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Chauoery Notice. STATE 0 ■ cuit Coart for the Co nut y of Waahtenaw, in Chai cry, ' ■'" .-.u.i Oemri beid ut ihe Court I . ;i a A. boj-, on rucada }', the tweut r-flm ■ ...rch, A. D. I ■ t, Í Ion, tëd 'in ÍmUyicocc j Circuit Judge. In t';e ■ Odcar 0. Spaff&d, Cumpliiïnant, 1 vs. Mnriu Stiilson, Elizabth Spafford, ! r, Tï ;; ,. Caroline B. Spafi'ord, DarM i m, and David Stilïson, Ueindants. J It sntUfaetorly n ppetting to tbis Court by the affida-i vitof Osnar C. Spaffbiíd, iíU.d in this causo, tlic.t tho Defendant Edward 8g of Micliigatij and í.s i, i be State of Califorui;i, ii.ud tint be caimót be ftífnd in thiaStale: On mutionof Mr, Beakep, Sonöttbr f or the Coniplahiant, ii i ! ordei ed by the Uourt, now h Te, tiiat fehe safd Edword Spaftbrd, and uil other parfies intereated in the Landd and pxeimt-oü oí which partiüon is sought by the Büj ■ i Lint, by the si ■ of May nevt, ir tli at sucli BUI be taken asconfössed byinm )ind .hem, Phich s.ti J lamín andpn ■ . scribed is followfj : Situated in the City oí' Ann Arbor, in thfl Cuuiit.v of WasbteDitw, aloresaid, tu-wii : Wl; nuraber fiftecnj and the eavterly tlireë ro3ï ia width off lot bnnibSr fwurteen, íti blocfa two, in Ormsby and r';i:;e's aihlition to the VIHagB uf Aun Arbor aecording to the recordad pïs-1 tttetuof, tfhe w et ïïrie of tha aböVe üiciitiniicd part of lof; tourleon bcir.g t'ii'co rods fxom and paralel w'rtí üi ■ e tt lh ■ of And il ia fm-tlier Orderea, tfíát witbin ten days from lliis date, tin; said Cempláinant cautie this Order to be publiahei in the Michigan Arguê, a nowsjMtpe printe.l and circulating in Raid (Jounty of Washteaaw, and thafsücb pnMiíMÍi m be coattnueü rn Batd newspaper, once in bacli w ivelyj for fou? week.siuin the tirae of such ftrst pubttcatúln til (A truc. OMpy.) E LAWRENCEj Circuit tudge. W. Roqt, r']uty Ri gister. 1001 . Mürtgag& Salo, Defaèlt baving boen marie in tlie cónaïïions of a mortgage made by Ifenry C. Fisk and wife, to John , .e, dated Octolwf La, Ï89, raated April 6j . ■■:■-.■■■■■ tnty oí Waslitenaw, Micbil gan, in Eïber 2fi tif inortgagefl, on page 61-J-, upod whfcb theje fSclanMd due at tbis date, the sum ui' even iñndred and twoiiTy-st-ven and lifty oBehuudredtas dollars, and the. iurther sum of five liüfldrea dollars and interest thereun from the first day of Oc ' tober, 1364, hereafter to become du, fo;1 tlie recovery of wliïch no i i'o. :oe hare hitherto been taken either in la,w or .,niiv: 'fhcrefore, notieuis hereby ';at by irtue o ' a ijov.t in aaid toortga ■ ■ ■ guj-püae o'' realiz'nfi; the unney aforeher wíth áccruing intÊrest üud co.sts of . ire provfdedtör in said m , raortgagee, shall, on the th'rtieili day oí June, ! .-, .i t ■ i elo k ui tho Vore :olm,'. at Mie in the City ol' Ann Arfcoi'. ip said nn.f ofWa litehaw, (tho place of holding i cuit Court for said Coucty) aell at public v.:ndiu-. 1 he prenisea describe in said moitgage, to wit: AU tlio.-e paradis of laiul sitaste la tho to .vnship of Manchester, Cöuniy of Washtenaw, Michigan ' known and dt-ncrib' ■■! art followi: ïheno t]x Ual( of the óorth half of thé north eastquarter of action DuÈaberihiy-thre,e f33) i ■ ) - outh n(' nuuiber tliree (3) east, contaioing forty acres of land be tjje sme inoro (t ■ less: A -, i p f ol tho Horth-ivest qmu'ter ofsëction number thirty-four (3-i) intowiiship nuraber four (-4) south of r three (■'■) east, boumlfil on the north by erie Yttltntfie, and on tlie Fouth by lanas formerly Bold and deeded by said John Davenport and conty.íDing tlihty -nüie acrts of land, be the .same more u. JOHN DAVENPORT, Jlortgagcc. K ü.Wood, AttoraeyforMortgagee. L, March 30, 1865IftÖ5-tcl Sheriffs leT" STATE OF Yli'lüAX, Cfli-wW ov Washtknaw. ss,- By victiif of i i-í of ;(U;iülnn ■ Circuit ümirvfoV "the Céuntj of Wá?htenáir, tb me directed and OéKvfreti, .:,.r;tin.