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HPHB BOOTS AND THE LEAVE8 ; JL VwLLbe for tbn Hualii . g 01 the NatlOli. Bible. "n. ar. IjYokts, HK GREAT AND CELËBHATBD l'UVK'l R of the ' aBOAT,LUNGS, HEAKT, MVhK AXH THiS ULOOI, , Knuwu all ovur thee o uut vy au the CKLKHRATLP ICTX3X AN ÜEÜB DOCTOR I Uf 2Sü Superior Street, Cltjvolund, ühio. Willvinit the follow'ing pUces, riz A7PO1VTUEKTÜ rOh 1S6-J, ISeSaud 1864. 'rof. R. J. LyonH eau be conttulteil at tbc ÍaHqvIub ïlacOiiovery moutb, vizi Detroit, HuBclUuuse, eacb montb, 18th nnd lOth. Aun Arbor, Monitor lloue , each month,20th. Jackson, liibbard House, eacli month, 'il. A'lriau, üractfct Hoose, eacb month 22d ant1S3d. Toludo, Ühio, Colime Uoio,oach mouth, 24tb.25tb, tod 3i5 th. UillsdaU', Micb. , ïïilladaU' Houae, eacb inonth,'i7tb. Colrlwater, Mich-, Southern Michigan Houe, eiicb month, 98 tb. Elktiart, llkhari House, t-ach month , J9tli. South üend , Ind., St. ?o. IIü'ol, oücIi mouth, 30, Laporte, Iod.f Tee Gurdeu Hl ihc, each ifntít 31nt. Wo )stcr,Jlito, Crandell lúxubange, each uiooih. 7th audS'-h. Ma ï.süeld, Obio, Wilor Hoost ?ac1i month, 9th and lOth. Mr. Veruon, Kenjiiü House, tach raonthflltli and 12th. Ne vark, Ohio, lïolto Houst;, eah moath, 13th and 14 th, Ptuue.aville.Ohio, CowIhHotiRV.each nionth.4th CLKVKLAND, OHIO. KKSIOKXCK AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, Eist of the public squart', oppoi1e the INtolïict. Oitt:e day each mouth, Im, od, 4rli,5th, 6t!t, 15th.- OlB :e boara trom i? A. M. to l'J M, tid frotn r. M.'to 4 P. M. OnSun'.aj fnmi O to 10A. M.,aud 1 to i 1. M jj-Mixims fltrict !y idliert'o to-I glve sueb bahn as have no strife, Witli nature or the laws of til, Witli tflotJ ni y Dsnaf I never atain, Nurjiüinuu raen tóense theirpain. IL il a }ky&ician indwd t mAo Cures. Tlic Indinii llero Doctor, II. J.IA'U, cures the folo.ving comjuaiutfi in tb e' most obstinate stages of their existoBce, vin: Diseasets nf tlif Throat , Lungs, Heart, I.iver, Stomach , Droppy in the Chest, Rhemnatism. Neuralgia, Fits, Kallii)Sck)iesfi,andíll(jthernerTíis'ler;ingeinfnts. A'fio alldibeasosof tlie blotirl , sucli as Scroitila , EryslpeUs, Cfincers, Fe ver Sores, I.eprosy, autl all other couipliuatcil climnir complainis. All forma of feuiiile ditliyulties atlended to with the Liappiest resulU. It ih Uoped ihat no oue wüldepair of a cure until tbtv h:ive siven the ïiifiian Herb Uoctor'fl ÏJedlcifaieH a fairiindfailhfiil trial. o5,Jturíng the Doctor' travel ín Kuropc, West Indies, South America, aml the L'uifed átales, he lias been ihe ioaiyumcnt in GodV hiinil, to reatore to healtU and vigor thousamls who vvtM'í givfii u anl pronounced incurable by the most eaimeutold school physician.s; nay, more, thousands whowerci'ii the Tecge of t!ie gruve, are now liviuj lïioi.uments to the ludían Hevb's OöcWt's sliHl and iUcee?fultreatment,:3n1aY? daï'ïy e?scr.TÍ-íÍQg: í(B1essed bo thf d;iy vrhenffrst e aw aud partook of the [ndian Herb Doctor's medicine." íatiHfaclury refei-encesof c.ires wil! be gladly and cheerfully given vi henever required. The Poet or piedles his wovd aud honor, that he wil) in po vise,d.irectly or indirectly, induce or cause any invalid to take hit raodicine vit bout the strongesl probdbllity af a cure. íL&- Mode of examinatiou, which is entirelyliiïerent fruai thpfaculty. Dr. EJ"L professes to discern dieasefi by the eye. He therwurc askn noquestionfi, nor iloeshe vequire patientto explain sytaptomn. Cali one aidiill, nul have theymptoms and loeation of your iRea.ceexplai!iedfrec nf charg ■rhe pnor slmtl be liherally onsidered. ifyPoRtoiUcf addresn, box 266Ö. K. J. LYONS, M. I'. Clevelaud,Ohio,Nov.í;5.1862 ly880 JÜST OPENING ? The lnrgest Stock and be3t assortment of OABINET FURNITURE ? ever broaglit to this city, ineluding 3OFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, LOOltlng C3rlLtSSfOS Gilt Frames and Mouldings MET.ALIC CASES, &c, c, nd all other goodw kept in the best and lar rest houses n the country. We seepno second hand iir ñtuie or luction goodn. Coffins kept constantly ( n and, and made to order My goods are offereil at THE LOWEST CASH PlfCES N. B. I must have mcney , and respectfulïy request hose indebted,to cali and fix up their old mattere without delay. O. M. MARTIN. AnaArbr,Oct.6, 1863. 92ötf BANNER HAT STORE! GOTO Bcfore you buy, Spring and Summer stjfcs ol STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Purnishing Goods, &c. nn Arbor, April 2Oth, 1804. 3m953. Riíle Factor y! Beutier & Tra ver, [Sucoessorö to A . J. Sutherland,] Manufacturera of and Déniers in 6uns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouches Game Bagt, and Everjotber article il tbatLine. Allkindaof HEPAIRXKTG done a t the nhorteat notice, and inthebeBt mnner. a f uil ;iíiortim'nt aUvuyR ke[it (mhftiifl ind mailt ordf r t,_ Suop curner Mam und Washington stieeta. Anu Arbor,Oct. 8, t362. 873tf HOWARD ASSOCIATIOW, PIUI.ADKI.l'HIA, I'A. Dlrnra of tlic Jinrvom, Seminal, Urlnnry and St-rual Syiíria - Dtfvnd rliable trcftLnii'iil- in repurtf of -ht HOWAKD ASSOCIATION- gtat by mail in s(aleil r ittT envpl(lpe, fre lf chniypAM.Irens Dr. J. SK.H.1.IN UO3VÜ7UM, llowaM An.uciitúíi, v„ „ í.utk KiBtk 8traet. rHfV!t'-. Pina PULMONIC SYRÜP, i SEAWEED TONIC, AND MANDRAKE PILLS. The aboteifi a correct likeness of Dr. Sclicnrk, juflt after recoverng f rom Consuini-tion, man; yisirsago Below Í8 n likenoss of hiin as lie now appe.irs, Whrn the first was taken he wetghed 107 pounds at the presout time bis weight is 220 poand. i Ib fes? # DU. SCHEWCK'S Principal Office and Laboratory is at tlie E. corner of SIXTII and COMMERCK Street, PWUdolphi vrhere all letter foradvice or business should be di rected. He will bo found there evory SATUUPAY, professiounlly to ex.imiue lungs witb the Respirometer, for which his fee is tbree tlollars : all advice free. In New York at No. 32 BOND Street, every TUES P.Y, from 9 A. M. (o 3 P. M. At the JIALILBUÜO' HUTEL, Boston, January 18 and 19, February 15 and Ifi, Maich 15 and 16, April 19 ani '0, May 17 and 18, June 14 and 15, July 19 and 20. The time for my bei Qg in BALTIMOKE and PITTSBUKG, will be sten in the daily papera of those citjefl 'Ik e Ilistory of Dr. Schcnck's ovm Case, and húiv he teas cured of Consumption. Many yeara ftg, whilst residing in Philadelpbia, I had progvcsed gradually inlo the last stage of Pul monarv (Jousuniption. All hopea of my recovery beïng diSBipatod. I was advised by my physician, Dr. Parritih, tt remove i uto the country, Jioorestown, New Jersey, being my native place, I was removed thither. My father and ftll his íainily had lived and died there- and (lied of Pulmnnary Consumption. On my arrival I was put to 1 ed, whorc 1 láy fot many weeks in what waadeenied a hopeleatf condition. Dr. Thornton.who had bern my father'a famüy phyneian, an! had tttended -him in hi last illness. was called to see me. He thought my caso er.tirely beyond the reachof medicine, and ilecUed that I must lie, nd gave me oae week to nrrange my temporal ntTuirn. ïn thi.