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U. S. 7-30 LOAN. By autliority of the SecMíífy of the Treasury, the unüersUitied lias KHrfumeil thü General .Subsci-iptiun Aeqcy for the lale ÓJ Unltod Stutes Treasury Kotui, bOKrtog sovcu aud tluee tenth per cent. riterest, per uiinum, kuown & tho SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Theso Xijtcs are iattued uudt-r dato of Juiiü lttii lStifi, anJ are payable three years from that timo, !u currency, or ai conveitiMe at the optiou of the h.ildtr mt.i U. S.ó-20 Six percent. GOLD-BiïARING BONDS. bjnds are now wortli a preiflímn whích iaceasö.s the uctuul irpfit on tho 7 Ü0 l"au, uud iti cztmpihn frcm Sia'e and municipal tazation, addsfrom out tu ihreeper cent. more, aceordiiitf tu the rute Itivied uu other p:operty. Tht1 otereüt iü paHbly ütrai uuüuuüj' hy uuupuns attacheJ to ouch nuta, which ma bti cut off and duld tu any bank urbaukr. 'i'Uo ioterest Muuuutt to Ono n ui ]i doy on a LM nut. Twoccnta " " " $1OO " T " " " " $MK " HO 4t " ' IOOO 1 " " $5000 NuteD of all thu deaomiuatiuus uuinod wil] b prompt ly furuïshöd upou ree wipt of j;ubacriptionn and tbe notes forwurded at ouce. The interest to 15t Juue next will be patd in advanca. ThU Ia THE 03VLY LOAN' E MARKET now oCFerel by the Government, and it is confidentt expectíd that its superior advantaLs will niake it th G-reat Popular Loan L. People I.ess than $300,000,000 of the Loan autliorized by the labt Cougress re now on the m&rket. This amownt, at the rate at which t ia being absorbed, wül all be Bubscribed for within f'ur monts, when tlie notea will undoubtedly commaud a premium, au ha imiformly beeu the case on olosingthe subíicriptions to uLber Loans. In order that citixeni of evory town aud sectiou o the coutitry may be afforded facilittd for tuking th loan, the National Banks, State .Banks, aud Privat BaukcTs throughout the country have general 1 ugreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subacriber will select their owu agenta, fu whom they haro con tidtínctí, and who only aro to be respon?)ibie for th dllvery of tho notea (or which they receh o orders. JAY COOKE, SiasCKimd.x Amm, Philadelphia. March 25th,186. Si'liNClUïTioN'ft win. BK rkckivkd by thefIRST XA TIOXAL BANK of Aun Arbor. 10O4 THE NITH NATIONAL BANK OK ÏHE CITV OK NEW YORK. Capital, $1,000,000, Paid In FISCAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, JkSp Special A;et for Jay Cookk, SuBacuiPTiON AoK.vr, Will Deliver 7 30 Notes, Fiee of Charle, by expresa, in allp;irtH of the country, and recive in meot Check on New Vork I'bHadelptna, and Boston, current bilis, and H tiv pr eert. ntí-rent note, withint'THst to date of subscription. Ordtrs seut by mfiil wiltbe prümplly ülled. Thii Bank roceives the accouuts of Bauks aul Riiiiki-r-. on fnvoruMf teruis ; ulto ol iudividuuls keeping íew York accounts. J. U. ORVli, President. T. T HtLL, Cashur. 