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TV OW IS THE TIME For foairgalns tu AND CROCERIESÜ C. H. MILLEN, U now rocuWinjj Uis stocz or DKY GUODS, CA1ÍPETS, and GROOEEIES, boufiht at the recent reat tiiïcün n S'ow Vrk,&n(! willbüHold as low n tlio lowt-Ht (Jall nii.1 u-.unjinu goods anl prices bufuit; purchuaing. C. H.UIU.K.V. April, 1865. pRINÏS, 20 to 25 Cents. BEST DELAINE9, 31 cents. SHEETINGS, 30 to 40 cents. BLEACHED COTTONS, and all other goods at KEDUCED PRICES! At ■ C.H. MILLEN'a. JrEWT OAKPETS, C. 11. MILLEN'S. LADIES' DItESS GOODS of all kinds, Lu il eis' Sacks, Cloaks, shawls, Hair Ornamenta, &c , all tho Bw ttjM }uit rewlTod tai íor ial ohp. 1004K 0. H. MILLEN. _. :rmr jt es THE PANIC HAS])OMMENCED. Ann Arbor U on of tho tlrst to throw out induceuienU for People to GET GOODS CHEAP. AH of the Merchants are on tli'ï lookout.nnd ar buyfng joods ut t lie lowust posslblo atoB,aud each nuo gou hl own variety uf articloa. isoneof tho PKETIE3T H.A0K3 in tho 3TATK, aud well supplied with mnnufactnring mterest for the countrv gencrally. Tliero are 19 Dry i-oois 3toroa. 4 or 5 Hardware Stores, J6 or 8 Clothing SloreH. 3 Hat Stores .3 Shoe 8tor, anci ji ha f dozen 8hoe Shops, 3 Juwelry Olores, 5 er 6 ProTÍsíon and (iMcry ct(irfls aud 4Cabinet Ware Room, 4 or 5 Bake Sliop, 4 Har Shop.4, 4 Priuting Pressen, and all kinds of Manufacturing Etabli8hmntH, too numerouH to meniiou.- Tho whoj[ fiiirrounding country irill do woll 'o (ive Ann Arbor a cali, and after looking argund, all arovnd for youx -ANDGEOCERIES, don't forgttt to cali at C. R THOMPSON'S STORE, Corner Main and Washington Street, and he will try ft&d give you price that will aatiify. He i rrcnlvinu goodn bought at th lowent poüible priccfi, and will try and satieï at far at he can. Th MOTTO is "LIVE AND LET LIVE." "Help your neighbor aod you help yoursolf.'1 I ani cuufideat of the result. CHARLES B. THOMPSON. April, 1805, cmlOOS OODS AT HALF PRICEt GOLD IS DOWN! GOTTON IS DOWN ! PRINTS ARE DOWN ! DOMESTICS ARE DOWN! WOOLENS AE DOWN ! GROCERIES ARE DOWN ! and now is tho time to boy your SPRING COODS! - o - P. 13 ACH Has jast opened a complete aesortiacnt of DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Cloths, Groceries, &c, &c, bfnicli t oef bO mrrendr of T1 he-1 the Rres-t fa.Il in prieta. Cali ímmelitl.y ni amL bibetock. Aan Arbcrv Af ril. 1?C5. 1005 U. S. 7-80 LOAN. 11 auUiullIj u( tb 3oc rotary ut lbo Traaturt , tliu II ml III I luim 1' 11 m'im II lililí Om Uoiieml Sub.ciliiUon Anon: [or tho al ol L'ui cl Stutoa HoUê, boarlng sevoo umi Uiii-u leutli Jiur cot. iutero-t, pur uiimiiu, knuwu M tlio SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Tho N'otL'S ary buU#d undor dftU' if J titiu 15th Í96 and ure pH.vable thVM y -ara frm thai tiuiu, in Turrency, ur ar cunvmtible ut thi# optkn ii the hlder nitu IJ. S. 5-20 SIx per cnt. GOLD-BEARING IIONDS. ïbdM b-UtU ar auw worth a premium whlcb lnV3BMM tlio ucluit] pruilt un tho 7 'M) li'ftii, unü Uu tavmpti&n r.m Sta t and muuicpal taaiioH, adi$ frout on to thrttpvr csnl. murt ccordiiif to the rutu