-i apparcntly hope levLB coti'Utton, I heard of the remetUcs which I now make and sell. It seemed to me that I could feel them working thPir way, and penetrating cvciy nerve,fibre, and tissue of my system . My lungK and üvor put on a new action, and the mor bid matter wt.ich for year.s had uceumuluted and irritated the different organs of the body, was eliminated, the tuborcleB tm m - funga ripened, and I expectorated froin my lungK au much as a pint of y ello v offenive matter very m..ming. As this expctoration of niHttcr sub-sided, the frver abated, the pain lftme the cough ceased to liars.s me, and the exluiusting nlghtsweats were no looger known, aml 1 had re re.sïiing sleep, tr which I h;d Urn? been a stranger. My appetite now beg u to ïeturn, and at times 1 ftuind it difflcult to restrain mvself from eating too mucli ; with tiiiK return of health, 1 gained hi atrengtli, and now am ileshj. 1 ain now a healtliy man, with a large healed cicatii iu the mWdle lobe of the rïght hing and the lower lobe Lepatized with complete adhenion of the pleura. The left lung 1 sound, and the upper lobe of thenght one is in atolorably heilthy conlit:on. Consumption at that time was thought tobean incurable dtsefeift, by every oue, phy.-ïiKins nswollas those who wore unU'aiuedin medicine- especially such cases as wñti' teduced to the coudition I was in. ïhi_s induced many peopleto believe my rec.overy ouly teinporary. I no-v prepared and gave the medicines to consumptives for some time, and made many wonder - ful cures ; andthedemand increased o rapidlj thut 1 di-tei rained to offer tbom to the public, and devote my undiiided at1 ention to lung diseases. In truth.I wh next to foreed to it, for peopie would tend for me f;ir and near, to ascertain wbether their caseH were Hkt niinf. Kor mauy years, ín conjunction wlth my principal office in I'hJW.elphm, 1 have boen makíng recular profesional viaits to New Vork, Botou, Baltiuiorc, and Pitt'burgr. Fur several years paM I bftve made as mitny as five hundred examination weekly with the "Respirometer." Kor sueh exnminaüon my charge ia three doll;irs,nud It tnabltjs me to give each patiënt the tru# cotrëi-ftOB of bis di(eaee, and teil him frankly whether he will gt-t well. The gr ent reaon why physicians do notcureConRumption is,tlitit tliey try to do too rauch ; thoy glve me eines to stop the coug;h, to stop the n ght sweuf, hostie fever, and by so doinji tliey derane the whole digcstive Bystem, lookint{ up tbe secretions, aud erentually tbe pationt iliee. Thé Pulmonic Syrup is one of the most valuablo aiedicines knvwn. It is nutriënt, powerfullji touic,und healin m itself. It contains no opium, yet toosens the phlegm in the bronchial tubes, and naturfi tlirow.i itoff with little exertiou. One bottle frequently cures an ordinary cold; but it will be well first to take a dose of Scbenclï's Mand fake' a l'ílts to clenns; tHc stomach. The Pulroouic Syrup U readüy digested ard absorbed into bloüd, to whichit Imparte iU healing properties - Itisonoof tliü bost preparations of iron in use ; it U a powerful tome of itself; an 1 when the aenweed ïonic dinsol es the maeus in thi stow&oh, and is cnrried off by the aid of the Mandrate Pilis, a healthy fiow of gufiiric jui'f', koo'1 appetite, and a good digestión foliow. Tlieöeawetid Tonio Is a Blimulant, an.1 noDe otlu-r is required wben It is npt:1. It ld pure and plettsant ; no bad effect a Üku whnn uViug Bourbon whisky, which disordem thestomach, torpors the liver, lockn up til the secretions, turns the bloutl iato water, dropny set in, and tbe palien t diossuddenly. Bourbon whisky is recommpndeti now-a lays by almost every phyr-iri'in. Many pttientfl tluvt vMt my rcomr, botli malt and ftmmle, are atupelied witli tliiti polson. The relief in tnnporary. If tl'ey oough they tuke a UUle ; if tbey fee! wek and íeeble thejr take a little whisky ; if tliey eanrot sletp, they take a little whisky ; and tliey go on in this way, i cqtilring more and more initil they are b-loated up, and imagine tnityare gotiing lloshy. The gfviuach, iivor, and digestive powcrB are completelv deatroyea, and lose their appetite for fuo'l. No one was fvercured ot consumption by tiiis pnicess, wh.ere ciiviUes have been formed intbe'iungB A Htt'.e kIiiuuIhiU i fi-equently beneficial to coii.sumpUves. öuch a pure bnuidy or gool im!-s ; in mauy (.uties Lomïon porter or bruwn stout in moderate quaa'iiea ; but Bourbon whisky hartens on inntead ol curiug consumption. The Sea weed Tóalo produce lastine resutet thoroughly ÏDvtgoraUng the stonmeh and dtgpfttfflM system, and emiMine it to eliminate and nake into healthy blE'fi the foo'l which niy b uited for that parpo - H U wonderfiil fo Lts efïects thht a wine-glassiull will diirest a hcurty meal , ani n little of it tnkn bef(re bi-eakfaut will givr h tone to the Etomack which few medicines posnebK the power of dulng. The MANDRA KK l'Ii.1.9 ma; be taken with entïre safety by uil 'ge and condTtion, iirodueing all the (((.ïclresultH tliat citn be obfiiineil f rom c-tlomel, or any of ch mercurial medicines, and witlioutany of their hurtful or injurious results. They carry ouïof the fsyptem the fcoiilent aud worn out matter lousened and diMolvtd by my Stadeed Toni and l'ulniunic Sv ruji.- It willbe neen thut all three op ra y nwüciuos are ueeded in ment cufies to cufií Consuiiiption. AfiENTS. BOSTON- Georj! C.Goodwtn & Co. NEW YORK- nema fittnes & Co. F. S. ILince. Dr. Goorge H. Keyatr. CIXC1NNATI- V. E. Suire Co., and Jnhn D. Park. filCAGO- lord Í; Smith , nnd H. 9cot11. ST. LOlIr-Cullin Hrothtrf. Sií FRANCISCO- noütcttfr, 8mith ft DaD Estute of Amos Moad. STATE Or' MICHIGAN, Couxty ov Notice is horeby Kiteu. that by au order of tbo 1 róbate Court of the Countjof Waithtcnnw mado on ! the sevppth day ..f April, A, D. ISSñ, iii montl.a f rom thnt (inte wtre allouod lor cndit.rn to pieseut tbeir ijlaini ugainstthe estute of Araos Mead inte of aaiu Ci.unty decexwd, ni tlu;t all rredilin of said du ct'ftsed, ure rsquired to [fTuftaot tliir clanu.i to Hid Prouate Court at the Prohltf Offi in Ih? nf Aun Arbor for UNHininatinn nud rllowanrr, on or befoic tbe Kpvonth d.Tv of October nt, aod thnt pueh claims r! bc henrd before naid Probnte ('onrf, on iaturdnv ! thothird day of Juno, Saturdjr, the fiftb day of Au' gust, and b'atuiday, tbe afvonth dny of October next, uttcuo'clock n tbe forenoon, of each of tlioscdays. I1IRA1I J. BEAKES, .Imigcof Probate. Datod, Ann Arbor, April 7th, 1865. 