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peur jWwfeemtfwtSu TX7" INE ÍLANTS! Ifïve Thousand KXTIÏA SIK fnr.KAI K at the 01.1 LuniWr Yard of W ( í- . Sainara. TIioko who want must cal! hood. THKODORK DcllOIS. Ann Arbor. April 2th, 1865. lw'003 JEMEMBER SNOVER & KELLEY'S s tho Vorth door o; Gregor's New Block. G, W, SNOVER, O, A, KELLEY 1008 riiHE GREAÏ CRISIS! O _ IST. B. COIZE & CO havo juut oponed a LARUE STOCK of BOOTS SHOES purchrwod sfnce the GREAT FALL IN GOLD wlucli will bo sold at a GREAT REDUCTION FROM FORMKK PRICES. 0 Ttaeir Stock nclmlf." the X-natest Styles 2 and the QUALITV ia the BEST IN MAREET - o - G1VE THEM A CALL bofore furchasing elsi-whíie. O EEPAIEING Neatly and Promptly Done Store West gide ol Court Suaare, two door North of the OW fruuklin. N. B. COI.E, a. D. SÍTH.T.K. Ann Arbor, April, 1865. 1K6 y7ALL PAPER! CHEAP! GHEAPER1! CHEAPESTÜ! - o - THIRTY THOUSAND HOLLS OF WALL PAPER ! of olí descriptioni. J3ORDEHS, W1ND0W 3HADES, CURTAIN FIXTURE9, PICTURE FRAMES CORD AND TASSELS, FANCY ARTICLES of all Jeficriptionti Also a largo assortment of MISCELLAJVEÜÜSBOORSÏ AT REDUCED PBICES. PICTÜKES Framed to Order at th ShurtetNetic. GIVE US A CALL ! JOHN F. MILLER t CO., Corner Main and Washington ftreets, and seconc door South of John H. Majnard. lmlOOfi jVJEW GOUDS! New Goodi at Union Clothing Store for Spriiig, Is nüw the t hem ti of which 1 siug We've all the latent styles juat made, To suit the finest city trade, Of New Spring ÜvercoaU and Sackn, To fit the form Üke uioulded wax ; And Business Coivts of stylinti niake AU of the present stylM that tak ; But then the crowning Coatsof all Are the Drkss Coats at Union Store. We prille oiirsf Ive tliat we excel AU otliers ín tbecojitB weell ; Kor in them jou will always find Kit, Fashion, Grace aud Eae c nr lined. But on our Coftta 1 wíl] not dweil We've also l'antn and Vests to soll, Of every hne, and shade and Rtyle - To teil you all would tako a wbile ; So I will only mintió n here Thai those who would in Ptyle appear, Phould come to Union Clnthing Sfre and buv The CLOTHINti beet (o pleaa the eye ; An.l not alone the eye to please, Hii t money save in buvin these ; For we will sell at pricea low, No mal ter liow the Gold doen go. Iq Fnrnishing Ooods both rich and ncat, We hare a ntock lull and complete ; Onr " gallant boys in blue " will Ilnd All kinds of (foods to suit their nitnd. We've alMo for the boys in stort A better ftock than e'er before ; And can all fit, both greatand RmaU, With CLOTIUNtí best at Uxiom Sioiip. The FINKST STOCK of Spring & Summer Clothing ! AND TIÏE IN TUK (.TTV. OTJSToSf WORK jiromptlv mude, nnd In the ER8T BTY1.E. CM at DKION CLOTHING STORE, Kast Ho of aio. ítreí't. SS. NAT HAN Al CO. jíüd .] rit. April 3nb, mS. üulWt. 1 ""■KBraamK I TNSURAÑCIif AGAIJVST ACCIDENTA. TH 23 TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO,, O F HARTRlRD, CONN. CAPITAL, - - 8500,000Insurea Against JÊk. 3 L M JE M32 Wf Of ETBRY DKS'.'KIPTIOX, CAÜSING LOSS ÜF LIFK ORBODILY INJUKY. 