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The Michigan Argus

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publishodvery Friday morning,in thethird story f .tui ijrick block, corner of ilaiu and Uuruu Sis.. AXN ■ if BOU, Micu. Eutranceon Hurón átreet,oppositeth ' ELIHU B. POND, Editor and Publisher Ternis, $3 OO a 1 Atlvance. dvcrtlsing-Óne square (12 liues or less), on Jaek,?5ceuts; three woeks $1.50; and 25 cents fo TJry iiuertiou thurti fter, less tban three niouths. Hne square 3 mos $4.00 Qnarter col. 1 yoai $20 Oui square 6 mos 0.00 Half column 6 mos 20 [„e square 1 yeai 0.00 Half column 1 ycar 35 Trt-o.-iq'res 6 mos 8.00 i One column fi mos. 36 Tn-o sq'res 1 year 12.00 [ One column 1 ycar 60 Cards iu Directory, not to cxcoed four lmcs, $4.00 Advertisers to the exteut of a quarter cohïmn,regu i , througll the year, will bc eutitlea to llave tlui ■ ar'js m llirectory without extra charge. rv?' -Vilvertiíiements unáccompanied by writtenor srbftl Jlireotiona will be pubhrihed until ordereu out -ad cliarvei. accordingly. Lejal advertisemcnts, lirst insertion, 50 cents pei folio 25 cent s ior folió for eacl Bubsequeut icsertion fflieoa postpcneinent isadded to an advertisen-.ent tlic luie willbe chared thesame as for rlratiusertion. jol) Prliitmg- l'ampUlyt-i, Hand Bills, CircuUrs r.rila Ball Tickets, Labels, Blanks. Bill Hekde, and herririeticsof l'lain and Fancy Job Printing, execuV urth iKuniptiiess, and in the best style Cards- We havo a Ru.lrgles Rotary Card Pross. au.' Ure Tarietj ui' the latost stylvs of Card type which (nabfcs us to print Canls of all kinds in the neatesl istylaanScheapcr than any other house in the isiness cards for men o( all avocationsand profeuiaM, BaU, Wedding ana Visiting Cards, priim i on Lirttice. Callandsee samples. BOOK BlYDIiYG- Conncctcd ivitli tin' Office isa a-iok Bindery in charge of two competent workmen. - CnuntyRecor .' -rs,.Iouruals, and all Blank Books to nrd.-r, an...f the best stock. Pamphlets and j',t,niicals bound i n a neat aud durable marnier, at DeViitprices. Entrauce to Bindery thiongk the Argüí jífice.


Old News
Michigan Argus