4wlOOS Commissioners' Notice, OTATK W MICH1OANT, Cor.vTT of Washtknaw, bs.- Tbe undersigned havtn been appnintd by the Proftte Court for imM Oounty, ('otfimi.olouers t receive. laming, nnd adjiint all claim and demanda at all erisons ngainat tbe etote. of rluracc 0borne, late f the. Towiuiliip of Pcio, in iiid eonnty, deeaited. lirveby give notice tbat six mopthR frnm date re alloweil. by order of said Probate Court, for creiliors to preseut tbeir claims airainst the -state of suid eceWd,aud tbat tbcy will m.-et it the store of C 1 -Milli-n,iu thoCity of Aun Arbnr, in saiil County f Viishtenaw, on Snt'urday, the lSth dav ■'( -T n ! V . nil V,-,i„..,lay, fhe iRtb day of October, nevt, at ten 'clont in fhe foreiroou, of each of aid du, to teBiré, eXnlin'0, and anjust haid claim. Dated, April 18th,lHfi5. CHAUNCEY H. Mir.LF.N,„ , iviOO". UIRAM AKNdl.n. } CommurfoBeri. CoinniiHsiouers' Notico. JT'.TE 01' MICHICAN Cousty o Wasiitknaw. u 3 Tu undelvTgnfed baring boon appninted by the 'rubate Court for aaid Connty, Coninii-iRi'f'ncrs tn re ceive, exnmin-, and adjust all claims ;.nd denmnnK of 11 persen giünst the i-state nf Julia Aun (oodyi'ar, ato of the Towneliip of Mnneiu'atfir, n cai ('ouiity, lfct-acd. licrebv c've tliat six monlhs fröni date UT allciwcd, byonliT of snicl Pjrbt" C'ouit, fi.T tor t nrerwnt thcir olainM ngKlnst tlie entftto of sai'l lercusif!! , nnd tbat Uiy will mpet at the resiiltMicp nf t'iijrinim V. Hutt'ni, in tlie Towuship of Manchester. i wíl County oí Waahtenaw, on Saturoay, thP fifteenth day pf July nextand Saturday. tlipfourterntli la.v f October, at one o'clo k in the afternoon, of ea h of rtaid days, to receive, examine, and adjust fiaid claims . Pa tod, April lith,lS65. DAVID '. PALMKR, „ . . 4wl(l05 5IUNS0N GOODYKAK, J lommnsionera. Ditch Notice. 'pllE l'Xlll-RáICNKD -nill sell at Auction to the I Loweát bidderj at tbe residfnee of Ralph Whlüng, in Pittarteld, on rrilay, May 12th, 18C5, at 2 o'clnck, 1'. M.,4S(l toda of Ilitch, known a Plttsficld Pitch No. 1 Said (Htch is to be 2 feet witle on the bottoln, depth nul widtli on top as indicated on station atakes along thi line of the ditch. .7. J. I'ARSHAl.I.. ) l'RI.N'CK KICVMTT, M)rainage ComraianoncrB. ftüSSELt WIHIM'LK, S Anu Arbor, April 17ih,186S. 4wÍ005 RISDON&HENDERSOJN Have tile CRAIJM DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. rpHIi VERY LATEST IMPROVEMKNT, and bettcrthau JL all others; adaptud to aowing Wheat,, Oats, Barlej" au il Grass Seed. lst. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wül sow all kinds of Grairi and Grass Seed. 3d. Wever ounches the Grain ■iih. Wever breaks tlie Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast beliindihe Drill. QtJi. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points. &th. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. IQth. lt has a self alju8tMig shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a ïrill offeredm the market but can boatit of more or less "FJIiST PREMIUMS." Tliey are ahoutas indiscriminately bestoweJ at the title of " Professor,' which ia sometimea applied to the " jiddlrr " or ' bootblack." Thej cease to convey the idea of merit. ïlie DuckeyeDrill haa been on Exhibition at quite a number of State and County Fairn,anfl without seeking favor at tbc hands of auy Cominittee, has received its f uil share of Premiums TESTIMONIÁIS : We give tlie following Dainen of a few Farmers in this ioinity wao have bouglit and used the ituckeye Drill : Gudfre.v Milk-r, Sclo. Jacob INilhemu JacobTreinper, " Thoinan White, Northfield, John Brnkaw, ■ Christian Kapp, " K'lward iioyden, Webster. James Treadwell, AnnArboi DanielO'Hara, " .ïohnG.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marwhall, 14 L. Edinoncig, Saline. GeorgeCropgey, tírean Oak, LÍ?. Co. AVe arealso Agents for the Ohio Reaper & M.wer, cknowledged tobe the Terj best in use. We are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Clieap. Also alargeassortment c Grrass Scythes. And the Iargest and best selected stock of BEISTT STTJPF FOR CARRTAGESever before offored in this market Wc uIku keep alarbe and futl IUHJB, GLASS.PUTTY, PA1NT,&nd LINSEED OIL. A complote ansortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, ANDEAVETROUGHSalwajsonhaniiind putupS the Bhortestnotice. RISDON & HENDRRPON'. AnnArbor.,June29th,18fl2. 859tf ARE YOÜ INSUREB? IF NOT, CA&L ON C. H. MILLEN, Agent for the foltowing first clan Companiea : Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capital over (3,500,000. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE GO. OP NÏW YORK. Cpital over $1 L00 ,000. In thi Compás ih ínftured particípate in the profita. CITY FIRE I3STS., CO.. OF HARTFORD. Capital over Tbree Iluodrril Thouiwd Dollara. O. H. MILLEN, 989tf UtiDitieet, Ana Ártxit. Estáte of Patrick MuNamara. S-TATE OF MICHIGAN, CODOTT OF Wahiitk.w, .._ At a leaálon f the Probate Court for the Couuty of I Washtciiaw, bolden at the Probate Office, in tbet'iry of Ann Arbor,ou Thursilay, the sixth day of Auril 111 tlie wie thousund eight hundred ar.d sixty-five. Pre.ient, HllUM -T. BXAKKI, .Judgo of Probate. 1q the mnttür of the Kn'ate i f Pat nok McNamara di-ceanod. On roading and flling the petition, dnly verified,of' Miclmnl Kielen, prjyirg tliat (liu Ainiinlntrator of I aid et"'e may be authoiized and diif.cted to convey to h-.m certain teal eatnte, whcreof tho said deccased died neized. Thercupon it ia Ordercd.that Monday, the twintysecord day nf May next, at ten n'cluck n the furenoon, be .-iioigued furtlis heanWg of said pitition, and that the heirs at law of said decea.sed and all other persons itnerestcd in naiíl Afílate, are required to appear nt a e.irion of said Court, thon to be Lolden at the Probate Oflice, in tlic City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if anjr thore be, wby the prajor of the petitioner nhould not be ranterl j And it is further ord!r(d,that s.