-t fliu goods ap efiatt 1 ancj íor w; ■ . laiids au.! teaementa of i.ucius V. Muil, r, . . ,-v 97tb , 1865, I have leviod mmfi the folfowiog described riai estáte belonging t'o fia . ,, t : A certaiij piece or pare. I of land in the Citv of Ann A I aaW County of Wdfihtcna'.v, and State of Michigan, kv.jw a aiifl aoflepibod fie foïlows Begiaamg ai the een ter of section tweiity-onp, (ál,) to jJishps tWBOuth . tiienee söath on the fiftiaTfc fceetïön Iini iiye obamR and fourteen links to the uurth line of the Dixboro, thence north ftfcy-six degreea eastalon lúe Bftifiliae of said load three cbains and eighty links. thenee twrth-westerly to a point in the east and west quarter line tbirtytwo Unks east of the center of said section, thence we at fco tlie piacö cfbeginning, containing one acre of Land more or less. Also, a piece or paroel of land & said City desc ibedftfi followf,viï: - Beginmug on the north side of the D ixboro lïoad one ehain and sixty -fonr links eaetward from the soutlieaserly eotnei' of lot No. (20) twenty-eix inTraver's addition to the Village now City of Ann A?bni, thence north -thirty-.six degrees west parallel to the northeastly lineof said lot number twenty-eis to Mili Street, about two chaina and ninety nine links to the quarier line running norlh and snuth tnrougfi nsid seetion twenty-one in ; [ onsauT quarter liaie four chaiüs and fifty-six Unki, to said DixboriRoad, thence söutb fifij-fqur degrèes wes't along Baid hiboroKoad fifíy íinfes to the place of bezinning, Cvtntainiag about fifty-fiveone bundredtbs of au acre of land, whichl hall exposé for sale at public aiiction or vond tie, at the front door of the Court Hous' . i City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tbö twenty secend day of April, A D. 13(55. at tvvolvo o'clock, (lïoon,) o F.iidday. Pnted at tho City of Ann Arbor, thi ítíiüay of MArch. 18G5. K'WTNEGfftH, SnérW, 999td WashteaaW Connty. Mortgage Sale. "TvEFAUI.T having been m.ide in the coudition of a U ceitaiu mortjrafvo, executed b.v Chriatian I and Barbara Breiscb his wife, of Ann Arbor, WübMonaw County, Biioliigan, to William S. Saunders, of the same ]iltcc, datedthe nineteenthday of November, in the yea-r one thousand eight hundred and sïxiy-oue, and récbrdèd on the ninth day of Daeember, A. I). 1861, in tlie office of ihe Rt::ster of Deede for the said County of Waphtenaw. in ihe Ptale of Michigan, In Líber 28 of Mottgages, on page 558 upon wliich ]Iortgage there is claiined to be due,at thedate of tLi-j no tice, the sum of hïnety-tTro dollars, and no suit or proceeding at law or ïu equity having been instituted to recover the same or&nj part tïiereof, and the power of g ijc in s üd Mprtgage contálned haring ihereby beCQiiie absolu,te. Noticb is therefore heieby given, tUat on Saturdayt tlie th.irtëenth day of M;iy next,at ten of the cle;ik in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auctíon to the highest bidder, at the South door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, (bein thft place where the Circuit Court fue said County ofWashtenaw ia held), the premises described in said mortgage, or ro much thereof as may be nesessary to satisfy the nmount duo on said jnortgagf, and interest, together with the coflts aild expenses allowed by law ; .said prem County oí Washtenaw, and de-icrïbed In said, mortgage as IoÜottb, to wït: All of lots No. twelve ond thïrteen in Wïii. S. SauuderTs addition to the City of Aun Arbor fc according to the recorder! plat thereof. Pated, Februnry 15. 1805. WILLIAM S. SAUNDERS , Morigagee. A., Attoruoy for Mortgagee. 996td Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countv of WashTWAW.SS.- In the matter of the estáte oí' Ssthdr Auu VanRiper, Eugenia Hogers and Chrisse Jane Rogerfi, minors: - Nuticc ís hereby given, that in pursuance óf an order gcanted to the undersigned, guardián of the estáte of said minors, by the lion. