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Our Relations With England

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The Times, in the courso of an elabórate exauiiuation of the fall of consola below the poitt wliich they held wheu everything abroad and ut home seemed inuch less prosperous for Bnglatid thau now. snys : "JBut has th;it 'cloud' in the West auythiug to do wilh it ? Is it just poseibie that people hold back frnrh investing in consols at 89, becuuse thay fancy the day is not very distant when they will be able to buy millioQs at 85? It is not a pleasant subject, but when it is discussed so freely aud openly there, wo uiav be exeused a wrd or two here. Is theve a certain miegiving, and ao altnost uucoasoious preseotiment, of something iu that quarter, which will at onceuhaiige the whole aspect of our commerce and bur nuance? Something like it was coufessed last yenr as a roasou for not rushiug into a gratuituus crusade for the rescue of Denmark. Since that thare has been a little more plain apeaklug, and the vail has beea so far liíted up from the future that e know the only tenus oc which the United States will ever agree. One of their orators said the other day that a man who was afraid was already half whipped, and if we bear n silence the continual meoaco of the uplifted lash our courage must gradually oozeout. The stock exchauge possibly foels the threats so far as to anticípate the probability of our having to rusist. No doubt it would be a costly war, for we ahould have to resume our old part as paymaster, subsidizer, and puryoyor of all things needful for the war. W hat fleets, what transporta, what ordinance, what ammuuition, what stores would have to run the gauntlet of American cruisers between our own ports and our American colonies ! No doubt we could raise a huudred naillions for this purpose as easily as we raised thera for the defense of Turkey. Wu should do it perhaps,with more pleasure. But we suspect we should have to doublé the figure before we had attained to that self-satisfaction of viciui y suffiuient to uiake us hold our hands. Perhaps it is sotne such s-condsight that lorces itself on the mental víhíoü of our fellow citizetis in their most prophotic moods, and keeps consuls down below 90. From the Daily Newa, March 10. It is ti.tiü to iutroduce a little reason into the discussion oí' this and similar quortious, time that the languagc iu which they aro treated ia n'ewspapera should beoome conformable to the uwages by whijh civilized nations regúlate their intercourse. That claims oa England by the United States, aad on the United States by Enghnd, sbould havo grown out of this war was inevitable, and our spirited blockade runners have done their best to increase both their number and importance. The Btateemaa of both couutrius have to accept this statu of thiugs, aud to render itas hafipless as possible. Claims will bo preferred on both sides, so:ue of which will be admitted, while others will bo challênged in whole or in part, and will then becorue the subject of nogotiatiou. We have, indeed, seen it statcd within these few days, that it is the business of Eriglish statesineii to see that we are not placed uudorthe 'penance' of haviDg claims urgod upon us that we canuot admit. This ia a pretensión to be exempt from the ordinary lot of all commuuities. It is ueedlcas to say that no rationai Englishman expacts such a service from our public iuuu. Our governmeiit bas ouly to persevere iu its present course, uctiug fairly aud honorably, aud repelíiug all unjiiót preteosions. Il will theu cüinmand the support of a uuited aud patriotio people, and we ttlml! not need to dísquíét our.selves, aftbougb our ucighbors should become unreasonable. Froin thu Moming Star, The gossip which is maiptaiued in the city about the probability of a war with America, is próbably In ome ciises assiduously fostóred for business purposes, but any genuino alarm appears tqbe cónfined to thosj who wcre the most SBí'upulous confedérate partisaos. Thoy seem to fee! thut having exhibited us much hosiility as they possibiy could gainst the L'üited States a hostile 1 timentm the part oí' that nation mny bc expeoted in return, li :t tbay fcay . calin thcii' f'uiu'ö. Tho policy of' grcat natiou.s ia uot shapcd in accordanou with tho purtisanatiip ind animositos of iudividuuls. The course of' the Briti-h govenmiüiit dutiog thu vvui1 bas boen dutermined by thu polioy and iotoeeft of ihe country at Ltrge, and not accori.lOg to tlio frinaücai tyinputliios of a pürtiou ufthepeople. 80 it i!l ho wiih Üia Amcriuau govfcruincut, shuuld the rebulhon ba soon put dowa. ïhu lire ifators of New York may uttor louii threuts - ospcoiaily il tüey perceive from tho tone of Ihojouruals whioh supported the South, that a contemptible fear Una uow takel) possossion of tlicui ; but the governtnent of' tho Unitöd States and j the vast rnajoi'ity oí' iho natioD will be I too heartily glad of penca when it cornos, to think of up a qnam:l against a uation fifty times nioru íonuidable than tho South.


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