ád petitioner (iive notice to theperrions interested in said estáte, rf the peudency of mid peli tion,aud thi' hearint; thereof, by cau.-inga co]iyof this Order to be pVbllifaed in the Michigan Argua, a newüpaper piinted and circulatinp in sanl County, sis snecesHive weeks preTious to t-aid tlav oí hearing. A truccopy.) 11IKAM J. ÜEAKES, 100.'!ll Judgo of Probate; Estáte of David Lapham. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County Of Waihlenaw. p.- Ata session of the Probate Court for the County oi Yashtcnaw: holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on WedneHday, the fifth day of April, in the y par thousand eiirlit hundred and sixty-five. Present, Uimm .1. Bealie, Jndge of Probate. In fche-matter of the Kstate of Darid Lapham' decensed. On nadine and Rlincr tVe petition, dulv verified, of Walter I. Corson, Execu'o of the lust wili and testanif;nt of Kaid deceased, praylug that lie may be li oensed to sel! certainreal estáte wheiforsaid docvased died seized. ïhereupon it is Ordered. that Monday, thetwentysecond day of May next, at ten o'olock in theforenoon, be assigned for tbehearJDK of said petition, and that the legateea devisee amfhéiMat law ofsaid deceased. and 1' other persons interested in aidesUte,arerequiredto appeur at a ftession of said Court, thento be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any theie be, why the praycr of the petitioner Bhould not be granted . And t is further ordered, tbat said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of tho ptndency of said petition and the hearing thoreof, by causinp a copy of this Order to be publishedin the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said County four successive weeks previousto said day of hearing (Atruecopy) HIRAMJ. BEAKKS, lOOÜtd Judge of Probate. Estáte of James J. O'Brien. STATE OF MlCHlfiAN, Coi.nty o Wabhtenaw,s8.- Ata seion of tbe Probate Courtfor the County of Washtenaw, holden al the Probate Oifico in the City of Anu Arbor, on Monüay, the 17th day of April, in the one tbousand eighthundrtïd nrlfl ixty Bye. Present, Hiram J. Beakf.s, Judge of Probate. ïn the matter of tho Estáte of Jamen J. O'Rrien, deceased. George Suttou, Administra tor, with the Will annexed of saM estáte, comes iuto Court and ranreaeDtsthat hei no-A'prepared to reuder his final account as such Admtnistrator. Thereupou it i.s Ordered, that Moiiday, tbe 15th day of May ntrxt, at tt'ü o'eloek iuthe ibreiioon, be aasigned forexaminirj and sl'owing such account, and that the widow, de viseen, legattcsaud heirs at law of said deceased, nnd II otlier persons interested inttatd estáte, are requiredto nppear ut a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Qfifice, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said C'onnty an'l shotfause, if anv there be, why the sai 1 account should notbe allo wed: Andlt ifurtherorderedthat sajd administrtorgivenotice ttlie persons intereüled in said estáte, oobe pendency ofüaíd account, and the hearing therecf, by causing n copy cf this Order to be published n the Michigan Argus} a newspaper printed and circuhiiing in íaid ("ounty, three kuccessive week.s previous to .said day of hearing, (A true copy.) HIKAM .1 ÜKAKES, 1005 Jndge of Piobate. Ettate of Becker Pratt. STATE OF MICHIGAN- County of WasLtenaw- ss. At a seasiou of the Probate Court for the County of W'ashteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, tho 18th day of April, in the yaar one tlumsand eight hundred and sixty five. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate, In the matter of the Estáte of Becker Pratt, deoeased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Isabel Pratt, praying that she or some other suitable poreon ma y be appointed adminiatrator of the estáte of said deceased. Thereuponit isOrdered, That Monday.the fifteenth day oí May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for the. hearing of said petiftlon, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then tobe holden at the Probate Ofiïce, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, i f any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered, that said üetitioner give notiseto the persons intereeted in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, aml the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus,& newspaper printed and circulating in said County three succetjsive weeks previous to said day of hearing(A true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1005 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Thomas S. Ingraham. STATE OF MICHIGAN', Coubty OF Washtkxaw, sa.- At a session of the Probate Court for theCounty of Washteuaw, bolden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the elevrnth day of April, n tlie year one thnusnnd eiffht bundred and sixtv-five. Present, IIikam ,J. Bkakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas S. Ingraham, deceaxed. On reading and 81ing the petition, duly verilied, of Arthur Case, praying that a oertain Instrument now in file in tl;is Court, purportingto be the last WilJ and Testament ol said deceased, may be admitted to Probate. Thereupnn it is Ordered, that Monday, the flfteeuth day of May net, at ten cclock in the forenoon, be assigned for Ihe hearing of, said petition, and that the widow, devi.sees, legatees, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons intorested innaid estáte, are required to appear at a segsicn of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, il any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not "egranted: And it is further ordered, that Baid pe+itionergive n 'tice to the persons interested in fiaid eslaie, of the pendency of said petition, and the beariog tfaereof, by causing a copyof th! Order to be published in the SUckigar. Arguit a newgpaper, printed and circulating in said County, tliree suocesslve weeks previous to saidday of hearing. (A true copy.) H1BAM J. BEAKES, lOOptd Judge oi Probate. Estáte of Ezekiel M. DeForest. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, su.