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New Constitution Of Louisiana

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It is worthy of remarle, that every politica] t revolution, as wtll as the general progre6d ol , society, tenda direcllr to the 'mercase of pOW er in the hunda of t lic nmss of tlic peoplc. - j Whatevor evils or bloodbhed tnay nttend a revoluiron, ns n gcnerul ru!c, it ia favorable tu j the establishment of the rights and liberties of the many ogainst the graspinj nmliition ol the few. Wc bclievc that thcrcvisionsof the 1 State constitotiotic--, tbich may be regarded s 1 pnrtial, tliough pnrenble rovolutions, thal tnkc pluce contiimaily, ars always auxilinryfo : tl.o cause of cqual rights. The progresa nioy ! bc in tnatiy cases bIow, bul the ndications on , 'he eurface are sufficient to determine the coiirse of the current. Rhodc Ic-land, uhich has livcd undcr lije Charter of Chnrles II since 1663, hat at Iaat cdtablií-hcd a coustilulion of ils owd, far in advance of ils jirevlous system ofguvernment. New York, the largrest State in the Union, is abont reviiing her fuhdamciilal Iaw; and thercran be no doubt but tlns revisión, liko the last, wiil place political power more fully in the hands of the peoplc. Even barbaroue and savagc Louisiann, the land of chaina and ecourees, of bowie knives and pistols, wheie according to the 6tatement of her own authoritics, her cilizens fall by each others hands until "blood runs down her 6troels like water" - even this región and shad ow of dcath haa been moved upon by the epiritofthc age, and a Constitution has been framed far more liberal than that which it bupersedea. The rthl of sufïragc haa been extended to all white males abnve twenty one, who have resided two consecutive years in the State. The previous property qualification ia aboliühed. But 1:0 naturalized citizen can vote until lwo yeare afier he becomes a ciíizen. The judgeaofthe Supreme Court aro ap pointcd for eight years, and of the lower courts for fí. ycars. It would appear that somc of the judges have hitherto held their office by a life tcnure. ShenfTs, coroncr?, clerks of court 3 and juslices of the peace are to bc clected by the people. This is a great improvement on the old plan of appointing these oilicers by the Legislatureor Execulive. The sessions of the Legi.slature areto bc biennhl, and the period of the session is limited to pixty dayp. The LegitJature cannot grant any bank charters, or renew nny now in existeftce, This reetriction we believe exista in no other Si ate. They are also prohibí ted from loaning the credit of the Stato or borrowing tnoney excepl in case of war, invasión, or insurrcction. This is a wise provisión, as it will t?nd to keep the people from opprecsive taxation. It is also demandcd by the circumstances of the State: for the debt of Louisana already omounis to 177 for pach f'ee i man, woman, and child, bcing Z3'j dollars to ; cach family.The Governor, Licut. Governor, and Senate are to be elected for four years; House for iwo years. These terms are juat twico as long as they sliould be. Any pereon fighting a duel, or belng concerned in one, eithcr in or out of the State, is to bo disfranchised, both as to votiner nu i holding office. We think that f any lega! penalty can rendí thia crime, the one herc prescribed will be moro fffectual than any oiher.


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