1HE Tn.iVB! km I.-míuha-xch CuMPJ.vr w:s organizcd u líder n charter unintixl by tlm Connucticut Legtsla turo of 18'Jls. ud mnendi-a bv th MgWatre .f Kr.4, for the specilic purpose qf IFectiug i.vsrRiitï AC.4ix.-T jkCClDRm, cif whatuTer kind nr duèriptfon, whether tliry (iccur la 'm .olmi; by railroad, U-aniboat or i-Uginiuacli, walkiiig jn tliu „Irin t, ut work iu tlie hop, or itln; the dumestic fireKide ; whether rMing, batinft,liuntiii{, HliiriK. hoonng, twímming, cricketiug, sorrejing, engiimiiiiK ; wholher workiuR or jtlninjf , fcluepinsr or wakmtc, in dangür or out oí fippaiont) ilatiKvr. t honi or abroa. ]_iuevory varii-ty of circuinatances in which uiankm I aro ordimtrily (jlaceil. A funeral Accident Policy not mil include thi; in trardi íi;, butuiao ail fornn of .lÍKb.ealious, brukua, rurturcl tuntún, prio, coiu'iissioiih , cru.-U liiíí, bruine.-, cutM, Rtabii, gumh'ri wÁttnfa, pnineited iroimil, burnii nd icklUa, bto of don, tttrorUTOked ault by burjdnií. rolihcr or munlrrers- ilie acton of lif-btiug or Hiin stn.ko, tho cfluct uf Mplwioo, ahitmictl?, flnnd Mid Mrtbqaákftit, suflbcation by d owiiing or ctiaking iti.H bettor thftn lifo manranco, for íbc pprson insureil deriroa the benefit si tbe timo he most npedri Item.- Whoii ihl diablod by a fall on the treet, a railroad cutlÍRion, or othor accident, lio roceives a weekly eompfMiation of tQ5 per week, (more or leas, according to amiiunt of premi im ) and in tlie prent of dealh , hi fimily receire tho itn of $3,000, (more or 1m, accorJing to premium.) GENERAL ACCIDENT BISKS. TEN" D0I.LA1W l'REMR'M Undcr a Ueniral Accident policy. will secure $10 per week compenali..n iliile diaabled, [not exceodiox tuenty r Weeks,] or Ï2.000 in the event of death hv accident. J TWEXTY-FIVE DOIXAKS PIÏKMIFM. Will nccure $S5 per week compensatioa, or $r,0OOin case of death FIFTV DIII.I.ARS l'REMl L'M Wlll secure f50 per wi-ek compensation, or $10.000 in caso of death. Anj other uní, from $500 to 10,000, at proportlon ate rate. Where compenpation only t desíred, or payment s to be mido ouly io cae of death, Ihe ratbt 'arcwuch loteer. P0LICY TICKETS. Tr.velors Insurance Ticket re nnw sold at tno principal Railroad Stations and Ticket Offices la tho country. TAR1FF OF BATE3, For3,000, and $15 per Teek Compimation. Ticket 1 day, 10 cta. 10 dayx. $1 0) " " i " 26 ' 21 " 1 50 " " 3 " Té " :0 " 1M " " 5 " 60 ' 3 mos., i M " " 7 " 70 M h .. 7 ro " " 12 " 10.10 sr Persons den'ring more than $3,000 insurance can iucrn.ise tho amount to $9,090, and $45 par weei c.mi pcTiPa'ion .by purchafíing thieo ticket. No more tiiftn $10.000 will bo paid on uy ono Jife. BOARD OF DIRECTÖRS. GUSTA VUS F. DA Vis, W. H. Ti, CALLEN I EK JAUK& t. UOWARD, (KOfíK V.' MOOiíí' MARSHALL JKVVKLL, KlïKXKZKR R0WFRT8 THOMAS PELKNAI.Ir , CHARLA WII'TK, CORNKLlütí B Ef.WIN, Ul'GlX HARRISON UEORGK 8. GILMAN, JONrATIAN Iï. BVRC1S. JAIIKS G. HATTEHSO1V, PreglcUnt. ROO.VKY DENIS. Sccrctary. HËNRY A. UYKR, Generul AKent. II. C. MARSHAU., üoiioral Ticket Agvnt. Dt. S. B. BEKESFORI), Surgeon. R. R FRAZEB, Aoewt. An ArborvMich. 