- At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Offloe in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuenday, the eleventh day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty üve. Present, Ilirar.i 3, Beakes, Judge of Probate. lï the matter of the Estáte of Ezi'kiel M. DeForest, deceased. On readlng and Blln"g the petition, duly yerifled, of Sarah A. DeForent, praying that sbe and Aaron 6. DeForest, may be appuiutcd administra tors of the estate of said deceased . Thereupon it s Ordered, tbat Friday, the twelfth day of May next, at ten o'clook in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of Baid petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all otherpersons interested in aaid estáte, are required to appear ata session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Anu Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of t''e petitioner should not be granted : And it ig further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, aiid tho hearing therof, by oausing a oopy of tuis Order to be published in the Michigan Argus,& newspaper printed aad circulating in said County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1005 Judge of Probate. Eetate of Heman Tioknor. STATE OF MICHTOAN- CountyofWashtenawsa.Ata sesslonof the Probate Court ior the County of Washteniiw, holden at the Probate Oflice in tha city of Ann Arbor, on Thuraday, the twentieth duy of April, ín the year one thouaand eight hundred and aixty five. Present, Hiram J. Bcaken, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte oi Heman Ticknor, Ï6ceased. James 0. Allen, Kxeentor of the last Will amïTestament of said deceased, comes into Court and represents that he is now prepared to reader hj naai account as such Kxecutor. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Friday, tbe twelfth day of May DUt at ten o'clockin tbe fovenoon, be asnigned for examining and allowing auch account, and that the legatees, devisees, and heirs hé law of said deceased, and all other persons interesiedin said estáte, are reqnired to appear at a spssion of said Court theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the utd account should not te allowed ; And it is further ordered, that said Kxecator give notice to the peinons nterested in said et-tate, of the pendency of .said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thi Order to be publinhed in the Michigan Argús, a new. paper printed and cïrculntmg in puíü County three succesBïve weeks previous to said dav of bearinp . (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1005 Judge of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtonaw, bs. O In theni.-itter of the estáte of David N. Geddes, Charles A. íicddes and Henry A. Geddes, of the County of Washtenaw in the State of Michigan, minore: Notice 8 hereby given , that in pursuancc of an order granted to the undeisígned guardián of the estáte of Raid minors by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the fourth d:iy of April, A. D. 1865, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the dwelling house on the premises, m the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Saturdaj the tenth day of June, A. I). 1865, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, (subject to all encumbrunooB by mortpraf?e or otiierwiifp existing at the time of the nle) the undivided half of the followfng describod real estáte, viz . The west half of the south eat quarterof Kection onp, in townshtp three south of ranjie five eaBt, coutaining etghty eren more or lesa, n the town of I.odi and county aforepaid. RKBËCCA G:DDE9, Guardan. Dated Afiril í, 18W. t4 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICH GAN, Coitnty (,f Wamitknaw, s8. in the mattor of the catate ot Michnel Wal., of tinCouutyol Wntihtpimw, ín ie State cf Mrehig cti, decp-fiHei!: Xutice i nreby girep, that in pureuance of an ordr gianted to Itie uuderi-.lgned, Administra. ! tor of the estute of said dec-ea-!, by thu Ilon. Judge .f Probate fur the County oí' Washtpnaw, on tlie si-venteenth dtty of April, A. 1). lt65, (here will bo no1d ut Public Vendae, to the high est bidder, at the rl welling on tht prernlsea. in the Cutinty t VVjishtenaw, in guiri State, on Monday, the fifth day of June, A. D. 1865, at two o'ciuck in tlie afteruoon of tbnt tlny, (subject to all encumbraucea hy mortpajre or otberwise existir ;it the tune of the denth of tiaiil dereneed,) the foUowing descrláed real eatftie: The cast half of thu north-east quarter of section thirtcen ín town.shi ftjur south of riinge four rast, contal nl Dg cighty ncre.s inore or lens, jd the town of Biridjrewater, and thefouth hnf of the east half of the northwesi quarter of se cti 't) eighteea, iü townhip four ronth of range five east, cöntaiiiing furiy acres, more orless, in the town of 8aline, all being in the State of Michigan. AAROX L. FELPKAMP. AdmimVtrator. Pated, April 17th , 1865 lOOótd Real Estáte for Sale STATE OF MICHTfiAN', OotWTY (,k Waitknaw. sb.- In the matter of theeftite of Ksthnr Ann VanRiper, Eugenia Tíogprn and Chrinne Jane Roeers, minora:- Xoticeishrcby giren, tbaí [n fiíirsuance of an order granted to the undersigned. Kuardian of the estale of ttd min..r, by the iíon. Jti'lgo of Probóte for flie County of Washtruaw, on tte tn-tny-sewnth dayof Marcli, A. P 186fi, {here will hp boH at Public Vndue, to the highest bidder, at tlii lwpnínfc honseonthe prpmisesTon Satunlay,the tiiii t' nth rlay nf May m-vt. at oneo'cUck in tbe afternool) of snid day, subjeetto all euciimbrances by rtr oftierwlw, tíie fol íowing drecribed real estáte, to wft ■ Tht undivided tlirt'o-fiiiiitjis of the following describid pareéis of lund, viz: Tht cftst lialf of. nmíh rast quarfr, the tfist half of the nórth-wcst qmtrter of the northeast quarter, and the tfefit half of norih-cast quar ter of the inuth eat quarter of oction sevonteen, in township three south of range (ivo east, being iu the Townshipof I,ndi, in the County of Waiihtenaw , and State of Michigan, and ontaimïig onehundreil and iwenty acres more or less, LtTCTXPA ROfiKRS, Guardian. Dated,M8rh -28th, 1865. Therewill alfto be sold at the mme time and place the undirlded one-fourth of the ahove deHüriied lan-ls beloging to Augusta Rogers. 1OO'2 Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN County of Waahtenaw, s.- O In the matter ot the Kstate of TVílIiam H. KiggB and Matüda. Jane Iüggsof the County of Washlenaw inthe State of Michigan, minora Noticc s hfre!y given, Ihat in pursuance of an order granted to the undr-rsiguedlruardían of the es-tate of said minors, hy the Hon. Judge o. Probate for tlie Coontyol Washtenaw, on thefourtb day of April, A. J). 