3inUU3 WAR MOST ENDED! CHARLESTON TAKEN ! ! GUITERMAN & CO., Beiníí coniicctel with one of the largest houaes in New York, which lias beteer facilities for Selling Cheaper thau rtiiy othor house. Ara bouad to be aot mrm WLJ r M. . 'MM M H M'-G by mi etttabllshuioat tbat rmw sxtttU. '" L Haviug itinplüjoa anexprtened mzz u ra? w? as r9 fect frtjra NEW YOHK CITY, who hs had long oíperience in the business, we guarautee to givethe beBt I SATÍSFACTION to our numerous OUSTOMERS & STUDENTS of the Uaiverfcitj. Keopine on hand theiargest stook o i' CLOTHS, CASS1MERES, VESTIKGS, together wíth tho 1 argón t slock of Hcady-Made Clothing, FURNISHING GOODSÜ &C, &C, &C, a raí" -jslt-ml:h:m-l: mczw.u.T'-, wbicb wp wilj sell cheaper tbíin any oher eRtablishment in tb citj. All wp ak N thAt our fbriids and Student. s wUl gíve us a cali and Pítífify tbtra&elTea, jGEORGE DEMERIT & 00., JE"WELEBS, 303 J3ROADWAY, NEW YOKK, ! (CQSNËR DDAN'E STREET.) 100,000 WATCÏÏES, 1 CHAINS, GOLD PENS &PENCILS, &c. &c, ks., WOBTH $500,000 1 : To f.ESOl.U AT ONE DOM.AR KU'll, UTHOUT REGARi) TO VAJ.UE. AuJ uot to 6e pnid until yim know wbat you will n-ceive 1 Sl'LENDIDLlSTof ARTICLES All tü be Sold for OÏÏE DOLLAR E.ich ! 100 Gold HuDtlng O'asej Watcho each $100 no 100 (iold tfatehu 00 Ou fcXW l.adies' Walcbw 36 CO ÈUOSilver Vi'iitclie SIS UJ tu t'.'S 00 KOOOold Nick and Vust Chaina lü 00 to 15 00 1000 t'lrtiülaiii and tjtmrfl Chtiins o 00 to liio ."uoii VeatuwlNüuk l.'lmini. 4 ' O to 1-00 4i uu Snlitai Jit iind üolil Brui-ch.'.. 4 00 lo 8 ('0 lUOO Cuiul, l.aYa,Gurut-t, ns., [iioocUe.s 'ó 00 tu H UO "O O Oold, Jet, Opal, c, Kar Dros . 3 ('0 to 8 'JO O O tierits' umi Scurt' l'iiis 3 00 to ís 00 OOÜ Oval Hand Bructlt-U 3 Olí to S 00 9001 CliaHoil Braeeleta 6 IK) to 10 00 S.'iOO California Kiauwud Un i Kiug. ü 50 to 8 Od ïliOI Gold Watch Kevs 2 M) to lid, SOOO Solitair Slwra Buttons ft Stada. anoto 8 Ou ÍPOO OoM Thiuibli'rt 6 00 to 0 00 5000 Muilaturi' l.oikd '1 00 to "00 :!000 Mininturo'kc!, Magie 4 CO to 9 0(1 2S00 fluW Tuotbpicts. CruHM, Sc ülOto 0 OU 3000 Kdbnnil Itibljoii Slkln 2 00 to 6 LO WOO Chased Gold Kings 2 00 to S 00 4000 Utone irui Ring 2 00 to 6 00 600 Set I.adics'Jewelry- Jet& (olil.. 5 00 o 16 00 6000 Sets Ladie.s' Jewelrv - variad styleá 3 00 to 10 '!0 000 Gold Pens, Silvtr fase and Fencil. 4 00 to S 0' 41100 Gold l'enM, y Iloldcr and Case 6 HO to 10 00 MOOGold l'cn, Mi.uiñud Kolder.. . 2 OJ to ti 10 All the Kiwls u tlio abofe will be sold, witliuul reservatiou, for ONK DOLLAR HAC'H. Certiticatei of all Che various anieles are plais'ed io HÏmilar envelopes üealed and mixed. Thesu onvi-Io])tH will be sent 1 mail, or dclivered at our oilice, withoat regard ti choice. Ou receivlng a Certllleate, you willsee what nrticle it repiesents and it is optioaal with you to sentj one dollar, and receive the article uanied or any othtji' in the list of sanie vaiue. By thi.s inode wegive selecliona from a vitríüd stook of lino gooils, of the best uiake and latest slyles, and of intrinsic