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtensw, on the twenty-serenth day of ft!ai'-h, A. P 1805, theiv ivill W, sold t Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the dweiling house on the pvemise8,on Saturday, the thirteenth day of May next, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, subject '.o all encunibrauces by mortgage or otherwise, the fol lowing deacribt'd real estáte, wit : Tht undivideO three-i'ourths jf the following described pareéis of land, VMf: The east half of the north east quarter, the east half of the nórih-west quarter of the northeast quarter, and the west half of the north -east quarter of the south eat qunrter of section scventeen, in townshin fhree south of range tive t'-ist, being in the Townshrp of I.odi, in the County of W:ishtcnav , and State of Michigan, and containing one hundred and twenty acres more or less. LUCINDA ROGERS, Guardian. Datad, Marfh 2Stb, 18C5. Tbere will also be Bold at the wme time and place the undivided one-fourth of the above descrited lands. belogmg to Augusta Rogers . 1002 Eea! Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washienaw, ss.- In the matter of íhe estáte of David N. Geddes, Charles A. Geddes and Hanry A. Geddes , of theCoun+y j of Waslitenaw in the State af Michigan, minors: Notice is hereby given, ihat in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned guardJaa of the estáte of gaid ininora by the Iinn. Judge of l'robate for the Couniy of WnshtciiHM', on the fourth day of April, A. D. 186'"), there will be sold at public vendue, to the highost bidder, :it I !,r dwt'lling hovsem the premisos, in the Connty ol' Vi'ashtrnaw, in said State, on Satunlaj the twcntïetli d;ty ol' May, A. Jf. 1JS65, at two o'clock in tlie iifternoon of saül day, (subject to all eucumb fauces by mortgage or otherwise existing it the time of the sale) the undivided half of the following' described real estáte, viz . The wesWlialf of the south east Quarter of section one, ín township three south of range fivo east, cmlainiug efghty acres more or lesa, in the town of ï.rvïi and ceny aforesaid'. REIiECCA GKDDE3, Guardian. Ilated April 4, 18A6. td Rifle F a c t o f y ! Bentler & Traver, IRuecessors to A. J.SoihferZanc] Manufaofcurers of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition. FlasJcs, Pouthes Game Bags, and Everjother article il that Line. All kinds üf REI1 -aL.I3FS.X3Xr Gr done at the shortest notice, and intiiebest mannor. a ful! assortmoJ íilways kepi onbftnd ir, ti uiadí ordra kin i ■ . phiñíioB 1 : etn. ■ . ' i ! 3$2 , .i i Estáte of Benjamin Slucurn. TATK OJ .'.X-CuuMty . iw- fl. ' J j t íi sos -iot. oí tlie : ■ 'ouaCy if VTasbteoaWjIiüIileaátthe Probate Office in i. ■ f Aun Arbor, (ju Tuur.sday, tUe 2 . ■ March, ■ : bad efghl liun ■ oirá. , Judge oí' Probata. ■ of flie KcUu of Benjamin Slocum, doeascd . Oti ruadÍMf; íind filiní the pet:tín. dni Drzillo H. biocuni, prnyíng that lio ftiftj ■ ; 0 lerea, Ttíat &foñd"oy,te'á4'tb. dájí if April next, .1! ". n ofcleok in the forehoon iigq?d lor the heajiJH oí" gaid petifcin, and íli&t he wi3ov aád héir's at law 0) saja ÏMeased,and alj nlicr persona úitecestud 'm &ajd estáte . are jtolittred Co ■ ' '■' said C mrt, ti ion obfíholdi 1 ■ ■■ mtlie City cf Auu -Vrbor, and èb íf any therc be, vi y lie prayer Of the pëfitionpr :-li.r..iM u,.t be gj fiírtiier ordéred, thai; saw 1 lotiseto tho persojw BlarastecTin said" estáte, of the lenceacy of politlón, ami thc Ua,rig tüerüof, by lausiüg a copy of thLs order tu be publishrd in the Michigan Argus, a aeftspaper priníod und circulatiug u said Cüimty tjj'ree euftpesaíye weekajjreYioaa to s&ja iay of Ín ; (A trac cipy.) IIIRA1I J, BEAKES, 1002 Judge of l'robate. Estáte of Georgo Ziefte; STVTEOF MICHIGAN, County bl Wíishteníiw. en. A t; iises.