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The New Constitution Of Missouri

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Tho following are the principal provisions of the new Oonstitution of the Statö of Missouri, whioh is to be voted upon on the 6th of June : 1. Tlie constitution in ita first aentence, reeognizes our dependence as a people upon Almighty God, the Sovereigu lluler of Nations, for our State Goveinmenl, our liberties, and our con neotiou with the Aruericau Union. 2. Declares Missouri a Free State forevor. 3. Establisbes the equality of all inen beïore the law. 4. Prohibí ts legislatiou interfering with the personal rights of men on ao count of their color. 5. Asserts that all governmcnt, of right, originated from ttie people, is founded upon their will, and is iuaiituted soL-ly for the good of the whole, 6. Affinns that the peoplo of Mis souri are a part óf tlie American uation. 7. Peclares that Missouri shall ever remain a member of the American Uuion. 8. Asserts the pararaount allegianee of every citizen of Missouri to the Constitution and Goveruiuent of the United States. 9. Excludes from the ballot-bos and from office, traitors, rebels, rebel sympatbizers, guerrilla laurauders, bushwhacker8, and their aulers and abettors 10. In Uk-e manuer, exnludes Kuigbts of tbc Golden Gircle, Sons of Liberty, aud O. A. Ka. 11. In like maoner, excèudes tl ose who fled the State to escape the draft. 12. In like rnanner, excludes those who eurolled themselves as disloyal, or as Soulhern sympathizers, to avoid military duty. 13. Provides for an efficiënt rcgist rali ,n of voters, thereby securiug tbe tx clusioa of illegal votes. 14. Removes the rule requiring trea sou to bo proved by at least two witnesses, and leaves it to be proved as aoy otber crime. 15. Invites immigration fromEurope, by extendiiig the electivo franchise to those' persona of foraign birth, who have, more ihau oue year before the eleption, decla:ed their inteniion according to law, to büoome citizeus of the United States. 16. Forbids prvate, local and special ltígislutiou, which for 30 years bas cursed this State, and briugs thu SLate under a uniform system of geueral laws. 17. Prohibits lotleries. 18. Forbids the Legislatnre making compen.satiou foi omancipated slaves. 19. Forbids tlie Legislature removing the county seat of any county, unless at a general election two-thirds of the voters of the county vute for it. 20. Shortens the term of office of the Governor and other State officers at the seat of Government, (after the present term,) to two years. 21. Estabüshes intermedíate appelhite courts between the Circuit Oourts and the Supreme Courts, without incroaeed expense to the State. 22. Stops the creation of corporations by special acts, with enormous and dai gerous powers, and requires all corporations to be formed under geueral laws. 23. Prohibits the crealion, r;newal, or extensión oí the charter of any bank of issue. 24. Proteots the intcrests of the peo pie by imposing upon stoekhoklers individual liability for the debts of corporations ; and so insures a more honeat andfaithtul management of those injtitu tiüllS. 25. Secures an efficiënt system of common schools for the free education of tbe childreu of the State. 26. Restores to the rank and file of the militia the privilege cf choosiug their owu conipany and regimental offi; cers. 27. Removes the injustice to tho ruasses of the people, of enormous exemptions of property from taxation. 28. Forbids the loan of the oredit of the State to any company or corporation. 29. Prohibits the Legislature authorizitig any county, city or town to become a stoekholder in, or to loan its credit to auy conipany or corpoiation, uuless witb the assent of two-thirds of' the qualified voters. 30. Forbids the release of the State's Hen upon any railroad 31. Gives increased facilities for its own amnd[neut, and allows the people a direct vote upon every aiDeüdmeut proposed. 32. Provides for calling a convention to revise and ameud the constilijtion, whenever the people, being authorized by law to vote upon the ques'ion, shall voto in favor of il, and nvt otkerwite.


Old News
Michigan Argus