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May Party

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XMay Party to ralse lll"us Io1' lIle ■1"'„estern'sanitary and Soldiers' Houw Fair, is U be held at Roger' Hall, uu Moliday eve„jug, My lstThe entertainment will consist of the crOwuin? of Quee" of May b-v Haven.- [arge number of Maids of Honor will be in „(ttiidance. Xbleaux and Musie. Cake, Ice Creaiu and Lemoiiade extra. Adroittance 25 cents. Door open at 7 'clock to commence at 8 preoisely. Mrs. SIBVLLAiVRENCJE, Pres. Soldiers' Aid Society, Aun Albor. gy The May number of the Atlan,í Monthly has come to our tab'e filled with „ood and readable papers. The seriáis- Dr. Jobns, by Uonald O. Mitchell, a story of old HeffEugland theology; Ice and the Esquiniiiix, racy sketches by ffasaon ; The Chitr.n,y Corner, among Mra. Stuwe's best ; and Itje Needlo and Garden, a line story, keep up frfr interest. Among the papers, are, With the Birds, by John Buvroughs Gold Egg, a pream-Fant'asy, by Lowell ; The Grave by tlieLake, by Whittier ; Out of the Sea, by the author of Life in the Iron Mills; Diplomacy of the Reïolution, by Prof. Greene ; OurBattU Lauréate, by Holmes; Castles, by Aldrich ; and Fair Play the Best Policy, by Ooi. Higginson. $4 a year ; with Our Yi unj Folki, $5. Addcess Messrs. Ticksok & Kields, Boston, Mas. -Froin the same publishers we h.ive tïe j[ay nnuibor of Our Young Folk, with a taóle of contents that will more than please th jurtniles. lts corps of contnbutors know how to write for the #01102, anl '■ illustrations are supeib. $2 a year. gag" We invite attention to the ad tertisemeut iu auother column of the Travel er Insurance Company. Though of recent rganization, aad upou a tomewliat new and novel principie, thia Company 80 appeals to Ibegood sense aiul jiidgiiieni of the traveling comtuunity th&t all its Agenta are doing a lrge business. All who have occasion to travel in these days of coUUion and explo ions should give this company a trial. And taides the travelers department, policies are issued coveriug accidents of all kinds, so that th mechanic, or laborer, or gentleman o: leisure, injured in body or limb during the discharge of Ma daily duties inay be compensated for lost time in proportiou to the premium he Iias.uaid, and if the accident shall termínate fatally uiay leave something to drive the wolf from the home left without a protector. We are conödent both that the stem ia a good one, and that the company compost as I.' is of so''(1 meu 's wortIly of putrrtnage. VL. E. Fkazee is the Agent in this city. Chicaqo Faik Papkk. - " Th) Voice of út Fair" is the name of a paper to be published until the close of the North-western iankirr and Suldiera' Home -Farr. Those itho wish to subscribo for this paper, wil] ylease leave their names as early as possible, Kb Mattie D. Jame&j Sec'y of Ooiamiiïtee. By ppintmeut of Mus. Lawrkkcb, P. S. A. S., Aun Arboi', Michigan. L■L" The Banking office of D. McJ.iTTRB, in tlie Court House, wai eutered ou Tuesday night, tlirough one of the wiudows, ad au attempt made on the safe. A hole ms drilled tlirough the outside shell on tho top, wheii .üiiding more of a job than a bargained for, or becoming alartned, the lutglrs deoamped. A good look-out should lekept by our business men. Wr The Hippolympiad ;s coming, ndif any of our readers doa't know what ttaHippolyuipiad is they are advjsed to read ihe advertisement in another .column, or ask the juveniles - including some large ones - Itho have stretoted Uieir mout lis in wonder rtils looking at the bilU posted in all the lightly places around town. It is the first ibow of the season, and will probably draw y The et-mi annual meeting of the Tashtenaw County Sunday School Associafion is lo be held at Saline, comrnencing on Monday everjinp, May 8tli, and continuing duling Tuesday Therc ill be exercises illusItitiug methods of teaching, essays, discnslioD!, singing, &c The occasion will no ioubt be one both of interest and profit, and 'io officers desire a large attendance of those iler,etEd in the Sunday School work. L3E" John II. Maïnard has just Pned a large and fin siock of sasonable {oods.and we notice is driying brisk trade. "willspeak to the readers of the Aaor; week. ty N. B. Oole has taken a partner, Md the new firm have just opened a fine stock "f 5oots and Shoes, bought since the great M in prices. Go and see them. BP Our readers io the Southwestern Pi" of the County should lemember the "leep Shearing Festival to be held at Mankester on the 4th of May- Thursday nest. B1 J. F. MiLLEit & Co. have opened ibnnch Book Store in the old store former'ioceupied by a. B. Wood, Scuoff & Mij.Lïi etc. See their advertisement. Seecard of 8noveb & Kelley, ooksell-, Gregory Block. They have a íe stra. -a. ' '' " "" ' ' v3r Gold has fluotnated around -M diuing the week, closiug Wedne3day ■a'ght at 140%. I' is a curious faet that Montgomery, plirst rabel capital, and Iliubmond, the t rebel capital, feil into our hands "nÍD twenty-four houra of eaoh other. ■ l'ej-e hundred hands have already " discharged from the Springfield uiory. n h]most; equul reduetioo is nZ made in the workiüg force of the "torvüet arsenal.


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