-non of the Probate Court for the Omnty oj Washtenaw, holden ai th.' i'rubiiteUiíice, Ín theüftv el Ann Arbor, on Sátarday, the twenty-flfth of Í--Uicli,in Lhf year üiitiliuuriaudeiyhthuu'drodand.siyu - íive. Present, Hit am J. ïïeake.s , Jutïge of Probate. la the matter oí the Eitale oí ■' On readinp and ffling thepotífion, dulj veríii I : Oi'O. A. Kali'ibacli, pr o Auai&otlkei' suita ■ ble person may b. appoinU-4 dmiuisfHttor of tLe estáte of aaid d( & There upoiiít i.s Orderert,ihatSaturday, the22ddayf April next, at ten o'ctock 11 the foienoon, be asáigiiiíd fortho !6ariBg ef said pijiition, uid tuat tli e hei ra at law of sa'id deceasea, and all other persons Lnterested in said estáte, are recniireá to appiïar at ttMnloe of saidCourt ,thon tobe holden at tbc Probate OiVice, ia the City of Aun Avbor , and show cause, if any there be, why theprayer of sliould not be granted: And it is furtiier ordered , that said petitioner bive üoticeto tlie líJi-.-ons inlcix-tod in said est;i!, (tl the pendèócy of said petition,andthe hearing 1 byoaysrmga cnpy of this Order to be publisbbd in the Michigan Argns, a neus pa per printer) and cirQty three successive wöi . vïous to said 3a}r oí bej (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 100 ' obate Estáte of William 0. Drake. STATE OV MK'IiltJAX - County of Waihtcnaw fis - Ata sessiqnof the Probate Court ior the Countj ót Waahtenfcw, holdeú at the Probate Oííiuo in tho city of Ann Arbor, on Fnday, thé' twentv fourth day of Mareh, in thej-uar ouü Lhou.sand eihthundreil and sixty ive. Present. Hïram 3, Béalte8,Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte oi William C. Drake, deceused. On reading and QHngthe iict;tion, duly verified, of i Samuel 1). Bird, prayiDg tbut a certaia Intstrumei on üle in this t'uui t. parptrtiog to be the last Win and Testament of tfaid iiecea.sed maj beadmUted to Probate, Theretipoñ it ís ■■ tal Mopday, the 24th day of Apfil nest, at ten ö'cloci: in the forenoon, be assigncii ini the hearing o i.' itiñ petitÍOO,ad that the de visees, legateer, and heirs at Iftw of ceased, and allol . ,. ■ .. interesledinsaide roquired to at a sossíol of saidCourt tlien to be u)lileii;U tlíe Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor , and s'uiw cause, if any there be, why tho of the pet tinm-r shoul l nol ' e pn atad ; And it is furtfaer or'í ["■ t'tíoner give aptíce tr the peïtions in■ n said ei-f .t ■, "1" the pendency of said petifcon, g thereof, by causing a copy nf thfe Oí - der to be publteíied in tfee Michigan Argús.-A aenn prin'd anii eiiculatmg in Kaid Cuuuty tlireo BUiejHive weeks previous to said day of bearinc . (A LL-aec(.pv-) :AM $ BËAKES, I1 03 Judgeot Probate. Estáte of Frederïck Losch. STATEOF3IICHIGAN, Coi mv of WashtívawssÍ Atafléssion oí Üe Probáli t'oai tfor Che Counfy f Washtenaw, holden at the Probate üfiice in the i'ity uf Ann Arbor, o , fourth day of April, in the year ouq thousand eight huudred aud sixtyüve. .■ , Ilii:.1.;! J. Bfukks, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Mótate oí' Frederick Lo.-jIi, d-ceaaed. On reaáing and iiling the fetüion. duly veriflfid,ofj WilUain Kuim, praying tliat he m;ty be appointed' Administrator of the estáte of said dec'earrf'd. Thereupon it id Ordeied, That Moiiday, the first day of May next, nt ten o'clock in the frern'-n. ta I 'for the hearing of said netitian, and tliat tho heirN ai law of said tece&sed, and all oiher interested in Sfiid eslate, are iei. I appear at n seeaionof aaid( our-t'j then tö be h the Proto tte Office, m tlte Ojï$ olAun Atbor, ai cause, il íiTí} there be, wliy . a the petitioner ahould be gianted: And it is furiher ordJVed, tíce t,o the persons intereBted in said e.state} of tlie pernTeitcy ojf said peUtion, and the hearing thereof. by can i of iliis Order to be pubüshfd ie tlie Michigan Argus a nowöpapcr printed and cirpulating in said tounfy thn weefes,pT6vi6)tis to :-.:'i ■ '"ingtrue cofj ] iliüAM J. BEAKÉS, Judgfc Of i'l. Real Estáte for S STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cor.vTy o , . In the matter of the estáte oi Sylvia Luvvry, (now Sylvia 8t. JoIid.) Mary