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ÏCHIGIW CENTRAL RAILROAD, Passenger traiiis now leave Detroit n.nd tho several statipns p tliis County as follows: aOIHG WEST. Muil Iny Dei tot Kvon. Niirlit Train Kx. Ace. Ex. I-'.. Detroit, Í 15 Í.M10.30A.M 4-35 P.J1 5.25 l'.M ll.UUi-.M Ypsimnti, 8.40 " ll.ft.i ' 6.12 " 0.50 " ]2.65i.V Ann Arbor, B.OS " 12.15 P'H 6 3S " 7.10 " 1.0Q " Daxtsr, 9.3S " Vl.-io " 7 00" ".3JS ' Dbelspa, ü.55 " 12.50 T.SO " - - OOIXO KAST. Kveu. Dextwr Niglit Daj Mail ÜX. Ace. Ex. Ex. Train. Otaelxes, . T.öS f.m 6 00 i-.m Ilext.r, ü.OS.v.-u 7..M " 8.44 " 5.S0 " Ann Arlinr, -l.-.ï a.m (i.:lö " 8-20 " 4 115 ' S.SO ' Y,:.l:mti, 4 su ' 70) ' 8.40 " 4.ÍS " Q.ï ■ Hetroit, ('i. 10 " i.5 " 10.00 " 5.45 " 7.45 " The Mail ïrain runs to and from MarRhall. AÏWOOD'S DRILLING MACHINE, PIiJE DRIVEH, EYDïtAULTC SAND PUMP. PRACTICAL TESTd ha ving U-Aly demon it ra ted t&e supermrity of thli machine over all others for purpose, of Bloklng Oí 1 Wells, the un Icrsinud ii now prepare! to receive orders for tbesame. Tbis niacliinery coinprises evrrything requisite for the boring of oil welk, excepting the STEAM KXGIXK AND CAST IRON DRIVING PIPE, (but will be furaIihed, if desiretl, at a reaonnble price, umi dispensa with tlie use of the Derrick Rope, Buil wbeel and ether aam broa 6 sim expenslve tixtures now in uso, and is Ho iirraneü, being tonstructed ot} wheelsand 1 QrtablH, that itcnbe ea-'ily removed íor the purpose of einkiag wella in different localities. THlí DETRITOS s removed from the wel] by our ï'atent Hydranlic process, and does not require the removal of the drill from the boring. This procesa not only remores all the detritus in from 5 to 10 minutes, but likewtse effectually clears out aifd ope&fl all he smalloil veins thuc uw so often entirely closed up ■y t li e old prooesa of santl pnmping. WITH TIJ1.S MACHINE anda practical eugineer, a wfllcan be sunfcjfrottï 400 W 600 feet within a period tffrsm 15 to 80 dya af ter -the soil pipe has been driven. ArrangemoaUare being made for the Omtmctlon and delivery of these uiaoliioee at Xow Vork , Norwich, fcwbnxg, N Y.,;ii]-1 ï'ittsburgjPoun. For rurther ïnformalfoa, price, terms, kc, ad(irss, SIMEÓN LELAND, MïTBOPOLITAK HomCL, SnilGOé New Yurk. ITCM. 1 WHBATOX 'S I 1TCH. Snit Bhciail. OIMTMEKT. Snit ttlK'Um. Wil] care the ltch iu is hoars- siso nm f=nit theum , l'lcers, Cbilblains, ainl all Erujition of tlie Skin. Price 50 cents ; by scnding 50 cents to Weeks r Putter, lioston, Mas.,will be forwarded (ree by mail. Kor sale hy ;1!1 drugists. KBSDSftlCK SrG.VRXa, Detroit, 3:ntail AK'cnt for Michigan. PROF. R. J. LY0N8' Pdtlenta and all other iterresti.l willnloasetake notice that he will contin e lii.s i t.s at the .Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during S64an.l 'C3 and at the expiratiün of which he willdisontinuc iiis visits and open an Inflrmary at Cleveland, Hbo, for ttie Ireatment ot I.ung and Chest diseases. AVÍIISKEUS ! VH ISMEIÍS : Do jou wiint WhiakHTBor Kous taches f Uur (irecian 'ompouBd will force tlicm 10 crow on tin smootlie-st kceorchia, or ha,fo on buld heads, InSix Weeks.- rire, il 00. Sent by mail anywhere, closely Kealed, n receipt of price. Addrea, WARNER ft CO., Box i-, BroukljB, X. Y. Xy999. OHEROKEE REMEDY ANU INJECÏION Tuf, T.nimax Kkmkdy. - The ctlebrated ludían medíincy, Lnowii as Cherokee Compouods, wül be fuuud aiivertifea ín our bolams, Tbeyivre varioua in Kind imt all have theïr cure of urïuary derangement far th'-ir object. The f lidian llrmedyU that one of the tm-iiiciiies which, under the Dame ofCnaRoKSB Iíkm i:dv, has beceme so well fcnowa asa certai-i cure Fluor Albus, or White.