2ml000 Estáte of Willis lí. ThompsKT" OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oF Washtb-w. s - '' At session of thf Probate Comt fur tlieCíiunty of WftHhteDiiw, holden at the Probate Office In the citv of Aun Arbor, onMonday, th twentv fourth day óf April, iu the yenr one thousHiid uight hundred and ixtj five. Present, HimM 1. Bbakeb, Jud?e of Pmbate. In tb mattei of the Estáte vf Wúi U. Thompson ft mino r. On readingand fiilng the petiUon,duly vfiiínod,or Louiria S. Tliompsuu, prnying that ho may be ap polnted Guardian of uaid m'nr. Theruponit íb Orüered, that MouJhj-, the fifteenth day of May nxt, at 10 o'dock in tbtí forenoon, beasignel for the oí ai'! petitmn, and that tho next of kin to aaid minora, and all utber porsons interestedin skid estattar rwqnired to appenr at sfSHion of said Court, then to bp holden at the Prebfct) O Hice, iu the City of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if arty thor bo, why the cf the petitiouer ahouíd nol be granted; And it is furtlier nrdered . that said petitionergiveuotice to tlie uoxt of kio of aaid minor, and all persons ntorested in said estáte, of th pendencyof said prtitioü, and the hearing theref,bv cnusing a copy i f this Order to be pubübed jn tbe Michigan Argtts, x newspiipor príntpd and cïreufating in Raid County, three stiuceHaive weeks previuuH to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) I1IRA5Í J. BEAKE?, 1006 Judtfoof Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN', CoL'-tTT of Washtekaw.ís.- í Intbe matter of the estáte vf .Tacob faggÁubwir, of the County of Vf aslitejuw, in fio .Stat y of MicbigaD, deceapei : ríotíce ii hereby giren, that inpursuañce of an order grantod t-o the unersi'xnfd . Adra mi. t; ■: -tr with the Will anuexed, ufthe estáte oísaid J-acb Toe HipIJod. Jud.-e oTmbnto Tor the County of VVashtena.w , od the turentj-seFenth day cf Ajirii, A. D.1865 there will be sold at Public Vemhi?. to tltf higheat Udder,at tht South door of the Couit House, in the Citv of Auo Arbor, in tbo l'ounty of Waehtanaw, in MÍd State, on Satimiay, ihe tentb dny uf JudA, D. 1865, a tone o'ctock in the afternooú of Ébtfayr [subject to aíl.encuinbrances hy mort.age or otberwÍH exii-tingat the time of tbedeathof má deceased,] the lollowing deBcribpd real estáte : Bing in the C-.ty of Ann Arbor, iu Raid State ; cnmmencing on the N'orthwt?t córner of lot number tn, in block three Sóufch range one Wfet, in W. S, Mayuard's additiou to Che City of Ann Arbor, and running West pa'allol tbu South line of sai ti block, eight rode to Third Streof tbouce Botith to the South-vrnt corner of aid hJfiofc about eieren rodfl,thence Eaut o'gbt ioi!s to the i-outh wft corner 1 lot nuniber nine, thence Noith about eleven rodt fthe placo of bpgiauing, tofitUifr with the fre use of tbe tream of water running acros said land, with the exception howerer. of a bertaíd piec of land being about one half cf a lot deeded bv Jaob Uoinznian and wife, to CuarlênConrath, on tba Í6tb ly of Aagut, A.0. 