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jTOW ÍS THE TIME Var barguins in AND CROCERIfES.M Ü. H, MILLEN. is "ow receivhtg hra STOGB; OF DRY GUODS,, CAKPETS, and GROCEBIES; bnnght n tim rocent srreat, decline in NV yorl ,„. X.w.i,, an.l „ic bcfore purchasing. -"1"11 U.rI,líti5. C-.MIUK. pltlM'S, 20 to 25 Oiits. BEST DKLAINBS, 31 cents. SUEUTINGS, 30 to 40 cents. BLEACHED COTTONS, and sf other grmds at 1ÏEDUCED ÍBICES! 'U C.H.MILI.E.V3. .A.T C, II. MILLEN1. A DIES' .IlRKáS G00DS of ê -L kil,.;-, W Laiiies' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls,, IJuir Ornamenta, &c , all the ftw .-tyloj jui leceivod aud for slj ehMp, 100-iïf C. H. MILUf. tal ' ■ - ' mm% Etate oí Miohael Deraoy. OTATE OF MÏCIIItW, r.uxTY op W-miw. n O At a etS8i9 of ihe Probate Court for thrfwuniy ƒ W-ashtciiaw, holileu Mt the l'robate Ofllcf in tbr, City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tli teutb öj( of April, in the .v-ar ti;e tbuusand fcight biÏJtt? unl tiixty-five. l'ri-.-ent , lIiiiAM .1. RKAKEf, I ud ge of Probate. In the uantter of ífae Bátate of Michwfl DrnWj, On readingand filing t!ip petitíon, ilulj rtríBni, oj M:uy A. Dvanyt prayiag that aáraiaUtñtl4fU etitate i.iay be giuntr d to her or gome otíifr luiuWn. perno n. Tlicrc.u,tpn it ís Onlered, tliat Munilar. tbf fiM5i, day '-f May next, nt tn o'clock in tbfnMMj bé M-igrind for tlie hearing of said pHtio,H til! ;lio heit al law of said deeeas, nf-, all otber i'-rxais iiiercstcil in síiid ette, urerttjulred in t jipfur at n session of said Court, th Eo be holdi ti at th Probate Office, iu the City of in Arbwr. ani nhov canse, if ajiy tliere be, why th prj'of ;1m pHIiiouer stioull ont be gran teil : AuJ iil' fiirtbe.r ..■■■i-], ihat kkíí petftioner pive notief toib ]'.r- d i:,ierc'd 'm. said fhtat, of the indfntj"f suMpeiition, nnd tüe liearing thereof, bjr usídji. cipjr nf tiiiri Orler i be pubhshed in the JÍWÍW Jiji',;, i newripaper printed and cïrculating inií Cnunty, three succöielve week previous to .-aid dj"i hearing. [Atrnecopy.] HIRAM .T. BEAKE?, 1004 J.udge of Prototi. Ksfcciíe of Alvah Burgess. S7ATK OF MICHIGAK, TOCSTT OF WjíSFTIIf AT, - At a hmhíoti -f the Pmbate Court for theCountfif W'-liVTtvy ln)l.lfii t tUe Probate Ofiico in thf uty t'f Any, Av!'-h-, ou Tri-hty, tlic Kpventh yiiAfj in the yt-iir ene thoufland' eiglit faundred and iii?' Br. Present, IIiuam J. ]■:■, Judge of Probttl. In the matter of fk KsUte of Alvah Barpii, deceaedOn readinp and filïog c je.tition, dulv Terifiíá,f (ïrant T. Perry, praying thai llorace Beotb m appointed adroinistrator ól the cgtate ( saiddíW. Thcreup;tt it is Ordered, Ihat Jlondaj, tlie tim i.iy ol "'iay at teu o'clück in the furenoon," dfirtijíiitíd Por t!ie hearing of said ]ftition, t!i r the hein at law of said dM iiit'l uil other jiersoDs interestcd in ' tate, are rtrquired tv appear at a npsuion of iiiiíC""1! thn to tie Inlden at the Probate Office, ia th ttyfl Ann Arbi.r, an.fl nhow cause, if any ther r, "h? W prayrr ni thé pptiliontr pliould not'be gran tod. And it is furtber c.rdered, that raid petitioner " n itice to the per tona interested in ii ltl1'1. of the pendency of sid petition, and the liraring t!i#iof, by causing a copy of this Order to be publinnw'1 tlie Michigan Arjus, a nevspaper )cinted aod cif'' ting in said County, tlirc-e successive weck prt"1 to f-aid day of hearing. [Atruecopy.] HIRAM J. BEAKE., lOOltd Judge of ProReal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MT0HIGAX, County of WASHtWiWjJ In themattux of the eata'e cf John Ludirig W]ii' Ker,MtiïdA Kliln?r. Willíam' Henry Killi") Elizabeth Küliager, of the County of Wasbt11" tlie fitftte of Mtch'gftii, minors. Noti:e is her eb y giren, that in pnrsuanc o' n () der granted tu the imderiigned, Guardian of tbf ■ of .taïd ininorK. by tlie Hon. Judge of ProbütMor'J County ot Waalilenaw, on the tenth day of ipj.' ' D.lSsiö.there will be sohl at l'ubüc Vendue,' highest bidder, at the dweiling house on tlie pr iu Irecdoin, in the Conty of Washtetm1! P State, on AVednesdty, the thirty-ftrst day of MJ-'D.1805,attwo o'clock in the afternon of tht av (subject to all encumbrances hy mortgngc roth1 existiiifi al the linie of sale, and alo subjci w rlgnt of do w er nf Dosoehy Widlech;' late wld0J.i, John Killiuger, deceasedl, the undlvlded fo.ur Jy of the following de.scribed real estáte, í() fflt;f JA ïiorthf ast quarter of iUe north-wef-t iiiartei v quarter, containing ten acres more f' ' and tbe wc.-t -half f the nortb-west ll'art" (Or nortb cast quarter, containiug tweoty ftcre?ÍL lesa, bntli parréis beïn(f frt'neetion thiity ri in " J nhip tiin-e, qouth üf range fpúreast,in itto Mifhi"an. ,. CJIARLE3 M1LLEB, KfD Dltied, ApHl lOthj 188S. ÏOW Estáte of Catharine Pykett. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CorxrT or Wsinl''?. Xoticc s hertliy ivPn that by n orJei ' , Probate Court for the Couoty of Wmlitena, " (M ínudtí, fiix munt lis are allowad ft'om tbia , ,of creditiirs to inisüiit tluir claimji ngainit lltef CaUiarine Pykett, lato of said Countj, 'l'M"rViw that all cri-ititiiin of said decensed art "?"'t Mi preseut theii claim to the l'robate Court Jr County , at the Probate Office in the Citv of D ,),, hur, at any of the esiions thereof , on or W 0, twi'nty-Becond day of August ni-xl , for eSro' and allowance. Datcd. Aun Arlmr.Fpb. 2Sd, 1865. , .,,, wlOO-1 HIKA.M J. BK-ilvICS.JuniiOoflro J_ ,: lyüTICE Í TAKEN UPbj the ubsenber a'ont tl"1 ]t, April, 18-.5, a Muall s1e .lark hay H0IWK, '"""„rt foï'l 'i wh:ti' in f.relu-iiil ,abimt L" iftJ The owner is M4esUd to pró ]ro" rtJ' charges, and t:.l.e liimawij, fO88f" Siil-m,Slicli., April Mh.lSSB.


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Michigan Argus