- In fènnlw, aDd tlie beat spectBo in Gronorrhoea .iid (Meet. lt is ahvays taken iu conjuno tion witli the use of theCnxROEBB ENncneif, and so taken oever lailsof achievizig a thorough cure either of Gonarrhoea, Gleet or Kluor Albus. In compositiim tis:i pure vegetable By rap, not unplcupant to tafce and ís whoilv free froto mineral drugs, ond pne of tliP bes i remedios for which it is recommended. SpM by uil druggïstfl. GrOOD TREE IS KNOWN 3 J_ IT8FRÜIT. So ía a good L'hvMcianby hisSucce.spful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEURKATAHD CKLKBRA'J'KI PHYSIUUÑOF Tür TilROAÏ, LUNGS 4ND CHEST, Kbowh a!l over the couatrj a-j tiie Olebrated INDIÁN H E R B DOCT.OJJ! Frum tfouth Ani erica, wfll be at hls roynifi, RUSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19ih inst.,on the same dale .of and ever? subsequeui mouth during 18f2 and 18to A XE AT PAM PULKT Of the life,study and extensive travels of Dr. Lyong cutí be procured b all whodesireone, freo of chartt. Dr. L will viait Ann Arbor, Ja-cküon.and Adrían, Mth.,íiHfolows : Ann Arbor, Monitor Houne,2pth. Jaokson.HIbbard llousp,21st Adrián, Brackett Heuse, Sííd and 23d. Modk oï Kxamisation. - The ijoctor di5cerjis fliseanes bytheeyes. He, thorefore,asks no questiona nor req lirespaHenta tn nxplain symptoms. AiTlieted, corac ;i nl have yonraymptopia anUthe iocation of your dis;ivn cxLiIained fre of charge Coiüiaiesi.oners' Notice. STAT E OF MICHIGAN, PomatT of Wasbtenaw as.- Tli e anderslgned haripg bcèn appomted by the Prubatp Cnurt for swi.l Gounty. Coniifiíssioners to receïve, examino nnd adjust aH clairnPand demands of all persona agaiiKt the esinfo of Eli Riggs, late of Ihe township of Saline, ir; said County, deceused, Iicrebj gïve notice that nix iiTnths frojn date are alïowed, ly order of waid Probate Court, for creditorn to jirenent their claims agaiiwf tïie etato of said drccasuii . nnd that thev uill mi et at Lhe Inte dweUing house of taid deeettRedtlo the township of Paline,in said Ccunty , on Baturday, the twentj fourthday of June , add Monday, the tivonty-fifth day of September next, al one o'olock, P.M., of each of (tald days, to receive, examine and adjnst said claims . Batea, March í!5th, 18(55. ALFREI) D. PAR30N9, JOHN FORBES, 3OO4td Commissioners, ARE YOU INSURED? IF NOT, CALL ON O. H. IYIILLEN, Agent for tlie following fii-dt class Companies : Home Insurance of New York, CasL Oapital over $3,500,000. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO. OP NEW YORK. Capital over $1,500,000. In tliis Company lhe Influred particípate íu the profits. OIT"5T PIRE I3ST., CO-, OF IIARTFOBD. Capital oyer Three Ilundred Thoueand Dollars. O. H. MILLEN, SBfltf Maimtreet, Ann Arbor. pEMOVAL! 1ST. E. OOLE, has removed his STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, tothe stpre of A. P. Mïlïs k Co., on Main Street, vhere hc will be glad to wait on hls oíd custoraers and the public genera llv . GIVB IHJI A CAIili ! WANTD-Married JLadies, Prdf Vou Vejae'f Diamond Drops, a never (aillng anU hainili'ss rt'iiu'ly ioi ajl obetructionif and irrecu" laritius. All marriod ladié'a v.-il 1 linj tliis a never fHng preventivu, for which JtiM warrantedin every mstance, and are invit.ed lo send a red ptamp for a circu Iar,or$2.t25 for a bottle, to i'HKDKRlrK BTEABNS whojwale droggtot, iteoeral agentfor Michigan for (hè Diamond Drops, 1'. O. Dravw U5, Detroit. Dealers euppliod at proprietor'e prices . 996ni6


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Michigan Argus