185Í, aid deed being recirdedïn the Office o( tíieKegitíter of Bueda íor Waubtenaw County, in Líber 8 ol Deert s on Page 1SÏ, KATHARIXE TOUriENfïURGKR, AdiuinifilraUix vrilhtbe Willannexed. nated, April 27th, 1865. lOOfitd Commiseionertí1 Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wanhtwiaw - The undersigued h.ving been appointed by ihe Irobate Court for aid Cousty, Cominis.siouers to ree eire, examine and adjutt all claims and (Iemands of all perdona against tbe estáte of Wiliiam C. Drake, late of the townhip of Northfiekljin said County deceaeod, hereby give notice that nx montbfi f rom, date, are illowed, by order of taid Probate Court, for creditorfi to present their claims againt the estáte of said dece;iFed, and that they will meet at tbc dweiling house ui Samuel I), lílrd, in tbe townwhip of Xorthfïeld, in said countv, na Satimlay, the iwenty-second day of Ju ly, and Tneflday, tbetwenly fourtb daj of October next, at one o'clock, P.M,tof each of saií dayí, to receive: examine and atljuHt aid claiuia. IJatt-d, April 24. 1865. HANSOX SESSIOX3, ISAAC SUTTUV, 1006 td CommisBionfni. CommiBs-ioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN , CoCWY or Whtexaw, p3 _ I 5 The undernigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said Uounty, Commissionera to' receive, examine and adjuvt all cl-iims nud domandH cf all ■ on againsttbe estáte of Lot Wiïlcox, late tf the town of York. in Fnid i'nurity, fltifilticrii herebv give notice hat six naontbs from dale, are altowed, by oider of ' hid Probate Cort, for creditors to present their claims guinpt tbe estáte of said deceased, ind that they will meet at the dwelhng bo iKe of Xathan Phillips, in tbe own of Milan, Monroe County, on Saturday, the ■ ,ay of July, and Wjfdnesday, tbe ele vent h d;ty of I er next, at one o'clock, P. M., oí eacb of aaid da vb, to eceive, examine and kdiust said claimp. Dated, April lltb, 1865. JOSIAH HATHAWAY, ANfiEL A. H0LCOMBK, 1006 Commisislunors Commissioners' Nolice. CTATE-OF MICHIGAN, Coi vtt of Wasütenatv, ss.- 5 The underiigiHd having been nppoiuteil by the Pi o tate Court ior said Coiraty, Commissioners ti receive, xamine and ivdjust all claims aml dvmandn of all per ons against the estáte of Benjamin SÍoounS, latfi of iridge water, in said County, decsi=e f, hereby gi vc nöice that hx munths from itte, are allowed. by order f f-aid Probate Court, for creditors to present their laima against the estáte [of said rieceaaed, and Ihat ley will meet at tlie late residence of aid deceased íd aid town, onSaturday, the twrnlyecond day of Julv, ud Tuesdrty, tbe twanty foui th day of Qotober noxt, t oneo'clock, P. ,M., of eacb of said days, to receive] iHiiuiii' and adjiittt Ktiid claims. Dat.