E Lowry, Mark A. Lowry and Marthft E. Lowry, minors : Notfee is btfreby given, that in pursunca of an ordf.r granted to the Ignedjffuardiai -■ te oí said minors. by the JTön. Tudge of Probate for tbo coutity of Vv'aelit('nav,on the twenty-sventb day f t-ordpi A.H.1Í65, there will btí sora at Public VendHe,to the higheat bidder, at the south door of theCourt House, in the city oí Anu Arbor, in the eoïinty oi VVasbienaw,in aaid State, on Tueeiay, the eighteenth day of April aext, at one o'clock in the al'ternoonof said day, subject to all encunibrances by raortgage or otherwise, the foilowing decribed real estáte, to wit : The north west quarter of aection fourteen., and the south east qïiartcr of section fourtecn.and the north-east quartt'i'-of the fouth-west quarterof sectiou fourteen, in township fcur sooth and ranee four east, beinp; in tho township of Bridge wat er, in The county of Washtentlw-, oontaiDing throo hundred and sixty acres of land, subject to the right of dower of Clarissa Lowry, as widow of James Lowry, deceased. CLAIÏïSSA LCWJIY, Guardian. Dated,February S8thyl8flfi. 008td Real Estáte for Saíe!" STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw, ss.- In the matter oE the Ksiate of William B. Kigge and Matilda Jane'Riggsof the Cuuuty of Wanhienaw in the State oí Michigan, tninor.s: Nutice in liei-eby given, that in pursuance of an order grantod to the underRigned guardián of the estáte of said minors, by the Hon. Judge o'. Probate for the County ol Washtenaw, on the fourth day of April, A. I). 18G5, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the d'.s-olliiifí liouse ontbe ürst described parcel of land in the County of Washtenaw, Ín said State, on Saturday the twentiejh. day of May, A. D 1805, at two o'ciock in the afternoon of that day, (subject to all ene um hraaoes by mortgage or otherwiBe existing at the tima of sale) the uudivided two-ninths of the followin described real estáte, to wit : Tha east half of the north west quarter of section tweuty ,in township four south of range fiveeast, containing eighty acre-s more qr Jesti ; and a parce! conimcncíng "wbere tho Case Road ang-ea west, at the grave yard, on said section twenty, running thence wewtand north along the line ef saidroad to . thi Chicago road, tluMictínorth-east aloJtg the line of the Chicago road. aboat fifty roda to the north - west crfrnér oí the iirstabove described eighty acres of land, thence soutlerly along the line of said eighty acres to the place of beginning, containing aboutten aerea oí land mure or lesa, and also the interest of said miuors in a parcel commeucing seventeen and a half rods north of where the Cast' roul mtersect.s the Chicago road in said section tweuty, and in the centre ot said Chicago road, running thenee north twentyeight anda half degroes west o' the Doll ditch, thence north and wast the above named number of dogrees, and along the centro Jine of s;nd ditch to a stake in said diteh,on the west half of the south west quarter of section seventeen, and oae Inmdreil roda audsix-tentbs of a rod from tho centre of eaid Chicago road, running thence north twenty one degrees east to a stake ín tho centre line of said sectiou seventeen, which stake four rods east of the quarter fttake on the west .si'le of said section seveuteen, thence wowt to the north-west corner of the east half of the southeast quarter of setóion eighteen, same town and range, tlience suuth alng the west side of above described eighty acres, to the southime, thence east albn Kouth line to tlie aection corner, thence south along the west line of the west half of the north-wcst qoarter of section twenty, to the Chicago road, tbenoe noith-easU'i'ly along the center of said road,to tluplace of ,'begiuning, containing one huudred ttndthirtyKixacren of lüii'i mnro l.'js. in tlie township of íaline, Washtenaw County aud cítate of Michigan. MAKY KIGGS, Guardian. Dated April 4th, A. D. 1ÖÜ0, td-1003 Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cocnty qv Wasiitenaw, ss.