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The News Of Lee's Surrender

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Last Monday was a gala day in our city. - Ihe cpúck tajiping' oí the Cuurt Huusp bej ,t about the hour of 8'.í o'clock, A. M.. gave jiiiimation to our uitizeus that jiad been received, and in ten minutes tlie Court room was Íille4 wili a cager, exMCtsbt throng. The dispalches from llie (Var Department were read, announcins; tlie jurreii'ler of Gen Lek aml Lis Aiiny, when l]19 cheers fof Geant, amj Siki;ihak, and tlie )!'e boys in blue, and victory, iiearly took (ff the roof of the building. The Comt jloom was eniptjed nearly as soon as it was jilleJ, s')d out doors all was entlrasiasm and (ff. Mayor Mavsaud nnnicdiately issued the ollowing prnclamation: Maïüe's Ofkioe, Ann Arbob ) April lOtli, 1865. ' 5 Jn Iimior of the glorióos rictory achieved by Uie uoble Army of ilifi Union nnder Lieut. (jon ürant, resulting in the surrrender of (Jen. Rebert E. Lee and bis en tire Army, it is kreby recominended that all places of business in this city be closed lor tliis ilay and eveninjí, and that the citizens join in an apnropriate oelebration of the event. William S, JTayxard, Mayor. The procSamition was cheerfully responded to by all classes, and men, and women, and cliildren, gave themselves up to the work of fongratulation. ïhe Fire Companies turned out with thcir entines in the afternooa, and headed by (Jwinner's and a. liartial Band, paraded the principal streets, and then tried (li,eir " machines " at the corner of Main aud Hurón Stfeet. The best of feeling jirevailed, It is true occasionally we heard something about "Copperbeads," ■'Chicago platform," nuce, ttc, c, oui as tne victory ot uen. Gra.nt, over wliicli all were rejoicing, liad byn procured on the conditions which tlie lemucrats have ever nrged the powers tliat be to offer, aud savoied rather of peace and reunión tlian extermination, these ill-timed sneers were treated as the idle wind, and the radicáis and conservativea got through the day without serious differences. Ia the evening a large and enthusiastic meeting convencd at the M. E. Church, and a lort of genera] class mts (ing was held, Judge Laweenck [Jiesiding and offioiating as leader. The moetiny was atldressed by President Haves, Kev. B F. Cocker, Judge Cooley, U. E. Fraz';r, Escj , and üev. Geo. Taylob. Tlie exercises were enlivened with patrioüc uiiuio hy tlie choir, led by Mr. A. Wilsey, ind at tieir conclusión the audience dispersed to tlieir homes in good humor wilh "all the jrorlil and the rest of mankind." The boys liad thcir boufire as usual, and a umber of dwoUingi were beautii'ully illumipatetl. Atthe Univer.-ity tho nW8 s received in IkmornÍDg witli unbonnded npplause ; remarks were made by President Have and leveral Professors; the Stars aud Stripes were run up ; the " Star Spangled Bauner," "Rally Ronnd the Flag, Boys," and other atriotie songs sung, and a general holiday taken. Tüe Public Scboola wcra (jismissed tot the flermion, and " Young America " entered )ierti!y int o tlie festivities of the day. L3T Tlio Fcbruiiry nuinber of the firti Brilith. Review has the foHowing papers ; The liise ar.d Progress of tlie Scottish Tourjits, Epigram, Spain, Tests in the English Universities, Tpiography of the Chain of Ml. pimío, Essays in Criticism, The Hojy Roman Empire, John Leech. (4 a year ; with the illiir three Reviews and l)lackut(jd, $15. Ad,ress L. Scott & Co., 38 Walker Street, New ïork. SS" Bishop McCosKitr will adnjinsterconfirmation in St. Andrew's ljiscopal ihureb, next Friday evoning at 7 o'clock. -The Pews iu St. Andrew's Churcli will Ie rentedon Mouday next, 17th inst., at 1 eclock, P. M. C3C The prices of produce in our Wfre too unjsettled ,for quotation. Detroit pricps yesterday, were, Wiikat, $1.30@1.0U ; Cok, 85@87c,; Oats, 56@58c; Potatoes. B@70, Peachblows; Butter- prime roll, fyi Egos, 21c ; Beaxs, 1.36@1.50. , " We heurd a part of jpsjs Billimgb' lectareon Mondny evcning, and sich a leeture li(l some good hits, but then we don't think Josh lias been specially "ordained" as 1 keturer. His witticisms are better taken IQ homeopathie doses. C3" C. H. MrLLEN has opened hia M stock, bouglit since gold dropped. See i dvertisement and rcjojce thereat. I Dr. R. J. Lyoxs will be at the ïonitor House on Thursday See hie Jtd. Important to O il Diggers. - Mr. S. W of the Metropolitan Hotel, advertises wother column a lrilling Machinp and Bd Pump, which is said to be puperior to "iy instrument now in use for gink-pg oil 'fl!s. Everything necessary to tlie process, J?cepting of course tlie steam engine and 'nying pipe, is comprised in tbis machine, ", has been tested practically in the oil "pons of Pennsylvania, and Jbupd to be a Weet success. lts many advantaes are 'Mcmctly and clearly stated in the adyertise51: to which we refer our readers.- New 'T Doening Post. The advertisement above referred to can be d in another column.


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