-d, April 24th, 1365garrisox uxpkrhill, u:nry calhoun. 1006td Commiaaioneri. Ditch Sale. TUK U.N'DERSIGNED will ,M to tl,e lowest bidder, 43.! rod of tlmliouw of Wüliam Warner, [ tlie Townt-tiip of Ijina, on Tuosday, tbe Ü3rd davf at, 185, a( 4 oVIock. P.M. Size uf said ditch to be alt' knovn in tny of sale. J. J. PAFSHAI.I, PRINCK BEXNE1T, Rrssi:i i. wHipci.r. Estáte of David Gregory. CJTATB 01 MK3I1 AX. i omm ,„■ vaurrc'x,. O At n session ol the Probate Court for tUeCoJ!.!" Wa-liH-im, at Ule lroba te Office n tl".n'"" Aun Arbor on Wedn aday, tho tivonty ni.", !'"' Fit-.serit, HirímJ. ;iMU:s..)uilgc of Probad (11 Hit fea lier ol tin; K.-;atc .t ! nj s ' Cfasi.l. ,la„b 11. (i, vut, AdaiuWtn Mr f Silí into Cu rt n.J r.-jiu-íful tbat lie n n(1, ■' jiared lo rcmk'r 1,:8 liiial account as sudi í,lm' ■ "l tor ' ni"i. Thereupim it sOrdercd, tliat Wfdneaíav th, t. day.if My, at ton o'clock 11, the foíonJL-? aaxigntd i,,i exaniining aml alliminy ucli . ' ' and that II ividow au,! lui,, at law uf ad,,S aiil til uthcj luivsuiis intí'restfd in said tsliite a ' quired to aiiear at a se:a!on if s;i' Ci-urt tlic-t, í?' liuldtn hí tli f 1'robi.tJ Uflke, u tlie ( ity of .(„„.J' n miíi! Oin.ty. aríd show cn:, if nnv tlirrcbi Ï' tlic saiil account sliouM nut be alluvuil; ,.V lurtíier oidercd. thut naid .dinin-lsíratT give ilo' jj tht peños ibt nstoil in sniil estat e, or the i,J of .,aiJ accuut, aiid the hearing th reof, b c 2 !'■' co.y i.f this O. cierto be publikhcd in Ihe4(cjj," Argu8t a cüw.síjpcr ptinttd and circulating n ,' Couoty, thrceeuccessÍTe weeks j reviou to naid d,, .hearing. 'l [A troooopj.] H1RAM J. J EAKBS "'";t'' Judge of Probat. Ditch Sale. fT'HK VMDERSKíNKP wilUell t, the fewN' Mi 1 4.1-2 roes i.f ilit.-h.ut 1-i.iKuiu i)., j" tho Tnwnship of Lina, ou Tuea lay , thc SSriiil.'í"' May 1865. at u'clock, 1'. M. Said .litcli tTÍí fi-'-t wide n but'om. nnd c.f a depth and widtli ata t-d on Ktal esjwetin line of ditch. J. J. l'AHSBAU TRINIK HENNCTT RÜÍSfXL WHUTli 1006 Drainage Ommistionin "hIppolympia]) WM. LAKE, - Manager. Most Complete Traveling Exhibition KVTIt ORGANIZED, Oonsisting of a magnificent outfit, a selecta Troupe of EquestriaDs and Equestriennes, toq, of Qymnastd and Acróbata, a company of Eüíj. tro-Dramatists, Comediana, and Pantomimists, i full complement of Equerriea, Grooms, and Ch. aiiers of the Arena, and a toui-enscmbh Brilliant Beyond Precedent, 5L THE STUD OF HORSES -drw ffiy bas boen uboson with im Ni rf JTjk "-tro, and in blood, beauty, tM jtyf tr;iini?ig can dei y riviilry. "■■■ Tiai TrH'li Horsen od i Jlïi-at'I Gilles ure Tnarvels of oqmne ngacitj, JSW and the Jutter, uhilp thlsifyingthe [ ff oíd ada#G of "stiblorn w i mule," (■omjlotfly bewilder tht I yCC spectator vriïlr nuttKinüke "J lo'jt, and comprehensivo ftoll f --ksb e power- ÍD short, in every f SBSHHHmE ui ir, the G?