- O The andersigned haVing been appointedby the Probate Court for said Couuty, Cotnmfesionerfl to reëel ve. examine, and adjnst all claims nr.d demanda oj all persons again-sl the estáte of John AV. Surdam, late üf the Township of Manchester, in said county, deceased, hereby giv notice ibal sia monthfi from date aro allowed,"by order of sa1d Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said ■ ■[, and ihat fcfeey will meet at thelate reaidence of said deceased In tho Townsbip of Mam';i.' said County of Washtenaw, on Sfiturday, "the '24 th day oí Jane, and Wednesday, the 27th day of September, next, ut on! o'c in Uie afternoon, of each of said days, to r.-vcive, tiamine, and aujustsaid claims. Dated, llareh 27th,18G5. 4.1002 SON goOD?AR. } Commissioners. Commissioners1 Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss.- The uutlersigned harinL been appomtod by tlu; Probate Coart for said ('■ aii;y. CoipmiÈeionerB to receire, examine and adjusi all olaimsand demanda oí all persons against the estáte of Jacob Toggenburgor, late of the City of Ann Arbor, in said County deceascd, hereu ■■-, , ■("■ Tintifothat six ranths from dnto, are allowed, by order of said l'robate Court, for creditors to present fheir dTaiins agairiSt the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at thestoro of Mack $ Sfehmw, in said city', in said ctunty, on Saturday the seventeenth day of June öet.and duesday , tlie thirteenth day of September noxt, at one o'ctock, P.M., of each of sa;'l days to fêcei e, examine and adjust iaid c taims . Patiö.Maveh Uth, 180. 1001 CHRISTIAN HACK. PPEPEKTfK SCftMTD. í '.'■DToissioneie Estáte oí IJ orinan chlack U' MIGAN, Co, .vv„; ■.,.„„' ki Ai aseasionof thol'rabateCourtfor ),?"- Wuhleuaw holden at th Probate Offieé .■,"n"';{l' o Aun ArW, Miliar.,!::,., tlu thirtfe'th J tóe .r--on, tb.ueandc-yhtuí!; Pr ,.: QMAjrJ-. Beatos, Judge of Tra6ftí In the matter of the Estáte oí HermS s i. Onrtadjsg and lilinS tho potitiou, dulv ,„ , lying thal AbïUiI?bÏÏ 0í .'mlni-trutor of tfö S IIutH ':■■;. .-...!■,;, lu.aircadyfiu.T.iuistered ' "'"W Thereupo it ti, that Mondav ti day of Muy next, at ton o'clock m the ' fl c BtIt be aasigngd tor th heráKr u i , '""■.i, other ptnlterested m sai! oUtc, ííXintL ,'" ?ob:U n Arbor ,-„.,1 .. ,,' tl1" there bu, wjiy the prayer of th „ -?0' notbegrJntSl .: And it is lurth "ordlS" 8aid pe itonergiventtrceto the ierson-mim.. i ■' ' ate o.fthe penden of saiü petition iiS1 ereof, by cnusing a copy' of 0:1 örStt . ioulating in said County, threú alícc F weeks previ us to BaM c ay of hearing iuctt iijfcï"0 HIKAM J. BEAKJ8 Uot'' Judge of ftoiitfc Estáte of Jacob L. Marshall. OTATE OF MICHRJAN. C.isrv OF WASlrrtói - M ta aession of the l'robate Coturt íor theCount WashlenaiT Bolden at tü Probate Office o 1 Jm of Anu Arbor, on Thursday, the eixth day ofA„'f in t!ie year one thausand eight hundred and liuT:1 Prfient, HlRiM J. Kkakes, Judge of ['róbate Iu tlie watter of the Estáte of Jacob Hinkn íoceased. ' ' ""■,' On readingand Olí etition, dul' Yerifoj' t' Lee Hendricka-, praying ttota tjortain instrumratn'ii!í on He ii tille Cuurt, purporttng to bo tíe lastWiiS Tostamcat of said deeeised, may he aámittccl to p? hale. "'■ KiírenpoH t is Onlored, that Konday, the eiihi; day of May noxt, at ten o'clock in the foreoooí a aBsigue.l for the hearing of said petition, andthati ■ leñatees, derriseea, and heira at law of said decanj .í ail other persona interester] in said estáte, arereojí" to a]uearatasi5síon ofsaid Court, thentobeholto the Probate Office', iitüë City ol Ann Arbur.aaiii cause, if any there be, hy the prayer of tbépéfitS shouldnotbograLtcd.