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The Income Tax

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The Urne íorpaying Ihe tax on ineoiaö for 1863, and the time for paying t for 1864, como rather iucoavuieutly near to each other this year. We have before us a forra witli very exact questions, whieh are to be answered by tlie rot Moaday in May. The Assessors will endeavor to furnish the tax-payers witli these forras. But it eliould bo remembered that the Assessors are uot requ'lred to do so. It is striotly the business of the tax-payer to fiud tho Assessor and uniko his statement. Every porson who fails to mak e his return by the day specified, will be liable to be assessed by the Assiotaut Assessor nccording to the bost infonnation the lattor can obtuiu, and in bucÏi case the Assistaut Assessor vvill udd twoiity-five per cent. to the a.nount of thé tax. If auy beièóa makos a fraudulent returu, oue huudred per ceut, will be addod by tho Asslstant Assessor, if he discovers the fraud. Assessors are direoted to isk tho followJDg pi:St.01)S : Had your wife auy 1 Deo me ast year? Did auy minor child of yuurs reoeive auy salary last year ? Huvo yoa included iu ttii.s rotuiü iiicoiuo oí wife, aad salary riicuived by uliiidron 't Have you auy stooka, uad what aro they ? Is your report raado ou the basia oí gold ? Have you bought or eolá stocks or othor properly ? Have you any UnitcJ States securities? Do yo;i return the premium on gold paidyöliaa ïMefèBt oü Uuilcd Si securitiea ? Huve yon kept any book account? Is your ïjcoiue estimated, or tukoa from your bonk ? llave not the expenses, oto., claimed as ie duet iö lis, álready buuu takeu out of the amouut reported as profifs ? Did you estimato any porüon of your profita in makiog your returii for 1S63 ? Was any portion treauul as worihIes3, and, f since paid, havo you inoluded it ia this vutuni 't The lux to be paid is 5 per cent. S3ST" Said ft vevecned to a gou lituiau wiih vvhoin ho was dinmg, and who was B temperance hian, " .1 ;.]vays tfaink a certaiü quantity of vvino doos no harui aftcr a good dimier." ' üh, uo, air," replied mine host, M it is tiio uucertain quantity does Ihe hanii."


Old News
Michigan Argus