-eu IK.tíern Cïrcwctt ) ■ji ju.stly lay claim to the titleof ftr f ï Hfppo-Arcnk Model oftöeAgt _5 The following crentlemencoiB' : TOJ %yP pn.-e the corps of Managers ui !ÍJCu3 F Í.AKK A' Co., Proprietort. ÊS. I . .!. TUATJEá, 2'rcastiríf. E. '. Pkrkv. iuesii-ia! Dirtct, Heem n IjL'dwuj, Lader of Al Major Hexrt Derf, Maitni Eqnerrie. The avalcñile entering toinitn grand procession, preceded bylhí 60RGE0US DOLPHINCHARIOT, the mo-st rnagnificent sjwimeQ' of artiind elu)brate workmanhip ever paraded before the public, Drawn by FortHorif splendidly caparisoned, id dil élJSc ö and controlled by jjtffí MAJOR H, DERÏ Yji$íy the Champion Whip. MIBS ri x E COMPANt ■J!"'llt!" sr are Iert bï the foWpwfeg arti9fi' 1 -TF each of whom is witfeh-ceie ,V5agS The of the Cirque,Ü [ 'Tpm )ri'" donna of cine.s'rie, f -gHjfÜf a juirngon of grace, beauty, lemi f nine bi-aveo', aud artistic eicti gfLJ Q -HÁDAME AGNG8, KJmm-JTheJuno-likeQueenonhefireni, MmlDnÉ ilni' terpiehorpiin arliste. Haf BhEIESSb olassic poica npon the siack-ffiWi and herwonderfal eqnipoise ar a M e]iially poet ie and inooniparab!. 4n LA PETITK KMMA, jStk The beautiful iittle hiötrion Tw LA BKLLE JEAXETTE, fa 9S '■l1ilü 'O'sylph.iuiddelineatorflf SSiwMKr graceful equitatioD. MRS. E. W. PERBY, Lgj& The daring and magnifici ySk,- horsewomaa. yrJL R. e. w. ferry, 4iBI The champion two, four, and C K THE LAZELLE ÏIROTKEBS, ■■ The .motley deliueuturfl ol w JGrecian aud Roman scboow w High Art, exemplified in wtü beautiful olaastc Ulympian n S SILA8 D.BALDWI, p the Arbacian master of the E&T tian science illusionist, and jff SI(i01ï (ASTILLO, . tt The great Globe Oquilibriest, J innilre du c&qne. MK. JOHN LOWUW, . f ThT iSajj -'uu n i;íír fxceflence. A erí iSm"" !K i)"s'11"1' ' Momus, ft " teHalï i ' -JlwKBii''K''i"' ■'." -in'J " sen"'"'.'? Qr: "T iinginiil specimen of the ■" ■I laiB j is motley íiysociñte na q1 and quizzicnl compc-or. Wmm MKSSItS. CHAS. COKEU, JUf6 , R LAltUK, ANÜ IIAIïBi BW' t f Acrobats, Gymnasts, and AmP" 7-JWkV theatrical professors of h " ÍBKfc T11K MtfiXIFICKXT JOHXStlJ HWLP 1 The prodigy of tile í!'ai' ííE!]t Jiu'U-y, and intelligonce, wul yj' intredmced in his !uctea P1 __5 formances by Madame Agskse0SrF TllK FAMiiis micK (IR, SflBÈti Sancho, the spotted Spunwra,"' gjgSa.yv Paul 'r;, unhesitiitinalv F SJl nouneed the wondersof the M_. fiinnly, wil! be exhibited "" vK performance by tluii'trftiBer'lw x v Lake. i WICKKD VVI11. „ TheincomprebeBSibleKc2! n FKS AU oxhiMtcd lindero ePfj rVV? oious oriental pnvülion, " 'VS v stmins of Orpheus-like rnusic m =C W the doublé band of stnng '" -- wind instruments, led oy "" tV great director VïWCi Profpssor Herman luíw Hexhibit at SALINE, FRIDAY, MAYöth,' ANN AREOK, Satükday, " 6th, I DEXTER, MONDA Y, " Ni " Admission, .... 50 CbsTChildren under 10 yeare, 25 " DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND 7, [ IGT KOAD WARRANTS at tb fice. Obll bood. .Jrj


Old News
Michigan Argus