1M;5, thert! w i 11 be sold at public vendue,'to the bighest bidder, at the dwellinjí'house nntlie flrat describid parcel of land n the County of Washtenaw, ín' said State, on Monday thetwelfth day of June, A. D 1865, at two o'cloc'k in the aftcrnoon ofthat day, (subject to all eiicutn brances by mortgage or otherwiac e.xisting at tlie time ofsale) the andiWdéd to rrfnthH of the ollowtag descnbed real estáte. tr wit . Tlie oat-t half of the uortlj st fjuarter of nection tweatj .in townliip four Kouth of range five east, containineiglity acres more or le-; aud a parcel éomitíeneftig where the Ca Road ang'eswest, at the grave yard, on said Hection twenty, ruiming thenee wet and norlh alongthe Une of saidroad to tlie Chicago road thnot-north-eafst along the line of the Chicago road about fifty roils to the north -west córner of the firstabovv describcd eighty aerea of land, thence soutberljr aiong the line of Haiïl eighty acres to the pi i.c6 of beginning, containing aboutten acres o! laúd more or lew, aud alo the interost of snid minors in a parcel comnienciu? seventeen and a half rods nortli of where the Case road mtersects the Chicago road in said section twenty. and in the centreof said Chic;igo road, running theneeiiorlh i twenty eight anda half degreea west to the i)ell flítcTí . thence north anl west the above named number if degreea, and along the centre line of said ditch to a stake in said ditch,on the tvest half oí the souch wetit quarter of section seventen, and cjae huudred radn aiïdsix-tenths of a rod f rom the centre cf said Öiicago road, running thence north twenty une flflgfPO dtirt to a stake in the ceotre line of said" aection Heventeen, whicli stHlte isflfty-four rods east of the (uarter stake on the west side of said section seventeeu, tliencewet to the north-west corner of tlieeast half of the Boutheafit q nar ter of sectíou eigíiteen, same town and range, thence south along the west side of above described eighty acres, to the aouth line, thence east along said south line to the section corner, thence nouth aloiig the west line of the west half of the north-west rjuar ter of secticn twenty, -to the Chicago road, tbence noith-eafiterly aloug the conter of aard road, tú tlie place of begïnni'ng, containing one hundred andthïrtysix acres of land more or less, in the township of Saline, Washtenaw County and t-'tate of Michigan. MARY RIGGS, Guardian. Dated April 4tlit A. 1865. td-lütKi Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Codnty of Wa9ïitbnaw, ss.- Iu themattei oí the etae of John Ludwig Killiuger.Matilda Kililngir, William II nry Killinger, ud Elizabeth Killinger, of the Couuty oí Washtonaw, in the State of Michigan, minors. XotUe is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order grauted tü the undersigued, Guardian of the State of .said minors, by the Hon.Judge of Probate for the County ot Wanhttnaw, on the ti-nth day of April, A. D.1865,there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidíler. atthe d welling house on the jm-mises ín Frecdom, in tho County of Wa-htenaw, la aiid Htate, on Wednesday, the thirty-first day of May. A. D.18fi5fattwo öclocb in the afternoon of that day, (subject to all eDcumbrances by mortgage orotherwïse existing at the time of sale, aud also subject to the right of dower of Dor-thy Wiilleub, late victow of John Killinger, deceased], the undividfd four-fifths of the folio wing described ral estatP) to wit. Tbe uorth-east quarter of the nortb-west quarter of the north-east quartur, containing ten acres more or less, and the west-half of the north-west quarter of the north-east quarter, containing twenty acres more or less, both parc;els being in section thtrty-five in township three, gouth of range four east, in the State of Michigan. CITARLES MILLEK, GuaMian. Dated, April lOth, Ï865. lOÜ4td Mortgage Sale. TAEFAULT having been marïe in the conditïon of a J certain mortgag, executed by Christïan Rreisch and Barbara Breisofc nis wïfe, f Ann Arbor, WaaMe naw County, Michigan, to Willlam S. Saunders, "f the same place, datedthe nineteenth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundrud and sixty-one, and recorded on the ninth day of ftsconiber, A. IJ. 1861, in the office of the Register of Deeds for the said County of Washtenaw. in the state of Michigan, in Liber '28of Mortgage.s, on page 558, upon wliich Mortgage there is claimed t" be due, at the date of tÜid no tice, the sum of nluety-two dollars, and no suit or proceeding at law or in equitj haviiig been foptitufbd to recover the same or any part thereof, aud the pijwcr of sale in paid Mortgage contained having thert-by bocome absolute. NonCK i-u tfeérèfore heteby given, that on Paturday, the thirteenth day of May next,at ten of theclcok in the forenoon, I shall sellat public aucïioii to the highest bidder, at the South door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, (bei tig th plaoe where the Circuit Court for Raid County of Washtenaw is hold) , the premisos described in üftid mortgsge, orno much thereof as maybe neceesary to satisfythe nroount due on saíd mortgage, and interest, together with thecosls and expenses allowed by law ; said prem ise.s beingsituated in said County oí Washtenaw, and described in said mortgage as followe, to wit: All of lots No. twelve and thirteen in Wm, S. Sauuder's addition to the City of Ann Arbor, accurding to the recorded plat thereof. Dated.Februaryl5 1863. WIU.IAM S. SAUN'HER?, Mi.rtgagee. A. Felch, Attoroey for Mortgaee, 996td Mortgage Sale. Fefault liaving boen made in the oondltïona of o, mortgage made by Ilenry C, Fisk and wife, to John Pavenport, dated Uctoljcr la, 1859, recorred April 6, 1860. at four c'clock in the afternoon, in the Register of Peed's office for tlie County of Washtenaw, Micbi gan, in Liber 26 of mortgnges, on page 614, upon which there is clairaed due at this date, the sum of seven hundred and twenty-seven and fifty onehundredths dollars, and the further sum of fivO hundred dollars and interest thereon f rom the firstdayofOc tober, 1864, hereafter to become due, for the rucovery of which no proceedings have hitherto been taken either in law or eijuity: Therefore, noticeis "hereby gjiven, that by virtueof a power in said mortgage con tained, for the purpose of realizing the uroney öforesaid due, together with accruing interest and cot-ts of forecloeure provided tor in said mortgage, I, the said mortgagee, shall, on the thirtieth day f$ Juno, 18Ö5, ut tea o'clo 'k in the (orenoon, at he Court House in the City of Ann Arbor. in said County