worth, at a nominal price, while all havt a obance of securing articles uf the very highest value In all transautions by mail we charge for forwardinthe Certiticate, paying pontage, and d( ing the business 25 cents e;ich. Fivt certificates will be sent for % Eleven fur %ï; Thtrty for tb; Sixty-Jivefor 810 ,- an(l OneHundrtdfm $15. SECUEE A CERTIFÍCATE ! There iii no lifizard o risk. There are o blunks!lEveryCe titicaterppre-ients au aiticle. As we sellnou of the lower grade.s oí' Jewelry no person can retttiv. lesa thau the vatue of thoir money, mid they mft; gei au ttriiüle worth fivtj, ten, or & huudred fuld ! SATISFACTION GTTARANTEED. Erory perron knowj what they will receive buh-rt the article is iail for. On iec'ipt oí a Certittcutf yoi Ce what artioloit repreuents, and It is, oi' coure,a your option t tako it, any other article 11 our Lisi of the -juin value. We guarantee entire sjitisfiiction to every purclmstr and f tJiert shoukl be tmy person diifAatiisned wïlh am article ret'eived liom us, theyinny immeiliatelv retan il and the um-mnt j-aid will be refuuded, J On trial will prove to any that this sale gtveapur Jia&era gn-atr arlvantajfffs than any otlur bviw [iroposed. Aoknts. - We allow thoakfUitkg as Affeiits, Ton („Vnte on each Certiíicateí rdered, provided their remittaoct ainuLint to One Hollar They will eolltícl 2 cecta for every Oei tificate, and retaiJiinif 10 oÈQts, ruinit to ud Ib cents tbr oach. ' Address , GICORGE DEMKRIT k CO., 3ml002 gfo Broadway, New York. Greatest Medical Circular Ever Pnblished! f J Cl "Fifteen-i il ïarca I I f I lel ter pages for two Zf 3 cent stampa. r Young Men's Cunfidential Medical Advisera in cae of Sperma tor rhea or Sumí nal Wealíuts.- eau. sed hy Hasturbation, Uenltal Tautalizuti-.n, elf -abuse, 01 secret hablts iudulged in by youths at theage of puDH-S. JCKSON, HEBBKRT & CO., Proprietors nl the .VMiomtl Dyspoasary ealBlíshea at Ciucinnati, Ohio,.iau. lat, 1S60. Invul unt:i ry Hmissioiihtead to Impotcocy, Consumption, I ty a3 Dea tb. who muffer In the Iciifct f rom tilín b:inful piactïce, should apply tlie vn&tgy oí tlie soul to Hit) iitfaiiiinentof health and ctmèqtiftnt contentnaent and bappinés. Kverv uno, ciiljvr .sick ov well, nhuuld have our valuable trei iie on tliii subject , wliich is et;ut f ree of charge, Wu gut ran leo to cure (;outrrliaa,'ilect, Sjpbfllls, lujpottíiij., .Nocturnal l'Jjni".-íiuiia er (.-If-AbuMe, liurnal EiuS'uns, Female Complaiots, in sliort, tvery poni-ible l'-Tin and vitrii-ty of exitlar Disease. Curea i'ipii], tluirou'li and permaiitíut, aud i'eta moderate. end for our Circular J'li. JAi'KSON'ö FKMALK 1'lI.Lg- $1 pei box - ?pecjal vjriiteu replies, well stalftl, sent witfi théCir i;u-lar, witliouL charge. 