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Whercas, liy my direetion the Actng Seeretary of State, n a notice to the public on the 17th of April, requested the vurious religious denominations to assemble on the 19th of April, on the occasion cf the obsetjuies of Abraham Lincolu, late President of the United States nrid to observe the same with appropriate ceremonies ; and Wtereat, Uur country has beconie ono great house of mourning, where the lioad of the faniily has been takea uway and believiug thut a special day should be assigned for again so humbling ourselves before Aluiighty God, in order that the bereavement may be BanctioDed to the nation ; now, therefore, in order to mitígate that grief on earth whieh eau only be ssuaged by communion with the Father in Heavcn, aud iu eurajliaiice with the wishes of the Senators and RepreseiitutivtB in Congres, commiiiiic ned to me by u reoluuou ail'-pted' Ü the National Capitol, I, Audrew Jolnifoi), Prcsidaflü ol the Uiiited States, do hereby appit Thuraduy, May 2öth, to be observed wherever in tho Üriited State thu fíag ■{ thu e untry way bure pected, is a day of humiliiiHon and tBOUiniiig; Hcd recoroiBtiiid my fe'low citiz ;ns 'lien to assouiblü in tlieir respective ilación of woislrp to imite in solemn sorvicu to Aluiiglity (iod iu memory of lbo good tn in who hus been removed, so that al! sliall bo oocupied nt the siime timo in oontemplntioii of bis vjrtucs, and uorrow ir liia sudden aud violent end. In witnoss wlioreof I havo hereunto set tny htmd, and oaused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Dono at Washington, April 2üth, A. D. 1865, and of Independenee of tliu United States of America thé 89th. ANDREW JOHNSON. By tlif l'r -siiirnt, W. Hu.nti-h, Actinji Soe'y of Stute. Snerman ani Johnston's "Pea 'e Treaty." The following are the ptdimin-ry eondnions of peace agreed upon b' (tciis. Suekman and Joii.nston, büt re jected by President Johnpon with tb advice of the entire Ca!)inet : Memorandum or basis of agroeraen niMilo tli ir 18t.h day of April, A. D 1865, neaf Darbam'a Station, in tb State of North Caroline, by and betvvec Gent ral J. E. Johnstnn commandingCon fedérate anny, and Major Goneral W T. Shennan, the anny o the United State?, in North Caroliua both present. lst. ïlie contending armies now i thé field to raaintain their statu quo unt notice is given by tho conimanding Gen eral of either one to its opponent, anc reasonablo time, say fortv eight houra be allowed. 'Id. The confedérate armies now in ex istence, to bo disbaoded and conductec to tbeir several State Capitals, tbero t deposit their anns and public propert' in the State Arsenal, and each office and man to cxnoute aud file an agree ment to oenae frotu acts of war, and abid the action of both State and Federal au thority, the uumber of anns to be re ported to the Chief of Ordnance n Washington city, subject to furlher ac tion of the Congress of the Uuitet States; and in the meantime to bo usec solely to maiiitain peace and order with io the borders of the States respec tively. 3d. The rccognition by the Esecutiv of the Uniicd States of tho suveral Stat governmonts on their officers and Leg islatures taking theoath prescribed by th conftitution of the United States, anc where conflic! ing State government have resulted Iroui war, the legitiuiac of all shall bo submited lo the Suprem Court of the United S ates. 4th. The recstablishment of all Fed eral courts in the several States, wit! powera as defined by the coustitution aud laws of Congress. 5th. Tho People and uhabitants of al States to bo guaranteed, so far as th Executive can, their political rigkts anc franchises, as wull as their riglits of per son and property, as dtfined by the con stitution of the United States and of the States respeetively. The executive authority of the government of tho United States Dot to disturb any of the people by reason o tbe late war, so long as they live ia peace and quiet, abstain frotu acts o armcd hostility, and obey the laws in exL-itenoe at any placo of their residence 7th. In general terms war to cease a general amnenty, so far as the execu tive power of the United State i;an com mand, or on eondition of disbiindmeu cf the coufederatu armies, aud the dis tiibution of artns, and resurnptiou o peacelul pursuits by officers and men as lutherto composiag tbe said armies. - 'Not being fully etnpowered by our ros pective principáis to fulfill these terms we iudividually and officially pledge ourselves to promptly obtain nccessar' authority, aud to carry out the abovt progrumme. (gigned) W. T SHERMAN, Maj. Gen. Commandiug Arm y U. S in N.C J. E. JOHNSTON, öenernl Commanding C. 8. Army in N. 0 Instrnotions were immediately pen to Shbkman to resume hostilities. It i said Ghant has gone to North Caroliua


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