lovivd uu uttiur jcopurtjr. Tho utorwsl ia payutlu nt'tul uuliu;iIU j auujiona ttttcbJ ti uacb nolu, whiub muy b out ofT and o ld to ny bank or buukur . TUw luttruttt amuuotti tu Jno tiut jtti dajr oil A öt iiolu. Twoantl ' m S1OO " TI4 M M M $MO " O " " '4 $1000 " $1 M " $50O0 ( uf all. tho ■ii-iMmiN.UioïiM ouinuJ will hu pruuiptly furiiin)iuii upuu rocvlpt of subuariptiuiii, aud Llm uotun forwurdud ut uucu. Thu iuterudt to liili Junu uext will bu puiii ia adruiico. XhiaU TUE OKLY LOAN IN MAHKET uow utTtue 1 by tho Uuvurwmettt, uud it iu conlldeut!; öipuctid iht iU suporiur atlvaiitas will make it tho G-reat Popular Loan " People. Loa ;hau $300,000,000 of tho Ljnn autliorined bj tb o last Cougreü ro now ou tho maritet. Thli liiDOUut, at tho ratd ut which It ís boing absorbed, witl all bo subioribed for within four uoiïta, nheu the outM will uudoubtodly command & pruiniuin, as has unifwrmly buuu Uio cao oo e ludin ! hw subdcriptiuiiA io other Lo4Di. lu urdr tht citltoiis of ovory tuwn aad íoctiou of tba country may bo afTorded facilitioH fwr Uking the loan, the Natiunal Bauks, StaLo Banks, and Prirato BaukerH throujfbout the country huru gone rally agreed to rucuivu sabscrlptiom at tar. Subscriben will liui their own agenta, In whom they haro contidunco, and who only are to be respnnnibie for tho dtiUtery ui th uutevior which tboy rucolvo ordurn. JAY C00KE, SUBSCRIPTIU.H iUH.1T, í'hiladr.lphi. Marüh 5th,ltiO&. StliSCBU'flONii WlLl. B KKCK1TBU b tb f IIÏST NA TION'.L BANK of Aun Arbor. 1001 THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK Of THE CITY OK NEW YORK. Capital, $1,000,000, Paid In, FISCAL AGENT OP THE UNITED STATES, A.1I di'HCHL AOMM ï'OU JA.V ClOKB, SüBdGRIlTION AOBST, Will Deliver 7 30 Notes, Pi ee of Charge, by exjrH, in allpartH of the country, and reccivíí in payuient Check on N'w York, I'htlftdulpttia, and üoëton, current billn. and si! flv - per cent. interest notes, with int Tuut todate uf ubbcrlption . Ordrr$ utsaihy mail wil! ''W proiuptly flll.l. TM lïunk riceivort the accounts of Banks and Bunt.'i'H on favorable termn ; aUo of Indivl lunls keuping New York account. J. U. ORV'l, Pretidmi. T. T HELI , Caahicr. 3m998 WAR MOST ENDED! CHARLESTON TAKEN 1 1 GUITERMAN & CO., Boínp con rvec teil ïrith odp of hn largest houacx In Now York, which has betiur facilitíes for Selling Chcaper thfiu aiij otlier houne. Ars bon ad to lm uut mm. -wíj rmr1 m mm ma je: J in ƒ OrtLn'nlí that imw exÍAfo. Uartng mplojl aneiporiooaed - THI - i) M ii m IgMiiMIM - L -j WL - D ■ II ■ V direct f rom NEW YORK CITY, who has had long ex periquee iu the busiuoss, we giiarauCco tu give t)io best SATBSFACTION to oar numeroui CUSTOMERS & STUDENTS of tho Universlty. Koepisg on had the Urgost stock of CLOTUS, CASS1MËRËS, VESTIK6S, together with the Urgent stook of Ready-Made Clothing, FURNISHING GOODSÜ &Ü.f &C, &C, whicb we will sell oheaper tban finy ohor establishmnt in th eitj. AH we ask i that mirfriendi and Student will rívo ti a cali and sitlsfj theniKelves. M. GTJITEEMAK. A Co.,


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