Bostoo, Ualtimore, and I'i'Uburgr. Fnr evernt jear ]aft I huye made a mr.ay au flve hundred enaminatioaweekly U the "Kcsplrometer." For nueh examinailnn my cliarpp i three dollars, and it nabU-s me 0 give rnch p.-tient Ihe true coni'itii'n of his disease, and teil him fraukly whether he will get The gre:it reaBon why phyicians do notenreConsumptiin il, that thy try to do toomuch; they glve rac icines to stop the ooofh, to Btop the n ght itt, hectie fever, and by io d.lng they derange the whole digestive Kytrm. lockinef up the lecretlons, and eyantually the patiënt dies. Thé Pulmonic Hyrup is one of the most yaluable mfc('.icinen knnvn. It is nutriënt, powerfullj tonie.and heahn in itself. It contams no opium, yet loosen tke phit-pin in the brenchial tubeH, and nature throws it off with litt'e exertion. One bottie freqnently cure an ordinnry cold ; but it wilt be well first to take a doso of Schenck's Mtindrake' I'ills to eloan. tSe stomach. The Pulmouic Syrup i rearily ügested aid absorbed intoh!ood,to which i lmpartp lts heullnji proportie - H i ne of Ule betit preparations of lron in use ; it is a poweifu' tonic of itself ; anl wbfn the Seaweed Tonic ilistol es the nnicuK in the stumnch, and i rarried off by the aid of the Mandrake lilis, a hea-ithy 9ow of gjistric jui' e, f oei appetiti". and a g'od dige-lion foliow The Seaweetl Tonic is a Ktimulant. and noneothtris required whn it i W. It i pure and plensant ; no bad effecU Hu when usig Uourhin wliAky. which disorder the stomncli, torj or the lirer, locks up all the secretion, turn the b'ood nto wuter, dropsy sets in, nd thepatl-nt diessuddenly. Bourbon whisky i recoramended now-a day hy Imost every physkisn. M:my patients that tUH mjr roomr, both malt aml female, ar stupefied with thi lolion. The relief i temporary. If they cough thcy takr-a lillle wlii-ky ; if tbey feel wek and feoble tluy talie a üttle whisky ; if they canrot letp, the take a little whisky ; and they go on in this way, requtring more anti more until they are bloated up. and imagine they are Ketting llehy. The ntnmach, liver, and digestive power are complétela destroyed.acd lose their appetite for food. No one was rver curod of consumption bv this procc!", wbere rnvities have bren formed in thelunR. A litt'e ftnnulant i frequently beneficia) to roiwumptlvoü, Buch as pure brandy or good Mili ; in many cases London porter or brown toutin moderate quanii'ie ; but Bourbon wkiBk; hastens on inatead ot curing consumition. The Seaweed Touic produce lastiny resutes, thoronchly invigoraling the tomach and digestir Hyntem, and enabhng it to elimínate and r ke into healthy blood the food which may ueed for thnt purpose - lt o wonderful in it eiTectn tint a wina glaistull will disast a hearty meal.and a little of it taken before brefkfmt will giTe a tune to the itomacn which tcw mcdlcinea pose the power of doing. The MANDRAKE PII.I.S may be taken with ntir afety by all ige and condition, producing all the KOodremilUthatcnn be abtunerlfrom calomel, or any of the mercurial medicinea. an without any of their huitful or injunou results. They carry out o( the STstem the feculent and worn out mattevn Iflossned and d'io)red by my Seawoed Tfinic and PulmonicSyrnp. - It will be een that all three of my medldne re need. ed in root caei to cura Ooosumption. BOST05- Goorge C. Goodwln & Co. NEW YORK- Demal Barni 4 Co. S. ?. Ilance. Ir. Genrgo H. Keyter. ClïJCINN ATI F. E. Sitr & Co ., and Jobn D. Prk. OIUCAGO - I-ord Jb Pmitb, tnd H. BcovlL PT. 1.OUJ8- ColHn BrothrT. HAK FRANUfW- BeüUttir, Proitti : IVB. . ._ .-v ,v aUTlrDIilt'-t wVrVater. IjWi


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