of Waslitenaw, (the place of holding the Circuit Court for said County) sell at public vendue, the premises described insuid mortgage, to wit: All tiiose pareéis of land sitúate in the township of Manchester, Couniy of Washtenaw, Michigan known and describid as follöws: ThenorthUalf of the north half of tlie north eastquarter of section numberthivty-three (''A) in township nuraber four (4) t-outh of range number three (3) east, containing forty acres of lamí be the same more or less Also the middle part of the north half of the Borth-west (uitrter of section number thirty-four (34) intownship number four (4) south of range number three (3) east, bounded on the north by lande of Frederic Vak-ntme, and on the Nrath by l&nds formerly sold and deeded by said John Davenport to Knos Lytle, and cont&ining thlrty nine acres of land, be the sime more or less. JOHN DAVENFORT, Mortgagee. E.B. Wood, Attorney for Mort gage e. Dated, Marcb 30, 1661 1003-td Mortgage bale. WHEREAP, default has teen made in the condilions of acertain Inden ture of Mort gage, made and executedoothe first day of April, A. D. 1857, by Jonathan D. FosdicUjto mp the undcrsigned, which Mort gage was rluly recorded on the seventh day of April aforesaid, ia Líber No. 23 of Mortgagen,on page 456, ia the Office of the Register of Deeds and Mortgages, in and for the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan , and, wherea, there ís now dueand unpaid on Kaid Mortgage and Bond accoinpanying the same, the sum ')f $3 .'257 .20, including an Attorneysfee af $25, 88 proviiU'd for in said Mortgage. and whereas, no snit or pioeeedings at law or in efjuity, has ben instituted to recover the name or any part bhereof; Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtuet.f a power of salo m said Mortgage contained, I hall se'l public auction to thp highest bidder, on Saturday, the lóth day of -ïuly nfxt, at 12 o'clock, M. , of said day, at the front door f the Circuit Court fonse, in the City of Ann Arbor, in aid County of Washtenaw, the pieroiHes describid in aaid Mnrtgage, to-wit I The Kant huif of the South-West Quarter, (YM of S W'i.) th Wesf of the North-Weat Quarter, [W of N W1.,,] and the South half of the East half of the North Went Quarter. fS of E% oí N WM-3 a11 of Secfion No. ten, [10,] in Township No, four, [4,J South of Range No, five, [5J tost : the Raid preiniseo bfing 200 seres oí land, and sftuated in the Couoty oí Wftöhtenaw, aforesaid. Patefl, Ajiril 18tb, l6fi. C VAN HUFAV, Mnpttfiipre. W. A.Moobs. AH fat Mopfgdg.o, ÍOOStd TT""1? Etstate of Michuel Devany. CtTATK OF MICHIGAN', Cou.nty u, Wa.suth „ U At asesaion of the Probate Court for tfcin " ot Whlenir, holden at the l'robate (it'ièl '7 City of Ann Arbor, on Mondny, tlic k, n" "" of April, iu tlio j-ear oue thuusand ui,, . d? aud sixty-hve. '" lju"JtJ Present, Hru.iM J. Bkakiü", Judge of Probate In the matter of 5he Estáte of Micha'ei n. deceased. ""f1 On reailing and filiiig the petition, duly verifi . Mary A. Jlernny, pniying that admiuistraii()n of '' eatatcmay be giunttd to her or urne otber ,,',■" perROn. uule Thcreupon it i Ordcred, tliat Mondav tl,. , , . day of Hay next, at ton o'clock in 't!ie!„r. '5""1 be Mtigned fur the hfuiinj? of said Mtiti, i that the bei at law of said decawd! all othcr persons interesti-d ín knid Mtüte i ' quirpil to appear at a Matón „f said CouVl n' to twhoMin at the Probate Office, in tlie OitT „f f" Arbir,anil how cause, f any there bu, hy tlie Br of the petilioner nhould not bc grantt-.] ■ irf]'.' further ordered. that said peiitif.ner pive notice'iVii. persons intere.vted in said eftate, cftha oeuitZ, , aaid petition, and the hearing tl.ereof, bv caini. copy of this Order to be published u the ,2' Argus, a newspaptT printed and circul.ithu. „„.'1 County, three succej.iiYC weeks previou to ssiil d, , hearing. ' ' [Atruecopy.] flIRAJ! J. HKAKfü 1004 Jiulgeof Pro-o,t,, Estáte of Alvah Buroess. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cm stí ot WaiitiW ■ kj At a session of the l'robate Court f.,v tlie Count i Washtenaw. holden t the l'robate Office in HieSl of Aon Arl.rjr, on Friday, tlie scventh iiay„fiïïf in the year one thousand eight hundred ad ,' fiv. IlJ' Present, Hiraji 3. Beaium, Judge of Prohnti. In the matter of the Estale uf Alvuli nt.t deceased. K 'i Onreadingand filing the petition, duly tprifial Grant T. Perry, praying that Horacc Booth ou u appointed admmiwtrator o( the estáte of said („i" Thereupon it is Ordered, that Mondaj , the ort?; day of Hay next: at ten o'olock in the fr.renooi k. assigned for the hearing of aaid petition '.Z tbat the heira at law of said J and all other persons interested in said tate, are requived to appeor at a session of saidCo,!, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the Cittd Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be hft piayer of the petitioner sluiuld not begraiiU-d. And t is further ordered, that said petitimer tin notice to the perionB interested iu said ttitU of tlie pendency of faid petition, and the hearin tü,, at, bv fausing a copy of this Order to be publinhriu the Michigan Argtu, a nev spaper printed and cirtuli ting in said County, three uccessive weeks mnJ,'i to taid day of hearing. F ""' (Á truecopy.J HIRAM J. DEAKKS !Oitd Judgeof Probitf, üstate oí Jacob L. Marslia]. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cou.-íty (ir O At a session of the Probate Court foi tíe CoaníVa Wftshtenaw, Lolden at the Probiie OSm n u,e (j,_ of Ann Albor, on Thursday, the eixlh da ofAuil iá tht year one thouftand eiglit hundred aii.ískty.fiT,1 Present, HSKjIM J. Biukxs, Juiige of Prolmt. ín tíie nratter of thc Estáte of Jacob L.!IrsliH 'leceased. ' üu readiug and filing the petition, rluly Teriüed of !.■■■ JEftndricks, proying that a certain ïnstrumratno 'i tile in this Court, purpnrting to be the lat Willmi Te.-tamout of said decaised, lna j be ailuiitlcd to Pr bate. Thercupon it is Or.lered, tlist Slondaj, ll,e m day of May next, at ten o'cluck in the rortnooiW asnigueJ for the hearing of soul petitien, aml thi'ihi legatees, du isots, aud heirsat lawot aal öec mi,sii all persons interested in said estáte, are reqijjied to appearat a session of ssid Conrt tiiento behoMeiil the Probate Office, in tb City oí Aon cause, ií anv tbere be, why the praver of the petitiner lioaldniitbetrBted:Anditiiifurtheioril(Kd,tt!iia petitioner give notice to the persons iitterestd in . t-stiite of theptndency f sivid petiïion, auü thebai. ing tbcreuf, by cnusing u oopy of Ibis Order t K published in the Michigan Artpis, a newspaper prinlrt iimi circulating in said County, thrte succussive ïtdï pievious to said day of hearing. [A truc oopy.] HIRAM J. BEiKK 1003 Judge of Protatt Estáte of Herman ScLlaek. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CcüT or WuSTBm m J At a Bession of the Probate Court fbr UtCwIrt Washtenaw, holiiel at the Probate Office. inlledtr of Ann Arbor, on Tliursday, tht thirtMh écf of Mareh, io the year one tliuuaand i-iftt iu4n4 n4 sixty-five. Present, rïlRAM J. Bkakbs, Jurtge of Prebate. In the matter of the EotafJ of HerDUL Echlitk deceased On readiog and filing the petijion, dulv mitied oí Kunigunda Schade, praying tbat Augiisl-jK 1 ; may be appoiuted Admini.-trator of the .i-Uta üííiíí deceased, uotalready adicinistered. Thereupon it Sa Ordced, tbat MfifaiUlT, the tn( day of Alay next, at ten o'clock in the forenwf; be as.iigned for the hearinir o aM petJUoa, anr that the heirs at aw of .sid dtceüsetl , : and tl! other persons interested in sftid vstate. are reqUreúta appear at asession ofsaidCourt,1lient. be l oMtnittb Probate Office, in the City ofAnn Arbur.audsliinrctt, if any tbere be, why the ptayex 'f the pti&w phould not begranted : And it is insther orfanl.Hi! said petitoaer givenoticeto the persou t-iiiten'ttèdifl.ttü estáte, of thependency of said petition. and tbehtiring tliereof, by causing a cnpy f tiiis Order tube published in the Michigan Argux, a rc'-wspjperpnnltd and circulating in said County, three succmmiï weeks previnus to said cay of he.ring. (A truecopy.) HIKAM J. BEAKES, lSU3td .T,ul,.i c,f Prnnit'. Estáte of John S. Whiflark. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cocstt of Wasutsm,biAt a sessioa of the Probate Court for theCoant; of Washtonaw, holden at the Probate Offli in AeCity of Ann Arbor, un Wedoesday, the fifth iij of April, in the year one thousand eigbt hundred wi sixty-five. Present, J. Bukis, Jiidge of Probaif. In the matter of the Estáte oí Juhn ft lVWtIrt dectust'd . On readinp and filing the petition, 'luir veriSeó, oí John W Whïtlark, prajing that gfelW.Sfcortfe auü N'elson Brundage, or ome olber t-uitable pwJ decea.seü. ïliereupon it is Orüered. that1 Moafoy. & r" Oay of May next, at ten olcl.c& in tbe Pwenoon ba assigned for the hearing of sk1 p"iiton, that the heirs at law nf wié decetfsei. "d all other persuns intrested ia' .sai (i estáte, nre :equirtd toapucar ata session of snid Cnnit, theni hüklea at the Probate OSice, ie the City of Ann AiW: and show cause, if any there b, why the prayerofu petitioner shonld uut he granteü: And it isfurtheni' dered, that tóid petitioner giTe notice to thepeTSonsitterptpfi in ssrW estáte, nf the pendeucy of aaiil lWw ftnd the hearing thereof, by causing a copy Í tl ás tr derto be published in the Michigan Argüís, a reffsp per priuted and circulating in snid Couaty, thw aUücessive weeks preïious to saitl daj of hearing. (Atruecopy.) HIRAll J BEAKS, tDOattd Judgt-of Piobit. Estáte of Frederick Losoh. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cwktt or Washtesiit, At it session of the Probate ('uurtfor theCotiJ Washtenaw, holdi,:i at the Probate Office in the; Ann Arbor, on Tuesdaj, the fourth day of! ia the yesr one thousand eight hundred and ST five. Present, Hiram J. Beíkks, Jolige of Probate. Ih the wiHer of the Estáte of Frederick hm,ceased. ,. . rf ' On rearting and Bling the f etition, J"'.ï ". WilHam Kuho, praymg that lie ma; be apfOU Adininistrator of the estáte of said deceaeli. Thereupon it is Ordered, That Mondar i "" m' dayofMay next, at ten o'clnck in the 0TernL( aigned 'for tbe hoaring of said peütion, m the litirs a( law of said Seceased, ind all perüuns intt-rested in said estale, artí rcuf ü appear ;it Ressionoí saídCourt, then tubeh otó t the Prob te Office, in the City of Ann Artior, ati cause, i( anv therebe.why thp pr.iyer of tai pilif"j should not'be gianted: And it is furthír o that said petitioner givenütice to the V"""'' L ted in said estáte, of the peodeacy of saidpetmw' f the hearing thereof, by causing copj "'"",„, to be published ie the Mickigim Argus, ' J printed and circulating in said County tliree!M"! weeks, preTious to said day of hearinij. _- Comraissionera' Noties. STAÏE OF MICHIGAN, County oí W"8lltt."ftS!Ü The undfrsigjied hnying been .appo""el1 : w Probate Court for said County, Commissio"' ' 1(j ceive, examine and adjust all claimsand .lemán0" persons agamst the estáte of Kli l&', vtJf. thetownship of Saline, in said County, deceBS b give notice that six months from date reesiB b'y order of said Probate Court, for creditors to pwj tMcir claims against the estáte of saM oec1"; that thev ivill raeet at the late dwelling bo"" ft deceased'.in the township of Saline, in saidU - Saturday.the twentj fourth day ut June,"'" ; the twelit.y-6fth day of September next, at one , P.M., of'each of said days, to recciTe.c" adjust said claims. Pated,March 25th,1865. ,nï JOHN FOEBKS, . , lonjtd Comini810'" ' Estáte of Catharine Pykett. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coisrv OF WiPJiI',,, is heieby given that by n or0 .j, Jij l'rubate Coiirt Eor the Couutp.of Washtont, ,,. niit'le, si montUs ar alWwe'á fvom ttiS 1((; srediters t present Hie ir cliiïms against tte (Ii L'n tbarinr Fykfctt, late of sairi County, le ""ji: that all crëditorn of said rteceased are rJ f„i ji-esent theil claims to the Hrpbatf tc"r ,„,.:■ County, at the Probate Offico n the City m #„.! bor,atanyof the sessions thereof. on or iMl!! twenty-BPeond day of August next, 'or ex itnd ailowaucd. Dated, Ann Aïbor.Feb. 22d,lfi65. tpbtte. 4wl4 HIRAMJ. BKKES,Judgeonw Commissionera' Noticc STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wsjtfc f The undersigned haïlng been arpointea J (et,t. bate Taiirt for said County, Commissioner ' llp(r examine and adjust all claim and ileman" (,, nana against the estáte of Isaac Lovcios ■ . Wrti City of Ann Arbor, in said County '"'.V Kive notice tliat six montlis from date. rl re. order of said Trábate Court, for ?,'' f' „'„J, j their claims against theestate of " eptt, that Ihey will meet nt tho offlce of J ifl " " h' d said city, in said county, onSaturd)' 'M d W June.onSaturday the Mh day of. A"ü l' .vi . day the sevtiuth day of Octpber next at ten t (iJ,n qf each of said dnys, to reeene, ezaininr said claims. 0 Psted, April, 1885. MEN'BYBO?'


Old News
Michigan Argus