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"= C. H. MILL E N. DEALER in Dry Qondn, Groceries, Crockery , &c. &c. Min Street, Aun Albor. PHILIP HACH. OEALKU In Dry Ook1, (ïrocerien , Bootn & Shoes, Jtc., Miiíd st., Ann Arbor. RISDON & IIËNDERdON. DEALERS ih 'Uir.iwnre, Stnves, houno furniahing joodi, Tin Ware. kc , &c , New Block, Mainst. 8. G. TAYLOR, DEALER io Hat, Clips, Furs, Robes, Gente' Furnishia( Uoodü, etc. East sidc Sl.iiu Street, Aou Arbor, Micbian. A. J. SÜTHEKLAND, ÜF.ST Eor tho KÉew York Life Insurance Company, A. Oifieeoa Huroa Mbo hasou hand a stock í Lhe inJitapprove I sewing machines. 885tf ; GEORGE FISOHEii. MEAT MA11KEÏ- Hurou Street -(enerai deler In Freh nd Salt Meata, Beef, Muttou, l'urk, Ham, fultrj, Ijird, Tallow, fcc-, ic. LEVVITÏ & BREAKEY. PHV8ICIANS AND SCRGEONS. Office at theresidnc yf Ur. Lf tritt, oorlh áide of Hurón, twü duorfl Vtit of Dítíbíod street. M. GÜITERJJAN & CO. ITTííOLKSALK snd Retail Dealers and Maaufacturers fV of Kady-Matli# Clutliing. Iinpuriers of CluthB, Caaiimrt Doertkins, 4c, No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main st, 7 WM. WAGNER. DEALER in Redy Made Clothiag, Clotha, Cassimer8, and Veitingu, Hntí, Caps, Truoks, Carpen Bags, &c, Phosuix Hloek, Uaiu treet. „„! SLAWSON & SON. iROCERS, ProTitiion and Coinmission Marchants, and UDrElerí-in Water Lime, Land PlatUftr, aad Piaster of Prïs, one door eat of Cook's Hotel. i SCOTT & LOOMIS. AMBROTYPE ad Photograph Artisis, in the roomi ovr CQipion' Oiothing atore, Phceuix Block. Per'it atiifcti'ji' gtven. C. B. PORTEE. MltQEON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Hurón Oitrtets, o?er Bacu & Pieraon' Store. All calU i;oiiiptlyatteiid?li() Arn-1859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Forcign and Ooraestic Dry Good, Groceriw, Hnti an.l Caps, Bonts and Shoes, Crockery, ta-, Coraerof M:iin Sz Liberty Hts. ANDREVV I3ELL. AÜALKR ia Groceríea, Proviaions. P'loar, Producís? IJ ka., c., corner Main and Washington Stretu, luArbor. The highast marwt u ricen paiO lorcountrj l'iuc. 886 M. C. STANLEY, Photograplxlc -A.rtlmt. Crr Uain and Harón Straots, Ana Arbor, MicL, PHUTOGRAPHS, AMnROTYPES, &c. . c, ■atbt lattfst BtyltíRjand Terveílort mado togiTe satisution. 956tf D. DkFOREST. " : IPHOLBSALF. nd retail dealer in umber, Lath, " Slungles Sh, Doorn, Blind, Waterl.ime, Grand 'rPUiter, Piaster Paris, and Nailn ofallsiïeH A Wlla4prrectHSortinniit oT the above,nd aüother Dïliof baiHinír material constantly on hanii at the 'Wit ponible rates,on Dotroitat.,a few rodsfrom the llroii Oepot Alo operatiug exteneirelj in the ltöt Cement Rooiinp. LUMBER YARD! O. KRAS F, H'uhrgeand well etockeó Lumber Yard, on Jeffer reet, intheSnutb part of tbe City, and will keep 'Mtótantly onhiind an excellent vnriet.y of UJMBER, SHINGLES, liATH, &c. Jk "ill b solii as low ,1s can be aflforded in this wüty and pricefl such that no one need goto DeCONRAD KRAPF, i Arbrr, Hec. Oth, 1804. 0f6tt NEW MOSIC STORE PernoD.s wishiug to buy Pianos or Melodeons, '■Wini Ü""""1' M(JiI(; STORE, beforepur hrehi ""'""■ Hu ivill warrant satiffactinn to iteh i'1"11"1"" Ple'a"ur '" referrinK to those sv ? alr"''y purcliaecj of him. Ho tnke prirtf H ''" 'nat ha has given the best of satisfaction 'ill h 'nllnt"'l o to do in all cases. Any l'iano liitrr"li'""1 that P"rfhier may reqmre. He 'tobe distinctly umlerstoocl that he will not be '""yWerBut orWt. ïtOOLr'8 Utet SIIEET MUSIC forsale, PIANO [Dc. 27th, 1861. 98Utd ftA FOB SALE! " KmES. ANÜ WtS' híth fl"ra í1'000 ' iWIO. Also S6verl imr.rnVeil Ï'ARMB. -j_2J,1885. 994t Commereisl Aent. r,jBfWi JnSnrattb AROl? ÓfT'Ct


Old News
Michigan Argus