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All history shows that when a thirst for j national aggrandizcmcnt tnkes posseesion of a people, it increados p--oportionate)y with i's indulgence, until it resulta in nntional ruin. - Tlie era for enlarging nalionul domnine by fire nnd sword, lias paitially pnesed away. Negoliation is fonnd to be a much cheaper methüd, wliile it is quite os eflecinal. Sinco we became a nation, our territory has increa?ed, in little more tlmn lialf a cenlury, one third or one half, liy the addition of Florida, the Louisiana ternlory, and Texas, should the annoxation of the latter be completed. The whole 4S Oregon we now claim nnd mtend to hold. But this will not suffice ud. It is proposed to annex Cnlifornia alto. Severnl papers have already throwa out that il is a fme country, the popnlation ís nol very dense, the ties . which bind it to Mexiroare loosely fastened, , and mrght bc easily disenffaged, and by a litSic prudent management. üat valuable coun try might be easily nnncxed to this glorioui republic. Nor ie this amere idle speculatior ' of theorelical politiciarts. It appearsfrom lhc ' papers that the U. S. governinent is aboui ' wending an expedition into that country lo spj r otit its situntion and value. Lieut. Fremont i: j about startinj on an exploring tour into tin v heart of that country. He is a resident oSt. Louis, and the Kopublican, of Ihat cjty, in noticing hid intended departure, says: "Lieut. Fremont's expec'iüon, then, will proceed to the Arkaiïsas river, follow that rivcr up to ita source; from whcnce thpy will croP9 to the Fnnc's Droke river, foÜowing that down to its month, üiey nre to proceed to mal;e a tíiorougli nml minute survey of the hay of San Francieco. Now, the line of insi niclionp, throno-h nearly its eiüire extent, lies tcithin Jie Mexican terri'ory; nnd what we do not undertand i?, how, or for what purpose, an expedition is pent from this Lovernment nto the ñlexican territory. nor wliy our enixinners nre employed n surveying rivrrs nnd linthors nol belorinnr to us. We have no objeclion to ti.e su'vcy: we only want to know by what right il is ordered.' The latest ndvices from California represent that country to be in a state of revo':ition. - The nhnbilants becominir enroged at thé cx nction? of the Mexicon Governor, tock ormp, and nfier blocknding hitn and Iris troops for severa I werk?, he ayreed to depart he Couniry. This he hn& done, and the pcople are now busy in organizing a republicnn povertnrnf, ilndcf the name of the '-Republic of California."


Signal of Liberty
Old News