3U0 pages , tUO engravings. - Th o[ JAght, or Medical Protector and Marriiiii' i ui' 't;, aud an Kxplítit Key to oye añil Tieauty." It SATHt'ACTORJl,Y reveáis varinus sub octs never beforefully explaiiu1! La imy popular work n the Eoglish language. t'rico 5ü ceuts.or three fur I. Medicine aud instructionn ent prompily to any part f the country. Consulting Rooxav of the Dispuusary, No. 107 SyCKOiore street, l. Ü. Box, No. 436. LK. JACKSON'S ORIENTAL LINIMEN.T Removes nll coidness, aiid rejuvenalea organn whicb ïave lain dormant foi' manj' yeara. Can be mailed with perfect fl-ifety. Price $2 per bottle. DR. JACKSON'S FRENCH PATENT MALE SAFE, lt is tlic only siiro and gate preventio againet con racting disease ever inventad, Price $1 eacli, $4 per ïall dozen, and $7 per dozen, sent by mail. 6m9ü6 " To Whom it May Concern." Tlie following letter trom ih proprietur.s cf the jrüiid Kapids, Michigan, Piaster Hyds, touching the :act wbo bas and who bas pot " Grund Hapulti, Michgan, Planter" for sal in the cily uf Auu Arbor. rove.s clearly tliat ptfttiv who claim to have it have uot a L)(jLUid of il aud Uave not had for years. GbANI UaIMDS, JIlCHIfiAX, } February 17th; lí65. Í To Messrs. Goodale Sc Fleoltf, Aun Vrbur ; nd J. B. Hinchman, Kq. , Detroit, Michigan : DKARSntfi: - 'IhU iö to certity tlint D. Dr:FnKKfiT, of Ann Arbor, Michigna, has not bougbt a pound of Piaster cf un,or eiiher of us since .Tune, 1863, anrithatu certain 'hand-bill" circulated by him, dated Feb. iind, 166, which stiltes that lie koeps Ihe linnly geniiinc Grind Hapida Michigan l'lastor," i utterl ralst. [8igned] VM. HOVKY, Agent. t, GODFKIlY. JOSF" Tho PuroGrnnd Hapids Michigan ll:i .-. t tr, ma y ho had in any quanttty at our Store, opposiU; Cook'h Hotel, SLAWSÜ & 8ÖN Aun Arbor, March lst.lSb'5. CmO98 PLASTERJUMBUG! Sorne m?n thint the more they hu mini 5, iecefvé, and ;ie Lo the f'arniers, ttie Mnarter the}' are. Non in order to xpnsfi siicli bnmbugs, IhavclopoMted ote lmndred lollar. vith Jumos McMahon, at hn Store, old'Prttt Office building, for hiro to pva Stftwson&Soft fifty doll:ir cf ft, if they pvít receive'l mie car larl of [laeti-r from WiUiira Hovwy, Agent, ov F. (iodfrcy ,or my otliermiin froni Grand Mver Raptds, Michigan, - Alao, to Lfive theother ftfty dollars if' thej can by nali 7.1ni:, provo thatthoir Plaetar ia as gond ftfl my Plaser. Thora that want n genuine line grnunrt warrant;d etter than any othor in this city, or no pay, and ■bf.Tpcr, cali at my Office ut I.umber Vnrd, and I will ípvñ you some to try its quftftfcfai and sip if pravel stoneü fly out of it when sowing. Varnier suv it will rom (iraud Kíver, Cana-la. 1. PkI-OKEST. Aon Arbor, pril Uferlft6S, 1002 FAIRBANKS' JPi STANDARD MÊms. S O A. LES, PlP OF AI.I, KINDS. AI.O, ■&Sr ' War:h'utc Trucks, LciUr I'res$es,tLc. FAIRBANKS, GREE1VLEAF & C0„ Ï72 I.akf Streeí, CÍIÍCAGO, Solfl in Detroit by FARRAND, SHELEY & CO. Becareful o huy only the Oenuinp.(xly9ö8 TAKE ISTOTICE ! ! Go to M ACK & SCHMID'S for the latest stylc of HOOP SKIRTS! You will ahras be HÚttd with the uality, styteanti rfte. iwöyïeow.


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Michigan Argus