-Anaitisfnrtherordered tbE potitioner giye notice to the persons interestcd hu estáte, of thc ptndency of said petition, and ti hut ing thereof, by causing a copy of íhis ürder U k' published in the M :, a newspaperpnntó ndcicnla:i auity, thrcé successinreh previous to said day of hearing. [A truc #ƒ.] HIKAM ,T. j: 1000 JudKe uf Prob'ste. Estáte of John 8. Whitlark, STATE OF 5IICHIGAN,Coi-xty OF WAíjirmir. s, _ At a sessioii oí the l'robate Court fot thc Connj' of Washtenaw, lioldc-n at the Probate Otlicein QteCivr' of Aun Arbor, on Wtidnesüay, tile íjfth e' April, in the year one thousand eight liuudrtd m -■-i.v ty-(i ve. ■it, Hihjm J. B kakis, Judge of Prulwte. In the matter of the Estáte of John S. WhitM deoeased . Onreading; and filing petition, ']nlv verifiei i' John W Wbitlark, praying that Seldci' VY. : 'elsoo Kiundage, or somo other sttitable penm I máj ;be ppointed Administvatois uf the esUleotaii decea-sei!. .■on it is Ordered. that Momlay, tüe rr, tÜy of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenw . . for the hearing of said petititaj that tlie hcirs at la-w of said ileceaseö ui uil other períoba intereated in said estáte, are ft qtiireu toanpeaï at a sesttion of said '"..url, thYntok n at the l'robate Ollice, in the Citjf'. -f Ann Art,. ! and show causo, if any there be, ivhy the Jmyetfi peiition ot be grauted: And it is f urtWu : itïonérgive notice to the pi . tereibïd in aaid efctatejJ the pendency of said peök and the hearing thert'Ti bv causing i copy of tlïoï! dier ie le publüíheu tothe Michigan Argú] a r.HRji per priuted aud tcircuiáting in said Cyuuty, thw I successive v;ceks previous to .-..i.! da} of hearing (A trueeopyO U1P.AM 3. H TO"',d lu'ijci.fl'raball. Estáte of David Lapli ■ STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wartttnii, U-' A.ta sesaion of thc l'robate Cour' ■ Washtenaw. i ■:■' n :. ! Hièl'robere Oflicein'tiiiflfil1 Ann Arbor, on Wedneslay, liftli ,iay of irf! in thej etghthundre'l a-misiitj-lW.' l'roseut. lii:am.I. Bepkes, JudgeofPri r oí tho Estáte of .,..!:, ',; and '.'.ni in.'tition, ijtile rniSsl,! Waltcr I). Corsou, Executu of the last willaniilstiment o? said deceased, prayinfr tl at iit ms; ed to seü cL'roainreal estitt; wheeo'sajddeceiKi ei zea. Th.n''ion ti if Ordered, that Monday. fhelftitj. secotid day of May aei t . at ten o'clock in the foruiMS, be aasigned for thehearing of legatees devisees andheirsat law of said ilecean4.ii! al! other persons inierested in saidest.iie.arereqnïrHK : appear at a session 01 aaid Court, thento beïoMat the Probate Office, iu the City of Adü lik, and show cause, if ny theje be, ntf rajer of the petitioner should ncii be graittil ' ís further ordered, that said petitiocér pil nytice t; the persons iuterosted iu &aid eeüt!, of tho puin .,.■;. of said petition and ttiejbeaiac of this Orilir ta - puiIisiii ■''■ in the tfíi-.hi:an Argus, a neirspper)iiiW and cfrculating in said Coullty lour sunniil weeks previous toyaid day of hearing ! rué copy) 1IIEAJI J. BEJKKS, IwatS Judge of Piohlt Estáte oí' Patrick McNamara. OTATi: o;7 .CorsTY of wjshtimj(u-. O At a session of ii- 1'robateCourtfor theCoaptjrf Wasbtenaw,! Probate Office, in tkedtj of Ann Arbor, on Tiiors.lay, the sixth da; ef Ajlil in the year one thousand eight kundred 'iti sixty-tive. Present. Hiram J. Bbkks. Judge of PrnMte. In the matter of the Estáte of l'airicklfc.NMir deceased. . On readinj; atid Gling the petition, dn) veriiifrd,or Michacl Keelen' prsyicg that the Aiminfstntot 01 said estele may be autharked and dirert W ton I to htm certainrcal otate, whereof thesaii 4eca"F d:el sei.ed. Thereupon it is Orttered, that Monday, the tf secord day of May next, at ten o'clock in theforenwl, be asi-igned for the hearing of said petition, aldlW the heirs at law of said deceased and ali othei intejcsteil i ii s;i i i estáte, are requiml to api sestion pf said Court, then to le hoWeu o i the IW" Oilice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show CUJ any thero bo, 'why the prayer of the piiiö Bhonld not be granted: And it is ftirther dered, that said petitioner give notice to tlieperi interefitet! in said estáte, of the pendeney of ; tion, andhe hearing thereof, bv cau.