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mmm uúmv. O. H. MÏLLEN. . DEAT.F.R in nry Obwda; Oruceriea.Crockery, Se. &c. Main Street, Ann Albor. ___ "PHILIP BAGIÍ. """ rvEALERá in Dry GooJs,Grocere3 . Boots & Slioes, ) kc, Miiinst., AnaArbor. "rISDON & HENDERriON. DÏALEBÖ in áárdwáre, BtoTes, house furnisliins g,",U, Tin Ware, ísc , &c, New Block, Mainat. s. gTtaylor, ÍEU.EH in Hats, Capa, Fot, Robes, liontí' Furnish) inj lioutls, etc. East side Main Street, Aan Arbor, iebigaa A, J. SUTHEiíLAND, I GENT tor tho Vork Life Iusurance Company. A. Office oa H..rm strcet. Also bas on liand a_ stock cfttyjwiast approve 1 sewiug inuchines. 885tf ""WORGE FISÖHËÜ. ME.iT MARKET- Hurón Street- General dervlor in Frwh an'l Salt .Mcuts, Beef, Muttou, Pork, Hanjs, !oiiUrj-, Lartl, Tallow, &o-, &c. " LEWITT &BEtíAKEY. PBTSICIANS AND SURGEONaP OHice at theresidence of Dr. Lewitt, north side of ïiurou, two doora 'rist oí Divisiou street. M. GUITEKMAN & 00. fHOI.KSAr.EanJ Rntail Denlérs an'l Jianufacturers of Beaíf -Made Clotliiug. [mportorsof Clotbs, Cas(ineres, Doejkias, &c.,No. ó, Plioenix BiocU, Main st. WM. WAGNER. ■nEfcii iu Rea!v M.ul.; Clothmg, Uloths, Cassimeres, V itiJ V'estings, Úaíí, Caps, Trenks, Carpet Bags,&c, Picenix Block, Main ítreet. SLAWSON & SON. fiROCElïS, Provisión and Commissior. Merchants, and WRmtersih Water Lime, Land Plastnr, and Phister sf Pis, oneduor ca -t of Cook's Hotel. SCOTT & LOOMIS, i MKROTYPE and Photograph Artisis, in the rooms A over C&mpion's Clotking store, Phcenix Bloek. PerM tetisfaetfongiven. 0. B. PORTER. QOEGKON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Hurón 0 ifcreets, over Bach & Piurson'B Store. AU calis promptly attended to ijri859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Foreign and Doniestic Dry Good, Groceries. Hats and Capa, Boots and Shoes, Crockeiy, kt., Corner of Maju íc Liberty sts. ANDREW BELL."" DEALKK in Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Producent fcc, &c, corner Main and Washington átreets, ina Arbor. The liighestinaL-ket pi-icccspa-id lor country produce. 86 M. C. STANLEY, Photosrapliic -A-irtieit. tomer Main aud U-jron Streets, Aun Arbor, ilicli, PHOTOGRAl'HS, AMBROTYPES, &c. , &e. , i ínthé latest styles, and everyefTort made to give satis■ mos. 956tf D. DjsFOREST. UfHOLEaALE aud retaildealer in Luraber, Latb, '" 8hiügle8,, Doora.BliadB, WaterLime, Grand Êrsr Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Nails oCallsizes. A fefland perfectassortuient of the aboye, and all other j liuisof building material.1 constantly on liacd at the , istpo3sible rates,on Detroit st., a few rodsfromthc .■ ftiilnwl Depot. Also operatiag eKtensively in the Ment Cement Roofiug. LUÍVlYÉR YARD! C. KRAPF, Ïm & largo a ml well stockcd Lumber Yardj on Jeffern Street, in Ihe South part of the City, and willk-oep wnstantljr 011 liand an excellent variety of LÜMBEU, SH1NG-LES, LATH, &c Wh win be sold as low as can be afforded in this tarket. Quality aud nrices uch thát no une need j?o to Deítoit. CONRAD KRAPF: Aan Arbcr, Dec. 8th, 1S64. 986tt NEWMUSIC STORE Persons wíshing to "buy Pianos or Melodeons, Ioul4 go to WILSETS MUSIC STORE, beforepurMing elsewhere. lio will --arrant satiufactlon to Tcbaficrs, and takeK pleasure in referring to those . ohave already purchased of him. He takes pride "J'11 tlat he lias given the best of satisfaction jwr,and intende so to doinall cases. Any l'iano fcl bu furnished that purchas'er may requin I es it to be distiuotly underitood that he will not be ■ UlSr IDEiEtSQZLJD kíay dealer East ór West. Sj--T_uo latest SHEET MUSIÓ fornle, PIANO . ' ALVIN WIL8EY. nnArl)r,r, Dec. 27t'o, 1804. 98í)td FOR SALE! Of) BOnsEg AND LUld, fïom $1,000 to "v Í5,000. Aiso scvoriUiuiirovcl VAl'.MS. i. , A. J.SrïHKRI.AM), _Arbor, Feb. 2d,1865. 994tf C'niiimoical(gcnt. i KADE PIANO-ene of the best us'ruments "-eutu-ely ncw. Inquiro at Ihc A&tiUti OFFICE


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