-inga copyoflö Order toWpubhMied in the Michigan Argus.l-" paper priuted and circtilatiog in said County, cesaife weeks previous to said day oí hí-arinR. (Atruecopy.) H1RAM J. 3E.VKES, 1003td Judfe'e of Proba! Estáte of Jacob Toggcuburger. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cor.VTY OF W.íshírsíW,.At a session of the l'robate Court for tltsConH of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlce in tin ï, of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the sixteenth d( March, in the year one thousand eigh t lnmdirf' Bixty-tive. Present, Hixam J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In fhe mattei of the Estáte of Jacob TuggenbMiHi decent-ed. On reading and fiJing the petition, dit ly venwe.1: Katharina Toggenburger Adniinistraírix wiíhtbí"1" aunexed of said estáte, praying that she ma0f'''j sed to sell eertain real estáte of which saidueW0 dred,seiaed. , Tlroreupon it is Ordored, that Thursilay, ttel'W seventh day of April next, at 10 o'clock ni tbeforen fceassigned for the hearing of aaid petition, mi14 tlie heirs at law of aaiddeceaaed, and all otberpwc interestod in sai I estáte, are required to PPwr... session of said Court, then to be holdeu at the Fro- Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and shoffe any there be, v] ythn prayer of theptitioner6B !. ■not be granted: Aud it is further ordered, tb" ■ petitioner give notice t:) the persons interestwios estáte, of the pendeney of said petition, and tb ' ing thoroof, hy causing a copy cf this 0ri" L published in the Michigan Argus, a nevaperFn, . and circulating in said County of WasHeM.1"" , successive weeks previous to said day of ue&Dï' (Atrueoopy.) HIRAM J. BEAK&ï 10001 - JudgeofJW, Estáte of Horace Osborne. STATE OF MICHIGAN'. Ommrr of w.íiiTiW'f j At a session of the Probate Court for the Co"1!' litenaw, holden at the Probate Office "'"j of Aun Arbor, on Monday, the tweutieth ii&yof . „ in the year one thousand eight hundred mo Bi '-■. Present, Hieam J. Bkakes , Judge of ProbateIn the matter of the Estáis of Horace 0 deeeased. ■ ., ft' On reading and filing the petitiou, duly Ter"' J mes Osborne, praying that he or some vV. person njaybe appointed aduiinistrator of tfce of said deceased. . .„-ft Thereupon t is Ordered, that Tnosday, the eigt( day of April next, at ten o'clock iu the foreW"! , assigned for the hearing of saiJ i'ctitu) j(, that the widnw and hcirs at lar of Jlt ceased, and all other persons interested (in tate, are required to appear at a séísion of s1 , (i theu to .l.knat the l'robate OlHce, int!"ï,lii Ann show cause, il' any there be.TO. prayer of the potitioner should Lol „ And it is further ordered, that said petitio" notice tO tTifi p"efcons persons interested in sa' of the pemli ■ otiiiou, and thc lie1'!Jftwi f, by causing a copy of this Order to be P"? Íjren the Michigan AlifïU, a newspaper printetlan11 ' .tt ting in said County of Washtenaw, tliree "' weekt, previous to said day of hearing. . LA trae copy.] HIRAM J. BEAK& lOOHd JudgeoHW. (Jommissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washfena' ■ L Thc undersigni-d haviag lie-n appointed y ' !irl, bate Court for saidCounty, Commissionersi f. examine and adjust all claims and demandsj lkl sons against the estáte of Isaac Lovejoy, '" .(I( City of Aun Arl.or, in said County deceoeea, . glve notice that six months frora date, are a"" elMi order of eaid l'robate Court, for creih lo.-s u f f) their claims against tho estáte of said lk'cS St, ■ that they wtll meet at thc office of ■To'1"f, Udsj1 said city, in said countv, onSaturday the t11 , ht June, on Saturdny the 5th day of Au)cut, fjVji.lli day the seventh day ofOctober next at teno c"Jajjuil ofcachof saiddays, to rcceive, oxamme said claims. r,-,kvi.niMei;5, „-xia-nofff ■:.if[NN.;0T;,,,,


Old News
Michigan Argus